Syhae | dead sea | 死海
budlyhagsiong | physical | 物理學上
budlyhak | physics | 物理學
byhak | esthetics | 美學
chiegiam luxnlyhak | experimental logic | 試驗論理學
gien'gyhagciar | linguist, philologist | 言語學者, 語言學家
gien'gyhak | philology, linguistics | 言語學, 語言學
gygieen simlyhak | linguistic psychology | 語言心理學
gyhak | linguistics | 語學
hayhaam | forgiveness; great magnanimity; broad mindedness | 海涵
hayhaang | navigation | 海航
hayhae | generous | 海海; 大方; 無計較
hayhayaf | careless; casual; fair; so-so | 海海仔; 馬馬虎虎
hoatlyhak | jurisprudence | 法理學
hoatsefng simlyhak | genetic psychology | 發生心理學
hoaxnzoe simlyhak | criminal psychology | 犯罪心理學
honghayhak | maritime navigation | 航海學
hoxlyhaghau | nursing school | 護理學校
huyhai | unremitting; ruin; destroy; demolish | 匪懈; 毀害
iøqlyhak | pharmacology | 藥理學
jitoong-simlyhak | child psychology | 兒童心理學
kayhaang | change one's trade or career | 改行
kenggiam-simlyhak | empirical psychology | 經驗心理學
koatieen-lyha | do not tie your shoe strings in a melon patch nor adjust your hat under a plum tree ─ a position that invites suspicion; give no needless grounds for suspicion | 瓜田李下
kuyhang | how many kinds | 幾項
lunlyhak | ethics; moral philosophy | 倫理學
luxnlyhak | logic | 論理學
lyhagsu | bachelor of science; BS | 理學士
lyhak phoksu | Doctor of Science (D. Sc.) | 理學博士
lyhak seksu | Master of Science (M. Sc.) | 理學碩士
lyhak | the moral theories of the Neo-Confucian scholars | 理學
lyhak-hagsu | Bachelor of Science | 理學學士
lyhak-phoksu | Doctor of Science | 理學博士
lyhak-seksu | Master of Science | 理學碩士
lyhap | duty-bound; as a matter of course; the proper course to take is… | 理合
nyhaxsvoariam | mumps; parotitis inflammation of a parotid | 耳下腺炎; 腮腺腫
piernthaix simlyhak | abnormal psychology | 變態心理學
pvexlyhak | pathology | 病理學
sayhag'afkefng | shit hole room | 屎礐仔間
sayhag'afkhud | shit hole | 屎礐仔窟
sayhag'afpaang | shit hole room | 屎礐仔枋
sayhag'afthaang | shit hole worms | 屎礐仔蟲
sayhag'afthaau | shit hole | 屎礐仔頭
sayhag'ar | outhouse; outdoor privy | 屎礐仔; 簡陋廁所; 茅坑
sayhag'ar-thaang | maggot | 屎礐仔蟲; 廁所蟲
sayhagthaang | shit hole worm | 屎礐蟲
sayhak | a laboratory latrine, a privy, a water closet, a toilet | 屎礐; 茅坑,廁所
sayhak-khafng | a privy | 屎礐孔
senglyhak | physiology | 生理學
siaxhoe simlyhak | social psychology (as a science) | 社會心理學
sidbut pvexlyhak | phytopathology | 植物病理學
sidbut senglyhak | physiological botany | 植物生理學
sidcien lunlyhak | practical ethics | 實踐倫理學
sidgiam simlyhak | experimental psychology | 實驗心理學
simlyhak | psychology | 心理學
svesyhak | life and death | 生死學
syhae | dead sea | 死海
syhang | dead end alley; blind alley | 死巷
tøexkiuu-budlyhak | geophysics | 地球物理學
yha | less than; under; the following; below; under; less than; beneath; the following | 以下
zengsiin budlyhak | psychophysics | 精神物理學
zhayhaa | red clouds at sunset | 彩霞
zuyhai | flood | 水害; 水災
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