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Searched DFT for Zux, found 31, display thaau-15:
cirnzux/cirnzu 🗣 (u: cixn'zux cixn'zu) 進駐 [wt][mo] tsìn-tsù [D]
1. () to enter and garrison; (fig.) to establish a presence in || 進駐

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
koanzux 🗣 (u: koafn'zux) 關注 [wt][mo] kuan-tsù [D]
1. () to pay attention to; to follow sth closely; concern; interest; attention || 關注

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
koarnzux 🗣 (u: koaxn'zux) 灌注 [wt][mo] kuàn-tsù [D]
1. () to pour into; perfusion (med.); to concentrate one's attention on; to teach; to inculcate; to instill || 灌注

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
phaezux/phaezu 🗣 (u: phaix'zux phaix'zu) 派駐 [wt][mo] phài-tsù [D]
1. () to dispatch (sb) in an official capacity; to be posted (as an ambassador, foreign correspondent etc) || 派駐

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
pixzux 🗣 (u: pi'zux) 備註 [wt][mo] pī-tsù [D]
1. () remark; note || 備註

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
sox 🗣 (u: sox) b [wt][mo] sòo [D]
1. (N) prayer (text); collect (short general prayer) || 祈禱文。
1: sox'buun (疏文) ()
2: thak sox (讀疏) ()
2. (N) interpretation of annotation (zux); clarification || 解釋原文的稱為注,解釋注文的稱為疏。
1: zux'sox (注疏) ()

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
tauzux 🗣 (u: taau'zux) 投注 [wt][mo] tâu-tsù [D]
1. () to throw one's energies (into an activity); to invest one's emotions (in sth); to bet; betting || 投注

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
U kviar u kviar mia, bøo kviar thvy zuotvia. 🗣 (u: U kviar u kviar mia, bøo kviar thvy zux'tvia.) 有囝有囝命,無囝天註定。 [wt][mo] Ū kiánn ū kiánn miā, bô kiánn thinn tsù-tiānn. [D]
1. () || 安慰膝下無子的人不要過於強求。

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
zoanzux 🗣 (u: zoafn'zux) 專注 [wt][mo] tsuan-tsù [D]
1. () concentrated; single-mindedly devoted to || 專注

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
zuo'ix/zuoix 🗣 (u: zux'ix) 注意 [wt][mo] tsù-ì [D]
1. (V) || 小心、留意。
1: Svoaf'lo cviaa phvae'kviaa, larn tiøh aix khaq zux'ix`leq. (山路誠歹行,咱著愛較注意咧。) (山路很難走,我們要多留意。)

tonggi: siøfsym, søeaji, kynsin; s'tuix:
zuobeeng 🗣 (u: zux'beeng) 註明 [wt][mo] tsù-bîng [D]
1. (V) || 注明、注解。記載清楚。

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
zuobok 🗣 (u: zux'bok) 注目 [wt][mo] tsù-bo̍k [D]
1. (N) || 將視線集聚在同一處注視。
1: Y ee heeng'uii irn'khie laang ee zux'bok. (伊的行為引起人的注目。) (他的行為引起人家的注目。)
2. (V) || 目光直視以表敬意。
1: Goar chiuo`lie u mih'kvia, kafn'naf e'taxng ka lie zux'bok. (我手裡有物件,干焦會當共你注目。) (我手上有東西,所以只能向你行注目禮。)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
zuobuun 🗣 (u: zux'buun) 注文 [wt][mo] tsù-bûn [D]
1. (V) || 預訂、預約。事先訂購。源自日語。
1: Cid hang mih'kvia aix zux'buun, bøo hien'be`ee. (這項物件愛注文,無現賣的。) (這件東西要事先訂購,當場沒有現貨可賣。)

tonggi: 交定; s'tuix:
zuohøfhør 🗣 (u: zux'hør'hør) 註好好 [wt][mo] tsù-hó-hó [D]
1. (V) || 註定。一種宿命思想,認為人世間的任何遭遇或變化早已被上天安排好,人力無法更改。
1: Tai'cix lorng zux'hør'hør ti`leq, ho laang be'zao'siarm`tid. (代誌攏註好好佇咧,予人袂走閃得。) (事情都註定好了,讓人閃避不了。)

tonggi: zuosie, zuotvia; s'tuix:
zuojip 🗣 (u: zux'jip) 注入 [wt][mo] tsù-ji̍p/tsù-li̍p [D]
1. () to pour into; to empty into || 注入

tonggi: ; s'tuix:

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