"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: thaukhag

jiaux thaukhag | scratch the head (in perplexity) | 搔頭; 抓頭殼
khiefn thaukhag | hit head with knuckles or rocks | 擲頭殼; 用食指與中指, 或石頭打頭部
khoex thaukhag | rest the head (on a pillow; table; edge) | 擱頭殼
søf thaukhag | pat (a child's head) | 撫摸頭
thaukhag chihchiq | keeping the head bent down | 低頭
thaukhag hiin | slight headache; dizziness | 頭暈
thaukhag lelee | the head is bent down | 低頭
thaukhag tang | head feeling heavy and sick | 頭重
thaukhag teng | robust and vigorous (child); a child's robust state of health; conferred through the protective care of the idols | 健康聰明; (祝賀詞)
thaukhag thviax cidpeeng | migraine headache | 偏頭痛
thaukhag thviax | headache | 頭痛
thaukhag tørlwn | draw in one's head (like a turtle) | 頭倒縮
thaukhag | skull; the head (anatomy) | 頭殼; 腦袋; 頭,
thaukhag-terng | on the top of one's head; above the head | 頭頂上

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