Aubie | Europe and America, Western, the West | 歐美
aubin | concave face | 凹面
aubixnkviax | a concave lens | 凹面鏡
bixn'iubixnkad | frown | 面憂面結
bixuo tiubiuu | take precautions before it is too late; take protective measures in advance | 未雨綢繆
bixuo-tiubiu | take precautions before it is too late; take protective measures in advance | 未雨綢繆
bubi | tasteless, insipid | 無味
bubii putcix | down to the very last detail; very thoughtful | 無微無至
chiubii khofliern | sad look; distressed expression | 愁眉苦臉
chiubii puttiern | wear a sad or distressed expression | 愁眉無展
chiubii | knitted brows; a worried look; knitted brows; distressed look | 愁眉
chix zubi | taste test | 試滋味
chviubii | rose | 薔薇
chviubii-hoef | tea-rose | 薔薇花
ciubit | well-defended; well-considered; comprehensive and well-protected; dense; thoroughly considered; careful and thorough; attentive to every detail | 周密
gubiin zerngzheg | policy of keeping the people in ignorance under a dictatorship; obscurantism | 愚民政策
gubiin | to deceive; to keep people ignorant; to misguide | 愚民
hochiubin | face with beard | 鬍鬚面; 長落腮鬍的臉
hoeniaubin | male role with heavily painted face | 花皺面
hubiin | fishmen | 漁民
hviubiin | villager | 鄉民
iubi | oily smell; greasy smell; odor (taste) of oil or grease; oily taste | 油味
iubie | elegance; graceful; refined; good | 優美
iubiin | a vagrant; vagrants; idle people; wanderers | 遊民; 無業遊民; 憂民
iubin | sad looking | 憂面; 蹙眉; 油面
iukog-iubiin | be concerned over the fate of the nation | 憂國憂民
jiaubin | crinkle; cockle face | 皺面
jin'iefn tiubit | crowded conditions; densely populated | 人煙稠密
jinkhao tiubit | densely populated | 人口稠密
jiubie | soft | 柔美
kaubin | monkey face | 猴面
khiaubin | curve surface | 曲面
khvoax laang-thaubin | rely on others and have to watch their every expression | 看人頭面; 依賴他人
kiaubiin | people resident at foreign country; alien; emigrants; persons who reside in a country other than their own; alien residents | 僑民
kiubien-kyhøhak | spherical geometry | 球面幾何學
kiubiern | to seek to avoid to do something; ask for remit (punishment) | 求免; 懇求赦免
kiubin | spherical surface | 球面
kubiin | resident | 居民
liaubin | fierce appearance; terrifying looks | 獠面
liubie | studied in the USA | 留美
liubiin | vagabond; hooligan; rascal; tramp; wanderer; refugees | 流民; 流氓; 流浪漢
niaubi'ar | katy | 貓咪仔
niaubii | katy | 貓咪
niaubin | pockmarked face | 貓面; 麻臉
phaubiaau | cast anchor; develop engine trouble and become stuck mid-way | 拋錨
phiaubiao | misty | 飄渺
phubin | above water level; float on the surface | 浮面; 浮出表面
siaubi | deodorize | 消味
siaubiet | destroy; consume; annihilate; exterminate; destroy; die out | 消滅
siubin | shave one's face | 修面; 刮鬍子
subin | that side that looks like it is weaker and will probably lose; deteriorating conditions | 劣勢; 敗勢
subit | private | 私密
subiør | one's teacher's wife | 師母
thaubii | to peep | 偷窺
thaubin | facial expression, in front, head of a line | 頭面; 面子
thaubixnterng | on top of head | 頭面頂
tiaubi | to season foods; to mix flavors; sauce; season foods; mix flavors; blend flavors | 調味
tiaubi-phirn | seasoning | 調味品
tiaubixliau | seasoning | 調味料
tiaubixphirn | seasoning; spice; dressing material | 調味品
tiubit | dense; density; thickset; compactedness | 稠密
tubiet | remove and destroy | 逐滅; 除滅; 減除
tviubin | a scene; a spectacle; an appearances; scene; stage; pageantry; impressive front; in public | 場面
ubi | aftertaste | 餘味
zaizubi | experienced the advantage of.. | 知滋味; 曾得到好處
zaubiet | exterminate; exterminate or destroy (bandits or rebels) | 剿滅
zay zubi | gourmet's sense | 知滋味
zhaiubi | diesel smell | 柴油味
zhao'iubi | unpleasant oily smell from being kept too long | 臭油味
zhaubiet | destroy completely | 剿滅
zhubinzhngg | make the bed, make up the bed | 鋪床
zofsubiø | a Taiwanese temple | 祖師廟
zubi | savour; relish; flavor; smack; the flavor (of food; poetry) taste; flavor | 滋味
zuygubiø | water buffalo temple | 水牛廟
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