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Searched DFT for 民間, found 2,
binkafn 🗣 (u: biin'kafn) 民間 [wt][mo] bîn-kan [D]
1. (N) || 指百姓生活、一般社會。
1: Koaf'ar'hix si tuix biin'kafn hoad'tiern`khie'laai ee. (歌仔戲是對民間發展起來的。) (歌仔戲是從民間發展起來的。)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
iar 🗣 (u: iar) [wt][mo][D]
1. (N) the outskirts of a city; the suburbs || 郊外。
1: iar'goa (野外) ()
2. (N) folk; the people || 民間。
1: zai'iar (在野) ()
2: iar'suo (野史) ()
3. (Adj) (dress) color, flavor, character, fragrance, shape, etc too vulgar, gaudy, strong, heavy as to be unpleasant || 形容人的妝扮、物品的色彩、香味、形態等等過於俗麗、濃郁而令人不愉悅。
1: Cid ciorng hoef sviw iar. (這種花傷野。) (這種花太俗艷。)
2: iar'phafng (野芳) (濃郁刺鼻的香味)
4. (Adj) vulgar; coarse; uncouth; rude; unrestrained; undisciplined; uncultured; boorish; untame || 粗鄙無禮的、放縱不馴的。
1: Iar kaq nar kaau`leq. (野甲若猴咧。) (野得像隻猴子似的。)
5. (Adj) wild; undomesticated; uncultivated || 野生的,未經人工栽培或馴養的。
1: iar hoef (野花) ()

tonggi: ; s'tuix: