Angbag'uar taux lauxjiet | useless helper (Ang-bak-u-a is a person with impaired vision or a dim wit.) | 濫芋充數
Hølantau | snow pea (Pisum sativum) | 荷蘭豆
Kantau | a town in in Beitou District | 干豆; 關豆; 關渡
Moatau | a city in Tainan County | 麻豆
aang-zhaetau | red string bean | 紅菜豆; 紅菜頭豆; 枝針葉豆工豆
angtau | red bean; red Indian beans | 紅豆
angtauar | red bean | 紅豆仔
angtauxmoee | red bean congee | 紅豆粥
angtauxpefng | crushed ice with red bean | 紅豆冰
angzhaetau | red string bean, Vigna vexillata | 紅菜豆
armtaux | wage a veiled strife against | 暗鬥
bafngtaux | a mosquito net | 蚊帳
bahtau | hyacinth bean | 肉豆; 扁豆
befkhytau | broad bean | 馬齒豆
bengzefng armtaux | fight covertly (often said of intramural fights) | 明爭暗鬥
bextaux`tid | not get along well | 未鬥得; 合無來
bin'aftiongtaux | tomorrow at noon | 明仔中晝
binnaftiongtaux | tomorrow at noon | 明天中午
binnar extaux | tomorrow from P.M. 12 - 2. | 明仔下晝
binnar tiongtaux | tomorrow at noon | 明天中晝
byntau | string bean; small bean; snap bean; kidney bean | 敏豆; 四季豆
bytau | mung bean | 米豆
bøo kiemiaa tauphiøx | secret ballot | 無記名投票
chiahtau | red bean | 赤豆
chiuxtau | pigeon pea | 樹豆
chvitau | a green soybean; a lima bean | 青豆
ciah tiongtaux | have lunch | 吃中晝; 吃中飯
ciah-tauxhu | to make advances on a woman or girl | 吃豆腐; 食豆腐
ciaqextaux | take lunch; take the mid day meal | 吃下晝; 吃午餐
ciaqtaux | eat lunch | 吃晝; 食晝; 吃中飯
ciaqtauxhu | like to touch a woman | 吃豆腐
cierntaux | combat, to combat, to fight | 戰鬥
cviartiongtaux | at noon | 正中晝
etaux | noon | 中午; 下晝; 今午
etaux-tngx | lunch | 下午頓; 下晝頓
extaux | afternoon; early afternoon | 下午; 下晝
gutau | smallpox; vaccine or vaccination; cowpox | 牛痘
hexngjiin-tauxhu | almond curd in syrup | 杏仁豆腐
hib tauxzhaix | stuffed bean sprouts | 翕豆菜
hiøhtaux | rest at noon | 歇晝; 中午休息
hoan'aftau | flat beans with pod; like the ordinary pea | 番古豆; 番仔豆; 留豆; 蕃仔豆; 鵲豆
hoantau | flat beans; flat beans with pod | 番豆
hoelientau | snow peas | 荷蘭豆
hoelintau | snow peas | 花躪豆; 豌豆
hoetau | spotted red bean | 花豆
holientau | snow peas | 豌連豆
holintauxjiin | green peas | 和蘭豆仁; 豌豆仁
hongkehtau | brown lima beam | 風格豆; 飯豆,; 賴馬豆
hongteatau | lima bean; horse bean | 皇帝豆; 觀音豆,; 雪豆
hunkhw-tauphiøx | voting according to districts | 分區投票
hurntaux | struggle, fight, strive | 奮鬥
hvehtaux | rest at noon | 歇晝; 中午休息
hølengtau | snow pea | 荷蘭豆; (豆名)
hølintau | snow pea | 和蘭豆
iutau | oil bean | 油豆
iøkøftau | cashew-nut | (豆); 腰果
iøo tauar | shake the dice | 搖骰仔
iøo taukao | shake the dice | 搖骰子
jidtaux | noon | 日晝; 中午; 正午
jit bøehtaux | about noon | 日要晝; 將近正午
ketaux | bottomless bowl-shaped basket serving as a chicken coop | 雞罩
khieaxm-taubeeng | forsake darkness and come to the light ─ renounce a bad cause and join the camp of justice | 棄暗投明
khurntaux | take a (midday) nap; take a siesta | 睏晝; 午睡; 午覺
khurntiongtaux | take a (midday) nap; take a siesta | 睡中晝; 午睡
khuxn-tiongtaux | siesta | 睡中晝
kiawtauxiuu | rice mix soy sauce | 攪豆油; 白飯拌醬油
kiemiaa-tauphiøx | vote with signed ballots; open balloting | 記名投票
kioxngtoong tauzw | joint investment; invest jointly | 共同出資; 共同投資
koattaux | duel | 決鬥
koeataux | some time past midday | 過晝; 過午時
kokbiin tauphiøx | plebiscite; referendum | 國民自決; 國民投票
kongbiin tauphiøx | plebiscite | 公民投票
kongbiin-tauphiøx | all the citizens decide by voting | 公民投票
kuotau | choice of words, style of composition | 句讀
kym-extaux | this noon | 今下午
køeataux | afternoon | 下午; 過晝
lamtauchi | Nantou City | 南投市
larngtaux | absent at noon | 曠午
lawtaux | (adj) experienced; trained | 老到; 老練
legtau | green bean; small green beans in black pods; a type of lentil | 綠豆
legtau-hurn | green bean powder | 綠豆粉
legtau-køf | small cakes made with green-bean flour | 綠豆糕
legtau-pviar | green bean cake | 綠豆餅
legtau-thngf | green bean soup | 綠豆湯
legtauar | green beans | 綠豆仔
legtauxar | green bean | 綠豆仔
legtauxkhag | thin pellicle (not husks) of the pea called lek-tau | 綠豆殼
legtauxkuie | bad green beans | 綠豆鬼
legtauxkøf | steamed cake made of green pea flour | 綠豆糕
legtauxmoee | congee or rice porridge cooked with lentils | 綠豆粥
legtauxpefng | green bean ice | 綠豆冰
legtauxphoxng | green bean pastry | 綠豆膨
legtauxpviar | type of pie made of lentil jam | 綠豆餅
lidpwntauxcviux | Japanese miso | 日本豆醬
liefntauar | dice; teetotum with six sides | 撚骰仔
liongzefng-hoftaux | fierce battle between giants | 龍爭虎鬥
mngtauh'ar | door-latch | 門栓仔
mngtauq | door-latch | 門器; 門閂
moapøtauxhu | sesame toufh dish | 麻婆豆腐
natauhiøh | leaf of the pandanus tree; screw-pine leaf | 林投葉
ngtau | soybean | 黃豆; 黃豆(大豆); (大豆)
niawchytauq | rat trap | 捕鼠器
niawzhuo-tauq | mousetrap | 捕鼠器
niuaftau | silkworm chrysalis | 娘仔豆
oaftaux | near noon | 倚晝
oaqtauh'ar | steel trap | 活篤仔; 捕獸器
oaqtauq | snare | 陷阱; 捕鼠器
oktaux | vicious fight | 惡鬥
otau | smallpox; the black beans--a variety of soybeans (usually used in herbal medicine) | 烏痘; 烏豆; 大豆; 天花
otauxsvi'ar | black tempeh | 烏豆豉仔
parngphuietau | bean caused fart | 放屁豆
patau | an old world tropical evergreen shrub; croton-oil bean | 巴豆
patauxiuu | croton oil | 巴豆油
peqbahtau | hyacinth bean | 白肉豆; 扁豆
peqtau | soya bean | 白豆
peqtaux | day time | 白晝
phørtau | arrogant; conceited; full of oneself; expression; manner; spirited; vigorous; to chat; to gossip; idle talk; to chat | 聊天; 聊論時事; 內鬆豆
piebit tauphiøx | secret ballot | 秘密投票
poah-tau'ar | gamble with dice | 賭骰仔
poaqtau'ar | throw dice; gamble with dice | 賭骰仔
pud kiemiaa tauphiøx | secret ballots | 無記名投票
puu thotau | roast peanuts in ashes | 炮花生
pvoartaux | half noon | 半晝
pvytau | Lima bean | 扁豆
pvytauar | lentils | 扁豆仔
siangpvetaux | wrestle each other | 雙棚鬥
siangpvitaux | wrestle each other | 雙棚鬥
sibpattauar | dice | 十八骰仔
soahtauxiuu | spread soybean source | 撒豆油
soaq tauxiuu | add soy sauce | 加醬油
svataux | assist one another, contest, compete, rival | 相鬥; 相關
sviusitau | acacia beans | 相思豆
svoaf-thotau | a kind of alyce clover, Alysicarpus nummularifolius | 山土豆
svoatau-kwn | Horsefield euchresta | 山豆根
tau | bean; beans; peas; soybeans | 豆; 豆(子); 荳
tau'ar | beans, peas, any of several lequmes; dice for gambling | 豆仔; 骰仔
tau'ar-voar | bowl used to throw dice in gambling | 豆仔碗; 骰子盒
tau'axn | deliver oneself to the police; surrender | 投案
tauafcii | yam bean | 豆仔薯
tauafiuu | oil pressed from beans | 豆仔油
tauafkex | bean frame | 豆仔架
tauafkhag | husks of peas or beans | 豆仔殼
tauafleeng | long raised bed of beans | 豆子畦
tauaflui | bean | 豆仔類
tauafphøq | beans in distilled liquor | 豆仔滓
tauafthaang | bean worm | 豆仔蟲
tauaftiin | long stalks of peas | 豆仔藤
tauafzuu | yam bean | 豆仔薯
tauar | beans, peas, any of several lequmes; cide for gambling | 豆仔; 骰仔
tauaxn | turn oneself into police station; surrender oneself to justice | 投案
tauchiaux | sneerat; scoff; ridicule; mock; make fun of | 嘲笑
tauchiuo | baseball pitcher | 投手
tauh | constantly; very frequently | 無斷地
tauh'ar | a trap | 捕捉機仔
tauhaang | surrender; give up; hauldown one's flag | 投降
tauhap | see eye to eye; in rapport | 投合
tauhe | vow and pray | 許下; 求願
tauhiaam | complain to someone else | 投嫌; 發牢騷
tauhiøq | stay for a night | 投歇; 投宿
tauhliw'ar | a snap (used on a garment as a fastener) | 鬥鈕仔; 子母扣
tauhøo | throw into a river; drown oneself in the river | 投河
taujip | devotion | 投入
taukafng | suiside by jumping into a river | 投江
taukao | dice | 骰子
taukhør | take an entrance examination | 投考
taukhøx | join and serve (a new leader; master); seek the patronage of he high and mighty | 投靠
taukiuu | pitch; to shoot | 投球
taukoex | pitched | 投過
taukvy | soup | 豆羹
taukwn | enlist in the army; join the army | 投軍
tauky huxnzuo | opportunist; speculator | 投機份子
tauky senglie | speculative business | 投機生意
tauky suxgiap | speculative enterprise | 投機事業
tauky | speculate; take a chance; speculation; to agree on an opinion | 投機
taukøfciar | one who contributes articles (especially unsolicited) for publication by a newspaper or magazine | 投稿者
taukør | contribute an article (to a magazine); write for a magazine | 投稿
taukøx | appeal to complain to | 投訟; 上訴
taulip | participate | 投入
tauliuu | detain a person; detain some valuable thing; detain forcibly | 扣留
taulong | mockery; derisive; kid; mock; mordancy | 嘲弄
tauma | to abuse, to rail | 投罵; 嘲罵
taunaa | to shoot; to try for the basket (in basketball) | 投籃
tauphiørhoad | laws and regulations governing balloting | 投票法
tauphiørjiin | voter | 投票人
tauphiørjit | voting day | 投票日
tauphiørkoaan | the right to vote; the franchise | 投票權
tauphiørsor | polling place; place where voters cast their ballots | 投票所
tauphiørsviw | ballot box | 投票箱
tauphiørzhux | the polls, a voting booth | 投票處
tauphiøx piawkoad | decide by voting | 投票表決
tauphiøx soafnkie | elect by ballot; elections | 投票選舉
tauphiøx | voting; vote; ballot; poll; cast a vote; to ballot | 投票; 投標
tauphiøx-koaan | voting right | 投票權
tauphiøx-sviw | a ballot-box | 投票箱
tauphwn | flee (to freedom); seek employment or protection; to fly to for refuge | 投奔
taupid ciongjioong | throw away the pen and follow the battle ─ give up literature for a military career | 投筆從戎
taupiøf | to tender for a contract; to bid in public tender | 投標
taupøfjiin | policy holder | 投保人
taupør | take out an insurance policy | 投保
tauq | deep; serious; dangerous; to limit; to catch in a trap or between two sticks; fasten a latch or small bolt | 篤; 捕捉 (用捕捉機)
tauqtauh | slowly; constantly; very frequently; incessantly | 常常; 經常; 無斷地; 屢屢
tauqtauqar | gradually | 沓沓仔; 慢慢仔
tauqtauqkhix | gradually | 慢慢去; 逐漸
tauqtauqkorng | repeating over and over in a wearisome way; constantly speaking | 常常說
tauqtauqlaai | come (go) very frequently; constantly coming (going) | 常常來; (去)
tauseeng | enemy troops; bandits voluntarily surrender to government forces; to return to allegiance | 投誠
tausia | project, throw image | 投射
tausiog | lodging | 投宿
tausw | send a letter to (a newspaper editor); contribute articles to; an anonymous notice | 投書
tauthay | to be born; get into the cycle of reincarnation; quicken; be reborn into another state of existence; enter into the womb (e.g.; a spirit becoming incarnate) | 投胎
tauviafbo | projection screen | 投影幕
tauviafphvix | slideshow | 投影片
tauviar | to project, projection | 投影
taux | assemble; fit together; put together; assist; act together; conspire; live in a common-law marriage relationship; fight; to struggle; to quarrel; contend; to contest; to conflict; vie; compete | 鬥; 晝; 午
taux-bøextiaau | the parts not keeping well together | 鬥無著; 連接無上
taux-bøo høfsex | parts of an instrument or machine) not fitting well together | 沒接好; 沒套好
taux-gauciah | good at eating | 鬥賢食
taux-gaulym | good at drinking | 鬥賢啉
taux-gauzao | good at running | 鬥賢走
taux-khachiuo | help, lend a hand | 鬥腳手; 鬥跤手; 幫忙
taux-pangzan | assistant | 鬥幫贊
taux-siøkang | match | 鬥相仝; 鬥相同
taux-suviaa | settle a dispute by a competition | 鬥輸贏
taux-zhamsioong | consult | 鬥參詳
taux-zhutlat | to help | 鬥出力
taux-zørhoea | put together; assemble | 湊做伙; 裝在一起
taux-zørtuy | put together in the same place | 鬥做堆
tauxbeeng | bean moth | 豆螟
tauxchiafm | noodles made of bean flour | 豆籤
tauxcid | legumin | 豆質
tauxcviuo'ar | bean paste | 豆醬仔
tauxcviuopoo | beans boiled into a mass and kept till moldy | 豆醬渣
tauxcviuothngf | miso soup | 豆醬湯
tauxcviux | sauce bean; bean paste; miso | 豆醬; 味噌
tauxcviw | bean milk not yet cured | 豆漿; 未加水的豆漿
tauxgee | bean sprouts (more succulent than tau-chhai) | 豆芽
tauxgveq | bean or pea pods | 豆莢
tauxgvøeq | bean-pod, pea-pod | 豆莢
tauxhoef | soft bean curd not yet pressed or shaped | 豆花; 豆腐腦
tauxhu | tofu; beancurd | 豆腐
tauxhu-soaf | whale shark | 豆腐鯊
tauxhurn | bean flour | 豆粉
tauxhuxkag | small tofu like Japanese tempeh | 豆腐角
tauxhuxphøee | bean curd; thin tofu sheet | 豆腐皮
tauxhuxsoaf | huge shark | 豆腐鯊
tauxiukøf | soybean paste | 豆油膏
tauxiuu tiqar | small sauce plate | 醬油碟子
tauxiuu | soybean sauce | 醬油; 豆油
tauxjie | soybean cheese cut into smaller squares and salted | 豆子; 豆腐乳
tauxjiin | green peas | 豆仁
tauxjuo | bean juice | 豆乳
tauxkhag | husks of peas or beans | 豆殼
tauxkhof | large round bean cake from which oil has bean extracted; used as feed or fertilizer | 豆餅; 豆箍
tauxkhox | nutmeg | 豆庫; 肉豆簆
tauxkiaam | fermented bean curd | 豆鹹
tauxkoee | fermented bean curd | 豆膎
tauxkoeq | lbean-pod, pea-pod | 豆膎
tauxkvoacvix | fried tofu | 豆干炸
tauxkvoaf | dry bean curd; spiced and dried bean curd; bean curd that has been pressed in a cloth | 豆干; 豆乾; 豆腐干
tauxkvoaf-cvix | fat fried soft bean-curd | 豆干炸; 豆乾糋; 油炸豆腐
tauxkvoakag | small fried tofu like Japanese tempeh | 豆乾角
tauxky | bean stalk | 豆肌; 豆枝
tauxkøeq | bean-pod, pea-pod | 豆膎; 豆莢
tauxlefng | soybean milk | 豆乳; 豆漿
tauxluo | soybean cheese cut into smaller squares and salted | 豆乳
tauxlyn | soybean milk | 豆奶
tauxmoh | thin tofu sheet | 豆膜
tauxny | soybean milk | 豆奶
tauxpaxncviux | spicy soy bean paste | 豆瓣醬
tauxphee | bean curd | 豆皮
tauxphoee | bean curd | 豆皮
tauxphøee | dried beancurd made into thin sheets | 豆皮
tauxphøq | bean dregs | 豆渣; (豆類榨油後剩下之廢物)
tauxpoo | beans boiled into a mass | 豆渣; 豆酺; 豆豉
tauxpviar | large round bean cake from which oil has been extracted; used as feed or fertilizer | 豆餅
tauxsef | mashed beans (used as stuffing for dumplings) | 豆沙
tauxsi | tempeh | 豆豉
tauxsvi | the refuse of soy bean sauce; salted beans | 豆鼓
tauxsvixphøq | salted and pickled peas; broken down small; after soy has been made from them | 豆鼓滓
tauxsvixpoo | black beans boiled; dried; and kept till moldy; for making soy | 豆鼓渣
tauxtau | gradually; by degrees; slowly | 逐漸; 慢慢
tauxthaau | bean dreg; the refuse from bean curd manufacturer | 豆頭; 豆渣
tauxtiin | legume vines | 豆藤
tauxva | bean pasty; bean jam; (cakes) stuffed with beans or smashed beans | 豆餡
tauxzhaegee | bean sprout | 豆菜芽
tauxzhaemi | bean sprout noodle | 豆菜麵
tauxzhaetea | prostitute; of humble origin; making display beyond real merit | 豆菜底; 煙花女人
tauxzhaetea`ee | prostitute; of humble origin; making display beyond real merit | 豆菜底的
tauxzhaetoea`ee | prostitute; of humble origin; making display beyond real merit | 豆菜底的
tauxzhaix | bean sprouts (more succulent than tau-chhai) | 豆菜
tauxzuu | yam bean | 豆薯
tauzuie | jump into the water; commit suicide in this manner | 投水
tauzux | betting | 投注
tauzvea | drown oneself in a well | 投井
tauzw suxgiap | invest in business | 投資事業
tauzw | investment; invest; invest; subscribe capital | 投資
tenghoeftaux | a lamp shade | 燈罩
texngtauq | hard; solid; strongly made; having a good deal of money | 結實; 𠕇篤; 穩重; 雄厚
thaotiongtaux | high noon | 透中晝
thaux-tiongtaux | high noon | 透中晝
thienjientau | natural acne | 天然痘
thotau | peanut; groundnut; groundnut; goober | 土豆; 塗豆; 花生; 落花生
thotau-cviux | beanut butter | 土豆醬; 花生醬
thotau-iuu | peanut oil | 土豆油; 塗豆油; 花生油
thotau-thngg | peanut candy | 土豆糖; 塗豆糖; 花生糖
thotauxgveq | peanuts in the shell | 花生莢
thotauxhngg | peanut garden | 塗豆園
thotauxhw | ground peanut | 塗豆麩
thotauxiuu | peanut oil | 花生油
thotauxjiin | hulled peanuts; peanut kernels | 花生米
thotauxjinlao | hulled peanuts pastry | 塗豆仁粩
thotauxkhag | peanut shell | 土豆殼
thotauxkhof | the residue from making peanut oil; pressed into round cakes for animal feed | 土豆箍; 花生
thotauxlao | peanut pastry | 塗豆粩
thotauxliin | peanut kernel | 塗豆仁
thotauxmoh | the thin film of bran on a peanut kernel | 花生膜
thotauxpeeng | peanut | 塗豆爿
thotauxsof | crunchy peanut pastry | 塗豆酥
thotauxthngf | peanut soup | 塗豆湯
thotauxthngg | peanut candy; peanut brittle | 花生糖
tiaotau | hang oneself | 縊死; 吊脰; 自縊,吊死
tiaotau-kuie | hanging ghost | 吊投鬼; 縊死
tiexnhoeftaux | a lamp shade | 電燈罩
tiongtaux | noon; midday | 中晝; 中午
tiongtaux-sii | noon time | 中晝時; 中午
tiongtaux-tngx | noon meal | 中晝頓; 中飯
toaxphvartau | large soft earthnuts | 大粒脆花生
toaxtau | soybean | 大豆;黃豆
tvitau | sweet bean | 甜豆
tviutauq | lay a trap | 張篤; 設陷阱; 捕器
tøhtaux | rib and mesh device for covering food on a table | 桌罩
urntauxiuu | dip soy bean source | 搵豆油
uxn tauxiuu | dip in soy sauce | 沾醬油
uxn-tauxiuu | dip in soybean sauce | 沾醬油; 搵豆油
viukaktauar | type of bean smaller than green bean | 羊角豆仔
viutau | bean | 洋豆; 蝶蟲
zaf-extaux | yesterday noon | 昨下晝; 昨天中午
zahngf ee tiongtaux | yesterday at noon | 昨天的中晝
zajit-taux | last afternoon | 昨日晝; 昨天中午
zangtiongtaux | yesterday noon | 昨中晝
zengtaux | quarrel, make a disturbance | 爭鬥
zerngtau | vaccinate | 種痘
zhaetau | long string bean; string bean | 菜豆; 四季豆
zhaetauar | kidney beans | 菜豆仔
zhamtau | horse bean | 蠶豆
zhantau | horse bean | 蠶豆
zhaotauxhu | fermented bean curd (a popular Chinese food item) | 臭豆腐
zhengzhuntau | adolescent pimples | 青春痘
zhuttau | acne; smallpox | 出痘; 生天花
zhuttaux | fought | 出鬥
zuytau | chicken pox | 水荳; 水痘
zwtaux | made lunch | 煮晝; 煮中飯
The following example will get all the words start with a
Checking Back button will show all the vocabularies that end with "zab" such as "apzab".
If you are unsure of any letter, put a . (period) in place of it (eg. "").
If you want to get either "r" and "f" in a word, you may put down [fr]. (eg. "bo[fr]ng").
You may also use spelling match position for exact match, or front match, or center match or
back match.
Less popular words/phrases are marked with [*]