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Input was: bør; bør/buo; (buo).
DFT (15)- 🗣 buo 🗣 (u: buo) 母b [wt][mo] bú
- 1. () see bør
|| 釋義參見【母】bó 條。
- 🗣le: (u: ty'buo) 🗣 (豬母) (母豬)
- 🗣le: (u: af'buo) 🗣 (阿母) (媽媽)
- 🗣le: (u: buo'ku) 🗣 (母舅) (舅舅)
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
- 🗣 chia'buo/chia'bør 🗣 (u: chiaf'buo/bør) 車母 [wt][mo] tshia-bú/tshia-bó
- 1. (N)
|| 火車頭、機關車。一種用來提供鐵路列車動力的車輛,它的作用是在軌道上驅動列車。又稱「火車母」。
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
- 🗣 Cit ciaq satbør poxng kaq zuyguu toa./Cit ciaq satbuo poxng kaq zuyguu toa. 🗣 (u: Cit ciaq sad'bør/buo poxng kaq zuie'guu toa.) 一隻蝨母嗙甲水牛大。 [wt][mo] Tsi̍t tsiah sat-bó pòng kah tsuí-gû tuā.
- 1. ()
|| 一隻小蝨子誇大成大水牛。意指小小的東西或事情,誇大其辭,說得天花亂墜。比喻言過其實。
- 🗣le: (u: Girn'ar ciaq kiøx cit sviaf “af'paq” nia'nia, lau'pe tø “cit ciaq sad'bør poxng kaq zuie'guu toa”, korng yn kviar sviar'miq oe tøf e'hiao korng, zef karm u'viar si cyn`ee?) 🗣 (囡仔才叫一聲「阿爸」爾爾,老爸就「一隻蝨母嗙甲水牛大」,講𪜶囝啥物話都會曉講,這敢有影是真的?) (小嬰兒才喊一聲「爸爸」而已,做父親的人就把「一隻小蝨子說成大水牛」,誇張到說他兒子什麼話都會說,這難道是真的嗎?)
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
- 🗣 Goexsefng ciah bwku, chinchviu ciah tauxhu./Goexsefng ciah bøfku, chinchviu ciah tauxhu. 🗣 (u: Goe'sefng ciah buo/bør'ku, chyn'chviu ciah tau'hu.) 外甥食母舅,親像食豆腐。 [wt][mo] Guē-sing tsia̍h bú-kū, tshin-tshiūnn tsia̍h tāu-hū.
- 1. ()
|| 外甥佔舅父的便宜,像是吃豆腐那樣簡單。喻外甥要倚靠舅父幫忙或讓舅父請客較為容易。
- 🗣le: (u: Terng'jit'ar lie beq pvoaf'zhux, lirn af'ku zoafn'kafng zherng'kar laai ka lie taux pvoaf, lie m'na bøo karm'sia`y, køq hiaam y khaf'chiuo ban, cviaa'sit si “goe'sefng ciah buo'ku, chyn'chviu ciah tau'hu”.) 🗣 (頂日仔你欲搬厝,恁阿舅專工請假來共你鬥搬,你毋但無感謝伊,閣嫌伊跤手慢,誠實是「外甥食母舅,親像食豆腐」。) (前幾天你要搬家,你舅舅特地請假來幫你搬,你非但沒有感謝他,還嫌他笨手笨腳,你這個外甥真是「占盡你舅舅的便宜」。)
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
- 🗣 Gu'tiaulai tag gubør./Gu'tiaulai tag gubuo. 🗣 (u: Guu'tiaau'lai tag guu'bør/buo.) 牛牢內觸牛母。 [wt][mo] Gû-tiâu-lāi tak gû-bó.
- 1. ()
|| 牛圈裡鬥母牛。比喻兄弟或同志只善內鬥、欺負弱小,卻不能抵禦外侮、克服強敵,反而被人看扁了。
- 🗣le: (u: Lirn hviaf'ti'ar kafn'naf e'hiao ti zhux`lie siøf'tag, zhud'khix kaux goa'khao tø nar nngr'khaf'hee`leq, siok'gie korng, “Guu'tiaau'lai tag guu'bør.” Si beq arn'zvoar e hefng?) 🗣 (恁兄弟仔干焦會曉佇厝裡相觸,出去到外口就若軟跤蝦咧,俗語講:「牛牢內觸牛母。」是欲按怎會興?) (你們兄弟在家裡常常相鬥,出去到外頭就膽小無用,俗話說:「牛圈裡鬥母牛。」怎麼可能會興旺呢?)
- 🗣le: (u: Kofng'sy ee giap'bu kiarm'thør'hoe si beq zhoe'zhud bun'tee, thee'køf giap'zeg, m si beq “guu'tiaau'lai tag guu'bør”, phaq'phvae toong'su ee karm'zeeng.) 🗣 (公司的業務檢討會是欲揣出問題,提高業績,毋是欲「牛牢內觸牛母」,拍歹同事的感情。) (公司的業務檢討會是要找出問題,提高業績,不是要「同室操戈」,傷害同事的感情。)
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
- 🗣 Hiekoarn pvy ee ti'bør, bøe puun siaw ma øe phahpheg./Hiekoarn pvy ee ti'buo, bøe puun siaw ma øe phahpheg. 🗣 (u: Hix'koarn pvy ee ty'bør, be puun siaw ma e phaq'pheg. Hix'koarn pvy ee ty'bør/buo, bøe puun siaw ma øe phaq'pheg.) 戲館邊的豬母,袂歕簫嘛會拍拍。 [wt][mo] Hì-kuán pinn ê ti-bó, bē pûn siau mā ē phah-phik.
- 1. ()
|| 戲館邊的母豬,戲聽多了,不會吹簫,也會打拍子。比喻常見無難事;或指人易受周圍環境影響。
- 🗣le: (u: Siok'gie korng, “Hix'koarn'pvy ee ty'bør, be puun siaw ma e phaq'pheg.” Ban'hang ky'sut, ciap khvoax ciap bofng kef'kiarm ma e'hiao.) 🗣 (俗語講:「戲館邊的豬母,袂歕簫嘛會拍拍。」萬項技術,捷看捷摸加減嘛會曉。) (俗話說:「戲館邊的母豬,不會吹簫,也會打拍子。」任何技藝,常看常碰多少也會一些。)
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
- 🗣 Hoesviu thaau liah satbør./Hoesviu thaau liah satbuo. 🗣 (u: Hoee'sviu thaau liah sad'bør/buo.) 和尚頭掠蝨母。 [wt][mo] Huê-siūnn thâu lia̍h sat-bó.
- 1. ()
|| 在理光頭的和尚頭上找蝨子。形容人緣木求魚,注定失敗。
- 🗣le: (u: Hien'zhuo'sii kog'lai'goa ee kefng'zex cviaa bae, kor'chi id'tit løh, na beq ngx kor'phiøx køq khie'kex, be'sw si “hoee'sviu thaau liah sad'bør”, cviaa øq`leq.) 🗣 (現此時國內外的經濟誠䆀,股市一直落,若欲向股票閣起價,袂輸是「和尚頭掠蝨母」,誠僫咧。) (現在國內外的經濟不好,股市跌個不停,若要期盼股票再漲起來,就如同「在和尚的頭上抓蝨子一樣」,很困難呢。)
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
- 🗣 høefbuo/høefbør 🗣 (u: hoea hea'bør buo høea'bør/buo) 火母 [wt][mo] hué-bó/hé-bú
- 1. (N)
|| 火種。供引火用的火。
- 🗣le: (u: Hoea'bør beq sid`khix`loq!) 🗣 (火母欲熄去囉!) (火種快熄滅了。)
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
- 🗣 høefchia'bør/høefchia'buo 🗣 (u: hoea hea'chiaf'bør buo høea'chiaf'bør/buo) 火車母 [wt][mo] hué-tshia-bó/hé-tshia-bú
- 1. (N)
|| 火車頭、機關車。一種用來提供鐵路列車動力的鐵路車輛,它的作用是在軌道上驅動列車。又稱「車母」。
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
- 🗣 Poah cit tør, khiøhtiøh cit ciaq kym køebør./Poah cit tør, khiøhtiøh cit ciaq kym køebuo. 🗣 (u: Poah cit tør, khiøq'tiøh cit ciaq kym kef'bør. Poah cit tør, khiøq'tiøh cit ciaq kym køef'bør/buo.) 跋一倒,抾著一隻金雞母。 [wt][mo] Pua̍h tsi̍t tó, khioh-tio̍h tsi̍t tsiah kim ke-bó.
- 1. ()
|| 跌了一跤,撿到一隻金母雞。比喻因禍得福,從失敗中汲取寶貴的經驗。
- 🗣le: (u: Goar zoex'kin tuo'tiøh cit'koar tai'cix, bøo kaix sun'si, m'køq goar sviu'tiøh af'buo bad ka goar korng`koex, “Poah cit tør, khiøq'tiøh cit ciaq kym kef'bør.” Ciaf'ee tai'cix id'teng e'taxng ho goar juo laai juo u tix'hui, iorng'karm bin'tuix id'zhex.) 🗣 (我最近拄著一寡代誌,無蓋順序,毋過我想著阿母捌共我講過:「跋一倒,抾著一隻金雞母。」遮的代誌一定會當予我愈來愈有智慧,勇敢面對一切。) (我最近遇到一些事情,不是那麼順利,不過我想到媽媽曾經跟我說過:「塞翁失馬,焉知非福。」這些事情一定能夠讓我越來越有智慧,勇敢面對一切。)
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
- 🗣 pvexbør/pvixbuo 🗣 (u: pve/pvi'bør/buo) 病母 [wt][mo] pēnn-bó/pīnn-bú
- 1. (N)
|| 病根。
- 🗣le: (u: Svaf nii zeeng phoax'pve liao'au, soaq laau cit ee pve'bør.) 🗣 (三年前破病了後,煞留一个病母。) (三年前生病以後,竟留下了一個病根。)
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
- 🗣 thunbuo/thunbør 🗣 (u: thuun'buo/bør) 豚母 [wt][mo] thûn-bú/thûn-bó
- 1. (N)
|| 不能生育的母獸。
- 2. (N)
|| 蔑稱不能生育的婦女。較文雅的說法是「石女」(si̍k-lú 又唸作tsio̍h-lú)。
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
- 🗣 Thviterng Thvikofng, tøexe bwkuxkofng./Thviterng Thvikofng, tøexe bøfkuxkofng. 🗣 (u: Thvy'terng Thvy'kofng, te'e buo'ku'kofng. Thvy'terng Thvy'kofng, tøe'e buo/bør'ku'kofng.) 天頂天公,地下母舅公。 [wt][mo] Thinn-tíng Thinn-kong, tē-ē bú-kū-kong.
- 1. ()
|| 天上地位最崇高的就屬玉皇大帝,而人世間則是舅舅。這說明了在臺灣舅舅的地位崇高,故每逢子女婚嫁時或有舅舅會出席的場合,都要請他坐大位。
- 🗣le: (u: Laang korng, “Thvy'terng Thvy'kofng, te'e buo'ku'kofng.” Lie tuix lirn af'ku aix khaq zwn'tiong`leq, au'pae zhoa'bor tiøh ngx y ze toa'ui, ciaq thexng'hør khuy'tøq`neq.) 🗣 (人講:「天頂天公,地下母舅公。」你對恁阿舅愛較尊重咧,後擺娶某著向伊坐大位,才聽好開桌呢。) (人們說:「天上的天公,人世間的舅舅都是最尊貴的。」對你舅舅要尊重一點,以後你娶老婆的時候還需要仰賴他來坐上位,才可以開席呢。)
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
- 🗣 ti'bøftiefn/ti'bwtiefn 🗣 (u: ty'bør/buo'tiefn) 豬母癲 [wt][mo] ti-bó-tian/tu-bú-tian
- 1. ()
|| 癲癇。一種反覆出現陣發性的疾病。有時患者會突然昏倒,出現咬牙、口吐白沫、四肢抽搐等症狀。
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
- 🗣 Ti'thaau m kox, kox ahbør nng./Ti'thaau m kox, kox ahbuo nng. 🗣 (u: Ty'thaau m kox, kox aq'bør/buo nng.) 豬頭毋顧,顧鴨母卵。 [wt][mo] Ti-thâu m̄ kòo, kòo ah-bó nn̄g.
- 1. ()
|| 祭拜鬼神時不顧豬頭,只守著鴨蛋。比喻放著重要的事不管,反而去管次要的。
- 🗣le: (u: Thaau'kef'laang siong iaux'kirn ee khafng'khoex si koarn'lie kofng'sy ee giap'bu, m'thafng “ty'thaau m kox, kox aq'bør'nng”, kafn'naf teq cym'ciog pan'kofng'seg ee hoef u ag'zuie`bøo?) 🗣 (頭家人上要緊的工課是管理公司的業務,毋通「豬頭毋顧,顧鴨母卵」,干焦咧斟酌辦公室的花有沃水無?) (當老板最要緊的工作是管理公司的業務,不可以「捨本逐末」,光是注意辦公室的花有沒有澆水。)
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
DFT_lk (2)
- 🗣u: Thiw'ty'bør'soex`ee ciaq e kaq lau'buo kang svex. 抽豬母稅的才會佮老母仝姓。 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]] [d#]
- 抽豬母稅的才會跟母親同姓。
- 🗣u: Goar zoex'kin tuo'tiøh cit'koar tai'cix, bøo kaix sun'si, m'køq goar sviu'tiøh af'buo bad ka goar korng`koex, “Poah cit tør, khiøq'tiøh cit ciaq kym kef'bør.” Ciaf'ee tai'cix id'teng e'taxng ho goar juo laai juo u tix'hui, iorng'karm bin'tuix id'zhex. 我最近拄著一寡代誌,無蓋順序,毋過我想著阿母捌共我講過:「跋一倒,抾著一隻金雞母。」遮的代誌一定會當予我愈來愈有智慧,勇敢面對一切。 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]] [d#]
- 我最近遇到一些事情,不是那麼順利,不過我想到媽媽曾經跟我說過:「塞翁失馬,焉知非福。」這些事情一定能夠讓我越來越有智慧,勇敢面對一切。
Maryknoll (200)
- abør/abuo [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: af'bør; (af'buo) [[...]]
- mother, mama
- 母親,媽媽
- aq [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: aq [[...]]
- duck, drake
- 鴨子
- ahbør [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: aq'bør; (aq'buo) [[...]]
- female duck
- 母鴨
- ahbøfzhao [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: aq'bør'zhao; aq'bør/buo-zhao [[...]]
- kind of motherwort, Leonurus sibiricus, Lindernia ciliata
- 鴨母草
- aezeeng [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: aix'zeeng [[...]]
- love, affection
- 愛情
- auxbør [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: au'bør; au'bør/buo; (kex'bør) [[...]]
- stepmother
- 後母,繼母
- auxbøfbaa [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: au'bør'baa; au'bør/buo-baa [[...]]
- stepmother harlot, a vile scolding
- 狠,壞,後娘
- auxbøfbin [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: au'bør'bin; au'bør/buo-bin [[...]]
- sour look, as of a stepmother
- 晚娘臉
- baa [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: baa [[...]]
- wild cat, harlot, a vile scolding
- 貍貓,淫婦
- bør [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: bør; bør/buo; (buo) [[...]]
- mother, female animals, capital money, yogurt or cheese culture
- 母
- bøfaix [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: bør'aix; bør/buo'aix [[...]]
- mother's love
- 母愛
- bøfzaang [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: bør'zaang; bør/buo'zaang [[...]]
- the trunk of a tree
- 母樹
- bøfchyn [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: bør'chyn; bør/buo'chyn [[...]]
- mother
- 母親
- Bøfchincied [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: Bør'chyn'cied; Bør/Buo'chyn-cied [[...]]
- Mother's Day: the second Sunday in May
- 母親節
- bøfcvii [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: bør'cvii; bør/buo'cvii; (buo'cvii, bør'kym) [[...]]
- business capital; capital lent out
- 母錢,本錢,資本
- bøfzuo liensym [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: bør'zuo'lieen'sym; bør/buo'zuo lieen'sym [[...]]
- Lit.- mother and son's heart always join together, i.e. love between mother and child
- 母子連心
- bøfgie [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: bør'gie; bør/buo'gie/guo [[...]]
- one's mother tongue, native tongue
- 母語
- bøfhau [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: bør'hau; bør/buo'hau [[...]]
- alma mater
- 母校
- bøfhoef [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: bør'hoef; bør/buo'hoef [[...]]
- female flower
- 雌花
- bøfii [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: bør'ii; bør/buo'ii [[...]]
- mother's sisters, maternal aunts
- 姨母
- bøfym [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: bør'ym; bør/buo'ym [[...]]
- vowels
- 母音
- bøfkaux [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: bør'kaux; bør/buo'kaux [[...]]
- mother's upbringing of child, mother's teaching
- 母教
- bøfky [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: bør'ky; bør/buo'ky [[...]]
- machine that makes other machines, mother aircraft, airplane which tows gliders
- 母機
- bøfkviar [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: bør'kviar; bør/buo'kviar [[...]]
- mother and child, principal and interest
- 母子
- bøfkim [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: bør'kim; bør/buo'kim [[...]]
- mother's brother's wife
- 舅母
- bøfkym [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: bør'kym; (buo'cvii, bør'cvii) [[...]]
- capital, principal (of money)
- 本錢,本金
- bøfkoaan [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: bør'koaan; bør/buo'koaan [[...]]
- matriarchal power
- 母權
- bøfkog [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: bør'kog; bør/buo'kog; (zor'kog) [[...]]
- mother country, mother land
- 母國,祖國
- bøfku [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: bør'ku; bør/buo'ku [[...]]
- mother's brother, maternal uncle
- 母舅,舅父
- bøflai [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: bør'lai; bør/buo'lai [[...]]
- principal and interest
- 本息
- bøflam [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: bør'lam; bør/buo'lam [[...]]
- mother ship, carrier
- 母艦
- bøo laang koarn, bøo laang liuu [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: bøo laang koarn, bøo laang liuu [[...]]
- no one takes care
- 無人管,自由
- bøflefng [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: bør'lefng; bør/buo'lefng/ny [[...]]
- mother's milk
- 母奶
- bøfsexng [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: bør'sexng; bør/buo'sexng [[...]]
- motherliness, maternity
- 母性
- bøfserng'aix [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: bør'sexng'aix; bør/buo'sexng'aix [[...]]
- mother's love, maternal affection
- 母性愛
- bøfthay [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: bør'thay; bør/buo'thay [[...]]
- mother's womb
- 母胎
- boaa [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: boaa [[...]]
- toil, labor hard
- 勞
- bwcvii [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: buo'cvii; (bør'cvii, bør'kym) [[...]]
- principal, capital lent
- 母金
- Bu'tiaxm Serngbør [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: Buu'tiaxm Sexng'bør; Buu'tiaxm Sexng'bør/buo [[...]]
- the Immaculate Mother (Catholic)
- 無玷聖母
- za'bofkviar [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: zaf'bor'kviar [[...]]
- daughter
- 女兒
- zhamkaf [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: zhafm'kaf [[...]]
- participation in, participate or take part in, join, join with others
- 參加
- chi kviar bølun png, chi pexbør ciaux sngrtngx. [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: chi kviar bøo'lun png, chi pe'bør ciaux sngx'tngx.; chi kviar bøo'lun png, chi pe'bør/buo ciaux sngx'tngx. [[...]]
- an expression used to accuse someone of being unfilial (Lit. Children are fed without discussing the amount of rice, when parents are fed the meals need to be counted.)
- 養兒不計一切,養父母卻斤斤計較。
- chyn [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: chyn [[...]]
- parents, relatives, to love, near to, dear, personally, personal, in person
- 親
- chinsvef pexbør [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: chyn'svef pe'bør; chyn'svef/svy pe'bør/buo [[...]]
- one's own parents as distinct from foster parents or step parents
- 親生父母
- zhngbør zøx kiehø [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: zhngg'bør zøx kix'hø; zhngg'bør/buo zøx kix'hø [[...]]
- birthmark
- 胎痣
- zhuun [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: zhuun; (zwn'zhuun) [[...]]
- inform a superior or a friend of what we mean to do, get permission, ask a person's consent
- 尊
- zhunthvy [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: zhwn'thvy [[...]]
- Spring
- 春天
- zhud bøfthay [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: zhud bør'thay; zhud bør/buo'thay [[...]]
- newly born infant
- 出母胎
- ciawbør [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: ciao'bør; ciao'bør/buo [[...]]
- female birds
- 母鳥
- ciøqsay [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: ciøh'say [[...]]
- stone lion found at the entrance of many temples
- 石獅
- ciwbør [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: ciuo'bør; ciuo'bør/buo [[...]]
- yeast for making wine
- 酒母
- zofbør [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: zor'bør; zor'bør/buo; (zor'biør, af'mar) [[...]]
- grandmother
- 祖母
- zuybør [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: zuie'bør; zuie'bør/buo [[...]]
- jellyfish
- 水母
- eng [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: eng; (iong) [[...]]
- use, spend, with (an instrument)
- 用
- eeng kaq liah satbør siøka [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: eeng kaq liah sad'bør siøf'ka; eeng kaq liah sad'bør/buo siøf'ka [[...]]
- Have time to catch lice and watch them fight each other — don't know what to do with my leisure
- 無所事事, 閒得無聊
- gagbør [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: gak'bør; gak'bør/buo; (tviu'mr) [[...]]
- mother-in-law (wife's mother)
- 岳母
- hvaekawbøfsøf [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: hvaix'kao'bør'søf; hvaix-kao'bør/buo'søf; (hø'lør'hø'sø) [[...]]
- idle about, loaf
- 游手好閒
- gixbør [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: gi'bør; gi'bør/buo; (gi'biør) [[...]]
- relationship somewhat like that of godmother, cf., "khøeabuo"
- 義母
- giaa [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: giaa; (gøo) [[...]]
- goose (in general)
- 鵝
- gøbør [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: gøo'bør; gøo'bør/buo; (giaa'bør) [[...]]
- female goose
- 母鵝
- gong [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: gong [[...]]
- stupid, foolish and dull
- 笨,傻,戇呆
- gubør [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: guu'bør; (guu'buo) [[...]]
- cow
- 母牛
- hawkebør [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: hao'kef'bør; hao'kef-bør/buo [[...]]
- woman who talks in a shrill high pitched voice
- 大嗓婆
- hienzhef-liongbør [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: hieen'zhef lioong'bør; hieen'zhef-lioong'bør/buo; (hieen'zhef-lioong'biør) [[...]]
- dutiful wife and loving mother
- 賢妻良母
- høefbør [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: hoea'bør; høea'bør/buo; (hoea'zerng) [[...]]
- kindling, tinder
- 火種
- hongkhongbøfkaxm [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: hoong'khofng'bør'kaxm; hoong'khofng-bør/buo'kaxm/lam; (hoong'khofng'bør'lam) [[...]]
- aircraft carrier, floating aerodrome
- 航空母艦
- huxbør [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: hu'bør; hu'bør/buo [[...]]
- parents
- 父母
- Huxbør put'haux, kerngsiin hø'eg. [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: Hu'bør pud'haux, kexng'siin høo'eg.; Hu'bør/buo pud'haux, kexng'siin høo'eg. [[...]]
- If you don't take care of your parents what good does it do to worship the gods.
- 父母不孝,敬神何益。
- hunbør [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: hwn'bør; hwn'bør/buo [[...]]
- denominator of a fraction
- 分母
- viwbuo [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: viuo'buo; (viuo'bør, iorng'biør) [[...]]
- foster mother
- 養母
- viubør/viubuo [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: viuu'bør; (viuu'buo) [[...]]
- ewe, nanny goat
- 母羊
- jixbør/jixbuo [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: ji'bør; (ji'buo) [[...]]
- letter of the alphabet
- 字母
- kvarbøfkhurn [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: kvax'bør'khurn; kvax'bør/buo'khurn [[...]]
- yeast fungus
- 酵母菌
- kan'og [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: kafn'og [[...]]
- treacherous, malicious
- 奸惡
- kaxngbør kørpe [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: kang'bør køx'pe; kang'bør/buo køx'pe [[...]]
- having the same mother, but different father
- 同母異父
- kangbøftuix [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: kafng'bør'tuix; kafng'bør/buo'tuix [[...]]
- in pairs (animals)
- 雌雄配
- kawbør/kawbuo [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: kao'bør; (kao'buo) [[...]]
- female dog, a bitch
- 母狗
- køebør [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: kef'bør; køef'bør/buo; (kef'buo) [[...]]
- hen
- 母雞
- keabør [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: kex'bør; kex'bør/buo; (kex'biør, au'bør) [[...]]
- stepmother
- 繼母
- køebør-phøee [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: kef'bør'phoee; køef'bør/buo-phøee; (kef'buo'phoee) [[...]]
- goose flesh (skin), goose-pimples
- 雞皮,雞皮疙瘩
- køebør thii [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: kef'bør thii; køef'bør/buo thii [[...]]
- hen crows (a very bad omen), said of a wife ruling her husband, the wife wears the pants in the family
- 母雞啼(很困難)
- khaope khaobør [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: khaux'pe khaux'bør; khaux'pe khaux'bør/buo [[...]]
- lament loudly for parents' death — to complain or to scold (a curse word)
- 哭爹哭娘, 抱怨,叱罵
- khøeabør [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: khex'bør; khøex'bør/buo; (khoex'buo, khex'pe, khoex'pe) [[...]]
- A relationship somewhat like that of godparents. When a child is born under bad luck or has the fate of being given as an adopted child, according to fortune-tellers, his parents ask someone to be formally the adoptive parents of the child. Then the "khøeape" and "khøeabuo" bring a little water and uncooked rice as the symbol of feeding that child. Usually this relationship is very temporary and is entered into to fool the spirits. But even now some people like to ask someone of the higher classes to be their khøeape or khøeabuo in order to pave the way to success for themselves. It is also called "koa* chui-bi".
- 乾娘,乾爹
- khie-køebør-phøee [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: khie kef'bør'phoee; khie-køef'bør/buo-phøee [[...]]
- go all goose-fleshy (as from terror)
- 起雞毛疙瘩
- kviubøftee [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: kviw'bør'tee; kviw'bør/buo'tee [[...]]
- tea made from dried ginger
- 薑湯
- ku [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: ku; (kiu) [[...]]
- brothers of one's mother, brother-in-law (wife's brother)
- 舅
- kunthaubør [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: kuun'thaau'bør; kuun'thaau'bør/buo [[...]]
- the fist
- 拳頭
- lai [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: lai; (li) [[...]]
- interest (from invested money)
- 利,利息
- lai kar bør, bør kar lai [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: lai kar bør, bør kar lai; lai kar bør/buo, bør/buo kar lai [[...]]
- compound interest
- 利上加利
- lauxbør/lauxbuo [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: lau'bør; (lau'buo) [[...]]
- mother
- 母親
- lefng [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: lefng; lefng/ny; (lyn, ny, nae, juo) [[...]]
- milk, the breasts of a woman, a teat, gum, resin
- 奶,乳
- lengbør-chiaf [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: lefng'bør-chiaf; lefng/ny'bør/buo-chiaf [[...]]
- baby carriage, baby buggy
- 嬰兒車
- liah satbør siøka [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: liah sad'bør siøf'ka; liah sad'bør/buo siøf'ka [[...]]
- catch lice and make them to fight in order to pass the time, nothing to do
- 捉蝨子 相鬥,閒著無聊,無所事事。
- lirn [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: lirn [[...]]
- respectful or intimate form of 你
- 您
- løf [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: løf [[...]]
- peck (as duck or goose), dabble in mud
- 啄
- luie [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: luie [[...]]
- stamen or pistil of a flower, buds, unopened flowers, classifying particle used with flowers and eyes
- 蕊,朵
- moape phiernbør [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: moaa'pe phiexn'bør; moaa'pe phiexn'bør/buo [[...]]
- deceive parents
- 欺騙父母
- neh kunthaubør [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: neh kuun'thaau'bør; neh kuun'thaau'bør/buo [[...]]
- clench one's fist
- 握拳頭
- niaubør [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: niaw'bør; niaw'bør/buo; (niaw'buo) [[...]]
- female cat
- 母貓
- pexbør [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: pe'bør; pe'bør/buo [[...]]
- father and mother, parents
- 父母
- pexbøfkvoaf [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: pe'bør'kvoaf; pe'bør/buo'kvoaf [[...]]
- magistrate (popular term for), local official
- 父母官
- pexbør svecviaa`ee [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: pe'bør svef'cviaa`ee; pe'bør/buo svef/svy'cviaa`ee [[...]]
- I was born so, be born (a cripple, blind)
- 天生的
- phahpheg [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: phaq'pheg [[...]]
- beat
- 打拍子
- pøfbør [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: pør'bør; pør'bør/buo [[...]]
- nurse who looks after small children, a kindergarten teacher
- 保姆
- pvoarkangbøfar [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: pvoax'kafng'bør'ar; pvoax'kafng'bør/buo'ar [[...]]
- hermaphrodite (slang)
- 陰陽人
- poeabør [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: poex'bør; poex'bør/buo [[...]]
- fritillary (used as herbal medicine)
- 貝母
- Sae lirn-lauxbør. Sae lirn-niaa. [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: Sae lirn'lau'bør. Sae lirn'niaa.; Sae lirn-lau'bør/buo. Sae lirn-niaa.; (Sae lirn'lau'buo. Sae lirn'niaa.) [[...]]
- this expression denotes disagreement (is not spoken nor taken literally)
- 肏你媽!(粗話)
- satbør [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'bør; (sad'buo) [[...]]
- lice
- 蝨子
- svebør [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: svef'bør; svef/svy'bør/buo; (svy'buo) [[...]]
- one's own real mother
- 生母
- Serngbør [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: Sexng'bør; Sexng'bør/buo; (sexng'biør) [[...]]
- Virgin Mary, Holy Mother
- 聖母
- Serngbør bu'tiaxm cy sym [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: Sexng'bør buu'tiaxm cy sym; Sexng'bør/buo buu'tiaxm cy sym [[...]]
- Immaculate Heart of Mary (Catholic)
- 聖母無玷之心
- Serngbøfgoeh [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: Sexng'bør'goeh; Sexng'bør/buo-gøeh [[...]]
- Month of Mary (Catholic)
- 聖母月
- siawkawbør [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: siao'kao'bør; siao'kao'bør/buo [[...]]
- bitch in heat
- 發情的母狗
- Sitpai uii sengkofng-cy-bør. [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: Sid'pai uii seeng'kofng cy bør.; Sid'pai uii seeng'kofng-cy-bør/buo. [[...]]
- Failure begets success If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.
- 失敗為成功之母。
- taixbør [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: tai'bør; tai'bør/buo [[...]]
- female sponsor in Baptism or Confirmation, godmother (Catholic)
- 代母
- taau yn sixtoa laang [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: taau yn si'toa laang [[...]]
- complain to his parents
- 向他的父母投訴
- Y na phaq lie, lie mxthafng kab y phaq, khix taau yn sixtoaxlaang (pexbør) [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: Y na phaq lie, lie m'thafng kab y phaq, khix taau yn si'toa'laang (pe'bør); Y na phaq lie, lie m'thafng kab y phaq, khix taau yn si'toa'laang (pe'bør/buo) [[...]]
- If he hits you, don't fight with him, go tell his parents.
- 要是他打你,不要和他打架,去告訴他父母。
- tee [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: tee; (zhaa) [[...]]
- tea, the tea plant, the Camellia
- 茶
- tøee [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: tee; tøee; (toee) [[...]]
- heel, the hoofs of animals
- 蹄
- tve kunthaubør [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: tve kuun'thaau'bør; tve/tvi kuun'thaau'bør/buo [[...]]
- clench the fist
- 握拳頭
- thii [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: thii; (thee) [[...]]
- to cry, to howl, to crow, to scream, to sob
- 啼
- thiw-tibøfsøex [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: thiw ty'bør'soex; thiw-ty'bør/buo'søex [[...]]
- an agreement whereby a married daughter gives one of her children her own family name rather than the family name of her husband
- 女兒嫁後言明所生之子一人歸娘家姓
- thøf [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: thøf; (løf) [[...]]
- to peck, suck or gobble up like a duck
- 鴨(鵝)用嘴取食的動作
Embree (25)
- abør/abuo [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: af'bør/buo [[...]][i#] [p.1]
- Na ê : mother, mama
- 媽媽
- ahbør-tøee/ahbuo-tøee [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: aq'bør/buo'tee/toee; aq'bør/buo-tøee [[...]][i#] [p.1]
- N : flat feet
- 平底腳
- zoaa-kuxbør/zoaa-kuxbuo [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: zoaa'ku'bør/buo; zoaa-ku'bør/buo [[...]][i#] [p.37]
- N/Zool bé/*bóe : general term used for typical lizards, represented in Taiwan by Takydromus septentrionalis, Takydromus formosanus, Takydromus santeri and Takydromus kuehnei
- 蛇舅母
- zwbør/zwbuo [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: zuo'bør/buo [[...]][i#] [p.41]
- Na : mistress (said by slave)
- 主母
- zubør/zubuo [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: zuu'bør/buo [[...]][i#] [p.42]
- N ê : my mother, loving mother
- 慈母
- zhngbør/zhngbuo [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: zhngg'bør/buo [[...]][i#] [p.59]
- N ê : female spirits that care for infants (like nurses) shortly before and after death
- 床母神
- giabør [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: giaa'bør/buo [[...]][i#] [p.69]
- N chiah : goose (female)
- 母鵝
- gøbør [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: gøo'bør/buo [[...]][i#] [p.71]
- N/R chiah : goose (female)
- 母鵝
- høefbuo [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: hea'buo; høea'bør/buo [[...]][i#] [p.80]
- N : fire-starter (live coal or burning ember, or manufactured device which ignites easily)
- 火種
- himbør/himbuo [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: hiim'bør/buo [[...]][i#] [p.85]
- N chiah : she-bear
- 母熊
- himbør;himbuo [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: hiim'bør/buo [[...]][i#] [p.85]
- N ê : a woman or child with hair in disarray
- 母熊
- høefbør [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: hoea'bør; høea'bør/buo [[...]][i#] [p.95]
- N : fire-starter (live coal or burning ember, or manufactured device which ignites easily)
- 火種
- hunbør [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: hwn'bør/buo [[...]][i#] [p.102]
- N/Math : denominator
- 分母
- ibør/ibuo [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: ii'bør/buo [[...]][i#] [p.105]
- N ê : maternal aunt
- 姨母
- viubør/viubuo [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: viuu'bør/buo [[...]][i#] [p.114]
- N chiah : ewe
- 母羊
- jixbør/jixbuo [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: ji'bør/buo [[...]][i#] [p.116]
- N : letters of an alphabet
- 字母
- kvarbør/kvarbuo [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: kvax'bør/buo [[...]][i#] [p.121]
- N : leaven yeast
- 酵母
- kawbør/kawbuo [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: kao'bør/buo [[...]][i#] [p.126]
- N chiah : bitch
- 母狗
- lauxbør/lauxbuo [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: lau'bør/buo [[...]][i#] [p.166]
- n : mother
- 母親
- lengbør/lengbuo [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: lefng'bør/buo [[...]][i#] [p.167]
- n : wet nurse
- 奶媽
- lengbør-chiaf/lengbuo-chiaf [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: lefng'bør/buo'chiaf; lefng'bør/buo-chiaf [[...]][i#] [p.167]
- n tâi : baby-carriage
- 嬰兒車
- saibør/saibuo [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: say'bør/buo [[...]][i#] [p.220]
- N chiah : lioness
- 母獅
- tibør/tibuo [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: ty'bør/buo [[...]][i#] [p.260]
- N chiah : sow
- 母豬
- thorbør/thorbuo [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: thox'bør/buo [[...]][i#] [p.286]
- N chiah : female rabbit
- 母兔
- u: thuun'bør/buo [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.290]
- N ê : sterile woman
- 不孕的女人
Lim08 (17)
- u: bea'buo bea'bør(漳) 馬母 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.B0766/B0767] [#2091]
- 雌性e5馬 。 <>
- u: buo'guun bør'giin(漳)/buo'gɨin(泉) 母銀 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.B0720/B0854/B0720] [#3777]
- 母金 。 <∼∼ kap利錢 。 >
- u: buo'kviar bør'kviar 母囝 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.B0719] [#3810]
- 老母kap kiaN2兒 。 <∼∼ 對父kiaN2 = 帶kiaN2 e5老母kap帶kiaN2 e5老父結婚了 , in e5 kiaN2 koh結婚 。 >
- u: buo'kwn bør'kyn 母根 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.B0720,B0854] [#3818]
- 第一大e5根 。 <>
- u: zngr'thaau'buo zerng'thaau'buo/zerng'thaau'bør(漳) 指頭母 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.B0177,B0367] [#5269]
- 拇指 ( chaiN2 ) 。 <∼∼∼ 印 。 >
- u: chyn'buo chyn'bør/buo 親母 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.B0227] [#8094]
- 生母 。 <>
- u: cieen'buo cieen'bør(漳) 前母 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.B0165/B0166] [#11067]
- 以前e5老母 。 <>
- u: zor'buo zor'bør(漳) 祖母 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.A0856/A0857] [#14254]
- ( 文 ) 阿媽 。 <>
- u: gi'buo gi'bør(漳) 義母 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.A0343/A0343] [#16216]
- 契母 。 。 <>
- u: juo'buo jie'bør(漳) 乳母 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.A0781/A0740] [#26111]
- ( 文 )<>
- u: kex'bør kex'buo 繼母 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.A0421/A0420] [#28206]
- <>
- u: kviw'buo'tee kviof'bør'tee 薑母茶 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.A0284/A0307] [#34433]
- 生薑湯 。 <>
- u: lok'buo lok'bør/buo 鹿母 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.B1034] [#40439]
- 雌性e5鹿 。 <>
- u: pe'buo'kvoaf pe'bør/buo'kvoaf 父母官 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.B0779] [#45109]
- 地方官 。 <>
- u: svy'buo svef'bør(漳) 生母 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.A0665/A0789] [#53227]
- 親生e5老母 。 <>
- u: thiefn'siong'sexng'buo thiefn'siong'sexng'bør(漳) 天上聖母 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.B0286] [#60256]
- = [ 媽祖 ] 。 <>
- u: toa'buo'haxn toa'bør/buo'haxn 大母漢 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.B0437] [#63967]
- 真大漢 。 <>