作詞:許常德 曲:游鴻明 阿嬤不識字 Amar mxbad ji Grandmom can't read or write 但是伊識真多的代誌 Taxnsi y bad cinzøe ee taixcix But she still knows many things 伊講閃電是天的鎖匙 Y korng siafmtien si thvy ee søfsii She said lighting is the key to the sky 鎖匙打開有雨水 Søfsii phahkhuy u hoxzuie By using the key you may unlock the rainfalls 阿嬤不識字 Amar mxbad ji Grandmom doesn't understand characters 但是有一張情批寫乎伊 Taxnsi u cidtviw zengphøef siar ho y But she has a love letter someone wrote her 經過幾十年不曾拆開 Kengkøex kuyzabnii mxbad thiahkhuy It's remained unopened for decades 伊講寫字不如相思 Y korng siafji putjuu sviusy She says putting words on paper isn't much to a broken heart 我愛的伊欲來離開 Goar aix`ee y bøeq laai lixkhuy The you I have loved has left me 伊講孤單尚適合伊 Y korng kotvoaf siong sek’hap y She said that loneliness suits you best 無留半字就斷了過去 Bøo laau pvoarji tø tngxliao køeakhix without a word you just up and left 不甘心付出為伊哮歸暝 M kamsym huozhud ui y hao kuimii Regretting giving you so much, I cry all night 我愛的伊欲來離開 Goar aix`ee y bøeq laai lixkhuy The you I have loved has left me 伊講孤單尚適合伊 Y korng kotvoaf siong sek’hap y saying loneliness suits you best 山盟海誓也失去意義 Sanbeeng-haysex ia sitkhix iegi The promises you made have lost all their meaning 情批攏無字 Zengphøef lorng bøo ji The love letter has no words 癡心變青眠 Chisym piexn chvi’mii you made a fool of me 我甲阿嬤問 Goar ka amar mng I asked my grandmother 阿嬤的情批是寫啥咪 Amar ee zengphøef si siar sviafmih What is written in that love letter 伊講情人欲愛無勇氣 Y korng zengjiin bøeq aix bøo iofngkhix She said people used to lack the courage to love 才來用字騙情意 Ciaq laai ioxngji phiexn zeng’ix so they hid behind their words 伊講情人欲愛無勇氣 Y korng zengjiin bøeq aix bøo iofngkhix She said people used to lack the courage to love 才來用字騙分開 Ciaq laai iong ji phiexn hunkhuy so they hid behind a farewell letter