"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: vi'ar

ang'vi'ar | infant; a baby | 紅嬰仔; 嬰兒
bahsvi'ar | minced meat | 肉生仔; 肉豉仔; 碎肉
chvi'ar | indigo plant, betel-nut palm | 青仔; 菁仔; 木藍
chvi'ar-chiu | areca | 青仔樹; 檳榔樹
chvi'ar-zaang | palm-tree, romping girl, flapper | 青仔叢; 菁仔欉
hvi'ar phakphag | ears standing out so much as almost to cover the opening (like a pig's) | 耳仔趴趴; 垂耳
hvi'ar toaxtuix | ears very large--sign of good luck in making money (physiognomy) | 耳仔大對
hvi'ar | ear; handle | 耳仔; 耳朵
hvi'ar-tuun | ear lobe | 耳仔唇; 耳垂
irmsvi'ar | salted soy beans | 蔭鼓仔
kauhvi'ar | one of the radicals | 交耳仔; 耳朵旁; (漢字部首之一)
khvi'ar | mountain valley | 澗仔; 鉗仔; 山谷; 鉗子
kiamvi'ar | salty rice ball | 鹹圓仔
kiarsvi'ar | a hermit crab | 寄生仔; 寄生蟹
kngrhvi'ar | pierce the ears | 穿耳仔
koad hvi'ar | slap the ears | 打耳仔
kvi'ar | edge; fringe; verge; brink; periphery; marginal; borderline | 墘仔; 邊緣
leeng hvi'ar | pull by the ear | 擰耳仔
otauxsvi'ar | black tempeh | 烏豆豉仔
othvi'armte | dark and cloudy | 烏天暗地
othvi'armtoe | dark and cloudy | 烏天暗地
phvi'ar | nose | 鼻仔
piaq u hvi'ar | Beware of eavesdropping! Even the walls have ears | 牆有耳仔
poarnpvi'ar | half sick | 半病仔
pofthaucvi'ar | axe wedge | 斧頭楔仔
pvi'ar ee laang | bystanders | 邊仔的人; 旁人
pvi'ar | side; at the side | 邊仔; 旁邊
siangsvi'ar | twins | 雙生仔; 孿生
siexn hvi'ar | slap the ears; to box the ears | 搧耳仔; 賞耳光
sinkhupvi'ar | body side | 身軀邊仔
sngkamtvi'ar | sweet and sour | 酸甘甜仔
svi'ar | pig iron; type of cast iron; pot metal | 生仔; 生鐵
søf vi'ar | roll dumplings | 挲圓仔; 搓湯圓
tangcvi'ar | copper coin | 銅錢仔
tangsiefncvi'ar | copper coin | 銅仙錢仔
tokphvi'ar | person with an aquiline (hook) nose ─ foreigner | 大鼻仔; 洋人
vi'ar | infant; baby; dumplings | 圓仔; 楹仔; 嬰仔; 嬰孩
vi'ar`ee | rice ball | 圓仔的
zhacvi'ar | wooden wedge | 柴楔仔; 樁
zhengtvi'ar | sweet | 清甜仔
zhuopvi'ar | neighbor | 厝邊仔
zuosvi'ar | casting | 鑄生仔
zuypvi'ar | water side | 水邊仔

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