The first AI model that translates 100 languages - Demo with Taiwanese translation.

Taiwanese Min-nan speech recognition and synthesis


Tacotron & WaveRNN 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

A Preliminary Study on Deep Learning-based Chinese Text to Taiwanese Speech Synthesis System

WaveGlow 1 | 2

Grapheme-to-Phoneme Transformer Model for Transfer Learning Dialects

Tony Knowledge Engineering Laboratory




Jeba | git

POS tagging

Vits - Conditional Variational Autoencoder with Adversarial Learning for End-to-End Text-to-Speech

eSpeak NG TTS

Lambda Stack | docker | ngc | lamda ngc

cudnn - stuck at configuring libcudnn when installing cuda -> try alt

cuDNN Archive


LibriVox | MuST-C | CoVoST V2 | ParaCrawl | VoxLingua107 |

Open Language Data Initiative | ninth conference on machine translation (wmt24)