Taiwanese–English dictionaries: MLT segmenter & full-text search

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Q or 0 may be used in place of ø. Uppercase Ø is not case-folded in current setup
⬅︎ iaq
(DFT monosyllables)
iarm ➡︎
iaf | ia | iax | iar | iaa (iar@soundboard)  🔍all: [[iar]] [iar ns:1]

Htb (cache) (1)

iar [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]] 
smelt; countryside; countryside; field; wilderness; wild; people (as opposed to the government); uncultured; undomesticated; barbarous; rude
冶; 野

DFT (2)

🗣 iar 🗣 (u: iar) [wt][mo] (h,u) [d#]
🗣 iar 🗣 (u: iar) [wt][mo] (h,u) [d#]
1. (N) the outskirts of a city; the suburbs 2. (N) folk; the people 3. (Adj) (dress) color, flavor, character, fragrance, shape, etc too vulgar, gaudy, strong, heavy as to be unpleasant 4. (Adj) vulgar; coarse; uncouth; rude; unrestrained; undisciplined; uncultured; boorish; untame 5. (Adj) wild; undomesticated; uncultivated
郊外 。 民間 。 形容人的妝扮 、 物品的色彩 、 香味 、 形態等等過於俗麗 、 濃郁而令人不愉悅 。 粗鄙無禮的 、 放縱不馴的 。 野生的 , 未經人工栽培或馴養的 。

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