Aetegsefng | Edison | 愛迪生
Bexngzofng-teg | Moso bamboo | 孟宗竹; 毛竹
Boghafnbegteg | Mohammed | 穆罕默德
Gixteg | a city in Chiayi County of Taiwan | 義竹
Jinteg | a city in Tainan County | 仁德
Kokzex-tegsiax-zocid | Amnesty International (AI) | 國際特赦組織
Loteg | a place in Taiwan | 廬竹
Loxteg Maftefng | Martin Luther | 路德馬丁
Loxteg | Lu-chu; Luzhu county; Lourdes (Catholic) | 路竹; 露德
Maftefng Loxteg | Martin Luther (1483-1546); founder of the Protestant movement | 馬丁路德
Patteg | a city in Taoyuan County | 八德
Pyteg Cieen-Ho Sw | The First and Second Epistle of Peter (Protestant) | 彼得前後書
Seteg | West Germany | 西德
Sexng Pyteg | St. Peter (Protestant) | 聖彼得
Sinteg | Hsinchu | 新竹
Sinteg-koaxnchi | Hsinchu County-City | 新竹縣市
Tangteg | East Germany | 東德
Texboxteg Cieen Ho Sw | The First and Second Epistle of Paul to Timothy (Catholic) | 弟茂德前後書 (弟前; 後)
aeteg | virtue of charity | 愛德
angteg | red bamboo | 紅竹
bajiteg | a type of bamboo | 貓兒竹
baliteg | a type of bamboo | 貓兒竹
bayteg zhud høfsurn | Accomplishments of a child can be greater than his parents. (Lit. a bad bamboo tree produces good bamboo shoots.) | 壞竹出好筍
bengteg | highest virtue | 明德
bexngzongteg | Moso bamboo, Phyllostachuys pubescens | 毛宗竹
binzuo teg | democratic | 民主的
bogteg | purpose; purpose; aim; goal; objective | 目的; 目標
bogtegte | destination | 目的地
boxngteg | act of hope; virtue of hope (Catholic) | 望德
butegchiuo | cannot be matched; without a rival | 無敵手
byteg | a virtue; excellent virtue | 美德
bøo bogteg | aimless; without objective; at random | 無目的
bøo tøxteg | immoral; unethical | 無道德
bøteg-bøtvia | not peaceful; not steady; is impetuous | 無得無定; 好動; 靜無得
chieteg | thorny bamboo | 刺竹
chviteg | a green bamboo | 青竹
cieteg | to censure, to blame, to find falt with | 至德
cietteg | temperance (Catholic) | 節德
cirnteg | make progress in learning | 進德
ciwteg | wine ethics | 酒德
ciøqteg | Thill bamboo | 石竹; 轎槓竹
cvieteg | pachilan bamboo | 箭竹
cvyteg | new bamboo shoots; tender bamboo | 嫩竹; 幼竹
cyteg | reproval | 指摘; 只得
gixteg | volunteer conduct | 義德
hegteg | take possession of; obtain; get | 獲得
hienteg | virtuous | 賢德
hokteg zerngsiin | god of the soil and graves | 福德正神; 土地公
hoxnglaai-teg | hedge bamboo; Leleba multiplex | 蓬萊竹
huxteg | women's virtue (wife; mother; daughter); feminine or female virtues such as chastity | 婦德
hvorteg | aspiring to a higher moral standard | 好德; 積德
høflwteg | good and refined woman; quiet; understanding (wife) | 好女德; 賢慧的女人
høflyteg | good and refined woman, quiet, understanding (wife) | 賢淑的女人
høfteg | luckily | 好在; 好得; 幸好
høfzekteg | fortunate (resulting from a credit balance of merit accumulated over several generations or transmigrations) | 好積德; 品德好
hør-lwteg | good feminine virtue | 好女德
hør-zekteg | fortunate | 好積德
id buu sor teg | nothing is gained | 一無所得
imteg | good acts done in secret | 陰德
iteg | medical ethics | 醫德
itkie-liofngteg | kill two birds with one stone; serve two ends | 一舉兩得
itkuo-liofngteg | kills two birds with one stone | 一舉兩得
itteg itsid | to gain one thing and lose another (Lit. get one, lose one) | 一得一失
itteg | a gain | 一得
itteg-itsid | gain one thing and lose another (Lit. win one; lose one) | 一得一失
iuputteg | can't help | 由不得
jinteg | benevolence, kindness | 人德; 仁德
jiogthefteg | as regards the body; physical | 肉體德; 肉體的
kauthofng-tøxteg | traffic etiquette | 交通道德
khehkoanteg | objectively | 客觀德; 客觀的
khieteg | siren, steam whistle | 汽笛
khoatteg | deficient in the sense of morality | 缺德
kiarmteg | sword bamboo | 劍竹
kieteg | vested | 既得
kii hoong tegchiuo | opponents of equal strength; capability; evenly matched opponents | 棋逢敵手
koaix-putteg | no wonder | 怪不得
koan'imteg | phoenix bamboo | 觀音竹
koan'ym-teg | broad leaved lady balm, Hedge bamboo, Koanyin bamboo | 高音竹; 觀音竹; 筋頭竹
kokbiin pengkyn-softeg | per capita income | 國民平均所得
kokbiin softeg | national income | 國民所得
kokbiin tøxteg | national morals | 國民道德
kokteg kisor | each gets the position or the result he prefers; each in its proper place | 各得其所
kongteg | an achievement or contribution; achievement or contribution to general welfare; virtuous deeds | 功德
kongteg-sym | regard for public welfare; public-mindedness | 公德心
kuieteg | Makino bamboo | 桂竹; 臺灣桂竹
kuxthefteg | concrete; concretely | 具體的
lanteg | rare, difficult to get | 難得
legteg | green bamboo; common variety of Taiwan bamboo | 綠竹
liawputteg | marvellous (praise of person) | 了不得
liawteg | settle; complete; also understand | 了得
libteg | designate the heir | 立嫡
liofngteg | double gain | 兩得
liogteg | land | 陸地
loteg | reed; a variety of bamboo; one species of bamboo | 廬竹
lwteg | feminine virtues; chastity; feminine beauty | 女德
lyteg | womanly virtues; chastity | 女德
moateg | big-bamboo; type of bamboo with large leaves and long joints | 麻竹
moateg-surn | big-bamboo shoot | 麻竹筍
panteg | mottled bamboo | 斑竹
phaoteg | firecracker | 炮竹
phoarteg | roken bamboo | 破竹
phvae-zekteg | no good deeds | 做壞事; 歹積德; 沒有好的積德
phvayteg zhud høfsurn | Ugly bamboo produces tasty bamboo shoots. Bad parents have good children | 壞竹出好筍; 烏鴉生鳳凰
phvayzekteg | having much demerit; do bad deeds (one's past that will affect descendants) | 品德壞; 失德
phynteg | good character; good behavior | 品德
pitteg | must have it | 必得
poexteg | immoral | 背德
pud teg iaolerng | (In speaking or doing things) not to come to the point | (講話; 做事)不得要領
put'iuteg | can't help but | 不由得
put'tøxteg | immoral, unethical | 不道德
putkiexn-teg | not likely, not necessarily | 不見得
putteg iaolerng | nothing to the point | 不得要領
putteg | unavoidable | 不得
putteg-iaolerng | pointless, vague | 不得要領; 不得要領
puttegchiwtvoa | play hard | 不擇手段
pørteg | repay another's kindness; show gratitude | 報德
samcioong suoteg | three subserviences and four virtues of women ─ in ancient China a woman was required to obey her father before marriage; her husband during married life and her sons in widowhood. The four virtues are fidelity; physical charm; propriety in speech and ef | 三從四德
serngteg | saint | 聖德
sex juu phørteg | Lit. their strength is like splitting bamboo ─ to advance with irresistible force; to push onward with overwhelming momentum (said of a victorious army) | 勢如破竹
sexngteg | illustrious virtues | 盛德; 美德
siaukegteg | negative(ly) | 消極的
siaxhoe tøxteg | social morality | 社會道德
sid jii hogteg | lost and found again | 失而復得
siexnteg | good virtue or character | 蟬蟲; 善德
sim'afn lyteg | have achieved a perfect peace of mind; feel no qualm | 心安理得
simteg | what one gains from intense study; meditation or long practice | 心得
sirnteg | faith virtue, trustworthiness virtue | 信德
sitteg | lose one's virtue; commit some great crime | 失德
siu køf teg tiong | of a ripe old age and great virtue | 壽高德重
siuteg | cultivate virtue | 修德
soafntegkoaan | right of selection | 選擇權
softeg | income, earnings | 所得
softeg-søex | income tax | 所得稅
suichiuo khøfteg | easy to get; be within easy reach | 垂手可得
suoteg | chastity; words; manners; and skill | 四德
svoaf-teglaan | Japanese eupatorium | 山澤蘭
svoasaix-teg | Hind's cane | 山塞竹
swteg | make | 使得
tadtiøh bogteg | reach the goal aimed at | 達到目的
taixzhøx tegzhøx | very serious mistake | 大錯特錯
teg jinsym | be popular; have won the favor of the people | 得人心
teg pud sioong sid | what one gains cannot offset the losses ─ not worth the effort | 得無償失
teg | bamboo | 竹
teg'afboea | bamboo ends | 特仔尾
teg'afhii | black cardinal fish | 黑天竺鯛
teg'iog cynsor | clinic exclusively engaged by an organization | 特約診所
teg'iog ivi | hospital exclusively engaged by an organization | 特約醫院
teg'iog kieciar | stringer; special correspondent (for a newspaper; magazine) | 特約記者
teg'iog | specially appointed, specially approved | 特約
teg'ioktiaxm | a shop for the sole sale of an article | 特約店
teg'iuo | the only existing, special to the place or person | 特有; 擇友
teg'iw | excellent; extraordinary | 特優
teg'iw-ciarng | special outstanding award | 特優獎
teg'ix | enmity; hostility; antagonism | 敵意
teg'vi-kongleeng | special nature; unusual powers | 特異功能
teg'viaa | enemy camp | 敵營
teg'wn | a special grace; special favor or gift | 特恩
teg-binzhngg | bamboo bed | 竹眠床
tegbeng | extraordinary | 特命
tegbu | secret agent | 特務
tegchiuo | rival; competitor; adversary; an enemy of equal strength | 敵手
tegcid | peculiarity; characteristics; special qualities; characteristics; idiosyncrasy | 特質
tegcid`ee | idiosyncratic | 特質的; 特癖的
tegcie | special purpose | 特旨
tegciorng enggiap | special business operations (such as cabarets; bars; wine houses) | 特種營業
tegciorng | special prize; grand prize | 特獎; 特種
tegcip | special edition | 特集; 特刊
tege | tea art | 茶藝
tegexkoarn | teahouse restaurant | 茶藝館
teghau | special virtue or efficacy (of a medicine); specific result | 特效
teghau-iøh | specific remedy | 特效藥
teghauxiøh | wonder drug; patent medicine; a specific (remedy) | 特效藥
teghiø | behind enemy lines | 敵後
teghuo | special permit; license; patent | 特許
teghwkoaan | patent rights; special privileges; special concession | 特許權
tegiap | tea industry; the tea trade | 茶業
tegjiin | enemy; foeman; foe; a rival; competitor | 敵人
tegjim | special appointment rank; highest of the four civil service grades in the Republic of China | 特任
tegjixmkvoaf | official holding a post of the special appointment rank | 特任官
tegkex | specially reduced price | 特價
tegkhafn | extra edition; special edition; special supplement (of a newspaper or magazine) | 特刊
tegkhiefntui | naval task force | 特遣隊
tegkhiern | specially dispatched | 特遣
tegkhoaan | privilege | 特權
tegkhoaix | special express train | 特快; 特別快車
tegkhw | special zone | 特區
tegkhør | special grade; class official exam | 特考
tegkib sioxngcioxng | five-star general or admiral | 特級上將
tegkib | special class; special grade (of quality) | 特級
tegkoaan kaikib | privileged class | 特權階級
tegkoaan | prerogative; special rights; privilege | 特權
tegkog | enemy nation | 敵國
tegkongtui | commando units; rangers | 特攻隊
tegkwn | enemy; enemy troops; hostile force; the enemies soldiers | 敵軍
tegky | enemy aircraft | 敵機
teglaan | a non-aromatic mint water-willow, eupatorium | 澤蘭
tegle | special case; special instance; exceptional case | 特例
tegliin | enemy | 敵人
tegpefng | enemy soldier | 敵兵
tegphaeoaan | correspondent (of a news agency; newspaper); special commissioner | 特派員
tegphaix | specially dispatched or appointed; commission specially | 特派
tegpiedhoad | special law | 特別法
tegpiet ee serngcid | distinctive nature; individuality | 特別的性質
tegpiet khaicy | special expense | 特別開支
tegpiet khoaechiaf | special express train | 特別快車; 特快
tegpiet khoafnthai | give special treatment | 特別款待
tegpiet khuhek | special administrative districts | 特別區域
tegpiet lyiuu | special reasons | 特別理由
tegpiet pvexpaang | hospital private room | 特別病房; 特等病房
tegpiet thaixgu | special treatment; special behavior towards | 特別待遇
tegpiet uxsoaxn | extraordinary budget | 特別預算
tegpiet zengheeng | special conditions | 特別情形
tegpiet zuoix | special notice | 特別注意
tegpiet | outstanding; particular; unusual; extraordinary; exclusive; unique; different from the ordinary; distinctive; peculiar; special | 特別
tegpøx | special edition of a paper; an extra | 特報
tegsafnhaang | specialty shop | 特產行
tegsaix | envoy; special envoy | 特使
tegsarn | special products; products peculiar to any place; unique products (of a place) | 特產
tegseg | special features; unique features; unique feature; special features; characteristics | 特色
tegsex | the strength; morale; of the enemy | 敵勢
tegsexng | trait; characteristics; specific properties | 特性
tegsi | to regard with hostility | 敵視
tegsiar | feature story (in a newspaper or magazine); a close up (in a movie) | 特寫
tegsiax | free pardon; amnesty; pardon; special pardon | 特赦
tegsiuo | chief executive | 特首
tegsoarn | specially selected; carefully chosen; hand picked; win the highest honors (at an art exhibition) | 特選
tegsusexng | peculiarity | 特殊性
tegsuu koanhe | special relations | 特殊關係
tegsuu | special; unusual; particular | 特殊
tegsym | axle, shaft | 軸心
tegtefng | special features; marks; characteristics; unique qualities | 特徵
tegteng | speciallt designated; specific; specified | 特定
tegterng pvexpaang | hospital private room | 特別病房; 特等病房
tegterng | the special class or grade; class just above the first | 特等
tegtiarm | characteristics; peculiarities; special features | 特點
tegtiaw | snapper fish | 特潮; 笛鯛
tegtioong | outstanding; specialty | 特長
tegtiorng | special merits; strong points | 特長
tegtoaxhø | king size; extra large size | 特大號
tegtuix heng'uii | hostile act; hostility | 敵對行為
tegtuix | rivalry; to turn against; be hostile to; oppose | 敵對
tegtyn | special features; marks; characteristics; unique qualities | 特徵
tegzeaphirn | specially made | 特製品
tegzeeng | intelligence about the enemy; situation of the enemy | 敵情
tegzefng | distinctive feature | 特徵
tegzex | manufactured for a specific purpose; manufactured with a special process or extra care; specially made; custom made | 特製
tegzhefng | special description; (in logic) particular as opposed to universal | 特稱
tegzhud | outstanding; distinguished; eminent | 特出
tegzhuo thongty | specially sent for your information (a phrase used in writing a letter) | 特此通知
tegzurn | special permit; to permit; in a special case | 特准
thiettefteg | through and through; thoroughly | 徹底的
thiusioxngteg | abstract | 抽象的
thogciar bunteg | Reader's Digest | 讀者文摘
thøteg | sweet-scented oleander (bamboo) | 桃竹
tieteg | Prudence | 智德
tiorngteg | make a gold; quiver; bull's eye | 中的
tiøh tegciorng | win the special prize | 得特獎
tøxteg buxntøee | question of morality or ethics | 道德問題
tøxteg ieseg | moral consciousness | 道德意識
tøxteg koanliam | moral concept | 道德觀念
tøxteg paixhoai | moral decadence; demoralization | 道德敗壞
tøxteg tuixløh | moral decadence; demoralization | 道德墮落
tøxteg | morals; morality; moral; virtue; morals | 道德
tøxteg-phaix | moralist school | 道德派
uiteg | power and benevolent rule | 威德; 遺德
unteg | ethical | 恩德
ykvoar tegcioxng | fight a numerically superior enemy | 以寡敵眾
yoaxn-pørteg | bite the hand that feeds | 以怨報德
yteg hogjiin | win popular following by dint of one's virtue | 以德服人
yteg pøroaxn | return good for evil; repay injury with kindness; kill'em with kindness | 以德報怨
yteg pørteg | return good for good | 以德報德
zaiteg kiampi | have both talent and virtue | 才德兼備
zaiteg | ability and virtue | 才德
zangteg | slender lady palm | 棕竹; 棕櫚竹
zekteg | do good things for years; accumulate merit | 積德; 前世報應
zengsinteg | as regards the spirit | 精神的
zhuteg suotoafn | cardinal virtues (Catholic) | 樞德四端
zoanbe teghie | all rights reserved | 專賣特許
zoanli teghie | patent | 專利特許
zoex-kongteg | do good deeds | 做功德
zofteg | virtuous deeds of one's ancestors | 祖德
zuxteg | self-satisfied, comprehend by oneself | 自德; 自得
The following example will get all the words start with a
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Less popular words/phrases are marked with [*]