Taiwanese-English dictionary full-text search
Searched Htb for ns: 1 m: Be OR u: Be OR m: be OR u: be, found 2,
- be [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]]
- see boe, bøe, moe
- 袂; 賣; 未
- u [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]]
- have; be present; exist; there is (are; were)
- 有
DFT- 🗣 bøe 🗣 (u: boe be bøe) 未p [wt][mo] buē/bē
- 1. (Adv) have not; not yet
|| 沒。
- 🗣le: (u: Goar iao'boe ciah'png.) 🗣 (我猶未食飯。) (我還沒吃飯。)
- 2. (Part) used at the end of questions to ask if one has done something yet
|| 放在句末,表示對某一個動作的疑問。
- 🗣le: (u: Lie ciah'par`boe?) 🗣 (你食飽未?) (你吃飽了沒有?)
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
- 🗣 bøe 🗣 (u: be boe bøe) 賣p [wt][mo] bē/buē
- 1. (V)
|| 出售貨品、財物或勞力以換取金錢。
- 🗣le: (u: be mi) 🗣 (賣麵) (賣麵)
- 🗣le: (u: be svaf) 🗣 (賣衫) (賣衣服)
- 🗣le: (u: be zhux heeng siaux) 🗣 (賣厝還數) (賣房子還債)
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
- 🗣 bøe 🗣 (u: be boe bøe) 袂t [wt][mo] bē/buē
- 1. (Adv) (negative prefix); not; no; negation; negative word
|| 不。否定詞。
- 🗣le: (u: be'hiao) 🗣 (袂曉) (不會)
- 🗣le: (u: be'korng`tid) 🗣 (袂講得) (說不得)
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
- 🗣 moe/møe/be 🗣 (u: moe/be) 妹 [wt][mo] muē/bē
- 1. (N) appellation for female younger than oneself
|| 稱謂。稱呼較自己年幼的女子。
- 🗣le: (u: siør'moe) 🗣 (小妹) (小妹)
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
- bøe [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: be; bøe; (boe, mai) [[...]][i#] [p.]
- sell
- 賣
- bøe [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: be; bøe [[...]][i#] [p.]
- cannot, will not, expresses simple future improbability inherent in the nature of the subject, precedes an adjective to negate an undesirable quality like bitter or painful, the negative of "e"
- 不,不會
- Goar bøe kviaf (aekhuxn, zhuietaf, iaw). [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: Goar be kviaf (aix'khuxn, zhuix'taf, iaw).; Goar bøe kviaf (aix'khuxn, zhuix'taf, iaw). [[...]][i#] [p.]
- I am (was) not afraid. (sleepy, thirsty, hungry)
- 我不怕(睏,口渴,餓)。
- boe [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: boe; bøe; (be, bi) [[...]][i#] [p.]
- not yet
- 未
- øe [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: e; øe; (be) [[...]][i#] [p.]
- express simple future (There is no idea of intention or desire connected with its usage as there is with the verbs "boeh" and "ai".)
- 會, 不會
- e [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: e; øe; (be) [[...]][i#] [p.]
- expresses interior, inherent or innate capacity or incapacity, a permanent capacity or incapacity, frequently translated in English by "does" or "does not"
- 會, 不會
- mai [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: mai; (moe, be) [[...]][i#] [p.]
- younger sister
- 妹
- moe/møe [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: moe; moe/be; (be, mai) [[...]][i#] [p.]
- younger sister
- 妹
- bøe [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: be; bøe [[...]][i#] [p.10]
- AV : am not able to, cannot (present or general statement)
- 不能
- bøe [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: be; bøe [[...]][i#] [p.10]
- AV : cannot possibly, will not, will not likely (future statement)
- 不會
- bøe [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: be; bøe [[...]][i#] [p.10]
- V : is not (before SV signifying sthg the speaker considers undesirable)
- 不是
- bøe [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: be; bøe [[...]][i#] [p.10]
- Qtag : (after statement containing øe): (will) …or not
- 嗎
- bøe [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: be; bøe [[...]][i#] [p.10]
- Qtag : (after statement without øe): yet?, yet or not?
- 還沒
- bøe [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: be; bøe [[...]][i#] [p.10]
- V : sell
- 賣
- u: be moai(漳)/moe(漳)/mai(漳)/bə(泉) møe 妹 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.B0760,B0927/B0927/B0910/B0866] [#2274]
- 小妹 。 < 姊 ∼ ; ∼ 婿 。 >
- u: be boe(漳)/bə(泉) bøe 未 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.B0760,B0847/B0866] [#2275]
- ( 1 ) Iau2未 。
( 2 ) 已經或iau2未 … ? <( 1 ) ∼ 到月生 ; ∼ 受教化 ; ∼ 嫁 ; ∼ bat曾 ( cheng5 ) 。
( 2 ) 食飽 -- ∼ ? 來 -- ∼ ? 去 -- ∼ ? 好勢 -- ∼ ? >
- u: boe be(漳) bøe 賣 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.B0847,B0760] [#3413]
- ( 1 ) 賣物件 。
( 2 ) 出賣 。
( 3 ) 新聞等e5刊載 。 <( 1 ) 買 ∼ than3熟似 ; ∼ 皮當 ( tng3 ) 骨 ; ∼ bou2 ∼ kiaN2 ; hou7伊 ∼-- 去你to m7知影 。
( 2 ) ∼ 名聲 ; ∼ in2祖公e5名聲 。
( 3 ) ∼ 新聞 ; ∼ khng3 teh雜誌 。 >
- u: boe be(漳) bøe 沒 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.B0847,B0760] [#3414]
- 相對 : [ 能 ] 。
( 1 ) Boe7 - tang3 ; 不能 。
( 2 ) 斷定e5否定 。
( 3 ) 形容詞e5動詞形e5否定 。 <( 1 ) 能也 ∼ ; ∼ 理 ; peh ∼ 起來 ; ∼ 行路 ; ∼ 講話 ; 伊khah能 , 我khah ∼ 。
( 2 ) 穩當 ∼ 死 ; ∼ 落價 ; 腹肚 ∼ iau 。
( 3 ) 病 ∼ 好 ; 洗也 ∼ ; khng3久也 ∼ phaiN2 。 >