"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: uxgi

bunhoax suxgiap | cultural enterprise | 文化事業
ciongsyn suxgiap | life long career; career; endeavor undertaking to which one dedicates his whole life | 終身事業
ciuxgiap khøfchix | test for prospective employees | 就業考試
ciuxgiap | pursue an occupation; have a job; get employment | 就業
engli suxgiap | profit making enterprise | 營利事業
guxgieen | fable; parable; allegory; metaphor | 寓言
hauxgiam | effective, efficacious, effectiveness | 效驗; 有效
hauxgiøo | similar | 相同
huxgi | be ungrateful | 負義
huxgi-boxng'wn | ungrateful; ingrate | 負義忘恩
huxgieen | additional notes | 附言
juhoaf-suxgiok | like flower and jade (literal)--(said of a girl) young; beautiful and pure | 如花似玉
kafmhoax-suxgiap | reformatory work | 感化事業
keng'eeng suxgiap | do (transact) business | 經營事業
kioxngtoong suxgiap | joint undertaking (enterprise) | 共同事業
koankofng-suxgiap | tourism | 觀光事業
kok'eeng suxgiap | government enterprise | 國營事業
kong'eeng suxgiap | public enterprises; government-owned businesses | 公營事業
kongkiong suxgiap | public enterprise (undertaking) | 公共事業
kown-huxgi | act ungratefully after receiving kindness; favor | 辜恩負義
kuxgiah | a huge sum (of money); large amount | 巨額
mauxgieen | features and the way of talking ; a general appearance and the way of saying | 貌言
siaxhoe hokli suxgiap | social welfare work | 社會福利事業
siaxhoe suxgiap | social work; social service; public welfare projects | 社會事業
sinhefng suxgiap | Modern; current; or novel occupations arising from social and technological changes | 新興事業
siuxgiap | by profession | 受業
siuxgii | birthday gifts | 壽儀; 壽禮
suxgiabkaf | enterprising man; man of enterprising spirit | 事業家
suxgiabkaix | business (enterprising; industrial) world | 事業界
suxgiap | business; enterprise; piece of work; enterprise; undertaking; industry | 事業
suxgiap-kaf | businessman, entrepreneur, industrialist | 事業家; 企業家
suxgieen | preface; foreword; introduction | 緒言; 序言
suxgii | affairs; matter; requirement | 事宜
tauky suxgiap | speculative enterprise | 投機事業
tauzw suxgiap | invest in business | 投資事業
uxgi | be grateful; having a strict sense of duty; faithful; conscientious | 有義
uxgiah | rich; bulky; massive; voluminous; plenty of (something) | 寬裕; 很有份量
uxgieen ciar | a prophet | 豫言者; 先知
uxgieen | prophecy; predication; forecast | 預言
uxgienciar | prophet; fortune-teller (Note: A prophet in the Bible is translated as Siong-Chu e tai-gian-jin meaning; spokesman of God | 預言者
uxzeeng-uxgi | having affection and faith | 有情有義
zerngtofng ee suxgiap | legitimate business | 正當的事業
zusien suxgiap | charitable enterprise; philanthropic undertaking | 慈善事業
zusien-suxgiap | charitable work, philanthropic work | 慈善事業
zuxgieen-zuxguo | talk to oneself; to think out loud; mutter to oneself | 自言自語

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