"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: zerngti

bexkviezerngtid | not fit to be looked into (e.g., a matter that is shameful or has a serious flaw) | 見不得人
binzuo zerngti | democracy | 民主政治
kioxnghøo-zerngti | republican government | 共和政治
kuiezok-zerngti | aristocracy | 貴族政治
pengbiin zerngti | popular government; democracy | 平民政治
pengbiin-zerngti | democracy | 平民政治
taam zerngti | talk politics | 談政治
zerngti koanhe | political relations of a country or party | 政治關係
zerngti oaqtong | political activities | 政治活動
zerngti texui pengterng | equal standing in politics | 政治地位平等
zerngti vixgi-huxnzuo | political dissident | 政治異議份子
zerngti zocid | political organization | 政治組織
zerngti | polity; politics; government administration | 政治
zerngti-chiwoarn | statesmanship | 政治手腕
zerngti-kikoafn | political machinery; organ of government | 政治機關
zerngtiaau | masada | 正條
zerngtien | positive electricity | 正電
zerngtit | justness; rightness; candor; upright and honest; straightforward and unbiased; candid and fair | 正直
zerngtixbi | political | 政治味
zerngtixhak | science of government; political science | 政治學
zerngtixhoan | political offender; political criminal | 政治犯
zerngtixjinbut | politician | 政治人物
zerngtixkaf | politician; statesman | 政治家
zerngtixkaix | poolitical circles | 政治界
zerngtixkoafn | political aspect | 政治觀
zerngtixsexng | political nature | 政治性
zerngtixsiong pengterng | political equality | 政治上平等
zerngtixsuo | political history | 政治史
zerngtiøh | planted | 種著
zerngtorng-zerngti | party politics or government; a form of democracy wherein the majority party forms the cabinet with the opposition acting as watchdog | 政黨政治
zoanbiin zerngti | democracy; government by all the people | 全民政治
zoanzex ee zerngti | autocratic government | 專制的政治

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