"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: thauar

armthauar | sunset | 暗頭仔
byciwthauar | rice wine | 米酒頭仔
chiwzefngthauar | finger | 手指頭仔
ciøqthauar | small stone | 石頭仔
gulefng-thauar | pacifier; nipple | 牛乳頭仔; 奶嘴
hvaethauar | rice wine | 幌頭仔
iøqthauar | fresh medicine brewed in pot | 藥頭仔
kafmthauar | woman's mourning head-dress | 蓋頭仔; 首經; (喪服)
khazefngthauar | toes | 跤指頭仔
khazngfthauar | toe | 腳指頭仔
kuxcirnthauar | old bad habits; old sickness | 舊症頭仔; 舊習
kuxzerngthauar | old bad habits; old sickness | 舊症頭仔; 舊習
othauar | blackhead | 烏頭仔
pangthauar | same clan (family) | 房頭仔; 同一家族的人
pofthauar | axe | 斧頭仔
siaxngthauar | in the beginning | 上頭仔
sioxngthauar | initially | 上頭仔
thauthauar | secretly | 偷偷仔
thiethauar | have a hair cut | 剃頭仔
thvy chirnthauar | increase quantity; amount; weight | 添秤頭; 增加稱量
toaxcythauar | big sister | 大姊頭仔
toaxthauar | big head guy | 大頭仔
twthauar | just now | 拄頭仔
voafthauar | medium sized bowl | 碗頭仔
ythauar | wooden stool | 椅頭仔
zefngthauar | finger or toe | 指頭仔; 腳指
zhanthauar | rice farm | 田頭仔
zhaothauar | brat | 臭頭仔
zhawthauar | Chinese herbs | 草頭仔; 草藥

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