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🗣 aux 🗣 (u: aux) [wt][mo] àu [#]
1. (Adj) (vegetables and fruits) rotten; stale; stinking; smelly. often used to describe rotten, decaying, bad, base, mean, despicable people and things || 蔬果腐爛或是不新鮮、有臭味。多用來形容爛的、不好的、卑劣的人事物。
🗣le: (u: aux'po) 🗣 (漚步) (卑劣的手段)
🗣le: (u: aux'hoex) 🗣 (漚貨) (爛貨)
🗣le: (u: aux laai'ar) 🗣 (漚梨仔) (爛掉的梨子,也用來罵人。)
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
🗣 bad 🗣 (u: bad) t [wt][mo] bat [#]
1. (V) to understand; to comprehend; to know || 懂、知道、明白。
🗣le: (u: Zøx'laang aix bad tø'lie.) 🗣 (做人就愛捌道理。) (做人就要懂道理。)
2. (V) to know (sb); to recognize; to be familiar with || 認識。
🗣le: (u: Cid ee laang lie karm bad`y?) 🗣 (這个人你敢捌伊?) (這個人你認識他嗎?)
3. (Adv) have had the experience of; already; previously; ever || 曾經。
🗣le: (u: Goar bad thviaf'koex Peh'zhat'chid`ar ee kox'su.) 🗣 (我捌聽過白賊七仔的故事。) (我曾聽過白賊七的故事。)
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
🗣 hai 🗣 (u: hai) [wt][mo] hāi [#]
1. (V) to deliberately injure; to harm; damage || 故意使別人遭受不幸。
🗣le: (u: Lie m'thafng hai`laang.) 🗣 (你毋通害人。) (你不要害人。)
🗣le: (u: ham'hai) 🗣 (陷害) (陷害)
2. (V) (thing) to get spoiled, ruined, destroyed || 東西壞掉、損毀。
🗣le: (u: Goar ee chiuo'ky'ar hai`khix`aq.) 🗣 (我的手機仔害去矣。) (我的手機壞掉了。)
3. (V) to be done for || 糟糕、事情不好、完蛋。
🗣le: (u: Hai`aq`laq! Tai'cix piag'khafng`aq`laq!) 🗣 (害矣啦!代誌煏空矣啦!) (糟了啦!事情出紕漏了啦!)
4. (Adj) terrible; bad; awful || 糟糕。
🗣le: (u: Cid ee girn'ar cyn hai, kuy'jit lorng teq phaq'tien'tong.) 🗣 (這个囡仔真害,規日攏咧拍電動。) (這個孩子很糟糕,整天在打電動。)
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
🗣 hexng 🗣 (u: hexng) [wt][mo] hìng [#]
1. (V) to be fond of; to like; to take pleasure in; to have a fancy for; to desire strongly (often in a somewhat bad sense) || 愛好、嗜好。
🗣le: (u: Y hexng lym ciuo.) 🗣 (伊興啉酒。) (他喜好喝酒。)
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
🗣 hoafnkarm 🗣 (u: hoarn'karm) 反感 [wt][mo] huán-kám [#]
1. () (CE) to be disgusted with; to dislike; bad reaction; antipathy || 反感
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
🗣 hoghoad 🗣 (u: hok'hoad) 復發 [wt][mo] ho̍k-huat [#]
1. () (CE) to recur (of a disease); to reappear; to relapse (into a former bad state) || 復發
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
🗣 kae 🗣 (u: kae) [wt][mo] kái [#]
1. (V) to alter; to change; to transform || 轉變。
🗣le: (u: kae'too) 🗣 (改途) (變換行業類別)
2. (V) to give up or stop doing sth; to quit; to give up (a bad habit); to abstain from; to avoid || 戒、戒除。
🗣le: (u: kae'hwn) 🗣 (改薰) (戒菸)
🗣le: (u: kae'ciuo) 🗣 (改酒) (戒酒)
3. (V) to repent || 悔悟。
🗣le: (u: kae'køx) 🗣 (改過) (改過)
4. (V) to revise; to amend; to read through to evaluate; to referee || 修正、批閱。
🗣le: (u: Lau'sw teq kae pho'ar.) 🗣 (老師咧改簿仔。) (老師在改簿子。)
5. (Mw) turn; time; occasion || 計算次數的單位。
🗣le: (u: køq siar cit kae) 🗣 (閣寫一改) (再寫一次)
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
🗣 kauq 🗣 (u: kauq) 𩛩t [wt][mo] kauh [#]
1. (V) to sandwich; to roll up; to sweep up; to wrap up (eatables in thin pancakes) || 夾進、捲入。
🗣le: (u: Ho hae'erng kauq`khix.) 🗣 (予海湧𩛩去。) (被海浪捲去。)
🗣le: (u: kauq jun'pviar) 🗣 (𩛩潤餅) (包春捲)
2. (N) roll (food item) || 成捲的食物、包在一起的食物。
🗣le: (u: pviar'kauq) 🗣 (餅𩛩) (潤餅)
🗣le: (u: jun'pviar'kauq) 🗣 (潤餅𩛩) (潤餅、春捲)
3. (Mw) roll || 捲。計算成捲物品的單位。
🗣le: (u: cit kauq jun'pviar) 🗣 (一𩛩潤餅) (一捲潤餅)
4. (V) to become bad, moldy, rotten || 把肥料犁入土中。
🗣le: (u: kauq'puii) 🗣 (𩛩肥) (堆肥)
5. (V) to be affected by dampness long term || 長期受潮。
🗣le: (u: Vef'ar khaf'zhngf kauq`tiøh.) 🗣 (嬰仔尻川𩛩著。) (嬰兒屁股包著溼尿布太久發炎紅腫。)
🗣le: (u: Tøq'pox taam'taam kauq`leq e zhaux'zhaux.) 🗣 (桌布澹澹𩛩咧會臭臭。) (抹布溼溼受潮會臭臭的。)
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
🗣 khiab 🗣 (u: khiab) [wt][mo] khiap [#]
1. (V) to get worse; to degenerate; to go bad; to spoil; to break down || 變壞、搞壞。
🗣le: (u: Y khiab`khix`aq.) 🗣 (伊㾀去矣。) (他變壞了。)
2. (Adj) ugly; unsightly || 醜、不好看。
🗣le: (u: Hid ee girn'ar svef'zøx u khaq khiab.) 🗣 (彼个囡仔生做有較㾀。) (那個孩子長得比較醜。)
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
🗣 khøf'ie/khøfie 🗣 (u: khør'ie) 可以 [wt][mo] khó-í [#]
1. () (CE) can; may; possible; able to; not bad; pretty good || 可以
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
🗣 mxbad/m bad 🗣 (u: m bad) 毋捌 [wt][mo] m̄ bat [#]
1. (Adv) hasn't yet; hasn't ever; never || 不曾。
🗣le: (u: Goar m bad zhud'kog`koex.) 🗣 (我毋捌出國過。) (我不曾出過國。)
2. (V) to not know; to not recognize; to be unfamiliar with; to be unacquainted with sb || 不認識。
🗣le: (u: Y m bad'ji.) 🗣 (伊毋捌字。) (他不識字。)
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
🗣 oafng 🗣 (u: oafng) [wt][mo] uang [#]
1. (N) colleague; co-conspirator; accomplice (refers to bad groups in particular) || 同夥的人。特指不好的群體。
🗣le: (u: kuy'oafng'kuy'torng) 🗣 (規嚾規黨) (同流合汙、狐群狗黨)
2. (V) to assemble; to concentrate; to mass; to build up; to marshal; to gather || 集結、聚集。
🗣le: (u: oafng'kuy'torng) 🗣 (嚾規黨) (成群結黨)
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
🗣 og 🗣 (u: og) [wt][mo] ok [#]
1. (Adj) wicked; bad; cruel; vicious; fierce and malicious; vengeful || 不好的,兇狠的。
🗣le: (u: Og'laang bøo'tvar.) 🗣 (惡人無膽。) (越是窮兇極惡的人膽量越小。)
2. (Adj) terrible; horrible; bad; poor || 不好的。
🗣le: (u: og'pøx) 🗣 (惡報) (惡報)
🗣le: (u: pve'zeeng og'hoax) 🗣 (病情惡化) (病情惡化)
3. (V) to treat person cruelly; to be vicious toward || 對人兇狠。
🗣le: (u: Y kafn'naf e og`goar, m bad og`laang.) 🗣 (伊干焦會惡我,毋捌惡人。) (他只會對我兇,不曾兇別人)
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
🗣 pheeng 🗣 (u: pheeng) [wt][mo] phîng [#]
1. (V) to judge or determine and illustrate right and wrong or good or bad || 判斷說明是非或好壞。
🗣le: (u: Chviar lie pheeng khvoax sviar'laang khaq u lie.) 🗣 (請你評看啥人較有理。) (請你評斷看看誰比較有道理。)
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
🗣 phvae 🗣 (u: phvae) t [wt][mo] pháinn [#]
1. (Adj) bad; wicked; depraved; hated; loathed; no good || 壞。惡的、不好的。
🗣le: (u: Larn'laang phvae tai'cix m'thafng zøx.) 🗣 (咱人歹代誌毋通做。) (我們人壞事不要做。)
2. (V) broken || 壞掉。
🗣le: (u: Goarn taw ee lerng'khix zaf'mee phvae`khix`aq!) 🗣 (阮兜的冷氣昨暝歹去矣!) (我們家的冷氣昨晚壞了!)
3. (V) fierce; ferocious; vicious || 對人凶惡。
🗣le: (u: Lie bøo'tai'bøo'cix phvae goar zhoxng sviaq?) 🗣 (你無代無誌歹我創啥?) (你沒事兇我幹嘛?)
4. (Adv) not easily; difficult to || 不容易地。
🗣le: (u: Løh'ho'thvy ee sii'zun, cid tiaau lo piexn kaq cyn phvae kviaa.) 🗣 (落雨天的時陣,這條路就變甲真歹行。) (下雨天的時候,這條路就變得很難走。)
5. (V) to cause harm or damage || 使……受傷、受損。
🗣le: (u: AF'beeng tiofng'taux ciah'phvae pag'tor, sor'ie e'pof zherng'kar tngr`khix.) 🗣 (阿明中晝食歹腹肚,所以下晡就請假轉去。) (阿明中午吃壞肚子,所以下午就請假回家。)
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
🗣 piaxng 🗣 (u: piaxng) [wt][mo] piàng [#]
1. (Adj) (about a difficult situation) miserable; pitiful; wretched; awful; messy; terrible; in bad shape || 慘了、糟了。用於表現有難以解決的事。
🗣le: (u: Goar piaxng`aq!) 🗣 (我迸矣!) (我慘了!我糟了!)
2. (V) (of mood) to break out; to erupt; to explode; to burst out; to clash; to collide in conflict || 爆發情緒、起衝突。
🗣le: (u: Hid tin laang korng bøo svaf kux oe khie piaxng`aq.) 🗣 (彼陣人講無三句話就起迸矣。) (那群人講不到三句話就起衝突了。)
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
🗣 pierncid 🗣 (u: piexn'cid) 變質 [wt][mo] piàn-tsit [#]
1. () (CE) to degenerate; to go bad; to deteriorate; metamorphosis || 變質
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
🗣 sie 🗣 (u: sie) p [wt][mo][#]
1. (V) to die; to cease living || 生命結束,沒有生命跡象。
🗣le: (u: sie'boong) 🗣 (死亡) (死亡)
2. (Adv) extremely; reaching extremes || 到達極點。
🗣le: (u: khix kaq beq'sie) 🗣 (氣甲欲死) (氣得要死)
🗣le: (u: kviaf`sie) 🗣 (驚死) (怕死了)
3. (Adv) senseless as if dead || 如死亡一般無知覺的。
🗣le: (u: khuxn'sie) 🗣 (睏死) (睡死)
4. (Adj) still; immobile; static; stationary; motionless || 靜止不動的。
🗣le: (u: sie'zuie) 🗣 (死水) (死水)
5. (Adj) cannot/must not/should not/unable/incapable of changing; immutable || 不能或無法改變的。
🗣le: (u: sie'nao'kyn) 🗣 (死腦筋) (頭腦不知變通)
6. (Adj) won't work; will get (you) nowhere || 行不通的。
🗣le: (u: Thaau'zeeng si sie'lo.) 🗣 (頭前是死路。) (前面是死路。)
7. (Adv) fiercely; ferociously; fiendishly; frighteningly || 形容凶惡,多重疊使用。
🗣le: (u: phvae'sie'sie) 🗣 (歹死死) (凶惡無禮)
8. (Adv) (situation) rotten; messy; bad || 表示情況很糟。
🗣le: (u: Sie`aq, cvii bøo`khix`aq.) 🗣 (死矣,錢無去矣。) (完了,錢不見了。)
9. (Adj) used to scold or yell at someone || 用來罵人。
🗣le: (u: sie'girn'ar) 🗣 (死囡仔) (死孩子)
🗣le: (u: sie'zhat'ar'por) 🗣 (死賊仔脯) (死賊子)
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
🗣 thøx 🗣 (u: thøx) [wt][mo] thò [#]
1. (Mw) classifier for sets, collections || 計算成組事物的單位。
🗣le: (u: kuy thøx ee zheq) 🗣 (規套的冊) (成套的書)
2. (V) to cover up something from outside view || 將遮蓋物覆蓋在實際物品的外面。
🗣le: (u: Iong log'ar ka phuu'tøo thøx`khie'laai.) 🗣 (用橐仔共葡萄套起來。) (用袋子把葡萄套起來。)
3. (V) (fig.) to fish for; to obtain slyly (using clever words) || 利用巧妙的說話技巧誘騙他人說出實情。
🗣le: (u: Bøo, lie si teq thøx goar ee oe si`m?) 🗣 (無,你是咧套我的話是毋?) (你是在套我的話是吧?)
4. (V) plot (with a bad person); to collude || 指彼此互相串通、配合。
🗣le: (u: Id'zhex lorng si lirn thøx'hør`ee!) 🗣 (一切攏是恁套好的!) (一切都是你們串通安排好的!)
5. (N) object used as cover, cap, case, etc || 用來覆蓋的東西。
🗣le: (u: pid'thøx) 🗣 (筆套) (筆套)
🗣le: (u: zheq'thøx) 🗣 (冊套) (書套)
🗣le: (u: goa'thøx) 🗣 (外套) (外套)
6. (N) ability; skills || 本事。
🗣le: (u: Phva chid'ar y u cit thøx.) 🗣 (奅姼仔伊有一套。) (他對釣女朋友有一套。)
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
🗣 tox 🗣 (u: tox) 𪐞 [wt][mo] tòo [#]
1. (V) to dye; to catch (a disease); to acquire (bad habits etc); to contaminate; to infect || 染、傳染。
🗣le: (u: Karm'mo e tox`laang.) 🗣 (感冒會𪐞人。) (感冒會傳染給別人。)
🗣le: (u: Peh svaf tox kaq piexn of`ee.) 🗣 (白衫𪐞甲變烏的。) (白衣服染得變黑了。)
2. (V) to blot (art technique. ink spreads on blotting paper or watercolor paper) || 暈開。液體滴在紙或布上而散開、滲透。
🗣le: (u: Ka of'bak tox'khuy ti zoar terng ma si cit ciorng oe'too ee chiuo'hoad.) 🗣 (共烏墨𪐞開佇紙頂嘛是一種畫圖的手法。) (讓墨汁在紙上暈開也是一種畫圖的手法。)
3. (V) to trace (a drawing); to copy; to depict || 描。以半透明紙覆蓋原圖上,照著線條畫。
🗣le: (u: Goar be'hiao oe, bøo, goar tox cit tviw ho`lie.) 🗣 (我袂曉畫,無,我𪐞一張予你。) (我不會畫,不然,我描一張給你好了。)
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
🗣 un 🗣 (u: un) b [wt][mo] ūn [#]
1. (N) luck (good or bad); fate; fortune || 運氣。
🗣le: (u: Lie cyn hør'un`neq!) 🗣 (你真好運呢!) (你運氣真好耶!)
2. (V) to transport; to ship; to convey || 搬送。
🗣le: (u: un hoex) 🗣 (運貨) (運送貨物)
tonggi: ; s'tuix:

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