Taiwanese-English dictionaries full-text search
Input was: he'ar.
HTB (2)
- he'ar [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]]
- shrimp; prawn
- 蝦仔
- zhahhoe'ar [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]]
- kibitzer at a mahjong game; sometimes more than just a kibitzer; sometimes he also bets or invests in one of the players
- 插花仔(打麻將用語)
DFT (7)- 🗣 ciøf-høe'ar 🗣 (u: ciøf'hoe he'ar ciøf-høe'ar) 招會仔 [wt][mo] tsio-huē-á/tsio-hē-á
- 1. (V)
|| 會首邀約組成互助會。
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
- 🗣 he'ar 🗣 (u: hee'ar) 蝦仔 [wt][mo] hê-á
- 1. (N)
|| 蝦。節肢動物。長尾,分頭、胸、腹三部,頭部有長短兩對觸鬚,胸部有步腳五對,腹部狹長分為數個環節,每一環節有橈腳一對,供游泳之用。為蝦類動物的總稱。
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
- 🗣 he'ko'phiag'ar 🗣 (u: hee'kof'phiak'ar) 蝦蛄擗仔 [wt][mo] hê-koo-phia̍k-á
- 1. (N)
|| 九齒扇蝦、琵琶蝦。甲殼類。身體極扁平,頭胸甲具鰓脊,頸部缺刻深,眼窩位於頭胸甲前緣,身體呈淡黃褐色,體長最多可達十九公分,肉頗味美。臺灣沿岸均有產。
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
- 🗣 høe'ar 🗣 (u: hoe he'ar høe'ar) 會仔 [wt][mo] huē-á/hē-á
- 1. (N)
|| 合會、互助會。民間的儲蓄互助會,已行之有年,原本於法無據,政府在民國八十八年四月二十一日公布民法債編增訂條文,將它納入管理。
- 🗣le: (u: piøf'hoe'ar) 🗣 (標會仔) (發起互助會)
- 🗣le: (u: toex'hoe'ar) 🗣 (綴會仔) (加入互助會)
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
- 🗣 piøf-høe'ar 🗣 (u: piøf'hoe he'ar piøf-høe'ar) 標會仔 [wt][mo] pio-huē-á/pio-hē-á
- 1. (V)
|| 標會。是一種民間經濟互助的組織方式,會員每個月定期集會,繳納會款,每次輪由付出最高利息的人取得該期的儲金。有內標和外標兩種方式。
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
- 🗣 tøex-høe'ar 🗣 (u: toex tex'hoe he'ar tøex-høe'ar) 綴會仔 [wt][mo] tuè-huē-á/tè-hē-á
- 1. (V)
|| 跟會。參加民間的互助會。
- 🗣le: (u: Goar bøo cvii thafng toex'hoe'ar.) 🗣 (我無錢通綴會仔。) (我沒有錢可以跟會。)
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
- 🗣 tør-høe'ar 🗣 (u: tør'hoe he'ar tør-høe'ar) 倒會仔 [wt][mo] tó-huē-á/tó-hē-á
- 1. (V)
|| 民間的互助會因種種因素,導致無法支付所應付的會款時稱「倒會仔」。有會頭倒會,也有會員倒會的情形。
- 🗣le: (u: Y ka laang tør'hoe'ar.) 🗣 (伊共人倒會仔。) (他倒人家的會。)
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
DFT_lk (10)
- 🗣u: Y khix Mar'zor'kefng he'goan, korng yn lau'buo ee pve na e hør, y tø beq chviax cit pafn koaf'ar'hix laai sia'siin. 伊去媽祖宮下願,講𪜶老母的病若會好,伊就欲倩一班歌仔戲來謝神。 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]] [d#]
- 他到媽祖廟去許願,說他媽媽的病如果能夠好起來,他就要請一團歌仔戲表演,以酬謝神明。
- 🗣u: Cid kvia tai'cix koafn'he cyn tiong'tai, lirn id'teng aix hør'hør'ar zhuo'lie. 這件代誌關係真重大,恁一定愛好好仔處理。 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]] [d#]
- 這件事情關係很重大,你們一定要好好處理。
- 🗣u: Ka ciaf'ee hee'køo he toax khef`lie, liah khvoax u hee'ar`bøo. 共遮的蝦笱下蹛溪裡,掠看有蝦仔無。 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]] [d#]
- 把這些蝦筌放在溪裡,看能不能抓到蝦子。
- 🗣u: Lie korng chiuo kie goeh'niuu e ho goeh'niuu koaq hvi'ar, hef si beq phiexn girn'ar`ee, goar ho lie be'ciah'sviaf`tid. 你講手指月娘會予月娘割耳仔,彼是欲騙囡仔的,我予你袂食聲得。 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]] [d#]
- 你說手指月亮會被月亮割耳朵,那是要騙小孩的,你別想騙我。
- 🗣u: Thafng'ar'mngg kvoay kaq bat'ciuq'ciuq, ban'id gar'suq siap'lau, siaw'thao be zhud`khix, hef tø guii'hiarm`aq! 窗仔門關甲密喌喌,萬一gá-suh洩漏,消敨袂出去,彼就危險矣! [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]] [d#]
- 窗戶關得緊緊的,萬一瓦斯洩漏,無法流出室外,那可危險了!
- 🗣u: Hef chiuo'ky'ar tøf ie'kefng u tvar tuix'cied`aq, y køq gve'ao, kiøx tiaxm'oaan saxng y tien'tii kaq phoex'kvia. 彼手機仔都已經有打對折矣,伊閣硬拗,叫店員送伊電池佮配件。 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]] [d#]
- 那個手機都已經打了對折了,他還強求,叫店員送他電池和配件。
- 🗣u: Lie peeng'sioong'sii'ar m jin'cyn thak'zheq, kexng'jieen kvar “khid'ciah he toa goan”, korng id'teng beq khør'tiøh kofng'lip tai'hak ciaq beq thak, arn'nef karm be sviw haxm'kor? 你平常時仔毋認真讀冊,竟然敢「乞食下大願」,講一定欲考著公立大學才欲讀,按呢敢袂傷譀古? [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]] [d#]
- 你平常不認真讀書,竟然敢「不自量力」,說一定要考上公立大學才要念,這樣不會太荒唐嗎?
- 🗣u: AF'gi si bøo'he'bøo'løh ee chid'thøo'ar, luie cvii si m bad heeng`laang`koex, lie tiøh'aix u hid khoarn “Tai'kaq'khef paxng zhao'hii──u zurn bøo” ee axn'sngx, ciaq thafng theh cvii khix ciøq`y. 阿義是無下無落的𨑨迌仔,壘錢是毋捌還人過,你著愛有彼款「大甲溪放草魚──有準無」的按算,才通提錢去借伊。 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]] [d#]
- 阿義是個不負責任的小混混,向來借錢是從來不會還的,你得有那種「肉包子打狗──有去無回」的打算,才可以把錢拿去借給他。
- 🗣u: AF'zaai`ar he cyn ze khor'sym kaq sor'huix teq ka yn hau'svef zay'poee, ngx'bang y e'taxng zhud'thaau'thvy, kied'kiok y m'na tai'hak thak bøo pid'giap, køq beq ciah m thør'thaxn, tiefn'tøx si yn zaf'bor'kviar khaq u zaai'zeeng, giern'kiux'sor tøf iao'boe zhud'giap, kuie'na kefng kofng'sy tø siøf'zvef beq ka chviax, AF'zaai`ar oaxn'thaxn korng, “Ty m toa, toa tuix kao`khix.” 阿財仔下真濟苦心佮所費咧共𪜶後生栽培,向望伊會當出頭天,結局伊毋但大學讀無畢業,閣欲食毋討趁,顛倒是𪜶查某囝較有才情,研究所都猶未出業,幾若間公司就相爭欲共倩,阿財仔怨嘆講:「豬毋大,大對狗去。」 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]] [d#]
- 阿財花費了許多苦心和費用栽培他兒子,希望他能出人頭地,結果他不但大學無法畢業,還好逸惡勞,反而是他女兒比較有才華,研究所還沒畢業,好幾間公司就搶著要聘用他,阿財嘆氣說:「事與願違。」
- 🗣u: Pe'buo m'na aix koafn'sym girn'ar ee kien'khofng kaq hak'giap, ma aix zux'ix y ee jiin'zex koafn'he, yn'ui “leeng kaw leeng, hong kaw hong, urn'kw`ee kaw toxng'gong.” Peeng'iuo tuix girn'ar ee erng'hiorng u'sii'ar pie pe'buo køq'khaq toa. 爸母毋但愛關心囡仔的健康佮學業,嘛愛注意伊的人際關係,因為「龍交龍,鳳交鳳,隱痀的交侗戇。」朋友對囡仔的影響有時仔比爸母閣較大。 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]] [d#]
- 父母不但要關心小孩的健康與學業,也要留意他的交友狀況,有道是「什麼樣的人交什麼樣的朋友。」朋友對孩子的影響有時候比父母還大。
Maryknoll (110)
- aang [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: aang [[...]]
- red, at the height of one's career, very popular
- 紅
- angkøchiahchi [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: aang'køf'chiaq'chi [[...]]
- ruddy good health
- 紅光滿面
- bagciw [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: bak'ciw [[...]]
- eye
- 眼睛
- bøtektvia [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: bøo'teg'tvia [[...]]
- bustling lad, inquietude, restlessness, restless, frolicsome, lively
- 不穩重
- bøtvia-bønii [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: bøo'tvia'bøo'nii; bøo'tvia-bøo'nii [[...]]
- suddenly without reason
- 無緣無故,忽然
- boxng [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: boxng; (boxng'boxng) [[...]]
- thoughtless, careless, reckless
- 惘,放蕩
- zawzuyar [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: zao'zuie'ar [[...]]
- petty businessman who picks up small items to do business on his own account, sometimes smuggling goods on a small scale as a single individual
- 跑單幫
- zawsamkoafn [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: zao'safm'koafn [[...]]
- run away to avoid trouble
- 走三關
- zhar [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: zhar [[...]]
- disturb, make a disturbance, annoy by noise and clamor, noisy
- 吵鬧
- Cit'ee gyn'ar cyn gaau zhar, liampvy zhar bøeq ciah pviar, liampvy zhar bøeq lym tee. [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: Cid ee girn'nar cyn gaau zhar, liaam'pvy zhar boeq ciah pviar, liaam'pvy zhar boeq lym tee.; Cid'ee girn'ar cyn gaau zhar, liaam'pvy zhar bøeq ciah pviar, liaam'pvy zhar bøeq lym tee. [[...]]
- This kid really bothers people, one minute he wants you to get him some cakes to eat, the next minute he wants you to get him some tea to drink.
- 這個小孩很會吵, 一下子吵著要吃餅, 一 下子又吵著要喝茶。
- zhahhoe'ar [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: zhaq'hoef'ar [[...]]
- kibitzer at a mahjong game, sometimes more than just a kibitzer, sometimes he also bets or invests in one of the players
- 插花(打麻將用語)
- zhaan [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: zhaan [[...]]
- fierce and cruel, savage
- 凶殘
- zhaothaau-køe'ar [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: zhaux'thaau kef'ar; zhaux'thaau-køef'ar [[...]]
- be scolded often (Lit. stinky head chicken)
- 常常被罵
- zhutsiin [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: zhud'siin [[...]]
- be absent minded, absorbed in thought, in mental concentration, in ecstasy, divine or supremely great when speaking of literary or artistic works
- 出神,入神
- cvix he'afcvix [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: cvix hee'ar'cvix [[...]]
- deep fry breaded shrimp
- 炸蝦子
- cit nii tiofng [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: cit nii tiofng [[...]]
- during the year
- 一年中,整年
- zubi [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: zw'bi [[...]]
- the flavor (of food, poetry) taste, flavor
- 滋味
- hayliog'ar [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: hae'liok'ar [[...]]
- Marines
- 海軍陸戰隊
- he'afkee [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: hee'ar'kee [[...]]
- pickled shrimp
- 蝦醬
- he'ar-khag [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: hee'ar'khag; hee'ar-khag [[...]]
- shell of a shrimp
- 蝦殼
- he'afkøo [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: hee'ar'køo [[...]]
- bamboo basket for catching shrimp with a funneled mouth which allows the shrimp entrance and prevents escape
- 捕蝦籠
- ygoa [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: ie'goa [[...]]
- except, outside of, other than, besides, in addition to
- 以外
- ixteng [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: i'teng [[...]]
- reserve (seats, rooms), set (date), be scheduled, prearrangement, schedule, arrange previously
- 預定
- iuzuie [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: iuu'zuie [[...]]
- side profit or outside gaining in a deal such as kickbacks, well off
- 油水,闊氣,有錢
- jiim [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: jiim; (liim) [[...]]
- take something out of a pocket, bag or hole without looking
- 掏,拿
- kex [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: kex; (kax) [[...]]
- marry a husband, give a daughter in marriage, implicate
- 嫁
- køee [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: kee; køee; (koee) [[...]]
- salted or pickled meat, fish or shellfish (the name of the fish or shell-fish is prefixed)
- 醬
- khaq chinchviu [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: khaq chyn'chviu [[...]]
- resemble more, be more like
- 比較像
- khahtheng'ar [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: khaq'theeng'ar [[...]]
- in a very short time
- 過一會兒,待一會兒
- khaq... ia m [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: khaq... ia m [[...]]
- no matter how much... still not willing
- 再怎麼 ...也不 ...
- khøekøar [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: khef'køf'ar; khøef'køf'ar [[...]]
- river fish
- 溪哥(溪魚)
- kherng ar m kherng [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: kherng ar m kherng [[...]]
- Are you (Is he) willing or not?
- 肯不肯
- khiaau [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: khiaau [[...]]
- be fretful or peevish, as a child or mother-in-law, cause constant trouble
- 刁難,乖張
- khoatsek [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: khoad'sek [[...]]
- be absent (from roll call)
- 缺席
- khuu [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: khuu [[...]]
- squat, to crouch, to go to the toilet
- 蹲
- køo [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: køo [[...]]
- bamboo or wire basket work for catching shrimp or damming up the stream
- 筌
- kuxzerngthauar [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: ku'zexng'thaau'ar; (ku'cixn'thaau'ar) [[...]]
- old bad habits, old sickness
- 舊病,舊習,惡習
- m zay [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: m'zay [[...]]
- do not know something
- 不知道
- gvexzhuiepef [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: gve'zhuix'pef [[...]]
- talk tough, refuse to admit mistake
- 嘴硬
- ozut'ar [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: of'zud'ar [[...]]
- common soldier, rank and file, pawn
- 黑卒,無名小卒
- oexsae [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: oe'sae; oe'sae [[...]]
- things better left unsaid (irrelevancies, excessive detail, private matters)
- 多餘的話,沒用的話
- pefngkhie-pefngtør [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: perng'khie'perng'tør; perng'khie-perng'tør [[...]]
- shilly-shally, sometime good sometime bad
- 出爾反爾,時好時壞
- he'ar [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: hee'ar [[...]]
- shrimp, prawn
- 蝦子
- he'ar [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: he'ar [[...]]
- small fresh-water crab
- 螃蟹
- he'ar-bang [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: hee'ar-bang [[...]]
- shrimp net
- 蝦網
- he'ar 蝦仔 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: hee'ar [[...]]
- 蝦仔
Embree (5)
- he'ar [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: hee'ar [[...]][i#] [p.81]
- N bóe : shrimp, prawn, suborder Natantia
- 蝦子
- he'ar-bang [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: hee'ar'bang [[...]][i#] [p.81]
- N niá : shrimp net
- 蝦網
- høe'ar [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: he'ar; høe'ar [[...]][i#] [p.81]
- N : a small co-operative bank established for a limited period by friends, or members of the same organization. A maximum monthly deposit is agreed upon. The member offering the highest interest in secret bidding receives from each member the amount of the agreed deposit less the interest offered. The founder and manager (hoe7-thau5) receives the first deposit without deduction; the last member receives the last deposit similarly (cf pio)
- 會
- he'ar [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: he'ar; he/høe'ar [[...]][i#] [p.81]
- N chiah : small fresh-water crab
- 螃蟹
- u: kaf'lea(afng'ar) [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.120]
- N : person who does only what he is told
- 傀儡
Lim08 (2)
- u: he'ar 夏仔 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.B0751] [#18676]
- _
- 夏茶 。 <>
- u: he'ar'guun høe'ar'guun 會仔銀 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.B0751/B0802/B0842] [#18677]
- 納會仔e5錢 。 <>