"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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haysex sanbeeng | vow eternal love | 海誓山盟
ionghoaf-zuysexng | inconstant woman (character); to have a disposition as changeable as water | 楊花水性
iongkaysexng | solubility | 溶解性
khysex | take an oath | 起誓; 立誓
kviaf-phvaysex | embarrassed | 驚歹勢
kysex bunbeeng | be known to the whole world; world-famous | 舉世聞名
kysex busiafng | unique; peerless; without a match in the world | 舉世無雙
luxnlysexng | on reason | 論理性
luysex | for generations | 累世
lysexng | rationality; senses; reason; reasonable; female; the fair sex; feminine gender | 女性; 理性
phaysex | timid | 歹勢
phvayseaafphvaysex | a little bit emarassed, and timid | 歹勢仔歹勢
phvayseaphvaysex | a little bit emarassed, and timid | 歹勢歹勢
phvaysex | not proper; unsuitable; feel embarrassed | 歹適; 歹勢; 不好意思; 不舒適; 無好意思
phvaysex-eng | excuse me | 歹舒用; 無好意思
phvaysex-korng | excuse me | 歹舒講; 無好意思
phvaysex`laq | sorry | 歹勢啦
phvaysex`oq | sorry | 歹勢喔
pvysex | falt | 扁勢; 扁平的
pysex | show a gesture | 比勢
sanbeeng haysex | vow between lovers that their love will last as long as the mountains and the sea | 山盟海誓
sanbenghaysex | the sincerity of love is solid as mountain and ocean | 山盟海誓
saysex | become angry | 使性
saysexng | get mad | 使性
sysexng | no tenacity; flexibility or resilience | 死性; 無韌性
tysex | resistance | 抵勢
ysex | presume on power or authority | 倚勢
zuysex | the flow of water; the rise and fall of floodwater; momentum of moving water | 水勢
zuysexng | unpredictable temperament; water condition (of a river; as affecting swimming) | 水性
zuysexng-ionghoaf | women fickle and lascivious | 水性楊花

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