chiwkun'ar | handkerchief | 手巾仔
citzun'ar | right now; at this time; at this moment; right now | 這陣仔; 此時
guthun'ar | younger bull or heifer | 犢牛仔
hitzun'ar | (tw) at that time | 那陣仔
hun'ar | tobacco leaf | 熏仔
hunhun'ar | a tiny amount | 分分仔
kethun'ar | middle-aged chicken; not yet fully grown | 雞豚仔; 未成熟的中雞
kun'ar | cloth towels | 巾仔
laun'ar | warm | 拉溫仔
loxhun'ar | road mark | 路痕仔
lun'ar | hill; small hill | 崙仔; 小山坡; 丘
mafsun'ar | grand nanny and grand kids | 媽孫仔
nngxhun'ar | two centimeter | 兩分仔
phun'ar | pots | 盆仔
phun'arm | water in which rice has been washed just before cooking (generally fed to pigs) | 餿仔
phvayun'ar | bad luck | 歹運仔
poe hun'ar | cure (tea; tobacco leaves) | 烘熏仔; 烘乾菸葉
pun'ar | large cupboard for storing rice | 古時之穀倉仔
sun'ar | nephew | 甥仔; 孫仔; 外甥兒; 姪兒; 甥.侄
suxnsun'ar | smoothly | 順順仔
svahun'ar | 30% | 三分仔
svoalun'ar | long, low, flat hill | 山崙仔
tholun'ar | pile of soil, small hill | 土丘
thunthun'ar | medium; middling | 吞吞仔; 無大不小
tithun'ar | half grown pig; piglet; shoat | 豬豚仔; 中豬
uikun'ar | apron | 圍裙仔
uisukun'ar | apron | 圍軀裙仔
un'ar thvoaheeng | pay a debt gradually by installments | 勻仔攤還; 慢慢的攤還
un'ar | slowly; cautiously; tardiness | 勻仔; 緩慢
un'un'ar | slowly; carefully; take your time to.. | 勻勻仔; 慢慢的
uxtangzun'ar | sometimes | 有當陣仔
zabofsun'ar | granddaughter | 查某孫仔
zabor-sun'ar | niece | 查某姪仔
zapof-sun'ar | nephew | 查哺甥仔; 外甥兒
zaposun'ar | nephew | 姪兒, 外甥兒
zeksun'ar | uncles and nephews (of father's side) | 叔孫仔; 叔姪
zhahunhun'ar | differ a little | 差分分仔; 相差很小
zhun'ar | spring | 春仔
zoanbun'ar | specialized | 專門仔
zofsun'ar | grandchildren | 祖孫仔
zun'ar | boat; small boat | 船仔; 小船; 舢板
zwciaqkun'ar | apron | 煮食裙仔
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