"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: zuxiuu

cibhoe zuxiuu | freedom of assembly | 集會自由
gienlun zuxiuu | freedom of speech | 言論自由
hengtong zuxiuu | freedom of movement | 行動自由
honghai zuxiuu | offense against personal freedom | 妨害自由
putzuxiuu | no freedom | 無自由
sirngiorng zuxiuu | freedom of religion | 信仰自由
sirnkaux zuxiuu | freedom of religion | 信教自由
susiorng zuxiuu | freedom of thought | 思想自由
zhutparn zuxiuu | freedom of the press | 出版自由
zuxiuu boxek | free trade | 自由貿易
zuxiuu citgiap | professions that do not require fixed office hours (such as doctors; writers; lawyers) | 自由職業
zuxiuu hengtong | free movement; a free hand; free action | 自由行動
zuxiuu iecix | free will | 自由意志
zuxiuu kexngzefng | free competition | 自由競爭
zuxiuu loan'aix | freedom of choice (between a man and a woman); as opposed to the old fashioned idea of arranged marriage | 自由戀愛
zuxiuu seakaix | free world | 自由世界
zuxiuu zwgi | liberalism; the principle of liberty | 自由主義
zuxiuu | freedom; free; liberal; easy-going; freedom; liberty; free; at ease; (feel) at home; at one's own free will | 自由
zuxiuu-hoax | to liberalize, liberalization | 自由化
zuxiuu-koaan | right of liberty | 自由權
zuxiuu-torng | the Liberal Party | 自由黨
zuxiuu-zuxzai | free and unrestricted; comfortable and at ease; care free | 自由自在

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