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Searched DFT for by by, found 200, display thaau-15:
afng 🗣 (u: afng) p [wt][mo] ang [D]
1. (N) husband (appellation used by wife) || 丈夫。女人稱與自己有婚姻關係的男子。

tonggi: angsaix, thaukef, 夫婿; s'tuix:
ang'ii 🗣 (u: afng'ii) 尪姨 [wt][mo] ang-î [D]
1. (N) || 靈媒、巫婆。能通鬼神,以替人祈福消災、占卜等為職業的女子。
1: Khafn'afng'ii, sun oe'boea. (牽尪姨,順話尾。) (靈媒常要抓住對方的心意,揣摩對方的意思,讓自己說的話與對方配合。比喻揣摩情況來決定說話內容。)

tonggi: 媽姨; s'tuix:
ao 🗣 (u: ao) [wt][mo] áu [D]
1. (V) to fold; to bend || 摺、折。
1: ao'zoar (拗紙) ()
2. (Mw) crease (made by folding); number of folds || 摺痕。計算折疊次數的單位。
1: ao cit ao (拗一拗) (摺一摺、折一折)
3. (V) to bend in two so as to break || 使物體因彎曲而斷裂。
1: ao'tng (拗斷) (折斷)
4. (V) to use lame arguments and perverted logic; shoving false arguments down people's throats; sophistry (to deliberately misrepresent) || 強詞奪理、刻意曲解。
1: gve'ao (硬拗) (以話術或強詞奪理的方式,把一件事情或一段話刻意地曲解或強加解釋。)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
bag 🗣 (u: bag) t [wt][mo] bak [D]
1. (V) to be infected with; to be contaminated by; to be tainted with || 沾染、沾汙。
1: Cid niar svaf bag'tiøh seg. (這領衫沐著色。) (這件衣服染到顏色。)
2. (V) to moisten; to dampen || 沾溼、濡溼。
1: Lie aix ka cid tex tøq'pox siør bag cit'e'ar zuie, ciaq u hoad'to chid tøq'terng. (你愛共這塊桌布小沐一下仔水,才有法度拭桌頂。) (你要將這條抹布稍微沾一下水,才能擦桌子。)
3. (V) to touch (sth or sb); to mess with; to meddle in || 沾惹、接觸某件事或某個人。
1: Y aix bag zexng'ti. (伊愛沐政治。) (他喜歡接觸政治。)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
beeng 🗣 (u: beeng) b [wt][mo] bîng [D]
1. (N) name of person or thing || 人或事物的稱號。
1: beeng'zhefng (名稱) ()
2. (Adj) widely known; known by all || 著稱的、眾人都知道的。
1: beeng'paai (名牌) ()
3. (N) reputation; fame || 聲譽。
1: beeng'li (名利) ()

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
Bilofng Khøef 🗣 (u: By'lofng Khøef) 美濃溪 [wt][mo] Bi-long-khe [D]
1. () || 附錄-地名-溪川名

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
Bilofng Khw 🗣 (u: By'lofng Khw) 美濃區 [wt][mo] Bi-long-khu [D]
1. () || 高雄市行政區(附錄-地名-臺灣縣市行政區名)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
bin'eeng 🗣 (u: biin'eeng) 民營 [wt][mo] bîn-îng [D]
1. () privately run (i.e. by a company, not the state) || 民營

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
boaa 🗣 (u: boaa) p [wt][mo] buâ [D]
1. (V) to use whetstone or millstone etc to make it sharp and smooth; to sharpen; to hone || 用磨石等磨東西使其鋒利、光滑。
1: boaa'tøf (磨刀) ()
2. (V) to grind; to polish by grinding; to abrade || 研磨。
1: Ka iøh'oaan boaa zøx iøh'hurn. (共藥丸磨做藥粉。) (把藥丸研磨成藥粉。)
3. (V) to delay; to put off; to procrastinate; to defer; to postpone; to put off; to retard; to slow sth down || 拖延、延緩。
1: boaa sii'kafn (磨時間) (消磨時間)
4. (V) to work hard; to toil; to endure; to steel oneself || 操勞、磨練。
1: Zøx guu tiøh thoaf, zøx laang tiøh boaa. (做牛著拖,做人著磨。) (當牛就得拖犁,做人就得操勞。)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
by'ioong/byioong 🗣 (u: bie'ioong) 美容 [wt][mo] bí-iông [D]
1. (V) || 利用化妝品或手術方法使容貌變美麗。
1: Y zaf'hngf khix ho laang bie'ioong. (伊昨昏去予人美容。) (她昨天去給人家美容。)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
by'miau/bybiau 🗣 (u: bie'miau bie'biau) 美妙 [wt][mo] bí-miāu [D]
1. () beautiful; wonderful; splendid || 美妙

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
bylefng/by'ny/bylyn 🗣 (u: bie'lefng/ny bie'lyn) 米奶 [wt][mo] bí-ling/bí-ni [D]
1. (N) || 米漿。將炒熟的在來米和花生磨碎加水,調煮成飲品。

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
bynaa/by'naa 🗣 (u: bie'naa) 米籃 [wt][mo] bí-nâ [D]
1. (N) || 盛裝米糧的小米籮。

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
byniuu/by'niuu 🗣 (u: bie'niuu) 米糧 [wt][mo] bí-niû [D]
1. (N) || 糧食、食糧。泛指一切的五穀雜糧。

tonggi: gvofkog; s'tuix:
chiaang 🗣 (u: chiaang) t [wt][mo] tshiâng [D]
1. (V) to splash with plenty of water or spray wash || 潑灑大量的水或用水刷洗。
1: chiaang'zuie (沖水) ()
2. (V) to be struck or swept away by a flood || 被大水撞擊或捲走。
1: Chiu'ar ho zuie chiaang zao`aq. (樹仔予水沖走矣。) (樹木被水沖走了。)
3. (V) (water) to rush down || 水急流而下。
1: zuie'chiaang (水沖) (瀑布)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:

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