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Searched DFT for to to, found 200, display thaau-15:
-kaf/kaf 🗣 (u: kaf) b [wt][mo] ka [D]
1. (N) family; household || 家庭。
1: seeng'kaf lip'giap (成家立業) ()
2. (N) one's elders || 尊稱自己的長輩。
1: kaf'hu (家父) ()
2: kaf'hefng (家兄) ()
3. (N) noun suffix for a specialist in some activity, such as a musician or revolutionary, corresponding to English -ist, -er, -ary or -ian || 尊稱學有專長的人。
1: ym'gak'kaf (音樂家) ()
4. (N) family-; household-; home- || 與家庭有關的。
1: kaf'su (家事) (家務事)
2: kaf'kaux (家教) (家庭教育)
5. (N) unit (group of people as a whole); store; shop; group; organization; team || 表單位、商店或團體。
1: siofng'kaf (商家) ()
2: ciuo'kaf (酒家) ()
6. (N) denomination; group; school; faction; school of thought || 表派別。
1: Tø'kaf (道家) ()
2: Hut'kaf (佛家) ()

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
-terng/terng 🗣 (u: terng) [wt][mo] tíng [D]
1. (Adj) ahead; in front; preceding; above; on top of; above-mentioned; before; previously || 前面的、上面的、先前的。
1: terng'pae (頂擺) (上一次)
2: terng'poex (頂輩) (長輩)
2. (Pl) upper part; area above; place above; (anatomy) superior part || 物品的上方。
1: thvy'terng (天頂) (天上)
2: tøq'terng (桌頂) (桌上)
3. (V) to replace somebody; to take somebody's place; to get a job at one's parent's place of work when the parent retires or dies || 頂替。
1: Goar terng y ee khoeq. (我頂伊的缺。) (我頂他的缺。)
4. (Mw) hat; cap; sedan chair; palanquin; litter || 計算帽子、轎子等物的單位。
1: cit terng bø'ar (一頂帽仔) ()

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
-tiøh/tiøh 🗣 (u: tiøh) p [wt][mo] tio̍h [D]
1. (V) right; correct || 對。
1: arn'nef tiøh (按呢著) (這樣對)
2: tiøh`laq (著啦) (對啦)
2. (V) to be (sb's or sth's) turn || 輪到。
1: tiøh lie (著你) (輪到你)
3. (V) to get; to obtain; to receive || 得到。
1: tiøh'pve (著病) (得病)
2: tiøh'ciorng (著獎) (中獎)
4. (V) to have to; must; ought to; to need to; to want; will; going to (as future auxiliary); may; must; to have to || 得、要、必須。
1: Lie tiøh zay tø'lie. (你著知道理。) (你要懂道理。)
2: Tiøh laai`neq! (著來呢!) (要來喔!)
5. (Part) verb complement, meaning outcome or result of an action || 動詞補語,表示動作之結果。
1: sviu'tiøh lie (想著你) (想到你)
2: phaq u tiøh (拍有著) (打到了)
6. (Part) verb complement, describes the state sth should be || 動詞補語,後接形容該動作的狀態描述。
1: Sviu'tiøh cyn oaxn'thaxn. (想著真怨嘆。) (想起來就覺得怨恨悲嘆。)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
`aq 🗣 (u: `aq) t [wt][mo] --ah [D]
1. (Int) particle at sentence head expressing surprise, realization, awakening, etc || 放在句首,表示驚奇、醒悟等情緒。
1: Aq! Goaan'laai juu'zhuo! (啊!原來如此!) ()
2. (Part) sentence-final particle expressing conclusion, completion, or to draw attention to a topic || 句末語助詞,表示語氣完結或提示主題。
1: Lie beq khix`bøo? Hør`aq! (你欲去無?好啊!) (你要去嗎?好啊!)
3. (Part) Sentence-initial particle indicating raising a topic or a shift in mood. also `iaq || 句首助詞,用於表示提起主題或轉折語氣,也讀為--iah。
1: Aq tøf y m laai, goarn ciaq'e khiaxm cit ee laang. (啊都伊毋來,阮才會欠一个人。) (都是因為他不來,我們才會缺一個人。)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
`ee 🗣 (u: `ee) t [wt][mo] --ê [D]
1. (Part) word or sentence suffix, expressing state or emphasis || 置於詞尾或句尾,表示狀態或加強語氣的助詞。
1: Zef si hør`ee, hef si phvae`ee. (這是好的,彼是歹的。) (這是好的,那是壞的。)
2: Goar ciog siu'khix`ee. (我足受氣的。) (我真生氣。)
2. (Part) word suffix to address a person of some status, or a particular object || 置於詞尾,用以稱呼某種身份地位的人,或特定的對象。
1: be'zhaix`ee (賣菜的) (賣菜的人)
2: Oong`ee (王的) (老王)
3: tarng`ee (董的) (董事長)
3. (Conj) links modifier and modified word to express attributive || 連結修飾語與被修飾語,用以表示屬性。
1: Zaf'hngf bea`ee toa purn zheq. (昨昏買的大本冊。) (昨天買的大本書。)
4. () adjective suffix || 形容詞後綴。
1: Hoef si aang`ee. (花是紅的。) (花是紅色的。)
2: Zhao si zhvef`ee. (草是青的。) (草是青色的。)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
`iøq 🗣 (u: `iøq) t [wt][mo] --ioh [D]
1. (Int) exclamation. commonly joined to `aiq || 感嘆詞,常與「哎」(--aih)連用。
1: Aiq'iøq! Lie maix arn'nef`laq! (哎唷!你莫按呢啦!) (哎唷!你不要這樣啦!)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
`lie 🗣 (u: `lie) [wt][mo] --lí [D]
1. (N) refer to particular spatial range || 指特定的空間範圍。
1: Y ti zhux`lie bøo zhud'mngg. (伊佇厝裡無出門。) (他在家裡沒出門。)
2: zhaan`lie (田裡) ()

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
`niq 🗣 (u: `niq) t [wt][mo] --nih [D]
1. (Qw) (tag question) isn't that right? isn't it so? questioner is already somewhat certain and seeks to reconfirm || 是不是、是嗎。問話者已有幾分確定,表示再度確認的疑問語氣詞。
1: Lie khuxn'par`aq`niq? (你睏飽矣呢?) (你睡飽了是嗎?)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
aaisatzuq 🗣 ai35 sat5 tsuh3 [wt][mo] [D]
1. () to greet; to give regards || (挨拶 aisatsu) 問候/打招呼

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
ad 🗣 (u: ad) [wt][mo] at [D]
1. (V) to use both hands to snap in half || 折。雙手在使力的狀態下將物品弄斷成兩半。
1: Y ka kafm'ciax ad'zøx nng zad. (伊共甘蔗遏做兩節。) (他把甘蔗折成兩段。)
2. (V) (soup) to use a ladle to press down solids and skim off scum || 以湯瓢壓住米粒或湯料,舀去湯表面的浮渣。
1: ad'arm (遏泔) (舀稀飯的浮渣)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
aeho 🗣 (u: aix'ho) 愛護 [wt][mo] ài-hōo [D]
1. () to cherish; to treasure; to take care of; to love and protect || 愛護

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
aekog 🗣 (u: aix'kog) 愛國 [wt][mo] ài-kok [D]
1. () to love one's country; patriotic || 愛國

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
aesiøq 🗣 (u: aix'siøq) 愛惜 [wt][mo] ài-sioh [D]
1. () to cherish; to treasure; to use sparingly || 愛惜

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
afm 🗣 (u: afm) [wt][mo] am [D]
1. (V) to soak or macerate food using salt, sugar, wine, etc || 用鹽、糖、酒等調味料浸漬食物。
1: afm'baq (醃肉) ()
2: afm'koef (醃瓜) ()

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
afm 🗣 (u: afm) t [wt][mo] am [D]
1. (V) to cover; to hide from view; to obstruct or block; to conceal || 遮蔽、掩蓋。
1: afm bak'ciw (掩目睭) (遮眼睛)
2: hør afm bae (好掩䆀) (好的掩蓋不好的)
2. (V) to provide for; to keep or raise (animals, a family etc); to feed and clothe || 引申為養活。
1: Cit ky chiuo afm cit kef zhuix. (一肢手掩一家喙。) (一個人養活一家人。)
3. (V) to protect; to defend; to safeguard || 保護。
1: Siør'moe tiøh afm`leq! (小妹著掩咧!) (小妹要保護好哦!)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:

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