"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: zuxzo

thiefn zo zuxzoxciar | God helps those who help themselves | 天助自助者
zuxzo | self dependence, help oneself | 自助
zuxzo-zhafn | buffet lunch or dinner, cafeteria meal | 自助餐
zuxzo-zhanthviaf | cafeteria | 自助餐廳
zuxzoafnchiaf | bicycle | 自轉車; 自行車; 腳踏車
zuxzoarn | revolving on its own axis (e.g., the planets) | 自轉
zuxzoat | suicide | 自絕
zuxzog zwtviw | reach a decision one is not in a position to make; take liberties | 自作主張
zuxzog | one's work; pretending to be wise, act on one's own judgment, act as if one were an expert, presumptuous, pretentious | 自作
zuxzog-tøzeeng | imagine oneself as the favorite of one of the opposite sex; be under the hallucination that the other party is willing | 自作多情
zuxzog-zhongbeeng | pretending to be wise; act on one's own judgment; act as if one were an expert; presumptuous; pretentious | 自作聰明
zuxzog-zuxsiu | one reaps what he sows; suffer the consequences of one's own doing | 自作自受
zuxzog-zuxtoafn | arbitrary decision; arbitrarily; at one's own discretion | 自作自端
zuxzokgiet | self-inflicted sin | 自作孽
zuxzokzuxsiu | self-inflicted | 自作自受
zuxzokzuxzoafn | self-made | 自作自專
zuxzoxzhafn | buffet | 自助餐

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