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Input was: m: khafn khafn.
HTB (8)
- chiuo khafn chiuo [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]]
- made in hand
- 手牽手
- khafn [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]]
- drag; to pull; to tug; to haul; involve; affect; to control; restrain
- 牽
- khafn hongkui [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]]
- work the piston of the blacksmith's bellows
- 拉風箱; 牽風櫃
- khafn tiexnhøea [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]]
- install electricity
- 裝電燈; 牽電火
- khafn-chincviaa [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]]
- act as a go-between
- 做媒; 牽親戚
- khafn`ee [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]]
- holding; wife (intimate)
- 牽的; 妻子
- khafn`teq [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]]
- 牽著
- tikøf khafn tuix guhy khix [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]]
- to bring a boar to the cow market put the saddle on the wrong horse (literally)
- 張冠李戴; 牛頭不對馬嘴
DFT (10)- 🗣 Guu tø si guu, khafn kaux Pakkviaf ia si guu. 🗣 (u: Guu tø si guu, khafn kaux Pag'kviaf ia si guu.) 牛就是牛,牽到北京也是牛。 [wt][mo] Gû tō sī gû, khan kàu Pak-kiann iā sī gû.
- 1. ()
|| 把窮鄉僻壤的牛,牽到人文薈萃的京城,固執的牛脾氣還是依舊。形容人的個性不可能改變,縱使換了環境還是原來的樣子。
- 🗣le: (u: Cid ee laang zeeng sex'haxn tø cviaa kib'sexng, tvaf tøf ciah kaq go lak'zap`aq, zøx tai'cix iao'si arn'nef zhorng'zhorng'pong'pong, cyn'cviax si “guu tø si guu, khafn kaux Pag'kviaf ia si guu”.) 🗣 (這个人從細漢就誠急性,今都食甲五六十矣,做代誌猶是按呢衝衝碰碰,真正是「牛就是牛,牽到北京也是牛」。) (他從小就是一個急性子的人,現在都五六十歲了,做事情還是那麼衝動莽撞,真的是「牛牽到北京還是牛」。)
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
- 🗣 khafn 🗣 (u: khafn) 牽p [wt][mo] khan
- 1. (V) to take along; to bring along; to hold (hands); to pull; to drag
|| 攜、拉。
- 🗣le: (u: Girn'ar ka y khafn`cit'e.) 🗣 (囡仔共伊牽一下。) (牽一下小孩。)
- 2. (V) to pull wire to install
|| 拉線安裝。
- 🗣le: (u: khafn tien'hoea) 🗣 (牽電火) (裝電燈)
- 🗣le: (u: khafn tien'oe) 🗣 (牽電話) (裝電話)
- 3. (V) to guide; to lead (around)
|| 引導、帶領。
- 🗣le: (u: Cid ee hak'sefng aix tek'piet ka y khafn.) 🗣 (這个學生愛特別共伊牽。) (這個學生需要特別帶領。)
- 4. (V) to involve sb; to cause to be related
|| 使有關聯。
- 🗣le: (u: Cid zaan tai'cix maix khafn'tiøh y.) 🗣 (這層代誌莫牽著伊。) (這件事情不要牽連到他。)
- 5. (V) drag out (an affair)
|| 說話東拉西扯。
- 🗣le: (u: Si sviar'laang ciaq gaau khafn? Korng ciaq kuo.) 🗣 (是啥人遮𠢕牽?講遮久。) (是誰這麼會扯?講這麼久。)
- 6. (V) to buy a car, vehicle, automobile
|| 買車。
- 🗣le: (u: Y zaf'hngf khix khafn cit taai kiaw'chiaf.) 🗣 (伊昨昏去牽一台轎車。) (他昨天去買了一部轎車。)
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
- 🗣 khafn 🗣 (u: khafn) 刊 [wt][mo] khan
- 1. (V) to register; to log; to write down; to record
|| 登錄、記載。
- 🗣le: (u: Y phaq'pviax ee kox'su u khafn ti pøx'zoar terng'thaau.) 🗣 (伊拍拚的故事有刊佇報紙頂頭。) (他努力奮鬥的故事被刊登在報紙上面。)
- 2. (N) generic term for books and magazines
|| 書籍雜誌的總稱。
- 🗣le: (u: khafn'but) 🗣 (刊物) (刊物)
- 🗣le: (u: goeh'khafn) 🗣 (月刊) (月刊)
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
- 🗣 Khafn ang'ii, sun oexbøea. 🗣 (u: Khafn afng'ii, sun oe'boea. Khafn afng'ii, sun oe'bøea.) 牽尪姨,順話尾。 [wt][mo] Khan ang-î, sūn uē-bué.
- 1. ()
|| 靈媒答問,會順人心意說話。意思是說靈媒配合詢問者的心意做為回答的內容。比喻交談時揣摩對方的心思來應答。
- 🗣le: (u: Laang korng, “Khafn afng'ii, sun oe'boea.” Yn e ciaux larn sviu'beq zay ee tai'cix laai ixn'oe, zhafm'khør tø hør, m'thafng sviw koex siofng'sixn.) 🗣 (人講:「牽尪姨,順話尾。」𪜶會照咱想欲知的代誌來應話,參考就好,毋通傷過相信。) (人家說:「靈媒答問,會順人心意說話。」他們會順著我們想知道的事情來答話,參考就好,不要過於相信。)
- 🗣le: (u: Larn na khix sngx'mia, u ee sioxng'mia'siefn`ee tø e “khafn afng'ii, sun oe'boea”, ho larn kiøx'si y sngx liao ciog zurn`ee.) 🗣 (咱若去算命,有的相命仙的就會「牽尪姨,順話尾」,予咱叫是伊算了足準的。) (如果我們去算命,有的算命先生就如「靈媒答問,會順人心意說話」,讓我們以為他算得很準。)
- 🗣le: (u: Giap'bu'oaan kaq kheq'ho siøf'kaw'poee, aix u “khafn afng'ii, sun oe'boea” ee purn'su, ho kheq'ho karm'kag lie ciog liao'kae`y, koafn'sym`y, y tø e sixn'jim`lie.) 🗣 (業務員佮客戶相交陪,愛有「牽尪姨,順話尾」的本事,予客戶感覺你足了解伊、關心伊,伊就會信任你。) (業務員和客戶往來,要有「靈媒答問,會順人心意說話」的本事,讓客戶覺得你很了解他、關心他,他就會信任你。)
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
- 🗣 khafn sai'ar 🗣 (u: khafn say'ar) 牽師仔 [wt][mo] khan sai-á
- 1. (V)
|| 授徒。帶徒弟。
- 🗣le: (u: Say'hu khafn say'ar.) 🗣 (師傅牽師仔。) (師傅帶徒弟習藝。)
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
- 🗣 khafn-løkvef/khafn-løkvy 🗣 (u: khafn-løo'kvef/kvy) 牽羅經 [wt][mo] khan-lô-kenn/khan-lô-kinn
- 1. (V)
|| 看風水。
- 🗣le: (u: Y si teq khafn'løo'kvef`ee.) 🗣 (伊是咧牽羅經的。) (他是在看風水的。即風水師。)
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
- 🗣 khafn-tikøf 🗣 (u: khafn-ty'køf) 牽豬哥 [wt][mo] khan-ti-ko/khan-tu-ko
- 1. (N)
|| 飼養種豬的職業。為求豬隻肥美,因而有專門提供品種優良的豬隻,給飼養母豬的人家去配種的行業。早年,牽豬哥的人通常手拿竹竿,以吹笛為信號,趕著大公豬,現在是貨車載送。
- 🗣le: (u: Khafn'ty'køf thaxn thioxng.) 🗣 (牽豬哥趁暢。) (牽種豬配種,公豬在交配,自己在旁邊看著也快樂。比喻幫人媒介色情,空歡喜,乾過癮。)
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
- 🗣 khafn`ee 🗣 (u: khafn`ee) 牽的 [wt][mo] khan--ê
- 1. (N)
|| 妻子、太太。
- 🗣le: (u: Y si goarn khafn`ee.) 🗣 (伊是阮牽的。) (他是我太太。)
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
- 🗣 Laang khafn m kviaa, kuie khafn liuoliuokviaa. 🗣 (u: Laang khafn m kviaa, kuie khafn liux'liux'kviaa.) 人牽毋行,鬼牽溜溜行。 [wt][mo] Lâng khan m̄ kiânn, kuí khan liù-liù-kiânn.
- 1. ()
|| 對於好人的指引置之不理,反而在壞人的引誘下亦步亦趨。形容人是非不分,正事不做,偏要做壞事。
- 🗣le: (u: Hid khof phvae'kviar “laang khafn m kviaa, kuie khafn liux'liux'kviaa”, e'pvoax'six'laang lorng aix kvoay ti loong'ar'lai ciah biern'cvii'png`aq.) 🗣 (彼箍歹囝「人牽毋行,鬼牽溜溜行」,下半世人攏愛關佇櫳仔內食免錢飯矣。) (那個壞胚子「好的不學,盡學壞的」,下半輩子都得關在監獄裡吃免費的牢飯了。)
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
- 🗣 Søeahaxn thaw barn puu, toaxhaxn thaw khafn guu. 🗣 (u: Sex'haxn thaw barn puu, toa'haxn thaw khafn guu. Søex'haxn thaw barn puu, toa'haxn thaw khafn guu.) 細漢偷挽匏,大漢偷牽牛。 [wt][mo] Sè-hàn thau bán pû, tuā-hàn thau khan gû.
- 1. ()
|| 小時候偷摘匏瓜,長大偷牽牛隻。指一味縱容小孩的錯誤行為,反而會使其積惡成習,長大後會變本加厲。
- 🗣le: (u: Girn'ar zu sex'haxn tiøh'aix hør'hør'ar ka kax'si, na'bøo “sex'haxn thaw barn puu, toa'haxn thaw khafn guu”, thexng'hau y toa'haxn hoan giaam'tiong ee zhøx'go ciaq beq laai kax, tø ie'kefng be'hux`aq.) 🗣 (囡仔自細漢著愛好好仔共教示,若無「細漢偷挽匏,大漢偷牽牛」,聽候伊大漢犯嚴重的錯誤才欲來教,就已經袂赴矣。) (小孩子從小就要好好地教育他,要不然「小時候偷摘匏瓜,長大偷牽牛隻」,等到他長大犯了嚴重錯誤再來教育他,就為時已晚了。)
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
DFT_lk (5)
- 🗣u: Na m si y khafn'svoax, goar kaq goarn bor ma be sek'sai. 若毋是伊牽線,我佮阮某嘛袂熟似。 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]] [d#]
- 要不是他從中牽線,我和我太太也不會認識。
- 🗣u: M'thafng giah'hviw'toex'paix, ho laang khafn leq of'peh seh. 毋通攑香綴拜,予人牽咧烏白踅。 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]] [d#]
- 不要盲目跟從,被人家牽著團團轉。
- 🗣u: Y tvaf e ho laang liah jip'khix kvoay, soaq m zay tøf lie gaau khafn'kax laai tix'ixm`ee. 伊今會予人掠入去關,煞毋知都你𠢕牽教來致蔭的。 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]] [d#]
- 他如今會被抓去坐牢,誰會不知道就是你多方教唆帶頭使壞才造成的。
- 🗣u: Hid khof phvae'kviar “laang khafn m kviaa, kuie khafn liux'liux'kviaa”, e'pvoax'six'laang lorng aix kvoay ti loong'ar'lai ciah biern'cvii'png`aq. 彼箍歹囝「人牽毋行,鬼牽溜溜行」,下半世人攏愛關佇櫳仔內食免錢飯矣。 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]] [d#]
- 那個壞胚子「好的不學,盡學壞的」,下半輩子都得關在監獄裡吃免費的牢飯了。
- 🗣u: Suy'jieen siok'gie korng, “Lau`ee lau'po'tvia, siaux'lieen`ee khaq tarng'hviaq.” M'køq na lorng m ho siaux'lieen`ee zhud'thaau, y ma erng'oarn øh be'hiao. Khafng'khoex ho siaux'lieen`ee hvoa'thaau, cieen'poex ti pvy`ar khafn'kax, kefng'giam ciaq e'taxng thoaan'seeng. 雖然俗語講:「老的老步定,少年的較懂嚇。」毋過若攏毋予少年的出頭,伊嘛永遠學袂曉。工課予少年的扞頭,前輩佇邊仔牽教,經驗才會當傳承。 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]] [d#]
- 雖然俗諺說:「年紀大的人較沉穩,年輕人太過輕浮莽撞。」不過如果都不讓年輕人出面,他也永遠學不會。工作讓年輕人負責,前輩在旁邊指導,才能傳承經驗。
Maryknoll (24)
- angsvoax [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: aang'svoax [[...]]
- red string, refers to the red string in Chinese folklore brings a man and his mate together, Chinese version of Cupid's arrow
- 紅線
- chiuo-khafn-chiuo [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: chiuo'khafn'chiuo; chiuo-khafn-chiuo [[...]]
- made in hand
- 手拉手
- hadar [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: hat'ar [[...]]
- swollen lymphatic gland
- 淋巴腺腫
- hongkui [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: hofng'kui [[...]]
- pair of bellows in a smithy
- 風箱
- khaq øe [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: khaq e; khaq øe [[...]]
- know better how to do something
- 較容易
- khafn [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: khafn; (khiefn) [[...]]
- lead an animal with a rope, lead a person by the hand, drag along (a net), draw (a sound) out long, involve
- 牽,拉,拖累
- khafn [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: khafn [[...]]
- hew, to cut, engrave (blocks for printing), publication, to publish
- 刊
- khafn hongkui [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: khafn hofng'kui [[...]]
- work the piston of the blacksmith's bellows
- 拉風箱
- khafn thihbea [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: khafn thiq'bea [[...]]
- push a bike by the handle bars
- 牽腳踏車
- khafn tiexnhøea [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: khafn tien'hoea; khafn tien'høea [[...]]
- install electricity
- 裝電燈
- tikøf khafn tuix gu'hy khix [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: ty'køf khafn tuix guu'hy khix [[...]]
- to put the saddle on the wrong horse; (literally: to bring a boar to the cow market)
- 張冠李戴,牛頭不對馬嘴
- khafn [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: khafn [[...]]
- to take by the hand, operate, stretch out (a line), to foist or unfurl (sail), to hold (a note)
- 牽
- khafn-kofngkøx [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: khafn-korng'køx [[...]]
- to put an advertisement
- 廣告
- siangciw-khafn [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: siafng'ciw-khafn [[...]]
- a fortnightly publication
- sianggoat-khafn [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: siafng'goat-khafn [[...]]
- a bimonthly publication
- khafn-kofngkøx 刊廣告 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: khafn-korng'køx [[...]]
- 廣告
- khafn`ee 牽的 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: khafn`ee [[...]]
- 牽的
Embree (8)
- khafn [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: khafn [[...]][i#] [p.153]
- V : take by the hand
- 牽
- khafn [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: khafn [[...]][i#] [p.153]
- V : operate (Chinese bellows)
- 牽
- khafn [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: khafn [[...]][i#] [p.153]
- V : stretch out (a line)
- 牽
- khafn [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: khafn [[...]][i#] [p.153]
- V : hoist or unfurl (sail)
- 牽
- khafn [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: khafn [[...]][i#] [p.153]
- V : hold (a note)
- 牽
- khafn [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: khafn [[...]][i#] [p.153]
- V : drag out (an affair)
- 牽
- khafn-kofngkøx [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: khafn korng'køx [[...]][i#] [p.153]
- VO : to put an advertisement in the paper
- 廣告
- pvoargøeh-khafn [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: pvoax'geh/goeh'khafn; pvoax'gøeh'khafn [[...]][i#] [p.207]
- SV : published bi-weekly or fortnightly
- 半月刊