Chi kviar bølun png, chi pexbør ciaosngx tngx.
an expression used to accuse someone of being unfilial (Lit. Children are fed without discussing the amount of rice, when parents are fed the meals need to be counted.)
飼囝無論飯,飼爸母算頓 - 養兒不計一切, 養父母卻斤斤計較。
Chid`ax, khaq herngkøex peq`ee.
one person likes something far more than any other (Lit. Number seven likes it more than number eight.)
七呀較興過八的 - 自己比別人更喜愛。
Chiengiin bøea zhux, baxngiin bøea zhuopvy.
It is ten times easier to buy a good house than to get good neighbors.
千銀買厝, 萬銀金買厝邊 - 千金買房子,萬金買鄰居。
Chiu toa, viar ia toa.
If the tree is big, the shade is also big.
樹大, 影就大。
Chviax laang khaux, bøo bagsae.
If you want something done well, you have to do it yourself. (Lit. Hire people to cry, but they have no tears.)
雇人哭無眼淚, 求人不如靠己。
Ciah laang cidkyn, ma aix heeng laang six-niuo.
If you eat a pound, you must return four ounces. Be grateful.
食人一斤,也著還人四兩 - 有恩必要報。
Ciah laang-png, hoan laang mng.
To be employed by another is to be at his beck and call
拿人手短, 吃人嘴軟。
Ciah pe oar pe, ciah buo oar buo.
We stand up for the people on whom we depend economically.
吃爹偏爹, 吃娘偏娘 - 騎牆。
Ciah voaflai, soea voafgoa.
eat a man's food and speak ill of him behind his back
吃碗內, 洗碗外 - 吃裡扒外
Ciah-bøo svajit zhaix, ciu sviuxboeq cviu sethiefn.
Rome was not built in a day. (Lit. Having been a vegetarian for only three days, already expects to attain nirvana.)
吃不到三天素, 就想上西天。
Ciaqpuii, zawsarn
What one gains cannot cover the losses. not worth the effort (Lit. intend to eat to get fat, but in running to the eating place, run yourself thin)
食肥走瘠 - 得不償失
Cidchiuo kaucvii, cidchiuo kauhoex
cash on delivery, transaction in cash, cash on the barrel head
一手交錢, 一手交貨。
Cidee cidkyn, cidee zablak niuo
six of the one, half a dozen of the other; tweedledum and tweedledee
一斤十六兩 - 半斤八兩 。
Cidhør, bøo nngxhør
You can't have it both ways. You can't have your cake and eat it too. (Lit. One good, not two goods)
一好無兩好 - 不能兩全其美。
Cidhwn cvii, cidhwn hoex
The higher the price the better is the quality of the merchandise. You don't get something for nothing. You get what you pay for.
一分錢, 一分貨。
Cidjit zvae kawty, kawjit bøo ty zvae.
lit. One day kill 9 pigs, nine days no pigs to kill. To do something by fits and starts
Cidkux laai, cidkux khix.
argue with a superior or an elder (usually used about children)
一句來, 一句去 - 頂嘴
Cidkizhao, cidtiarm lo.
Heaven will always provide a way out. Heaven will always leave a door open. (Lit. One blade of grass, one drop of dew)
一枝草,一點露 - 天無絕人之路。
Cidlaang cidkef tai, kongmar suii laang zhai.
Don't stick your nose into other people's affairs. (Lit. Each person has his own family affairs.)
一人一家代, 公媽在人豎 - 自掃門前雪, 不管他人瓦上霜。
Cidlaang kankhor cidviu, bølaang kankhor siøf chinchviu.
Each person has his own problems. No two people's sufferings are the same.
Cidtngx kwkuo, nngxtngx siøtuo.
A person who hasn't eaten for a long time, eats two meals together, an uncertain eating schedule
一餐長久,兩餐相遇 - 食不定時。
Cidviu bie, chi pah'viu laang.
Men having the same food vary much in character Every person is unique
一樣米, 養百樣人。
Cidviu svef, pah'viu sie
Death comes in many forms. All are born in the same fashion but thereafter life takes an infinite variety of courses.
Ciøfbie øhnoa, ciøfcvii øhhvoa.
It's hard to cook with little rice. It's hard to get things done without capital.
資本不夠, 難辦事。
Cit hoan cit, nng hoan nng
one is one and two are two
一就是一, 二就是二
Ciuo hoong tikie, chienpoef siao
You feel like drinking more with a bosom friend. (Lit. When drinking with a bosom friend, a thousand cups will still be too little.)
酒逢知己, 千杯少。
Cixn bøo lo, thex bøo po
no way of escape backwards or forwards, a dilemma
進退無路 - 進退維谷
Cvii toaxpaq, laang løqbaq
wealth gained at the cost of health
錢賺多, 人消瘦。
Cvykoef pøqnngg, cvylaang chiern paktngg.
Older people are more patient.
嫩雞無卵, 嫩人無腹腸 - 年紀大的人比較有忍耐性。