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HTB (6)
chiaf [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]] 
to shout with anger; vehicle; extravagant; to push forward; extravagant; wasteful
吒; 車; 奢; 推; 奢
lw [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]] 
push away; to thrust away; oppose or resist (by pressing against); to deal with
推; 堅持; 應付
øef [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]] 
push; a pot; a pan; a type of vegetable; a short people
推; 鍋; 萵; 倭
sag [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]] 
push; dump; push with the hands
推; 棄; 推
zhuisiorng [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]] 
infer; deduce
zhuy [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]] 
shirk; to decline; to yield; excuse oneself

DFT (25)
🗣 lw 🗣 (u: lw) t [wt][mo] lu [#]
1. (V) to push; to move similar to pushing (eg mowing with hair clippers, mopping floor) || 做類似「推」的動作。
🗣le: (u: Lw khaq pvy`ar`leq.) 🗣 (攄較邊仔咧。) (推往旁邊一點。)
🗣le: (u: lw thaau'zafng) 🗣 (攄頭鬃) (用理髮器理頭髮)
🗣le: (u: lw thoo'khaf) 🗣 (攄塗跤) (拖地)
2. (V) to avoid (esp. responsibility); to shift (the blame); to pass the buck; to push onto sb else || 推卸、推給別人。
🗣le: (u: Cid kvia tai'cix lie maix lw ho`goar.) 🗣 (這件代誌你莫攄予我。) (這件事情你不要推給我。)
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
🗣 øef 🗣 (u: ef oef øef) p [wt][mo] e/ue [#]
1. (V) to husk, turn a hand-mill, grind (into flour) || 磨。
🗣le: (u: ef'koea) 🗣 (挨粿) (磨米漿)
🗣le: (u: ef thoo'laang) 🗣 (挨塗礱) (推動土礱以磨去粗糠)
2. (V) draw a stringed instrument with a bow || 用弓拉弦樂器。
🗣le: (u: ef hieen'ar) 🗣 (挨絃仔) (拉胡琴)
3. (V) push || 推、推擠。
🗣le: (u: Maix arn'nef ef laai ef khix, e poah`tør.) 🗣 (莫按呢挨來挨去,會跋倒。) (不要這樣推來推去,會跌倒。)
🗣le: (u: siøf'ef'thef) 🗣 (相挨推) (互相推卸責任)
4. (V) to rub against or hook with elbows in passing, to elbow, to sideswipe, to jostle || 從旁邊碰到。
🗣le: (u: Ho teg'køf ef`tiøh.) 🗣 (予竹篙挨著。) (被竹竿拂到。)
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
🗣 øethef 🗣 (u: ef oef'thef øef'thef) 挨推 [wt][mo] e-the/ue-the [#]
1. (V) || 推拖、推辭、藉故拒絕。
🗣le: (u: Lirn nng ee maix køq ti hiaf ef'thef`aq!) 🗣 (恁兩个莫閣佇遐挨推矣!) (你們兩個不要再在那裡推拖了!)
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
🗣 sag 🗣 (u: sag) t [wt][mo] sak [#]
1. (V) to push with the hands || 推。
🗣le: (u: Sun'hofng sag'tør chviuu.) 🗣 (順風捒倒牆。) (順著風勢將牆推倒。比喻順著局勢推翻政權或在位的人。)
🗣le: (u: sag chiaf) 🗣 (捒車) (推車子)
2. (V) to avoid (esp. responsibility); to shift (the blame); to pass the buck; to shirk || 推卸、推拖給別人。
🗣le: (u: Cid kvia tai'cix lie maix sag ho`goar.) 🗣 (這件代誌你莫捒予我。) (這件事情你不要推拖給我。)
3. (V) to discard || 棄。
🗣le: (u: hvix'sag) 🗣 (挕捒) (丟棄)
🗣le: (u: paxng'sag) 🗣 (放捒) (遺棄)
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
🗣 thef 🗣 (u: thef) p [wt][mo] the [#]
1. (V) to shift blame or responsibility onto sb else; to shirk; to reject; to decline; to refuse || 委卸、推辭。
🗣le: (u: Zef si tak'kef ee zeg'jim, m'thafng thef laai thef khix.) 🗣 (這是逐家的責任,毋通推來推去。) (這是大家的責任,不要互相卸責。)
🗣le: (u: thef bøo'eeng) 🗣 (推無閒) (推說沒空)
🗣le: (u: thef m zay) 🗣 (推毋知) (推說不知道)
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
🗣 thesag 🗣 (u: thef'sag) 推捒 [wt][mo] the-sak [#]
1. (V) || 推卻、婉拒。
🗣le: (u: Peeng'iuo u tai'cix laai iafng'thog, y na zøx e kaux`ee, lorng m bad ka laang thef'sag.) 🗣 (朋友有代誌來央託,伊若做會到的,攏毋捌共人推捒。) (朋友有事來央託,他如果力所能及,都不曾跟人家推卻。)
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
🗣 thuiaxn 🗣 (u: thuy'axn) 推案 [wt][mo] thui-àn [#]
1. () (CE) (archaic) to push away the table (and stop eating) || 推案
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
🗣 thuiciexn 🗣 (u: thuy'ciexn) 推薦 [wt][mo] thui-tsiàn [#]
1. () (CE) to recommend; recommendation || 推薦
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
🗣 thuicixn 🗣 (u: thuy'cixn) 推進 [wt][mo] thui-tsìn [#]
1. (V) || 推動前進、向前發展。
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
🗣 thuiheeng/thui'heeng 🗣 (u: thuy'heeng) 推行 [wt][mo] thui-hîng [#]
1. (V) || 推廣施行。
🗣le: (u: Cid ee oah'tang aix khøx lie laai thuy'heeng.) 🗣 (這个活動愛靠你來推行。) (這個活動要靠你來推行。)
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
🗣 thuihoafn/thui'hoafn 🗣 (u: thuy'hoafn) 推翻 [wt][mo] thui-huan [#]
1. () (CE) to overthrow || 推翻
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
🗣 thuikorng 🗣 (u: thuy'korng) 推廣 [wt][mo] thui-kóng [#]
1. (V) || 擴充、開展。
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
🗣 thuikuo/thuikie 🗣 (u: thuy'kie/kuo) 推舉 [wt][mo] thui-kí/thui-kú [#]
1. () (CE) to elect; to choose; press (weightlifting technique) || 推舉
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
🗣 thuilun 🗣 (u: thuy'lun) 推論 [wt][mo] thui-lūn [#]
1. (V) || 根據事實而推演、推測。
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
🗣 thuisiaw 🗣 (u: thuy'siaw) 推銷 [wt][mo] thui-siau [#]
1. (V) || 推廣銷售。
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
🗣 thuisii/thuisuu/zhuisuu/thesii 🗣 (u: thef'sii) 推辭 [wt][mo] the-sî [#]
1. (V) || 拒絕、推辭。
🗣le: (u: Chviar lie m'thafng thef'sii.) 🗣 (請你毋通推辭。) (請你不要推辭。)
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
🗣 thuisngx 🗣 (u: thuy'sngx) 推算 [wt][mo] thui-sǹg [#]
1. () (CE) to calculate; to reckon; to extrapolate (in calculation) || 推算
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
🗣 thuitiern 🗣 (u: thuy'tiern) 推展 [wt][mo] thui-tián [#]
1. () (CE) to propagate; to popularize || 推展
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
🗣 thuitong 🗣 (u: thuy'tong) 推動 [wt][mo] thui-tōng [#]
1. () (CE) to push (for acceptance of a plan); to push forward; to promote; to actuate; CL:個|个[ge4] || 推動
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
🗣 thuizheg 🗣 (u: thuy'zheg) 推測 [wt][mo] thui-tshik [#]
1. (V) || 推想揣測。
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
🗣 thuizhud 🗣 (u: thuy'zhud) 推出 [wt][mo] thui-tshut [#]
1. () (CE) to push out; to release; to launch; to publish; to recommend || 推出
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
🗣 thuy 🗣 (u: thuy) b [wt][mo] thui [#]
1. (V) to have medical effect || 指藥物在人體內產生藥效。
🗣le: (u: Cid bi iøh'ar si thuy e kviaa iah thuy be kviaa?) 🗣 (這味藥仔是推會行抑推袂行?) (這個藥產不產生藥效?)
2. (V) to push (for acceptance of a plan); to promote; to reinforce || 推動、加強。
🗣le: (u: thuy'tong) 🗣 (推動) (推動)
🗣le: (u: thuy'korng) 🗣 (推廣) (推廣)
🗣le: (u: thuy'sag) 🗣 (推捒) (推廣)
🗣le: (u: Khix por'sip'pafn thuy khvoax e cixn'po`be.) 🗣 (去補習班推看會進步袂。) (去補習班加強一下,看會不會進步。)
3. (V) tui na (form of Chinese manual therapy) || 推拿。
🗣le: (u: Theh zhao'ar'køf ka of'zhvef jiaq thuy'thuy`leq!) 🗣 (提草仔膏共烏青跡推推咧!) (拿青草膏將瘀血處推拿推拿!)
4. (V) to gorge oneself; to pig out || 大吃、大喝,較粗俗的用法。
🗣le: (u: Kyn'ar'jit thuy liao u'kaux par`ee.) 🗣 (今仔日推了有夠飽的。) (今天吃得真飽。)
5. (V) to beat up || 打、毆打。
🗣le: (u: Y ho laang thuy kaq of'zhvef geeng'hoeq.) 🗣 (伊予人推甲烏青凝血。) (他被人家毆打得瘀血。)
6. (V) || 根據已知的事斷定其他。
🗣le: (u: thuy'lie) 🗣 (推理) (推理)
🗣le: (u: lui'thuy) 🗣 (類推) (類推)
7. (V) || 用布沾油、蠟等摩擦使光亮。
🗣le: (u: Phoee'ee thuy kaq kym'siq'siq.) 🗣 (皮鞋推甲金爍爍。) (皮鞋擦得亮晶晶。)
🗣le: (u: Te'parn thuy kaq e ciøx laang'viar.) 🗣 (地板推甲會照人影。) (地板擦亮到可照出人影。)
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
🗣 tw 🗣 (u: tw) t [wt][mo] tu [#]
1. (V) to push || 推。
🗣le: (u: Kex'ar tw khaq koex`khix`leq.) 🗣 (架仔㧣較過去咧。) (架子推過去一點。)
2. (V) to jam; to shove; to cram; to oppose or resist || 硬塞、推塞。
🗣le: (u: Y tai'cix lorng tw ho goar zøx.) 🗣 (伊代誌攏㧣予我做。) (他事情都硬塞給我做。)
3. (V) to present to the public; to recommend || 推出。指推某人做某事。
🗣le: (u: Tw y zhud'laai soarn.) 🗣 (㧣伊出來選。) (推他出來選舉。)
4. (V) to resist; to withstand; to put up with || 抵抗、抵擋、將就。
🗣le: (u: Cit niar phoax svaf tw cit tafng.) 🗣 (一領破衫㧣一冬。) (一件破衣服就可將就一年。)
5. (V) to retort; to refute; to wrangle || 出言反駁、爭辯。
🗣le: (u: Laang ka y phvae, y m'na m kviaf, køq kvar kaq laang tw.) 🗣 (人共伊歹,伊毋但毋驚,閣敢佮人㧣。) (別人兇他,他不但不怕,還與人爭辯。)
6. (V) to protrude; to stick out; to pout || 撅。
🗣le: (u: Zhuix tw hiaq koaan zhoxng sviaq?) 🗣 (喙㧣遐懸創啥?) (嘴撅那麼高做什麼?)
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
🗣 zhuichiaau 🗣 (u: zhuy'chiaau) 推撨 [wt][mo] tshui-tshiâu [#]
1. (V) || 商議調整或變更原定的計畫,以便於行事。
🗣le: (u: Sefng ho yn nng ee zhuy'chiaau hør'sex, larn ciaq laai koad'teng soax`løh'laai beq arn'zvoar zøx.) 🗣 (先予𪜶兩个推撨好勢,咱才來決定紲落來欲按怎做。) (先讓他們兩個協商好,我們再來決定接下來該怎麼做。)
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
🗣 zhuy 🗣 (u: zhuy) b [wt][mo] tshui [#]

tonggi: ; s'tuix:

Maryknoll (20)
chiaf [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: chiaf [[...]] 
push or thrust a person away, send a person flying or staggering
zhuy [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: zhuy [[...]] 
push, look into, find out, ponder, to shirk responsibility, elect, recommend, esteem, move along, extend
øef [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: ef; øef; (oef) [[...]] 
rub against or hook with elbows in passing, to elbow, to sideswipe, to jostle
推, 以肘推之
iern [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: iern [[...]] 
wrestle, throw down, lay down, to overthrow
lw [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: lw [[...]] 
push out, push forward, cut with hair clippers, push a thing away from one's self or towards another (with hand, foot or stick)
sag [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sag [[...]] 
push with the hands
thef [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: thef; (zhuy, thuy) [[...]] 
shirk, to decline, to yield, excuse oneself
thuy [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: thuy; (zhuy) [[...]] 
to push away, to decline, shirk responsibility, make excuses, resign, calculate, infer, to rub with a long and gentle strokes
tw [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: tw; (lw) [[...]] 
push away, to thrust away, oppose or resist (by pressing against), to deal with

chiaf [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: chiaf [[...]] 
over turn, tip over, push over
sag [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sag [[...]] 
push with hands
thef [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: thef [[...]] 
excuse oneself
thuy [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: thuy [[...]] 
guess, calculate

Embree (9)
chiaf [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: chiaf [[...]][i#] [p.53]
V : over turn, push over, tip over
øef [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: ef; øef [[...]][i#] [p.65]
V : push (steadily or evenly)
øef [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: ef; øef [[...]][i#] [p.65]
V : jostle (a person)
øef [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: ef; øef [[...]][i#] [p.65]
V : play (violin, cello, etc)
øef [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: ef; øef [[...]][i#] [p.65]
V : grind (with a handpowered mill) (cf sak)
øef [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: oef; øef [[...]][i#] [p.191]
V : push (steadily or evenly), play (violin, cello, etc), grind (with hand-powered mill), jostle (a person) (cf sak)
sag [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sag [[...]][i#] [p.220]
V : push (person or object) with the hands
thef [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: thef [[...]][i#] [p.280]
V : excuse oneself (from activity, responsibility, etc)
thuy [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: thuy [[...]][i#] [p.290]
V : calculate, guess

Lim08 (9)
u: chiaf [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.B0069] [#7308]
用手盤推sak 。 <∼ 厝 = ka7 beh倒e5厝推sak起來 ; ∼ 倒 ; kap乞食相 ∼ = 意思 : kap討厭e5人做對手 。 >
u: zhuy [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.B0321] [#9778]
( 1 ) 掀日曆等來推算日子 。 ( 2 ) 用錢塗 。 <( 1 )∼ 甲子 ; ∼ 算 。 ( 2 )∼ 壁 。 >
u: lo'thaau 路頭 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.B1021] [#40769]
街路 , 通路 , 路程 。 <∼∼ 遠 ; ∼∼ 路尾 ; ∼∼ 推 ( chhia ) 起tu2天 = 非常遠 ; ∼∼ 擔燈心 , 路尾擔鐵錘 = 意思 : 開始容易 , 路尾困難 。 >
u: thef thəf(泉) [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.B0402/B0488] [#59721]
辭退tai7 - chi3 。 < 相 ∼ ; ∼ 無ti7 - teh 。 >
u: thef'thef 推推 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.B0412/B0489/B0489] [#59992]
= [ 推 ] 。 <>
u: thuy [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.B0374] [#61630]
( 1 ) 用藥等來摩擦hou7藥氣食入去 。 ( 2 ) 用棒等摩擦hou7伊光亮 。 ( 3 ) ka7土地等添補hou7伊平 。 ( 4 ) 毆打 。 <( 1 ) 扭 ( lau2 ) tioh8手 , tioh8用酒來 ka7伊 ~ leh 。 ( 2 ) 過 ~ e5 ; ~ hou7伊金 。 ( 3 ) 土koh ~ koa2落 -- 去 ; ~ hou7伊平 。 ( 4 ) hou7警察 ~ m7驚死 ; hoah ∼ 。 >
u: chiaf'chiaf 推推 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.B0078/B0089] [#68210]
= [ 推 ( chhia )] 。 <>
u: zhuy'zhuy 推推 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.B0330/B0334] [#68602]
= [ 推 ] 。 <>
u: thuy'thuy 推推 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.B0378/B0380] [#68677]
= [ 推 ] 。 <>