"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: uxpi

Auxpiaq | a small town in Tainan; Tailaam County | 後壁
auxpi kunjiin | military reservists | 後備軍人
auxpiahsvoaf kia | said of a person with strong backing or powerful connections | 後壁山在; 靠山大
auxpiahsvoaf | background; said of powerful influence assisting a man | 後壁山; 後背景; 靠山; 後盾
auxpiahtviaa | back yard | 後壁埕
auxpiaq | back in location | 後壁
auxpiaq-tviaa | back yard | 後壁埕; 後院
auxpixkwn | the reserve force | 後備軍
buxpid | must; by all means | 務必
ciuxpien | do something in the course of doing something else more important (the additional task does not involve too much trouble or divert one's attention from his main work); by the way | 就便; 順便; 趁便
guxpid | imperial pen; imperial handwriting | 御筆
iuxpiefn | right side | 右邊
iuxpix | right arm | 右臂
kuxpi | possess; have; be provided with; all complete; made ready; fully outfitted | 具備
kuxpiao | maternal uncle and cousin | 舅表
lauxpiao | old cousin; old buddy | 老表
siuxpiern | be degraded, demoted | 受貶; 被貶
suxpiexn | accident; emergency; mishap; emergency; disturbance; incident | 事變
tiuxpi | to plan, to prepare | 籌備
uxpi | prepared for in advance | 預備
uxpi-hoexgi | preparatory meeting or conference | 預備會議
uxpi-khøf | preparative course | 預備科
uxpi-kunkvoaf | reserve officer; officer on the reserve list | 預備軍官
uxpiao | presage, prefigure | 預表; 預兆
uxpien | had free time | 有便
uxpiin-uxkix | well founded | 有憑有據
uxpixek | reserves (military) | 預備役
uxpixiah | reserves (military) | 預備役
uxpixkwn | reserve forces | 預備軍
uxpixkym | reserve (emergency) fund; contingency funds | 預備金
uxpixpefng | ROTC | 預備兵
zhuozeeng'auxpiaq | the front and back of the house | 厝前後壁
zhuozeng'auxpiaq | the front and back of the house | 住家的前後
zuxpi | self provided, provide oneself | 自備
zuxpikarm | self-humiliation; self-abasement; inferiority complex | 自卑感

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