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Searched DFT for Boo, found 30, display thaau-15-zoa:
bixnbo'ar 🗣 (u: bin'boo'ar) 面模仔 [wt][mo] bīn-bôo-á [D]
1. (N) || 臉龐、臉蛋,臉的輪廓。
1: Y ee bin'boo'ar cviaa suie. (伊的面模仔誠媠。) (她的臉蛋很漂亮。)

tonggi: 面框; s'tuix:
bixnboo 🗣 (u: bin'boo) 面模 [wt][mo] bīn-bôo [D]
1. (N) || 臉的輪廓。
0: Y bin'boo cviaa toa ee. (伊面模誠大个。) (他臉蛋很大。)

tonggi: bixnbo'ar, bīn-khing, phvixbagzhuix; s'tuix:
bo'gie 🗣 (u: boo'gie) 模擬 [wt][mo] bôo-gí [D]
1. () (CE) imitation; to simulate; to imitate; analog (device, as opposed to digital) || 模擬

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
bo'horng 🗣 (u: boo'horng) 模仿 [wt][mo] bôo-hóng [D]
1. () (CE) to imitate; to copy; to emulate; to mimic; model || 模仿

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
bofng/bof 🗣 (u: bofng/bof) [wt][mo] bong/boo [D]
1. (V) to use hands to lightly touch or rub to feel for or look for sth; to feel about; to grope || 用手輕輕觸碰或摩擦,以感覺或尋找物體。
1: Ho lie bofng`cit'e. (予你摸一下。) (讓你摸一下。)
2. (Adj) sluggish; procrastinating; shilly-shallying || 形容人做事緩慢拖拉。
1: Lie si beq bofng goa kuo? (你是欲摸偌久?) (你要慢吞吞地拖多久?)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
boheeng/bo'heeng 🗣 (u: boo'heeng) 模型 [wt][mo] bôo-hîng [D]
1. () (CE) model; mold; matrix; pattern || 模型

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
bohoan/bo'hoan 🗣 (u: boo'hoan) 模範 [wt][mo] bôo-huān [D]
1. (N) || 榜樣、楷模。
2. (N) || 木製的模型,為製作器物的母型。

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
Boo 🗣 (u: Boo) [wt][mo] Bôo [D]
1. () || 附錄-百家姓

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
boo 🗣 (u: boo) [wt][mo] bôo [D]

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
boo 🗣 (u: boo) [wt][mo] bôo [D]

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
boo 🗣 (u: boo) [wt][mo] bôo [D]
1. (N) mold; matrix; pattern or die || 模子。製造器物的容器,凹陷處通常刻有花紋。
1: koea'boo (粿模) (專門用來製造粿類食物的模型)
2. (N) external form; an outline; silhouette || 外型、輪廓。
1: bin'boo (面模) (臉的輪廓)
3. (N) small swelling, growth, tumor, or lump on human body, lump or spherical shaped || 指人身上長出來的塊狀或圓球狀的小腫塊。
1: Chiuo ho barng'ar texng cit boo. (手予蠓仔叮一模。) (手被蚊子叮了一個疙瘩。)
4. (Mw) cast object; sth made using molds || 計算用模子做成的東西。
1: cit boo tau'hu (一模豆腐) ()

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
bosad 🗣 (u: boo'sad) 謀殺 [wt][mo] bôo-sat [D]
1. () (CE) to murder; to assassinate; intentional homicide || 謀殺

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
boseg 🗣 (u: boo'seg) 模式 [wt][mo] bôo-sik [D]
1. () (CE) mode; method; pattern || 模式

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
boviu 🗣 (u: boo'viu) 模樣 [wt][mo] bôo-iūnn [D]
1. (N) || 指人或物的容貌或外形。
1: Y tvar'pan tiøh iaw'kiaw ee boo'viu. (伊打扮著妖嬌的模樣。) (她打扮成妖艷嬌媚的模樣。)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
bozai'haixbeng 🗣 (u: boo'zaai'hai'beng) 謀財害命 [wt][mo] bôo-tsâi-hāi-bīng [D]
1. (Exp) || 為謀奪錢財而傷人性命。

tonggi: ; s'tuix:

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