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Searched DFT for than, found 37, display thaau-15:
bih 🗣 (u: bih) p [wt][mo] bi̍h [D]
1. (N) thin slip or strip of bamboo than may be used in wicker-work || 薄薄的竹片,可用來編織物品。
1: teg'bih (竹篾) ()

tonggi: biq'ar; s'tuix:
bu 🗣 (u: bu) [wt][mo][D]
1. (N) fog; mist. condensed water vapor prominent at low altitudes. fog is less transparent than mist || 空氣中接近地面的水蒸氣,遇冷凝聚成小水滴或水晶,瀰漫於低空中的自然現象。
1: tax'bu (罩霧) (起霧)
2: boong'bu (雺霧) (霧氣)
2. (Adj) vague; indistinct; fuzzy; hazy; blurry || 模糊、朦朧。也可使用疊詞「霧霧」。
1: Bak'ciw bu. (目睭霧。) (眼睛看不清楚。)
3. (V) (usually re cooking soup or boiling water) to gush upwards; to overflow from a container || 水往上冒出來,常用在煮湯或燒開水沸騰時,鍋中湯水溢出鍋外。
1: Thngf beq bu`zhud'laai`aq, kirn ka tviar'koax hiefn`khie'laai. (湯欲霧出來矣,緊共鼎蓋掀起來。) (湯要溢出來了,快把鍋蓋掀開。)
4. (V) to spray liquid from the mouth || 口中先含液體再將其噴出。
1: kaam hoeq bu thvy (含血霧天) (含血噴人)
2: bu zuie (霧水) (以口噴水)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
chiausiw 🗣 (u: chiaw'siw) 超收 [wt][mo] tshiau-siu [D]
1. () receive more funds than needed; collect more tax revenues than expected || 超收

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
cviaa 🗣 (u: cviaa) p [wt][mo] tsiânn [D]
1. (Adv) almost; about (less than) || 約。
1: cviaa zap ee (成十个) (約十來個)
2. (V) to become; to turn into || 成為。
1: cviaa'zøx (成做) (成為)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
goa 🗣 (u: goa) p [wt][mo] guā [D]
1. (Pl) out; outside; external || 方位名。不在特定範圍之內均稱為「外」。相對於「內」而言。
1: goa'khao (外口) (外頭)
2. (Adj) drifted apart; estranged; alienated; not concerned with || 疏遠、不關心。
1: paxng'goa'goa (放外外) (疏離)
3. (Adj) beyond; above; over; more than; a few more than; a little over || 數字之後表示「餘」、「多一點」的意思。
1: go'zap'goa hoex (五十外歲) (五十多歲)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
goaxtøe 🗣 (u: goa'tøe) 外地 [wt][mo] guā-tē/guā-tuē [D]
1. () parts of the country other than where one is || 外地

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
gy'ym/gyym/gwym 🗣 (u: gie/guo'ym) 語音 [wt][mo] gí-im/gú-im [D]
1. () speech sounds; pronunciation; colloquial (rather than literary) pronunciation of a Chinese character; phonetic; audio; voice; (Internet) to voice chat; voice message || 語音

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
hiauhthafn/hiauthafn 🗣 (u: hiauq'thafn hiaw'thafn) 藃蟶 [wt][mo] hiauh-than [D]
1. (Adj) || 木板或紙板等平狀的物體,因潮溼或乾燥而翹起變形。
1: Cid'taq e siap'zuie, taq ti terng'thaau ee zoar kuo`laai e hiauq'thafn. (這搭會洩水,貼佇頂頭的紙久來就會藃蟶。) (這個地方會滲水,日子一久貼在上面的紙就會翹起變形。)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
jidgoadthafn 🗣 (u: jit'goat'thafn) 日月蟶 [wt][mo] ji̍t-gua̍t-than/li̍t-gua̍t-than [D]
1. () || 日月蛤。見【日月蚶】ji̍t-gua̍t-ham 條。

tonggi: jidgoadhafm; s'tuix:
joah 🗣 (u: joah) p [wt][mo] jua̍h/lua̍h [D]
1. (Adj) hot (sensation due to environment higher temperature than human body) || 因為大氣溫度高於人體體溫而產生的感覺。
1: Kyn'ar'jit cyn joah. (今仔日真熱。) (今天的天氣真熱。)

tonggi: siøf; s'tuix:
kef 🗣 (u: kef) p [wt][mo] ke [D]
1. (V) add; increase || 增益、添加。
1: Kiax'oe e kef, kiax mih e kiarm. (寄話會加,寄物會減。) (請人傳話會被加油添醋,寄放東西則可能會被揩油。)
2. (Adv) more than originally; more than intended || 比原來的數量多,或比比較對象多。
1: Y kef zau ho goar go'zap khof. (伊加找予我五十箍。) (他多找我五十塊錢。)
2: Y khvoax`khie'laai kef khaq siaux'lieen. (伊看起來加較少年。) (他看起來年輕多了。)
3. (Adv) superfluous; unnecessary; surplus || 多餘、原本不必要。
1: Ho lie kef bøo'eeng, cyn phvae'sex. (予你加無閒,真歹勢。) (讓您增加麻煩,多了許多事,真是不好意思。)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
kerngkaf 🗣 (u: kexng'kaf) 更加 [wt][mo] kìng-ka [D]
1. () more (than sth else); even more || 更加

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
khahsw 🗣 (u: khaq'sw) 較輸 [wt][mo] khah-su [D]
1. (V) || 不如、比不上。
1: Lie lieen cid'tiarm'ar tø'lie tøf m'bad, khaq'sw cit ee bøo thak'zheq`ee. (你連這點仔道理都毋捌,較輸一个無讀冊的。) (你連這點道理都不懂,還不如一個沒受教育的人。)

tonggi: mxtat; s'tuix:
khw 🗣 (u: khw) [wt][mo] khu [D]
1. (N) area; district; region || 地域、一定的範圍。
1: te'khw (地區) ()
2: kafng'giap khw (工業區) ()
2. (N) administrative division lower than county and city || 行政單位名,在縣市之下。
1: Tai'afn'khw (大安區) ()

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
køf 🗣 (u: køf) [wt][mo] ko [D]
1. (N) elder brother || 兄長。
1: hviaf'køf (兄哥) (哥哥)
2. (N) respectful or familiar title suffix to another's given name (either older or younger than oneself, e.g., Pang-ti-køf or Gixhioong-køf) || 表示客氣或尊稱年紀大於自己的男性。
1: AF'zhaan`køf (阿田哥) ()

tonggi: ; s'tuix:

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