"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: uiho

ciernzeg huihoong | brilliant combat performance; extraordinary battle achievement | 戰績輝煌
heng'uihoan | criminal caught in the act | 行為犯
huihoaan | unusual; unique; uncommon; above the average | 非凡
huihoad | illegal; unlawful | 非法; 無法
huihoat'iuu | volatile oil; naphtha; gasoline; naphtha or other volatile oils | 揮發油
huihoatsexng | of a volatile nature | 揮發性
huihog | to spend extravagantly | 揮霍
huihog-buto | squander money | 揮霍無度
huihoo | Formosan flying fox | 飛狐; 狐蝠
huihoong | resplendency; glory; magnificent; splendid; glorious; brilliant | 輝煌
huihoong-thengtat | period of great accomplishment | 輝煌騰達
khuiho | open a bank account | 開戶
khuihoe | opening of a meeting; begin a meeting; hold a meeting | 開會
khuihoef | blossom; bloom | 開花
khuihofng | to open (a letter; ect.); break or open a seal | 開封; 開啟
kuihoaan | to return (something to its owner); to come home; go back; send back (something) | 歸還
kuihoan | norm; standard; model; standard | 規範
kuihoax | to be naturalized as a citizen; (said of a protectorate state; etc.) to pledge allegiance to; naturalization; become naturalized | 歸化
kuihoee | return | 歸回
kuihoef | sunflower | 葵花
kuihok | submit, surrender | 歸服
muihoaf | the plum flower | 梅花
muihoef | plum blossom | 梅花
patbien uihofng | awe inspiring reputation extending in every direction; influential in every quarter | 八面威風
suiho | door by door | 逐戶
suihofng sayphaang | sail with the wind ─ follow the line of least resistance | 隨風使帆
suihofng zoafntoa | take action as the opportunity arises; irresolution | 隨風轉舵
suihofng | sail with the wind | 隨風
thihchiu khuihoef | literally; the blooming of an iron tree ─ an impossibility; something that very rarely happens | 鐵樹開花
thuihoafn | topple over; demolish; explode; reversal; overturn; to push over; to overthrow (a government); to stultify (a theory; principle) | 推翻
tuihoaan | recover (what has been taken away illicitly) | 追還
tuihoee | recover (what has been taken away illicitly); catch up with someone on the way and make him come back | 追回
uiho | support; resist; maintain; maintenance | 維護
uihoad | illegal; unlawful; lawless; irregularity; against the law; unlawful | 違法
uihoafnciar | offender; violator | 違反者
uihoan | break a law; transgress; violate a commandment; violate (a rule or law) | 違犯
uihoarn | infarction; violation; violate an agreement; break a; contradict; disregard (the rules); violate | 違反
uihofng | proud; majestic; awe inspiring appearance | 威風
uihofng-lymlirm | awe inspiring; imposing | 威風凜凜
uihofng-saote | suffer a drastic fall in one's prestige | 威風掃地
zharnlan-huihoong | brilliant and magnificent | 燦爛輝煌
zhuihoafn | overthrow a government; prove incorrect a theory or principle | 推翻
zhuihoarzef | catalyst | 催化劑
zhuihoax | catalysis | 催化
zhuihoex | to shatter, to demolish, to despoil | 推貨; 吹貨; ?廢
zoafnhø uihog | turn a disaster into a blessing | 轉禍為福
zupy-uihoaai | merciful; clemency; mercy | 慈悲為懷

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