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Searched DFT for "to to", found 86, display thaau-15:
-tiøh/tiøh 🗣 (u: tiøh) p [wt][mo] tio̍h [D]
1. (V) right; correct || 對。
1: arn'nef tiøh (按呢著) (這樣對)
2: tiøh`laq (著啦) (對啦)
2. (V) to be (sb's or sth's) turn || 輪到。
1: tiøh lie (著你) (輪到你)
3. (V) to get; to obtain; to receive || 得到。
1: tiøh'pve (著病) (得病)
2: tiøh'ciorng (著獎) (中獎)
4. (V) to have to; must; ought to; to need to; to want; will; going to (as future auxiliary); may; must; to have to || 得、要、必須。
1: Lie tiøh zay tø'lie. (你著知道理。) (你要懂道理。)
2: Tiøh laai`neq! (著來呢!) (要來喔!)
5. (Part) verb complement, meaning outcome or result of an action || 動詞補語,表示動作之結果。
1: sviu'tiøh lie (想著你) (想到你)
2: phaq u tiøh (拍有著) (打到了)
6. (Part) verb complement, describes the state sth should be || 動詞補語,後接形容該動作的狀態描述。
1: Sviu'tiøh cyn oaxn'thaxn. (想著真怨嘆。) (想起來就覺得怨恨悲嘆。)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
bang 🗣 (u: bang) p [wt][mo] bāng [D]
1. (V) to anticipate; to look forward to; to await expectantly || 期盼。
1: bang lie zar kuy (望你早歸) ()
2: ngx'bang (向望) (盼望)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
barn 🗣 (u: barn) [wt][mo] bán [D]
1. (V) to pick; to pluck (fruit or flower); to pull or draw out nail or tooth || 採、拔、摘取。
1: barn siefn'thøo (挽仙桃) (採仙桃)
2: barn zhuix'khie (挽喙齒) (拔牙齒)
2. (V) to promote; to spur; to drive (the development of); to fuel (growth); to give an incentive to || 推動、拉動。
1: Iøh'ar barn e kviaa siong iaux'kirn. (藥仔挽會行上要緊。) (藥效推得動最要緊。)
3. (V) to retrieve; to redeem || 挽回。
1: Y beq ka yn bor ee sym barn tøx'tngr`laai. (伊欲共𪜶某的心挽倒轉來。) (他要挽回他妻子的心。)
4. (V) to turn around and leave due to unrestrained anger || 因為任性使氣而轉身掉頭離開。
1: Y barn`leq kviaa`aq. (伊挽咧就行矣。) (他轉身掉頭就走了。)
5. (V) to conserve; to be moderate in; to control; to limit || 留取、節制。
1: Cvii aix barn teq eng, m'thafng khay liao'liao. (錢愛挽咧用,毋通開了了。) (錢要節制著用,不要花光光。)
6. (V) to make oneself do sth in spite of adversity, pain etc || 硬撐。
1: Na phoax'pve aix kirn khix ho y'sefng khvoax, m'thafng gve barn. (若破病愛緊去予醫生看,毋通硬挽。) (要是生病了要趕快去看醫生,不要硬撐。)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
bee 🗣 (u: bee) [wt][mo][D]
1. (V) to be engrossed; to be absorbed with; to be lost in sth; to be addicted to; to be obsessed; to be crazy about || 形容沉迷某事物,不能自拔的狀態。
1: Lie m'thafng poah'kiao poah liao sviw bee. (你毋通跋筊跋了傷迷。) (你不要賭博賭得太沉迷。)
2. (V) bewildered; charmed || 被某人某物所吸引、迷惑。
1: Y khix ho keq'piaq ee AF'bie`ar bee`khix`aq. (伊去予隔壁的阿美仔迷去矣。) (他被隔壁的阿美吸引了。)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
bi 🗣 (u: bi) t [wt][mo][D]
1. (V) to sink; to immerse oneself || 沉沒、沒入水中。
1: zhaxng'zuie'bi (藏水沬) (潛水)
2. (V) to be engrossed; to be absorbed with; to lose oneself in; to be addicted to; to abandon oneself to; to indulge in || 沉迷、沉湎。
1: Y na khvoax'tiøh suie zaf'bor, kuy ee laang lorng bi`løh'khix`aq. (伊若看著媠查某,就規个人攏沬落去矣。) (他一看到漂亮的女生,就整個人都沈迷在其中。)

tonggi: tiim; s'tuix:
biern 🗣 (u: biern) [wt][mo] bián [D]
1. (V) to not need; to not have to; to not want or require || 不必、不用、不需要。
1: Biern`laq! (免啦!) (不用啦!)
2: Lie biern laai. (你免來。) (你不必來。)
3: biern'cvii (免錢) (免費)
2. (V) to remove; to dislodge; to do away with; to avoid || 去除、避掉。
1: pi'biern (避免) ()
2: biern'cid (免職) ()

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
bu 🗣 (u: bu) [wt][mo][D]
1. (V) to be absorbed in; to concentrate completely on; to devote oneself to; to focus all of one's attention on || 專注。
1: kwn'zuo bu purn (君子務本) ()
2. (N) job; work; task || 工作。
1: kofng bu (公務) ()
2: loong bu (農務) ()
3: su'bu (事務) ()

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
chvie/zhvea 🗣 (u: zhvea/chvie) p [wt][mo] tshénn/tshínn [D]
1. (V) to conclude sleep state; to wake up || 結束睡眠狀態。
1: khuxn'zhvea (睏醒) (睡醒)
2. (V) to come to; to come out of state of drunkenness, anesthesia, coma, stupor, unconsciousness || 從酒醉、麻醉或昏迷的狀態下恢復正常。
1: Ciuo'zuix zhvea`aq. (酒醉醒矣。) (酒醒了。)
3. (Mw) sleeps; naps || 計算睡眠次數的單位。
1: Y ie'kefng khuxn cit zhvea`aq. (伊已經睏一醒矣。) (他已經睡一覺了。)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
ciaw 🗣 (u: ciaw) b [wt][mo] tsiau [D]
1. (V) to entertain; to be hospitable to; to look after; to take care of; to care for; to attend to || 款待、招呼。
1: ciaw'thai (招待) (招呼)
2. (V) to confess to crime || 供出罪狀。
1: Khvoax lie beq ciaw`bøo! (看你欲招無!) (看你招不招!)
3. (N) (kanghw) technique; method; trick; device || 功夫的技法。
1: zoat'ciaw (絕招) ()
4. (Mw) Classifier for moves or blows (especially in martial arts) || 計算功夫技法的單位。
1: Y ti go ciaw ie lai ho laang phaq pai`aq. (伊佇五招以內予人拍敗矣。) (他在五招之內被打敗了。)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
ciaxm 🗣 (u: ciaxm) [wt][mo] tsiàm [D]
1. (V) to occupy; to hold; to take for one's own; to expropriate in an overbearing manner; to seize; usurp; to take by force || 占據。以強勢霸道的方式據為己有。
1: ciaxm'ui (占位) (占據位子)
2. (V) to be distributed according to a proportion of the whole || 在整體之中所分配的比例。
1: ciaxm tai'tøf'sox (占大多數) (占大多數)
3. (V) to advise against; to dissuade; to curb; to put a stop to; to stop; to check; to limit || 勸阻、制止。
1: Hid nng ee girn'ar teq oafn'kef, lie kirn khix ka ciaxm. (彼兩个囡仔咧冤家,你緊去共占。) (那兩個小孩在吵架,你趕快去勸阻一下。)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
cioong 🗣 (u: cioong) b [wt][mo] tsiông [D]
1. (V) to submit to; to comply with; to follow (directives); to defer (to the judgment of superiors) || 順服、遵從。
1: hok'cioong (服從) ()
2. (V) to follow || 跟隨。
1: cioong y sor goan (從伊所願) ()
3. (Prep) since (a time); ever since; from || 自從。
1: cioong kym ie'au (從今以後) ()

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
cip'ix 🗣 (u: cib'ix) 執意 [wt][mo] tsip-ì [D]
1. () to be determined to; to insist on || 執意

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
ciu 🗣 (u: ciu) [wt][mo] tsiū [D]
1. (V) to submit to (someone); to render obedience to; to listen to; to comply with; to obey; to yield to || 依順、依從。
1: Id'zhex lorng ciu lie ee ix'sux, arn'nef hør`bøo? (一切攏就你的意思,按呢好無?) (一切都順從你的意思,這樣好嗎?)
2. (Prep) with regard to; concerning; by; according to; about; as for || 就、以、對於。
1: Ciu goar laai korng, goar peng bøo zaxn'seeng y ee zøx hoad. (就我來講,我並無贊成伊的做法。) (就我而言,我並不贊同他的作法。)

tonggi: sun; s'tuix:
gek 🗣 (u: gek) [wt][mo] gi̍k [D]
1. (Adv) going against; contrary to; to do just the opposite; to act in a diametrically opposite way || 違背、反其道而行。
1: gek thiefn heeng'su (逆天行事) ()
2. (Adj) not smoothly; not without a hitch || 不順利。
1: gek'kerng (逆境) ()
3. (V) to disobey; to go against || 忤逆、不順從。
1: Y ho yn kviar gek cit'e tioxng'hofng. (伊予𪜶囝逆一下中風。) (他被他的小孩忤逆而中風。)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
habkex 🗣 (u: hap'kex) 合計 [wt][mo] ha̍p-kè [D]
1. () to add up the total; to figure what sth amounts to; to consider || 合計

tonggi: ; s'tuix:

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