bypiefn | artist | 美編
cypiaw | an indication, a quota, a target | 指標
cypiøf | an indication | 指標
hengzofngkuypix | secretive movements; said of a person of dubious background; of many secrets and of doubtful character | 形蹤詭秘
kaypiefn | reorganize; revise and rewrite; adatp | 改編
kaypiexn | make change; change; alteration; change; alter; modify | 改變
khuypien | sophistry; to argue one's point in a subtle; artful; clever; sophisticated way; sophism | 詭辯
khuypien-hagphaix | the school of sacrums | 鬼辯學拜; 詭辯學派
khypid | (literally) to rise the pen; to start to write | 起筆; 下筆
kuypien | sophistry; sophistication; to argue one's point is a subtle; artful; clever; sophisticated way | 詭辯
lypi | female slaves; female servants | 女婢
muypiexn | every occasion | 每遍
pypie | signaled with hands | 比比
ypi baxn'id | provide against any contingency | 以備萬一
ypi | to be ready | 以備
ypien | so as to; in order to; for the convenience of | 以便
zhaypiin | ornamental screens; multicolored screens | 彩屏
zuxlaizuypid | fountain pen | 自來水筆, 鋼筆
zuxlaizuypiør | water meter | 自來水錶; 水錶
zuypid | fountain pen | 水筆; 毛筆
zuypit'ar | water pen | 水筆仔
zuypiør | water meter; water gage; water meter; water gauge | 水錶
zørkuypiern'ar | do it for a few times | 做幾遍仔
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Less popular words/phrases are marked with [*]