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Searched DFT for tie tie, found 26, display thaau-15:
haa 🗣 (u: haa) t [wt][mo][D]
1. (V) to tie on; to buckle up; to fasten; to wrap around || 繫上、圍上。
1: haa khox'toax (縖褲帶) (繫褲腰帶)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
haan 🗣 (u: haan) 𫟂t [wt][mo] hân [D]
1. (V) to tie up lightly || 輕輕地束縛住。
1: Søq'ar siør haan`leq e'sae. (索仔小𫟂咧就會使。) (繩子稍綁著就可以。)
2. (V) to be almost closed but still ajar || 虛掩。
1: Mngg siør haan`leq, maix kvoay aan. (門小𫟂咧,莫關絚。) (門稍掩著,不要關緊。)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
høo 🗣 (u: høo) b [wt][mo][D]
1. (V) to calculate; to weigh (pros and cons); to view as profitable; to be worth; to deserve || 划算、值得。
1: sngx'be'høo (算袂和) (划不來)
2. (V) (sports) draw; tie; neither victory nor defeat || 平手,不分勝負。
1: høo'kiok (和局) (平手)
3. (V) to compare measurement || 比對測量。
1: Laang bøo laai, theh ee pan laai høo. (人無來,提鞋範來和。) (人沒來,拿鞋樣來比對。)
4. (V) to prepare; to concoct; to make up || 配製。
1: høo sør'sii (和鎖匙) (配鑰匙)
2: høo bak'kviax (和目鏡) (配眼鏡)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
kad 🗣 (u: kad) p [wt][mo] kat [D]
1. (N) knot; tie || 條狀物交纏打成的球狀突起。
1: phaq'kad (拍結) ()
2: oah'kad (活結) ()
2. (V) to tie; to knot || 綁起來、繫起來。
1: kad hoef (結花) (配戴上花)
2: kad zhae'toax (結綵帶) (繫綵帶)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
khaotie 🗣 (u: khaux'tie) 扣抵 [wt][mo] khàu-tí [D]
1. () withhold money or goods from a debtor as payment of his debt || 扣抵

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
khurn 🗣 (u: khurn) [wt][mo] khún [D]
1. (V) to bind; to tie; to bundle || 綁、縛。
1: khurn heeng'lie (捆行李) (綁行李、打包行李)
2. (Mw) bundle; sheaf || 計算成束物體的單位。
1: cit khurn pøx'zoar (一捆報紙) ()

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
khuun 🗣 (u: khuun) t [wt][mo] khûn [D]
1. (V) to roll (up); to bundle up; to tie || 捲、捆。
1: Ka søq'ar khuun`khie'laai. (共索仔囷起來。) (把繩子捲起來。)
2. (N) things tied into bundle || 被綁成一捆一捆的東西。
1: zhao khuun (草囷) (草捆)
3. (Mw) bunch; bundle || 捆狀物的計算單位。
1: cit khuun zhao (一囷草) (一捆草)

tonggi: pea, khurn; s'tuix:
lek 🗣 (u: lek) [wt][mo] li̍k [D]
1. (V) to tie, bind, or fasten together tightly; to pull tight; to tension || 綁緊、拉緊。
1: Søq'ar lek khaq aan`leq, thox'ar ciaq be zao`khix! (索仔勒較絚咧,兔仔才袂走去!) (繩子拉緊一點,兔子才不會跑掉!)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
liau 🗣 (u: liau) t [wt][mo] liāu [D]
1. (N) rope || 繩索。
1: chixn'liau (秤繚) (秤桿上手提用的小繩索)
2. (V) to tie together; to bundle; to entwine || 將東西綑住、纏繞起來。
1: Iong thiq'svoax liau ho y aan. (用鐵線繚予伊絚。) (用鐵絲纏緊繞緊。)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
lieen 🗣 (u: lieen) b [wt][mo] liân [D]
1. (V) to bind; to tie; to link; to connect; to join || 連結。
1: Buo'ar'kviar sym siøf'lieen. (母仔囝心相連。) (母子連心。)
2: Khox'toax kad siøf'lieen. (褲帶結相連。) (褲帶綁在一起。比喻形影相隨。)
2. (Adv) continuously; successively; one after one; repeatedly || 持續不斷。
1: lieen'lieen sid'pai (連連失敗) (一再失敗)
3. (V) to amount to; ... means that ...; includes || 及於,達於。
1: siøq hoef lieen phuun (惜花連盆) ()
4. (Prep) together with; along with; and with; including; counting || 連同。合算在一起。
1: Lieen hid koaxn liaang'zuie zorng'kiong si cit paq khof. (連彼罐涼水總共是一百箍。) (連同那瓶冷飲總共是一百元。)
5. (N) family name; surname || 姓氏。

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
lien 🗣 (u: lien) [wt][mo] liān [D]
1. (V) to refine; to smelt || 用高溫粹取出精純的物質,通「煉」。
1: lien kym (鍊金) ()
2. (N) chain || 金屬環相扣而成的長索。
1: sør'sii'lien (鎖匙鍊) (鑰匙鍊)
2: lien'ar (鍊仔) (鍊子)
3. (V) to tie up using chain || 用鍊子拴起來。
1: Ka kao'ar lien`khie'laai. (共狗仔鍊起來。) (用鍊子把狗拴起來。)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
lienkied 🗣 (u: lieen'kied) 連結 [wt][mo] liân-kiat [D]
1. () to bind; to tie; to link || 連結

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
pak 🗣 (u: pak) [wt][mo] pa̍k [D]
1. (V) to tie; to bind; to restrict || 有形或無形的束縛、捆綁。
1: Ka mih'kvia pak`khie'laai. (共物件縛起來。) (把東西綁起來。)
2. (Mw) bunch; bundle || 計算成捆物品的單位。
1: nng pak zhaa (兩縛柴) (兩捆柴)
3. (Adj) (clothing) too tight || 衣服穿得太緊。
1: Cid niar svaf zheng`khie'laai sviw pak. (這領衫穿起來傷縛。) (這件衣服穿起來太緊了。)
4. (V) to weave bamboo splints into baskets || 編織長篾片製成的器物。
1: pak teg'naa (縛竹籃) (編竹籃)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
pvechiuo/pvichiuo 🗣 (u: pvee/pvii'chiuo) 平手 [wt][mo] pênn-tshiú/pînn-tshiú [D]
1. () (sports) draw; tie || 平手

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
sog 🗣 (u: sog) [wt][mo] sok [D]
1. (V) to bind; to gird; to tie up || 綑綁、束緊。
1: sog`khie'laai (束起來) ()
2. (V) to agree on; to appoint; to arrange; to limit; to impose restrictions; to confine; to restrict; to restrain || 約定、限制。
1: iog'sog (約束) ()
3. (Mw) bundle || 計算綑綁成一把的東西的單位。
1: cit sog hoef (一束花) ()
4. (N) thing that can be used to bind || 可以用來綑綁的東西。
1: chiu'lefng'sog'ar (樹奶束仔) (橡皮筋)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:

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