"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: tiautiaau

giwtiautiaau | pull very tight; hold onto securely | 拉牢牢
ka-tiautiaau | clench the teeth firmly; as in convulsion near death; holding fast with the mouth | 咬牢牢
khantiautiaau | hand in hand | 拑牢牢
kharmtiautiaau | cover tightly | 蓋牢牢
kietiautiaau | remember perfectly | 記牢牢
kortiautiaau | keep and guard carefully | 顧牢牢; 看得緊緊的
lafmtiautiaau | embrace tightly | 攬牢牢
lafngtiautiaau | pull the pant or skirt tightly | 簍牢牢; 拉緊(褲; 裙)
liamtiautiaau | stick together well | 黏牢牢
mohtiautiaau | clinging and hindering; cling together | 摟牢牢; 抱緊
neh tiautiaau | grasp tightly | 掐牢牢
omtiautiaau | covered tightly | 掩牢牢
pagtiautiaau | restrain; control very tight | 綁牢牢
pautiautiaau | wrap tightly | 包牢牢
phvaixtiautiaau | hold something on the back tightly | 揹牢牢
phø-tiautiaau | hold tightly in one's arms | 抱牢牢
siaam-tiautiaau | seize firmly in the arm | 蟾牢牢; 摟得緊緊的
teatiautiaau | follow closely | 綴牢牢
terngtiautiaau | clinch | 釘牢牢
tiaao'tiautiaau | extremely tight | 牢牢牢
tiautiaau iwlie | there is reason in every clause; orderly | 條條有理
tiautiaau | far distance | 迢迢
toeatiautiaau | follow closely | 綴牢牢
tvitiautiaau | entangled | 纏牢牢
tvixtiautiaau | hold down tight | 捏牢牢

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