Karmzhat'vi | Control Yuan (one of the Five Organs of Chinese Government) | 監察院
arnzhatsy | provincial judge 'arch' | 按察使
befzhat | horse thief | 馬賊
bexkokzhat | one guilty of treason | 賣國賊
chiapzhat | thief | 竊賊
chiokzhat | Japanese sparrow-hawk | 雀漆; 雀鷹
cynzhatseg | clinical office; examining room (medical) | 診察室
gaxmzhat | rash thief | 笨賊; 憨賊
gixzhat | to steal things to help the poor like Robin Hood or Liau Thiam-teng | 義賊; 俠客
hayzhat | pirate; sea rover | 海盜; 海賊
hayzhat-zuun | pirate ship | 海賊船
hiarmzhat | shout the thief | 喊賊
hoafnzhat | traitor | 反賊; 叛賊
hoahzhat | shout; Stop thief ! | 喊賊
huyzhat | bandit; robber | 匪賊
iaxzhat | a burglar | 夜賊
itzhatnar | in a split second; in a flash; in the twinkling of an eye | 一剎那
kanzhat | scoundrel; traitor | 奸賊
karmzhat'oaan | inspector | 監察員
karmzhatjiin | auditor (in a corporation) | 監察人
karmzhatkoaan | power of control (one of the five powers of the government specified in the constitution of the Republic of China) | 監察權
karmzhatsuo | controlling inspector (appointed to help execute the power of control in the early years of the Republic of China) | 監察使
karmzhatzex | supervisory system | 監察制
kauxzhat | full of thieves | 厚賊; 多賊
kazhat | thief from within | 家賊
kazhat-lanhoong | It is hard or impossible to guard against a thief within the household | 家賊難防
kefngzhatkiok | police department | 警察局
khimzhat siefn khim'oong | If you want to capture a group of bandits; capture the ringleader first. ─ Stress what should be done first. First things first | 擒賊先擒王
khøfzhatthoaan | investigating commission | 考察團
kiafmzhatkvoaf | public prosecutor; prosecuting attorney | 檢查官
kiafmzhatzhux | prosecuting attorney's office | 地檢處
kiuozhattui | disciplinary investigators | 糾察隊
koanzhatlek | power of observation; insight | 觀察力
koanzhattiarm | point of view; view point | 觀察點
koarnzhat | a confirmed thief | 慣賊
kofngpeqzhat | lie | 講白賊
kokzhat | a traitor of the nation; traitor to the nation | 國賊
korng-peqzhat | to tell a lie | 講白賊
kvoazhatiaxm | coffin shop | 棺木店
liaqzhat | to catch thieves; catch a thief | 掠賊; 捉賊
maixkokzhat | one who collaborates with an enemy country; a traitor (to one's country) | 賣國賊
mozhatlek | friction | 磨擦力
obixnzhat | squid; thief with mask | 烏面賊
oexof zhatpeh | scrawl about (on walls); said also of a child's dirty face; scribbling | 亂塗; 畫花臉
oexof-zhatpeh | write in careless manner | 畫黑塗白; 胡亂塗抹
peqzhat | lie | 謊言; 白賊; 謊話
peqzhat-chit'ar | lier | 白賊七仔
phahhor-liaqzhat iaxtiøh chyn-hviati | strike a tiger; to catch a thief; you should have your own brother to help you In emergencies only a brother will help | 打虎捉賊須靠親兄弟。
poaxnzhat | rebel | 叛賊
siwsek kiafmzhatkvoaf | chief procurator | 首席檢察官
siøfzhat | petty thief; pilferer | 小偷; 茅賊
svoazhat | robbers; gang hide in the mountains | 山賊
svoazhat'ar | wax tree | 山賊仔; 山漆仔
toaxzhat | big thief | 大賊
tuzhat | fend off or resist a robber, exterminate robbers | 追賊; 除賊; 㧣賊; 除滅; 抵擋強盜
tøxzhat | robbers and thieves | 盜賊
zabofkviafzhat | married daughter returning to the home of her parents and picking up things to take back to the home of her husband | 女兒回娘家, 將娘家的東西帶回夫家
zabofkviar-zhat | married daughter returning to the home of her parents and picking up things to take back to the home of her husband | 查某囝賊; 女兒回娘家; 將娘家的東西帶回夫家
zengzhatky | reconnaissance plane; scouting plane | 偵察機
zhat khaq-og laang | A thief becomes ferocious on being detected | 賊比失主還兇; 強詞奪理。
zhat kiab zhat | one robber robbing another of his booty; someone who cheats being cheated in turn | 賊劫賊; 黑吃黑
zhat | thief; burglar; robber | 賊; (小偷); 小偷
zhat'ar | eraser | 擦仔; 檫仔; 橡皮
zhat'horng | investigate by visiting sources of information | 察訪
zhat'hut | check | 察核
zhat'iuu | to oil, to rub on oil, to varnish | 漆油
zhat'of | ebony; pitch-dark; darkness | 漆黑
zhat'seg | paint color | 漆色
zhat'øee | to polish shoes | 擦鞋
zhataxmpøqar | (adv) almost; just about to | 差淡薄仔; 差點兒
zhatbin | painting surface; varnish surface | 漆面
zhatefng | wooden peg | 木釘
zhateng'ar | wooden peg | 柴釘仔
zhatgiam | investigate carefully | 察驗; 查驗
zhatgieen-koanseg | gather another's frame of mind through his words and expression | 察言觀色
zhathaau | wood; an idol; dull and slow-acting person; curse or scolding meaning a stupid ignorant person; also a curse against an idol calling it a useless block of wood because it doesn't answer requests (Lit. a block of wood; or stump; or trunk of wood) | 柴頭; 木頭
zhathafng'aflai | inside wooden pail | 柴桶仔內
zhatharng | wooden pail | 柴桶; 木桶
zhathau'ar | wooden head | 柴頭仔
zhathauang'ar | wooden idol; wooden figure; people who have no feeling | 柴頭尪仔; 無感情的人
zhathaulaang | wooden head people | 柴頭人
zhathaumngg | wooden door | 柴頭門
zhathiau | wooden post | 柴柱
zhathui'ar | gavel, mallet | 漆陶仔; 木槌
zhathuii | wooden pestle; beetle; heavy stick for beating things | 柴槌
zhatiafm | cutter board; wooden block for cutting things upon | 柴砧
zhatiøh | check | 查著
zhatkag | perceive; detection; discover | 察覺
zhatkhaxm | survey; examine | 察勘
zhatkhix | lacquerware | 漆器
zhatkym | lacquered gold | 漆金
zhatliau | material for painting | 漆料
zhatlie | investigate the principle involved | 察理
zhatnar | flash | 剎那
zhatpan | investigate a case and determine how to handle it | 察辦
zhatpeh | paint white | 漆白
zhatseg | to color | 著色; 塗顏色
zhatsiaux | cancel the account | 擦數; 一筆勾消
zhatsiaw | blot out | 擦消; 抹掉
zhatsiofng | friction burn, scrape wound | 擦傷
zhattiau | to wipe out | 漆掉
zhattoat | research and make a decision | 察奪
zhattøq | paint table | 漆桌
zhatuikefng | firewood room | 柴堆間
zhatuipvy | firewood side | 柴堆邊
zhatuix | check | 查對
zhatuy | wood pile | 柴堆
zhatviaa | wood yard | 柴埕
zhatzef | liniment | 擦劑
zhatzherng | paint brush | 漆刷
zhatzhud | painted | 漆出
zhatøee | shine shoes | 擦鞋
zhatøf | heavy wood-chopping machete; large cleaver for splitting wood; hatchet | 柴刀
zhayhoezhat | rapist | 採花賊
zoeazhat | to be a thief | 做賊
zørzhat sym hy | A thief has a guilty conscience. One who has done something bad secretly cannot look others in the eye | 做賊心虛
zørzhat | steal, be a thief | 做賊
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