Taiwanese–English dictionaries full-text search

Q or 0 may be used in place of ø. Uppercase Ø is not case-folded in current setup
⬅︎ chiø
(DFT monosyllables)
chiøh ➡︎
chiøf | chiø | chiøx | chiør | chiøo (@soundboard)

Htb (cache) (1)

chiøf [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]] [p.]
oestrus; rut; fond of wine and women; having a strong sexual feeling; lustful; horny
發情; 好色; 性慾衝動 (男的)

DFT (2)

chiøf 🗣 (u: chiøf) t [wt][mo] [h] (h,u) [d#]
1. (Adj) brightly- or gaily-colored and beautiful; fancy; gaudy
顏色鮮艷亮麗 、 花俏 。
chiøf 🗣 (u: chiøf) 𪁎t [wt][mo] [h] (h,u) [d#]
1. (Adj) like male animal in heat; horny
形容雄性動物發情的樣子 。

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