"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: thienha

beeng boarn thienha | enjoy a world-wide fame; be world-famous | 名滿天下
beeng ioong thienha | name spread all over the world; the name is known far and wide | 名揚天下
boarn thienha | all over the world; everywhere | 滿天下
bunbeeng thienha | world-famous | 聞名天下
iongbeeng thienha | be known throughout the land; have one's name spread far and wide; become world-famous | 揚名天下
itluii thienha hiarng | achieve enormous success at the very first try; become famous overnight | 一雷天下響
peeng thienha | tranquilize the empire | 平天下
phofthienha | in all parts of the world; extended all over the whole world; all the world over; throughout the world | 普天下
phofthoaan thienha | proclaim to all the world | 普傳天下
segkoarn thienha | roll the world up like a mat ─ take all of it; conquer the world | 席捲天下
siongthienhaixlie | hurting the world- immoral | 傷天害理
thienha baxnbut | the 10,000 things under heaven ─ nature generally; all creation | 天下萬物
thienha busiafng | unequalled in all the world | 天下無雙
thienha itkaf | All people under heaven are one family. The world is a big family | 天下一家
thienha thaepeeng | universal peace | 天下太平
thienha uikofng | The world is for all. The world belongs to everyone | 天下為公
thienha | the world; on earth; under the sky ─ the world | 天下
thienhae | sky ocean | 天海
thienhaxkafn | world | 天下間
thofng'id thienha | unify the whole country (world) | 統一天下
thofng-thienha | all over the world; everywhere under heaven | 普天下
thølie boarn thienha | His students have spread throughout the land | 桃李滿天下

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