- Kaf høo baxnsu seeng, kaf loan baxnsix keeng.
- If the family is harmonious, everything will be successful, if the family is a mess, all will be in poor shape.
- 家合萬事成,家亂萬世窮。
- Kamciah-kampwn, u thafng ciah u thafng zhwn, thauny thauliaxm, cidsielaang khoehkhiaxm.
- If you are willing to share your food with others, you will have enough to eat and still have some left over, steal, and you will be in want your whole life.
- 捨得吃,捨得施,有得吃還有剩。小氣不大方,反而一生缺用。
- Kamgoan zørguu, mxkviaf bøo løee thafng thoaf.
- If you are willing to endure hardships, you can easily get a job. (Lit. If you are willing to become an ox, you don't have to worry that there will be no opportunity to plough the field.)
- 寧願當牛,不怕無犛可拉,情願吃苦,不怕沒工作。
- Kangsafn ixkae, pwnsexng laan ii
- Changing one's nature is harder than changing mountains and river.
- 江山易改,本性難移
- Kaq ty kaq kao, mxtadtiøh kati zao.
- Call a pig or a dog (to do something), is not as good as doing it yourself. If you want a thing done well, do it yourself.
- 差豬遣狗,還不如自己走。
- Kaux hit'ee sii, giah hit'ee kii
- act according to the circumstances (Lit. to change one's banner according to the progress of the battle)
- 水來土掩,兵來將擋
- Kehpiaq-chinkef, lefsox goanzai
- The rules of courtesy should be observed even among intimates.
- 隔壁親家,禮數照舊。
- Kelai bøo baa, niawchie e khiaukhaf.
- When the cat's away the mice will play.
- 家裡無貓,老鼠翹腳
- Kex kef toex kef poef, kex kao toex kao zao.
- If you married a rooster, you must fly as he does, if you married a hound, you must run as he does. ─ A wife must share the toils and troubles of her husband
- 嫁雞隨雞,嫁狗隨狗
- Khaf tah befsae, png kvoakhuix.
- A mandarin's coachman makes use of his master's influence ─ a petty official often throws his weight around, hanging on his superior's coat-tails
- 倚勢作威作福,狗仗人勢
- Khørsvoaf-ciaqsvoaf, khørzuie-ciaqzuie.
- If a man lives in the mountains, he must get his living there, if near the water, from the water ─ must depend on the environment
- 靠山吃山,靠水吃水。
- Kiarmih e kiarm, kiaroe e kef
- Entrust things to others and you lose a little. Entrust words to others and they are added to
- 托物會少,寄言會增
- Kie sor put'iok, but sy ii jiin
- Do not do to others that which you do not wish to be done to yourself.
- 己所不欲,勿施於人
- Kirn pharng bøo hør-sef, kirn kex bøo hør-takef.
- Haste makes waste. (Lit. If you spin thread quickly on the spinning machine you won't have a good yarn, if you marry a husband quickly you won't have a good mother-in-law.)
- 快紡無好紗,快嫁無好婆婆(欲速則不達,弄巧成拙)
- Kiuu peng'afn tø hør, maix sviuxboeq thiafm hoksiu.
- Just pray for peace, don't try to add long life and happiness.
- 求平安就好,別想要添福壽。
- Kixnzw`ciax zheg, kixnbek`ciax of.
- Anything near vermilion becomes red, near (Chinese) ink, black. ─ the influence of companionship
- 近朱者赤,近墨者黑。
- Kokkaf hengboong, phit'hw iwzeg.
- The rise and fall of a nation is the concern of every citizen.
- 國家興亡,匹夫有責。
- Korng laang, laang kaux, korng kuie, kuie kaux.
- Speak of a person and he comes, speak of the devil and he appears, speak of angels, and you can hear the flutes of their wings
- 說曹操,曹操到
- Kunzuo itgieen søehzhud, suomar laan tuy.
- A word once spoken cannot be over-taken by swift horses
- 君子一言既出,駟馬難追。
- Kviabor-taixtioxnghw, phahbor tikawguu.
- Fear your wife and you are a real man, beat your wife and you are a pig, dog, ox.
- 懼內是大丈夫,毆妻是豬狗牛。