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DFT (200)- 🗣 -khaf/khaf 🗣 (u: khaf) 跤 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (N) leg; foot 2. (Pl) (used as a suffix meaning "at or near the foot of") 3. (N) member 4. (N) base; bottom
- 腿 、 足 。 在 …… 下 。 加入互助會或參加賭局的人 。 指器物的下方 、 底部 。
- 🗣 -teq/teq/teq ~ 🗣 (u: teq) 咧t [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 2. () adverb suffix. just at (that time); right in (that place); right in the middle of (doing sth)
- 在 、 正在 。 表示正在做某事 , 後接動詞 、 形容詞 。 副詞後綴 。 表示正在 。
- 🗣 -terng/terng 🗣 (u: terng) 頂 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (Adj) ahead; in front; preceding; above; on top of; above-mentioned; before; previously 2. (Pl) upper part; area above; place above; (anatomy) superior part 3. (V) to replace somebody; to take somebody's place; to get a job at one's parent's place of work when the parent retires or dies 4. (Mw) hat; cap; sedan chair; palanquin; litter
- 前面的 、 上面的 、 先前的 。 物品的上方 。 頂替 。 計算帽子 、 轎子等物的單位 。
- 🗣 -tiøh/tiøh 🗣 (u: tiøh) 著p [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) right; correct 2. (V) to be (sb's or sth's) turn 3. (V) to get; to obtain; to receive 4. (V) to have to; must; ought to; to need to; to want; will; going to (as future auxiliary); may; must; to have to 5. (Part) verb complement, meaning outcome or result of an action 6. (Part) verb complement, describes the state sth should be 7. (Part) right in line with and hitting target 8. (Part) indicates unexpected, unforeseen, surprising
- 對 。 輪到 。 得到 。 得 、 要 、 必須 。 動詞補語 , 表示動作之結果 。 動詞補語 , 後接形容該動作的狀態描述 。 正符合 、 擊中目標 。 語助詞 , 表示意外 。
- 🗣 aang 🗣 (u: aang) 紅p [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (N) red (color) 2. (Adj) red; rosy 3. (Adj) very popular; in vogue; fashionable; at the height of one's career 4. (N) profits
- 顏色名 。 紅色的 。 形容人正在走運或特定事物正在流行 。 利潤 。
- 🗣 ang'ii 🗣 (u: afng'ii) 尪姨 [wt][mo]
- 靈媒 、 巫婆 。 能通鬼神 , 以替人祈福消災 、 占卜等為職業的女子 。
- 🗣 ar/~ar 🗣 (u: ar) 仔t [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. () diminutive noun suffix. can become lar, when used after words ending in "t", e.g., padar, zhat'ar, khut'ar 2. () noun suffix that converts a verb or adjective into a noun (often a tool) 3. () noun suffix placed after a name or title, expressing endearment 4. () noun suffix. expresses contempt 5. () noun suffix. expresses low position in the family hierarchy 6. () noun suffix expressing location 7. () noun interfix used limitedly in certain temporal location adverbs 8. () noun infix connected after family name to express contempt 9. () noun infix between two nouns to indicate relationship 10. () numeral infix, between two numbers to denote the value of 100 11. () adj affix. placed after adj or classifier to express low in degree or number 12. () adj affix expressing slight, light, trivial 13. () adverb affix 14. () neutral tone suffix expressing endearment
- 名詞後綴 。 放在名詞後面 , 表示小的意思 。 名詞後綴 。 放在某些動詞之後 , 形成名詞 , 多屬工具 。 名詞後綴 。 接在名字或稱謂後面 , 表示親切 。 名詞後綴 。 放在名詞之後 , 表輕視 。 名詞後綴 。 放在親屬稱謂之後 , 表輩分小 。 名詞後綴 , 表處所 。 名詞中綴 。 放在某些固定名詞中間 。 名詞中綴 。 接在姓氏後 , 表示輕視的意思 。 名詞中綴 。 用於並列名詞之間 , 表示兩者的關係 。 數詞中綴 。 放在數字中間 , 表示數目字 「 百 」。 形容詞詞綴 , 放在形容詞或數量詞之後 , 表程度低 、 數量少 。 形容詞詞綴 , 表輕微 。 副詞詞綴 。 輕聲詞尾 , 表親切 。
- 🗣 auxkhog 🗣 (u: au'khog) 後擴 [wt][mo]
- 後腦杓 。 頭後面比較突出的部分 。
- 🗣 bad 🗣 (u: bad) 捌t [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to understand; to comprehend; to know 2. (V) to know (sb); to recognize; to be familiar with 3. (Adv) have had the experience of; already; previously; ever
- 懂 、 知道 、 明白 。 認識 。 曾經 。
- 🗣 bak 🗣 (u: bak) 目p [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (N) eye 2. (N) joint 3. (N) small hole 4. (N) node; joint; section; segment; part; a playing piece in a board game, such as a stone in the game of go
- 眼睛 。 節 。 細孔 。 量詞 。 計算節的單位 , 或指圍棋遊戲中的棋子 。
- 🗣 baq 🗣 (u: baq) 肉t [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (N) meat; flesh 2. (N) pulp or edible part of fruit 3. (N) blade of knife (except the edge) 4. (N) meat food products 5. (Adj) (person) full-bodied; well-rounded
- 動物體中介於皮和骨骼之間的柔韌組織 。 果核外可以食用的部分 。 刀刃以外的刀身部分 。 以肉類為材料作成的食品 。 指人豐腴的樣子 。
- 🗣 barn 🗣 (u: barn) 挽 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to pick; to pluck (fruit or flower); to pull or draw out nail or tooth 2. (V) to promote; to spur; to drive (the development of); to fuel (growth); to give an incentive to 3. (V) to retrieve; to redeem 4. (V) to turn around and leave due to unrestrained anger 5. (V) to conserve; to be moderate in; to control; to limit 6. (V) to make oneself do sth in spite of adversity, pain etc
- 採 、 拔 、 摘取 。 推動 、 拉動 。 挽回 。 因為任性使氣而轉身掉頭離開 。 留取 、 節制 。 硬撐 。
- 🗣 bin'oaxn 🗣 (u: biin'oaxn) 民怨 [wt][mo]
- 1. () (CE) popular grievance; complaints of the people
- 民怨
- 🗣 Binkog 🗣 (u: Biin'kog) 民國 [wt][mo]
- 1. () (CE) Republic of China (1912-1949); used in Taiwan as the name of the calendar era (e.g. 民國六十年|民国六十年 is 1971, the 60th year after 1911)
- 民國
- 🗣 bo 🗣 (u: bo) 戊 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (N) fifth of the ten Heavenly Stems; fifth in order or rank
- 天干的第五位 , 也指排序或等級為第五 。
- 🗣 bøe 🗣 (u: boe be bøe) 未p [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (Adv) have not; not yet 2. (Part) used at the end of questions to ask if one has done something yet
- 沒 。 放在句末 , 表示對某一個動作的疑問 。
- 🗣 bøea 🗣 (u: boea bea bøea) 尾 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (N) tail 2. (N) tip; extremity; point; stern (of a ship); the rear 3. (N) remnant; relic; residue; vestige; surplus 4. (N) conclusion; ending 5. (Mw) (legless creature as fish, snake, worm, etc) 6. (Adj) as counted backwards from end; from the bottom (lines on a page); from the back (rows of seats)
- 鳥獸蟲魚等脊椎末梢突出的部分 。 引申為事物的末端或是最後的部分 。 殘餘的物品 。 事物的結局 。 計算魚類動物的單位 。 倒數 。
- 🗣 bøo 🗣 (u: bøo) 無t [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to not have or be; to not exist; to lack 2. (Adv) (negative prefix to adj or verb); not; no 3. (Adv) (betw verb and complement) didn't or did not yet reach goal 4. (Conj) if not; otherwise (placed at the start of a sentence) 5. (Part) Interrogative particle (sentence final) 6. (Adj) does not endure; not durable 7. (V) reminder, draws attention to
- 沒有 。 不 , 修飾形容詞或動詞 。 放在動詞與補語之間 。 未達成某種目標 。 表示語氣轉折 。 有 「 要不然 」 的意思 。 句末疑問助詞 , 用來詢問是或否 、 有或無等 , 多讀為輕聲 。 不耐用 。 表示提醒 。
- 🗣 buun 🗣 (u: buun) 門b [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (N) door; gate; gateway; doorway (used in more classical vocab) 2. (N) family; clan; family status 3. (N) sect; school of thought 4. (N) orifice (of the human body) 5. (N) classification; category
- 建築物或車 、 船等可以開關的出入口 , 也指設於出入口能關閉的裝置 。 用於較文言的詞彙 。 家族 、 門第 。 宗派 、 學派 。 人體身上的孔竅 。 類別 。
- 🗣 chiauhoaan/chiau'hoaan 🗣 (u: chiaw'hoaan) 超凡 [wt][mo]
- 1. () (CE) out of the ordinary; exceedingly (good)
- 超凡
- 🗣 chiefn 🗣 (u: chiefn) 遷 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to move (house); to relocate 2. (V) to move (sth) away; to get out of the way; to step aside; to overthrow or eliminate someone and replace them
- 搬移 。 挪開 、 讓開 。 推翻或排除某人 , 並取而代之 。
- 🗣 chiq 🗣 (u: chiq) 𩑾t [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to point the head down let it droop; to droop head down; to hang the head low 2. (Adj) appearance of head drooping down
- 頭向下低垂 。 形容頭低垂下來的樣子 。
- 🗣 chiw 🗣 (u: chiw) 羞t [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to stroke the cheek to tease or make fun of sb else. signals they ought to be ashamed of sth
- 以食指劃臉頰來取笑別人 , 使別人難為情 。
- 🗣 chiwsym 🗣 (u: chiuo'sym) 手心 [wt][mo]
- 1. () (CE) palm (of one's hand); control (extended meaning from having something in the palm of one's hand)
- 手心
- 🗣 ci'tiofng 🗣 (u: cy'tiofng) 之中 [wt][mo]
- 1. () (CE) inside; among; in the midst of (doing sth); during
- 之中
- 🗣 ciafm 🗣 (u: ciafm) 尖 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (Adj) sharp at the end; pointed 2. (Adj) keen-eyed; (eyes) sharp; acute 3. (Adj) (tone of voice/words) sharp; keen; acute; incisive; penetrating; perceptive; unkind; harsh; cutting
- 形容末端細小的樣子 。 眼睛敏銳 。 銳利 、 刻薄 。 形容說話聲音高亢而令人不舒服 , 或是指言語刻薄 。
- 🗣 ciaux 🗣 (u: ciaux) 照b [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) according to; in light of; in accordance with; in the light of; on the basis of 2. (N) proof; certificate; voucher
- 依照 、 按照 。 憑證 。
- 🗣 ciaxm 🗣 (u: ciaxm) 占 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to occupy; to hold; to take for one's own; to expropriate in an overbearing manner; to seize; usurp; to take by force 2. (V) to be distributed according to a proportion of the whole 3. (V) to advise against; to dissuade; to curb; to put a stop to; to stop; to check; to limit
- 占據 。 以強勢霸道的方式據為己有 。 在整體之中所分配的比例 。 勸阻 、 制止 。
- 🗣 cidsii 🗣 (u: cit'sii) 一時 [wt][mo]
- 1. () (CE) a period of time; a while; for a short while; temporary; momentary; at the same time
- 一時
- 🗣 ciernhøea 🗣 (u: ciexn'hoea hea ciexn'høea) 戰火 [wt][mo]
- 1. () (CE) conflagration; the fire of war
- 戰火
- 🗣 cih 🗣 (u: cih) 折p [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) break, snap, fracture; be broken (a thing with the measure of ky)
- 折斷 、 斷裂 。
- 🗣 cioong 🗣 (u: cioong) 從b [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to submit to; to comply with; to follow (directives); to defer (to the judgment of superiors) 2. (V) to follow 3. (Prep) since (a time); ever since; from
- 順服 、 遵從 。 跟隨 。 自從 。
- 🗣 ciorng 🗣 (u: ciorng) 掌b [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (N) palm of the hand; sole of the foot; paw of an animal 2. (V) to supervise; to manage; to administer; to control
- 手或腳的中心部分 。 管理 、 掌管 。
- 🗣 cviax 🗣 (u: cviax) 正p [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (Adj) straight; upright in proper position; middle 2. (Adj) true; real 3. (N) right side; the right; to the right 4. (Adj) perfectly fair and impartial 5. (Adv) time of day exactly on the hour (i.e. 12:00, 1:00 etc) 6. (Adv) just at the time of; exactly at; to happen to be at (that point/hour)
- 中 、 不偏的 、 不歪斜的 。 真實的 。 右邊 。 大中至正的概念 。 時間上的整點時間 。 正值 、 剛好 。 時間上剛好遇到的那一點 。
- 🗣 cviuxbang 🗣 (u: cviu'bang) 上網 [wt][mo]
- 1. () (CE) to go online; to connect to the Internet; (of a document etc) to be uploaded to the Internet; (tennis, volleyball etc) to move in close to the net
- 上網
- 🗣 cvy/zvef 🗣 (u: zvef/cvy) 爭p [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to wrest control of neither giving way to the other; to quarrel; to dispute; strive
- 奪取 、 互不相讓 。
- 🗣 cy 🗣 (u: cy) 之 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (Prep) (literary) genitive or attributive marker: previous word has possession of the next one; previous word modifies the next one; preceding element is specialised or qualified by the next
- 的 , 表示所屬或關連性 , 比較文言的用法 。
- 🗣 efng 🗣 (u: efng) 坱t [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) (of dust) to float, rise, and fill the air 2. (V) (airborne sand and dust) to adhere to 3. (Adj) (of dust) floating, rising, flying about pervasively - filling the air
- 塵土飛揚 、 瀰漫 。 塵土 、 沙塵附著在東西上面 。 塵土飛揚 、 瀰漫 。
- 🗣 erng 🗣 (u: erng) 往p [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (Adj) (in the) past; former; previous; formerly; of olden days
- 過去 、 昔日 。
- 🗣 gexbuun 🗣 (u: ge'buun) 藝文 [wt][mo]
- 1. () (CE) literature and the arts; the Six Arts which form the basis of education in ancient Chinese culture
- 藝文
- 🗣 gimcvii 🗣 (u: giim'cvii) 砛簷 [wt][mo]
- 指舊式房屋屋簷下的臺階處 。
- 🗣 goaxtøe 🗣 (u: goa'te toe goa'tøe) 外地 [wt][mo]
- 1. () (CE) parts of the country other than where one is
- 外地
- 🗣 gveh 🗣 (u: gveh) 挾 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to pinch; take up with pincers, claws; carry under the arm; to nip; to put between pages of a book; to clip onto a clipboard
- 被其他物品夾在中間 。
- 🗣 hae 🗣 (u: hae) 海 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (N) body of water next to continent; ocean; sea; the large waters Earth
- 地球上鄰接大陸的水域 。
- 🗣 hauxhoad 🗣 (u: hau'hoad) 效法 [wt][mo]
- 1. () (CE) to imitate; to follow the example of
- 效法
- 🗣 hauxkhexng 🗣 (u: hau'khexng) 校慶 [wt][mo]
- 1. () (CE) anniversary of the founding of a school
- 校慶
- 🗣 haxsafn 🗣 (u: ha'safn) 下山 [wt][mo]
- 1. (V) in common usage, in Chinese opera, to depart the site of religious practice
- 常用在戲曲的對白 , 指修行人要離開修行的地點 。
- 🗣 haxsuun 🗣 (u: ha'suun) 下旬 [wt][mo]
- 1. () (CE) last third of the month
- 下旬
- 🗣 haxtaai 🗣 (u: ha'taai) 下台 [wt][mo]
- 1. () (CE) to go off the stage; to fall from position of prestige; to step down (from office etc); to disentangle oneself; to get off the hook
- 下台
- 🗣 haykatlar 🗣 (u: hae'kad'lar) hái-kat-lá [wt][mo]
- 1. () highcollar; fashionable, referring to the high collars of Japanese men imitating the Western fashion of the late 19th century. from Japanese ハイカラ (haikara / haīkara)
- 西裝頭 。 源自日語ハイカラ / ハイ ー カラ ( haikara / haiikara )。
- 🗣 hiafng'iong 🗣 (u: hiarng'iong) 享用 [wt][mo]
- 1. () (CE) to enjoy (i.e. have the use or benefit of)
- 享用
- 🗣 hiepo 🗣 (u: hix'po) 肺部 [wt][mo]
- 1. () (CE) chest (in the area of the lungs)
- 肺部
- 🗣 hiernsyn 🗣 (u: hiexn'syn) 現身 [wt][mo]
- 1. () (CE) to show oneself; to appear; (of a deity) to appear in the flesh
- 現身
- 🗣 hiukoarn 🗣 (u: hiw'koarn) 休館 [wt][mo]
- 1. () (CE) (of a library or museum) to be closed to the public (on a certain day)
- 休館
- 🗣 hoad 🗣 (u: hoad) 法 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (N) means; solution; way (of doing something); skill; ability 2. (N) way; means; fashion; mode; style; pattern; manner; method; form; trick 3. (N) law; legislation; statute; regulations; rules 4. (N) ritual or art of Daoism (Chinese system of beliefs) 5. (N) (Buddhism) dharma; principle of the universe; teachings of Buddha 6. (N) France; French
- 辦法 、 本事 。 方式 、 手段 。 法規 。 道教的方術 。 佛教修行的路徑 。 國家名 。
- 🗣 hoaf 🗣 (u: hoaf) 化t [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to stop burning; to go out (of fire); to die out (fire or light) 2. (V) to be grave/serious/severe/critical; on the verge of death
- 燈或火熄滅 。 病情嚴重 , 瀕臨死亡 。
- 🗣 hoatbang 🗣 (u: hoad'bang) 法網 [wt][mo]
- 1. () (CE) the net of justice; rigorous process of the law; the long arm of the law
- 法網
- 🗣 hoef/høef 🗣 (u: hoef) 花p [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 2. (V) to be disordered; to be confused 3. (V) to act shamelessly; to refuse to acknowledge that one has lost the game, or made a promise etc; to act willfully and make a scene; to make trouble 4. (Adj) fancy pattern; florid; flowery; complex coloring; variegated 5. (Adj) distinguished; sophisticated 6. (Adj) vague; indistinct; fuzzy; unclear 7. (N) complicated motion/behavior 8. (N) decorative design; pattern 9. (Adj) sparse; thin; diluted 10. (N) words and deeds of no real meaning
- 顯花植物的生殖器官 , 多具有鮮豔的顏色和芳香的氣味 。 紛亂 、 錯亂 。 耍賴 、 胡鬧 。 色彩繁複的樣子 。 風流 。 模糊不清 。 繁複的動作 、 行為 。 花紋或花樣 。 稀的 。 沒有實在意義的言行
- 🗣 hoexkii 🗣 (u: hoe'kii) 會期 [wt][mo]
- 1. () (CE) the duration of a conference; the period over which a conference (or expo etc) is held; session; the date of a meeting
- 會期
- 🗣 hofng 🗣 (u: hofng) 風 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (N) the wind; the flow of air or gas 2. (Mw) excursion of fishing boat
- 流動的空氣或氣體 。 計算漁船出海捕魚次數的單位 。
- 🗣 hofng 🗣 (u: hofng) 揈 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to slap a person using the palm of hand
- 摑 。 以掌揮擊打人 。
- 🗣 hofng 🗣 (u: hofng) 封b [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to seal up tightly 2. (V) to confer (a title) upon; to enfeoff; to install as a feudal lord or nobleman 3. (N) thermal cooking: using thermal insulation to retain heat and cook food without the continuous use of fuel or other heat source 4. (V) for a court of law to order entry & exit prohibited
- 將東西的開口密合起來 。 授予土地 、 爵位 、 官位 、 名號等頭銜 。 燜煮食材的料理方法 。 法院下令禁止出入 。
- 🗣 hoklixsia 🗣 (u: hog'li'sia) 福利社 [wt][mo]
- 1. () (CE) store doing business on the premises of a school, factory, government agency; a canteen
- 福利社
- 🗣 hong'ui 🗣 (u: hofng'ui) 方位 [wt][mo]
- 1. () (CE) direction; points of the compass; bearing; position; azimuth
- 方位
- 🗣 honghioxng 🗣 (u: hofng'hioxng) 風向 [wt][mo]
- 1. () (CE) wind direction; the way the wind is blowing; fig. trends (esp. unpredictable ones); how things are developing; course of events
- 風向
- 🗣 hongseg 🗣 (u: hoong'seg) 皇室 [wt][mo]
- 1. () (CE) royal family; imperial household; member of the royal family
- 皇室
- 🗣 hongtiin 🗣 (u: hoong'tiin) 紅塵 [wt][mo]
- 1. () (CE) the world of mortals (Buddhism); human society; worldly affairs
- 紅塵
- 🗣 horng 🗣 (u: horng) 仿 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to learn; to study; to imitate; to follow the example of 2. (N) a copy; imitation (product etc) 3. (Adj) bogus; ersatz; fake; mock; phoney 4. (N) something to let others follow the example of; sample; example
- 學習 、 效法 。 仿製的東西 。 假的 。 讓人效法 、 學習的東西 。
- 🗣 hoxpvoaa 🗣 (u: ho'pvoaa) 護盤 [wt][mo]
- 1. () (CE) 1. (stocks) when market continues to fall, main force enters the market to support and control the fall. 2. general reference to consolidation of existing forces
- 護盤
- 🗣 hud 🗣 (u: hud) 拂t [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to act rashly; to act precipitously regardless of the consequences
- 蠻幹 。 不顧一切後果地去做 。
- 🗣 Hudhoad 🗣 (u: Hut'hoad) 佛法 [wt][mo]
- 1. () (CE) Dharma (the teachings of the Buddha); Buddhist doctrine
- 佛法
- 🗣 huihoaan/hui'hoaan 🗣 (u: huy'hoaan) 非凡 [wt][mo]
- 1. () (CE) out of the ordinary; unusually (good, talented etc)
- 非凡
- 🗣 hunkafng 🗣 (u: hwn'kafng) 分工 [wt][mo]
- 1. () (CE) to divide up the work; division of labor
- 分工
- 🗣 huxn 🗣 (u: huxn) 楦 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (N) last (tool for shaping or preserving the shape of shoes) 2. (V) to expand; to enlarge 3. (V) (running sore) to fester; to suppurate; to be infected; to swell 4. (V) to expand (e.g. one's power or influence); to broaden; to widen (eg boundary)
- 模子 。 用來製作鞋子的木頭模型 。 撐大 、 擴大 。 膿瘡等化膿 、 腫脹 。 向外擴張 , 例如邊界 。
- 🗣 hvoa 🗣 (u: hvoa) 扞t [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to take charge of; to manage or direct; to preside over; to manage household or accounts 2. (V) to lay the hand on heavily for support
- 主持 、 掌管 。 用手扶著 。
- 🗣 iaq'ar/iaqar 🗣 (u: iah'ar) 蛾仔 [wt][mo]
- 蛾 。 昆蟲名 。 鱗翅科昆蟲的總稱 。 與蝴蝶相似 , 但軀體較肥大 、 有細長的觸角 、 翅面多為灰白色 、 靜止時雙翼平放 、 大都屬於晝伏夜出等特質 , 則與蝴蝶相異 , 種類甚多 。
- 🗣 iar 🗣 (u: iar) 野 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (N) the outskirts of a city; the suburbs 2. (N) folk; the people 3. (Adj) (dress) color, flavor, character, fragrance, shape, etc too vulgar, gaudy, strong, heavy as to be unpleasant 4. (Adj) vulgar; coarse; uncouth; rude; unrestrained; undisciplined; uncultured; boorish; untame 5. (Adj) wild; undomesticated; uncultivated
- 郊外 。 民間 。 形容人的妝扮 、 物品的色彩 、 香味 、 形態等等過於俗麗 、 濃郁而令人不愉悅 。 粗鄙無禮的 、 放縱不馴的 。 野生的 , 未經人工栽培或馴養的 。
- 🗣 iaxseg 🗣 (u: ia'seg) 夜色 [wt][mo]
- 1. () (CE) night scene; the dim light of night
- 夜色
- 🗣 id 🗣 (u: id) 乙 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (N) second of the ten Heavenly Stems (thienkafn) 2. (Adj) second; 2; B; II; beta (used for unnamed people or objects, to enumerate headings in a list, for grades, etc.)
- 天干的第二位 。 次序或等級屬於第二的 。
- 🗣 id`laai 🗣 (u: id`laai) 一來 [wt][mo]
- 1. (Adv) first (of all); in the first place
- 首先 。
- 🗣 ientoo 🗣 (u: ieen'too) 沿途 [wt][mo]
- 1. () (CE) along the sides of the road; by the wayside
- 沿途
- 🗣 it'hioxng 🗣 (u: id'hioxng) 一向 [wt][mo]
- 1. () (CE) always (previously); a period of time in the recent past
- 一向
- 🗣 iuzhaehoef 🗣 (u: iuu'zhaix'hoef) 油菜花 [wt][mo]
- 1. () (CE) flowers of the Brassicaceae family
- 油菜花
- 🗣 iwsuo ylaai 🗣 (u: iuo'suo ie'laai) 有史以來 [wt][mo]
- 1. () (CE) since the beginning of history
- 有史以來
- 🗣 Jidsiofng 🗣 (u: Jit'siofng) 日商 [wt][mo]
- 1. () (CE) The Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- 日商
- 🗣 jiim 🗣 (u: jiim) 壬 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (N) ninth of the ten Heavenly Stems
- 天干的第九位 。
- 🗣 jinsex 🗣 (u: jiin'sex) 人世 [wt][mo]
- 1. () (CE) the world; this world; the world of the living
- 人世
- 🗣 jinsexng 🗣 (u: jiin'sexng) 人性 [wt][mo]
- 1. () (CE) human nature; humanity; human; the totality of human attributes
- 人性
- 🗣 jinsym 🗣 (u: jiin'sym) 人心 [wt][mo]
- 1. () (CE) popular feeling; the will of the people
- 人心
- 🗣 jintø 🗣 (u: jiin'tø) 人道 [wt][mo]
- 1. () (CE) human sympathy; humanitarianism; humane; the "human way", one of the stages in the cycle of reincarnation (Buddhism); sexual intercourse
- 人道
- 🗣 jiogciar 🗣 (u: jiok'ciar) 弱者 [wt][mo]
- 1. () (CE) weaker person (of two); the weak
- 弱者
- 🗣 jøee 🗣 (u: joee lee jøee) 挼 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to knead; to massage; to rub; to rub or roll between the hands or fingers; to rub with the hand (as rubbing the eyes or washing a handkerchief) 2. (V) to crush with fingers or twisting motion of the foot
- 揉 、 搓 。 手指頭用力壓 、 揉 。
- 🗣 Julaai 🗣 (u: Juu'laai) 如來 [wt][mo]
- 1. () (CE) tathagata (Buddha's name for himself, having many layers of meaning - Sanskrit: thus gone, having been Brahman, gone to the absolute etc)
- 如來
- 🗣 ka 🗣 (u: ka) 共 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (Prep) for; to; from; on (indirect object). sentence intensifier 2. (Prep) with; towards 3. (Prep) to help; to assist; to support 4. (Prep) (in regard to the use of this preposition ka. The direct object of very many verbs can be placed before the verb and preceded by ka)
- 給 。 用來加強語氣 。 跟 、 向 。 幫 ……。 把 、 將 。 後加 「 伊 」 而 「 伊 」 省略時 , 則不變調 。
- 🗣 kafng 🗣 (u: kafng) 工p [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (Mw) day; work-day; day's work 2. (N) laborer; workman 3. (N) job; construction & engineering 4. (N) labor; effort; the time occupied in doing a piece of work 5. (N) idle period of time 6. (N) sth related to machinery, technical, industry
- 計算天數的單位 。 運用勞力 、 技能的工作者 。 指生產勞務的工事 。 工夫 。 工作需要花費的時間 、 精力 。 空閒時間 。 與機械 、 技術 、 製造相關的 。
- 🗣 kag 🗣 (u: kag) 角 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (N) horn of an animal 2. (N) nook; corner; edge; fringe; verge; brink; periphery 3. (N) direction; points of the compass; bearing; position 4. (N) role; part; character 5. (N) square-shaped object; block 6. (N) horn-shaped object 7. (Mw) 0.1 dollars; ten cents
- 獸角 。 角落 、 邊緣 。 方位 。 戲劇裡所扮演的人物 、 角色 。 方形或塊狀物 。 像角的東西 。 貨幣單位 , 十分之一元 。
- 🗣 Kanglaam 🗣 (u: Kafng'laam) 江南 [wt][mo]
- 1. () (CE) south of Changjiang or Yangtze river; south of the lower reaches of Changjiang; often refers to south Jiangsu, south Anhui and north Zhejiang provinces; a province during Qing times; in literature, refers to the sunny south; Gangnam (district in Seoul, South Korea)
- 江南
- 🗣 kangsiongkaix 🗣 (u: kafng'siofng'kaix) 工商界 [wt][mo]
- 1. () (CE) industry; the world of business
- 工商界
- 🗣 kaq 🗣 (u: kaq) 甲p [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (N) first Heavenly Stem; first in order/rank 2. (Adj) (order) ahead; in front; preceding; above; first-rate; of the highest order; high-class; excellent; superior 3. (N) solid outer shell; hull; cover; case 4. (N) (of the fingers or toes) nail 5. (Mw) Taiwanese unit of land. Cidkaq = 2934 pvii, eq. 0.97 hectare (kongkherng)
- 天干的第一位 , 也指排序或等級為第一 。 排序在前面 、 優等的 。 堅硬的外殼 。 動物四肢末端的角質硬殼 。 臺灣計算土地面積的單位 。 一甲有二千九百三十四坪 , 等於零點九七公頃 。
- 🗣 kaykiux 🗣 (u: kae'kiux) 解救 [wt][mo]
- 1. () (CE) to rescue; to help out of difficulties; to save the situation
- 解救
- 🗣 khaciaq 🗣 (u: khaf'ciaq) 尻脊 [wt][mo]
- 背部 、 背脊 。
- 🗣 khaq-/khaq 🗣 (u: khaq) 較p [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (Adv) comparative particle. The meaning of this particle is usually given as "more", but in translating this word into English we very often must use a circumlocution on account of its idiomatic use. The chief reason for this is that it is joined not only to adjectives and adverbs to form the comparative degree, but it is also joined to VERBS 2. (Adv) No matter how (you do sth), ... 3. (Adv) more; even more; further; still; still more
- 比較 。 再怎麼樣也 ……。 更 ……。
- 🗣 khiaw 🗣 (u: khiaw) 曲 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (N) joint of the limbs; hinge joint (physiology) 2. (Adj) crooked; bent
- 手腳的關節處 。 彎彎的 。
- 🗣 khieen 🗣 (u: khieen) 乾 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (N) first of the eight trigrams (patkoax) used in Taoist cosmology 2. (Adj) masculine; male
- 術數用語 。 易經八卦的卦名之一 , 代表天 、 陽的意思 。 或是六十四卦名之一 , 象徵君子應自強不息 , 努力永不懈怠的意思 。 代表陽性 、 男性的 。
- 🗣 khiq 🗣 (u: khiq) 缺p [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) chip nick or flaw (as in the edge of a pottery or knife); a notch 2. (Mw) flaw; nick
- 指容器從邊緣處破裂 。 計算容器邊緣破裂缺口的單位 。
- 🗣 khof 🗣 (u: khof) 箍 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (N) circle 2. (N) rounded or circular object 3. (N) used to refer to the body of a person or person (is a more colloquial, impolite usage) 4. (N) the periphery, edge 5. (Mw) unit of money 6. (N) hoop; ring; wreath; object assuming ring-shaped outline 7. (V) to use thin bamboo strips or iron wire to gird 8. (V) to wind; to coil; to rotate around; to spiral; to move around; to go round (an obstacle); to by-pass; to make a detour
- 圈子 。 圓形或環形的塊狀物品 。 用來指人或人的體型 。 是比較口語 、 不禮貌的用法 。 團狀物品的外圍 、 邊緣 。 元 、 塊錢 。 計算金錢的單位 。 周圍呈圓形的物品 。 用竹篾或鐵絲束緊 。 繞 。
- 🗣 khofng 🗣 (u: khofng) 框b [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to circle (i.e. draw a circle around sth) 2. (V) to frame; to add a frame to the perimeter of sth 3. (V) to dig out with tip of knife
- 圈 。 用某物把主體標的物圈起來 。 在周圍加邊框 。 ( 用刀尖 ) 挖除 。
- 🗣 khøeq 🗣 (u: khoeq kheq khøeq) 缺p [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to run short of; to be short of the full amount; to be lacking or deficient 2. (N) vacant post
- 短少 、 不足 。 指懸空尚未遞補的職務 。
- 🗣 khuipiøf 🗣 (u: khuy'piøf) 開標 [wt][mo]
- 1. () (CE) to announce the result of bidding in an open tender
- 開標
- 🗣 khvae 🗣 (u: khvae) 敱t [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to knock, beat, rap, etc with the knuckles of clenched hand
- 彎著指頭 , 用關節叩 、 打 、 敲等 。
- 🗣 khypo 🗣 (u: khie'po) 起步 [wt][mo]
- 1. () (CE) to set out; to set in motion; the start (of some activity)
- 起步
- 🗣 ki'ha 🗣 (u: kii'ha) 旗下 [wt][mo]
- 1. () (CE) under the banner of
- 旗下
- 🗣 kiausefng 🗣 (u: kiaau'sefng) 僑生 [wt][mo]
- 1. () (CE) children of overseas Chinese who attend school in the Republic of China; overseas Chinese students in Taiwan
- 僑生
- 🗣 kietcvy 🗣 (u: kied'cvy) 結晶 [wt][mo]
- 1. () (CE) to crystallize; crystallization; crystal; crystalline; (fig.) the fruit (of labor etc)
- 結晶
- 🗣 kirm'iong 🗣 (u: kixm'iong) 禁用 [wt][mo]
- 1. () (CE) to prohibit the use of sth; prohibition on use
- 禁用
- 🗣 kirn 🗣 (u: kirn) 緊 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (Adj) rapid; quick; speedy; fast; urgent; important 2. (Adv) urgently; hurriedly; Hurry up! 3. (Adv) (euphemistic) to be dying for the toilet; to want to go to the bathroom urgently; to need to answer the call of nature
- 快 、 迅速 。 快點 , 表催促 。 內急 。
- 🗣 kiuokexng 🗣 (u: kiux'kexng) 究竟 [wt][mo]
- 1. () (CE) to go to the bottom of a matter; after all; when all is said and done; (in an interrogative sentence) finally; outcome; result
- 究竟
- 🗣 kix/kux 🗣 (u: kix/kux) 據 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (Prep) let (sb); as sb pleases or chooses 2. (N) proof; certificate; receipt; voucher; sth that can confirm the truth of
- 任 、 隨 。 憑證 , 可作為證明的事物 。
- 🗣 kixntai/kuxntai 🗣 (u: kin/kun'tai) 近代 [wt][mo]
- 1. () (CE) the not-very-distant past; modern times, excluding recent decades; (in the context of Chinese history) the period from the Opium Wars until the May 4th Movement (mid-19th century to 1919); capitalist times (pre-1949)
- 近代
- 🗣 kngr 🗣 (u: kngr) 管p [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (N) various vessels, tracts, channels, tubes, or ducts in the body 2. (Mw) cups of rice
- 身體上的各種管道 。 計算用量杯盛米的單位 。
- 🗣 koad 🗣 (u: koad) 訣 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (N) a trick; an ingenious method; know-how; the knack (of doing sth); method; way; means 2. (N) mnemonic chant; rhyme for remembering something
- 竅門 、 方法 。 容易記憶 、 誦讀的語句 。 通常用在協助背誦技巧 、 資料等等 。
- 🗣 koafn 🗣 (u: koafn) 官b [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (N) bureaucrat; government official; office holder 2. (N) organ of the body
- 官吏 。 指生物身上有機能的部分 。
- 🗣 koax 🗣 (u: koax) 卦 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (N) divinatory diagram (trigram or hexagram of the Egkefng)
- 古代卜筮所用的符號 。 相傳為伏羲氏所創 , 以陰爻 、 陽爻相配合 , 每卦三爻 , 形成八卦 , 八卦互相搭配 , 演為六十四卦 。 古人觀卦象以定吉凶 。
- 🗣 kof 🗣 (u: kof) 罟 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (N) fishing net; fishnet 2. (V) to catch fish by net 3. (V) to scoop or net out of water using a utensil 4. (V) to retain the children. (former times) when a widow remarries, for her children to be kept by her in-laws and relatives of the original husband's family and not follow her to the new husband's family.
- 漁網 。 撈 。 用漁網在水中撈魚蝦 。 撈 。 用工具在水中撈東西 。 留養小孩 。 舊時指寡婦改嫁 , 其子女由原本夫家的公婆 、 親戚留養 , 而沒有跟著到新的夫家去 。
- 🗣 Kok'hu 🗣 (u: Kog'hu) 國父 [wt][mo]
- 1. () (CE) father or founder of a nation; Father of the Republic (Sun Yat-sen)
- 國父
- 🗣 Kok'huo 🗣 (u: Kog'huo) 國府 [wt][mo]
- 1. () (CE) National Government of the Republic of China; Nationalist government; government of the Republic of China under the rule of Chiang Kai-shek or Chiang Ching-kuo
- 國府
- 🗣 kokzeeng 🗣 (u: kog'zeeng) 國情 [wt][mo]
- 1. () (CE) the characteristics and circumstances particular to a country; current state of a country
- 國情
- 🗣 kor 🗣 (u: kor) 古 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (Tw) past eras; ancient times 2. (N) things of the past; story; tale 3. (Adj) plain and simple; inelegant; antique 4. (Adj) bad; not good; poor; rotten; worn out; chaotic; messy; crappy
- 過去久遠的時代 。 過去的事物 、 故事 。 樸拙有古風 。 不好 、 爛 。
- 🗣 kor 🗣 (u: kor) 股 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (N) upper part of the arm 2. (N) upper part of a bird wing 3. (N) (finance) share; stock 4. (Mw) Classifier for long winding things like ropes, rivers, etc. 5. (Mw) small plot of farm land
- 手臂上半部 。 鳥類翅膀的上肢部分 。 合資的公司將資本平分為若干份 , 每一份稱為一股 , 可以在票券上載明 。 計算繩線的單位 。 計算田畦的單位 。
- 🗣 ku 🗣 (u: ku) 舊p [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (Adj) long-used; long-standing; old (age); of the past; outdated; before; former; previous; bygone; not new
- 用很久的 、 老的 、 以前的 。 與 「 新 」( sin ) 相對 。
- 🗣 kuie 🗣 (u: kuie) 癸 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (N) tenth of the ten Heavenly Stems
- 天干的第十位 , 也是末位 。
- 🗣 kuisiok 🗣 (u: kuy'siok) 歸屬 [wt][mo]
- 1. () (CE) to belong to; to be affiliated to; to fall under the jurisdiction of; a place where one feels that one belongs; one's final destination (where one need look no further)
- 歸屬
- 🗣 kuix 🗣 (u: kuix) 季 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (N) season of the year 2. (Mw) classifier for seasonal crop yields; number of times a crop can grow on the same land in one year
- 指季節 。 計算同一土地一年中可種植作物次數的單位 。
- 🗣 kuixtaai 🗣 (u: kui'taai) 櫃台 [wt][mo]
- 1. () (CE) sales counter; front desk; bar; (of markets, medicines etc) OTC (over-the-counter)
- 櫃台
- 🗣 kuun 🗣 (u: kuun) 拳p [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (N) fist; clenched fist 2. (N) unarmed martial art sport; boxing 3. (N) game played with the hands; a game of hands 4. (Mw) Classifier for strikes made with a fist
- 拳頭 。 手指屈捲而成的形狀 。 空手搏擊的武術 。 用手部 、 手指所做的動作 , 可以用來比賽或是喝酒時助興 。 計算用拳頭揮打的次數 。
- 🗣 kvoay 🗣 (u: kvoay) 關p [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to close; to stop up; to shut 2. (V) to make some function cease; to switch or shut off; to turn off 3. (V) to imprison; to jail; to take into custody 4. (V) to close shop (for the day or evening) 5. (V) (business) to close down; to go bankrupt or out of business
- 閉 。 使功能作用停止 。 監禁 。 商店打烊 。 指商店倒閉 。
- 🗣 kvoay 🗣 (u: kvoay) 杆p [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (N) cross-bars connecting the legs of a chair, table, or bed; spoke (wooden wheel)
- 橫木 。
- 🗣 kw 🗣 (u: kw) 痀 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (Adj) having the appearance of stooping, hunched back
- 形容背微駝的樣子 。
- 🗣 laitien 🗣 (u: laai'tien) 來電 [wt][mo]
- 1. () (CE) incoming telegram or telephone call; your telegram, telephone call, or message; to send a telegram or make a telephone call here (i.e. to the speaker); to have instant attraction to sb; to have chemistry with sb; to come back (of electricity, after an outage)
- 來電
- 🗣 lamhofng 🗣 (u: laam'hofng) 男方 [wt][mo]
- 1. () (CE) the bridegroom's side; of the bridegroom's family
- 男方
- 🗣 lamhofng 🗣 (u: laam'hofng) 南方 [wt][mo]
- 1. () (CE) south; the southern part of the country; the South
- 南方
- 🗣 larm 🗣 (u: larm) 攬 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to embrace; to hug 2. (V) to monopolize; to take on responsibility over everything; to undertake the whole task; to assume (sole responsibility etc); to be in charge of 3. (Mw) length made by using both arms to form circle 4. (Mw) bundle of firewood
- 擁抱 、 摟抱 。 包攬 、 承擔 、 負全責 。 計算兩手環抱長度的單位 。 計算一綑綑柴火的單位 。
- 🗣 laux 🗣 (u: laux) 落 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to drop; to omit; to lose; to overlook; to miss 2. (Adj) loose; falling off 3. (V) to unload; to dismantle 4. (V) to conceive schemes; to plot; (fig.) to fish for; to obtain slyly; to coax from (or out of) someone; to trick someone into sth 5. (V) to show off, flaunt language ability 6. (V) to leak out; to release (liquid or gas) 7. (V) to have diarrhea; to have the runs 8. (V) to gather one's men to come and fight; to muster
- 脫落 、 遺漏 。 掉下來 、 鬆脫的樣子 。 拆卸 。 設計 、 套 。 炫耀語言能力 。 洩出 。 腹瀉 、 拉肚子 。 糾集自己的人馬前來協助 。 通常用於聚眾爭鬥 。
- 🗣 liah 🗣 (u: liah) 掠p [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to catch; to seize; to capture; to grab; to snatch 2. (V) to estimate; to reckon; to assess; to evaluate 3. (V) to massage; to knead; to rub 4. (Mw) distance based on thumb to another finger. often used for convenient measurement 5. (V) to search or hunt for the location of a problem 6. (V) to control, keep, maintain in some state or situation 7. (Prep) toward; against; at 8. (V) to purchase, buy livestock 9. (V) to download
- 捕 、 抓 。 估計 、 估算 。 按摩 、 捏揉 。 計算拇指到其他指頭張開距離的單位 。 常用來當作簡便的測量工具 。 找出問題所在 。 控制使維持為某種狀態 。 對著 。 購買牲畜 。 下載 。
- 🗣 liao 🗣 (u: liao) 了 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) finished; concluded; after; to finish; to complete 2. (V) to understand 3. (V) to waste (one's energy etc) 4. (V) to lose money; to lose 5. (Part) used between verb and complement to indicate result of the action
- 表示動作結束 、 完畢 。 或是表示動作的時間狀況 。 明白 。 白費 。 賠錢 、 損失 。 用於動詞及補語間 , 表示動作得到補語的結果 。
- 🗣 Libhoat'vi 🗣 (u: Lip'hoad'vi) 立法院 [wt][mo]
- 1. () (CE) Legislative Yuan, the legislative branch of government under the constitution of Republic of China, then of Taiwan
- 立法院
- 🗣 liexn 🗣 (u: liexn) 輾 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to roll; roll over; trundle about; stir about with the hand 2. (Mw) number of laps
- 滾動 。 計算轉動的圈數 。
- 🗣 lirm 🗣 (u: lirm) 臨t [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (Adj) to be close to the edge 2. (V) to approach; to get close to; to fall short of; to be about; almost; barely
- 接近邊緣的樣子 。 接近 、 不及 、 差一點 。
- 🗣 liuzhoaxn 🗣 (u: liuu'zhoaxn) 流竄 [wt][mo]
- 1. () (CE) to roam all over the place; to go into every nook and corner; to infiltrate; (of criminals, enemies etc) to be on the run; to flee and try to hide
- 流竄
- 🗣 liuzoarn 🗣 (u: liuu'zoarn) 流轉 [wt][mo]
- 1. () (CE) to be on the move; to roam or wander; to circulate (of goods or capital)
- 流轉
- 🗣 loxng 🗣 (u: loxng) 挵t [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to collide 2. (V) to beat sb; to beat (a drum); punch with the hand; thrust with a rod; butt; bump in; strike with the end of a heavy beam
- 碰撞 。 敲打 。
- 🗣 løee/lee 🗣 (u: lee) 犁 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (N) plow. farm tool used to plow land 2. (V) to use a plow to plow land 3. (V) to charge forward; to act rashly; to act precipitously regardless of the consequences 4. (Adj) appearance of bowing the head
- 耕地用的農具 。 使用犁頭耕地 。 引申為猛衝 、 蠻幹 。 低頭的樣子 。
- 🗣 løeh 🗣 (u: leh løeh) 笠p [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (N) Asian conical hat. made of bamboo or Livistona chinensis. shields from the sun
- 斗笠 。 以竹籜或蒲葵製成 , 可用來遮陽 。
- 🗣 løqbo 🗣 (u: løh'bo) 落幕 [wt][mo]
- 1. () (CE) the curtain drops; the end of the show
- 落幕
- 🗣 lwhofng/lyhofng 🗣 (u: luo/lie'hofng) 女方 [wt][mo]
- 1. () (CE) the bride's side (of a wedding); of the bride's party
- 女方
- 🗣 lytviuo 🗣 (u: lie'tviuo) 里長 [wt][mo]
- 1. () (CE) (historical) head of the administrative unit li; (Taiwan) head of an urban village
- 里長
- 🗣 mar 🗣 (u: mar) 媽 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (N) father's mother; paternal grandmother 2. (N) (folk belief) goddess; nymph. (religion) "The Mother", an epithet of the Fujianese sea goddess Mazu 3. (N) woman of specific skill
- 祖母 。 民間信仰的女神 。 有專門技能的女人 。
- 🗣 moaf 🗣 (u: moaf) 幔t [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (N) coat; cape; cloak; mantle 2. (V) to put on or wear thrown over the shoulders (an article of dress that has no sleeves); wear without putting the arms into the sleeves 3. (V) to lay one's arm(s) on another's back or over their shoulders
- 如披風般寬大的衣服 。 將衣物披在身上 。 手臂搭在別人肩膀上 。
- 🗣 mr 🗣 (u: mr) 姆 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (N) wife of father's older brother 2. (N) (polite form of address for a woman who is about the age of one's mother)
- 稱呼伯父的妻子 。 尊稱中年長輩的婦人 。
- 🗣 na 🗣 (u: na) 若p [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (Conj) (introduces the condition in a conditional sentence) if (very often has the meaning of "when")
- 如果 。
- 🗣 naa 🗣 (u: naa) 藍p [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (N) indigo plant; indigo (a number of hues in the region of blue. may also refer to a color) 2. (N) family name; surname
- 一種可製作顏料的植物 , 現在專指製出的這種顏色 ; 也指一種顏色 。 姓氏 。
- 🗣 ngsi'toax 🗣 (u: ngg'sy'toax) 黃絲帶 [wt][mo]
- 1. () (CE) yellow ribbon (worn or displayed to indicate the absence of a loved one, and the hope for their return)
- 黃絲帶
- 🗣 nia 🗣 (u: nia) 陵t [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (N) peak in land or sea surface; mound; hill; mountain; crest; ridge 2. (N) the back of certain animals
- 地勢或海面隆起的部分 。 某些動物的背部 。
- 🗣 niciofng 🗣 (u: nii'ciofng) 年終 [wt][mo]
- 1. () (CE) end of the year
- 年終
- 🗣 nitai/ni'tai 🗣 (u: nii'tai) 年代 [wt][mo]
- 1. () (CE) a decade of a century (e.g. the Sixties); age; era; period; CL:個|个[ge4]
- 年代
- 🗣 nizhøef 🗣 (u: nii'zhef zhoef nii'zhøef) 年初 [wt][mo]
- 1. () (CE) beginning of the year
- 年初
- 🗣 nngg 🗣 (u: nngg) 瓤p [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (N) the flesh of fruits and nuts 2. (N) layer of fat between skin and lean meat
- 瓜果類中心可食的部分 。 牲畜皮與瘦肉之間的脂肪層 。
- 🗣 ny 🗣 (u: ny) 拈 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to take up a small thing with the tips of fingers
- 用手指輕輕地取物 。
- 🗣 oextoo 🗣 (u: oe'too) 畫圖 [wt][mo]
- 1. () (CE) to draw designs, maps etc; picture (e.g. of life in the city)
- 畫圖
- 🗣 onglaai 🗣 (u: oong'laai) 王梨 [wt][mo]
- 1. (N) Originally from South America. Taiwan began cultivating them during the latter part of the Khonghy era (ca. 1700). Produced in all four seasons, but peak production occurs in April through August. In accordance with folk customs, when the company opens market, or candidate runs for office, everybody always brings pineapple out to wish for luck, because besides for eating, it also has the auspicious implication of bringing luck: oxnglaai (旺來)
- 鳳梨 。 瓜果類 。 原產南美洲 , 臺灣於清代康熙末年開始栽培 。 鳳梨一年四季都有生產 , 但生產旺季在四至八月 。 依照民間習俗 , 在商家開市拜拜或候選人競選時 , 大家總是拿鳳梨來祈福 , 因為它除了食用外 , 還存有閩南語 「 旺來 」 的吉祥含意 。
- 🗣 oong 🗣 (u: oong) 王 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (N) king; monarch; a ruler 2. (N) best or strongest of its type 3. (N) family name; surname 4. (N) commander-in-chief, the equivalent of king in Chinese chess
- 一個國家最高統治的人 。 在同類之中最強 、 最好的 。 姓氏 。 象棋中的將帥 。
- 🗣 orng 🗣 (u: orng) 往b [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (Prep) to; towards 2. (Adj) (in the) past; former; previous; formerly; of olden days 3. (V) to go to; to depart for
- 向某處而去 。 過去 、 昔日 。 去 。
- 🗣 otø 🗣 (u: of'tø) 烏道 [wt][mo]
- 黑道 。 指從事非法活動的流氓組織 。
- 🗣 paipafn 🗣 (u: paai'pafn) 排班 [wt][mo]
- 1. () (CE) to arrange the sequence of classes, shifts, etc. (dialectal) to line up; to queue up
- 排班
- 🗣 pak'hofng 🗣 (u: pag'hofng) 北方 [wt][mo]
- 1. () (CE) north; the northern part a country; China north of the Yellow River
- 北方
- 🗣 Pak'Jixkøf 🗣 (u: Pag''Ji'køf) 北二高 [wt][mo]
- 1. () (CE) the northern section of National Highway No. 3 (Taiwan)
- 北二高
- 🗣 parng'øh 🗣 (u: paxng'øh) 放學 [wt][mo]
- 1. () (CE) to dismiss students at the end of the school day
- 放學
- 🗣 patkacioxng 🗣 (u: pad'kaf'cioxng) 八家將 [wt][mo]
- 1. (N) ghost soldiers of netherworld. one of the parade formations of traditional folk festival
- 陰司的鬼役 。 為迎神賽會陣頭之一 。
- 🗣 paxn'iern 🗣 (u: pan'iern) 扮演 [wt][mo]
- 1. () (CE) to play the role of; to act
- 扮演
- 🗣 pee 🗣 (u: pee) 耙 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (N) rake (tool). old style farm tool used to level out clumps of soil. can also be used to push matter together or disperse. horizontal row of tines is attached to crossbar. has long handle 2. (V) to use a rake to flatten the soil or gather things together
- 一種用來整平地面土塊的舊式農具 , 亦可用於推送地上物使聚攏或散開 , 由一條橫木上附平排尖齒 , 加上長柄構成 。 使用耙子將土翻平 , 或將東西聚攏 、 散開 。
- 🗣 peeng 🗣 (u: peeng) 爿t [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (Adv) beside; by the side of 2. (N) slice; thin piece 3. (Mw) thin piece(s) 4. (N) Harnji radical
- 邊 、 旁 。 表示所在位置 。 片 。 整體中的一部分 , 被切開後呈片狀的部分 。 計算片狀的東西 。 漢字的部首偏旁 。
- 🗣 peqjiin 🗣 (u: peh'jiin) 白仁 [wt][mo]
- 1. (N) white of the eye 2. (N) egg white
- 眼白 、 白眼球 。 蛋白 。
- 🗣 phaq 🗣 (u: phaq) 拍p [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to use the hand to strike; to beat; to hit; to fight; to scuffle 2. (V) to lash; to pat; to slap 3. (V) to manufacture; to make 4. (V) to do shadowboxing 5. (V) to press a button or key 6. (V) to remove; to dislodge; to eliminate 7. (V) to copulate (of animals); to mate 8. (V) to rouse; to be woken by sth; to wake with a start 9. (V) to play cards; to play mahjong 10. (V) to shoot dead (with a gun, or bow and arrow) 11. (V) to produce flower bud 12. (V) to buy; to purchase 13. (V) to film; to shoot (a picture) 14. (V) to fix or arrange (by contract)
- 用手打 、 打架 。 擊打 、 拍打 。 製造物品 。 打拳 。 敲擊按鍵 。 去除 、 除掉 。 交尾 。 驚醒 。 玩牌 。 射殺 。 結花蕾 。 買 。 拍攝 。 訂定 ( 契約 )。
- 🗣 phawchiaf 🗣 (u: phao'chiaf) 跑車 [wt][mo]
- 1. () (CE) racing bicycle; sporting bicycle; sports car; logging truck; on the job (of a train conductor)
- 跑車
- 🗣 phaxn 🗣 (u: phaxn) 襻 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (N) knot button. button is small fabric knot. used widely in Han Chinese clothing 2. (N) part of slippers, wooden clogs that squeezes the toe
- 盤扣 。 以小布條捲成的鈕扣 , 即漢裝上所用的扣子 。 拖鞋 、 木屐上供腳指夾住的部分 。
- 🗣 phengsoarn 🗣 (u: pheeng'soarn) 評選 [wt][mo]
- 1. () (CE) to select on the basis of a vote or consensus
- 評選
- 🗣 phied 🗣 (u: phied) 撇 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (N) stroke of a Chinese character going diagonally down and left 2. (V) to write characters carelessly (not taking it seriously) 3. (Mw) strokes of a Chinese character; ㇒-shaped object 4. (Adj) (style of dress; one's appearance) bright, neat and beautiful 5. (Adj) walks with the feet turned outward 6. (V) to flutter in the wind; to float; to drift
- 往左斜下的筆畫 。 寫撇的筆畫 , 也引申為不認真地寫字 。 計算筆畫或撇形物的單位 。 穿著打扮光鮮亮麗的樣子 。 走路時腳向外偏斜 。 飄動 。
- 🗣 phøex 🗣 (u: phoex phex phøex) 配 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to eat sth along with; to use a food item (as a condiment) to accompany rice or other staple food 2. (V) to mutually counteract; to counterbalance; to cancel out 3. (V) to match; to integrate 4. (Adj) serving as background in order to bring out the subject with greater brilliance; serving as a prop or foil; as counterpart 5. (N) vegetable and meat dishes; dish 6. (V) to mix or match (according to standard or appropriate proportion); to make up (medical prescription) 7. (Adj) matching; compatible; suitable 8. (V) to copulate (of animals); to mate 9. (V) to install; to erect; to fix; to mount 10. (V) to divide (and give to others)
- 以食物佐膳 。 互相抵銷 。 結合 , 搭配 。 陪襯的 。 菜餚 。 使調和 。 相稱的 。 使動物交尾 。 安裝 。 分給 。
- 🗣 phu'hien 🗣 (u: phuu'hien) 浮現 [wt][mo]
- 1. () (CE) to appear before one's eyes; to come into view; to float into appearance; to come back (of images from the past); to emerge; it emerges; it occurs (to me that..)
- 浮現
- 🗣 piao 🗣 (u: piao) 表b [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (N) surface; outside; exterior 2. (N) relationship with the children of one's mother's or paternal grandmother's siblings or the children of one's father's or paternal grandfather's sisters 3. (N) model; example 4. (V) to declare; to announce; to proclaim; to show; to illustrate; to display; to demonstrate 5. (V) to disperse; to diverge
- 指事物外在的一面 。 指姑母 、 舅舅 、 姨母方面的親戚 。 榜樣 、 模範 。 宣佈 , 顯示 。 發散 。
- 🗣 pie 🗣 (u: pie) 比 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to measure; to try on for size 2. (V) to compare; to draw a parallel; to match 3. (V) to indicate; to gesture; to gesticulate 4. (V) to pit oneself against sb; to compete with sb 5. (V) to equate; to be equal to 6. (V) to be the ratio of; ... to ...
- 量尺寸 、 試大小 。 比擬 。 指 、 比畫 。 較量 。 等同 。 比率 。
- 🗣 piebo 🗣 (u: pix'bo) 閉幕 [wt][mo]
- 1. () (CE) the curtain falls; lower the curtain; to come to an end (of a meeting)
- 閉幕
- 🗣 piøf 🗣 (u: piøf) 標p [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (N) for certain amount of work or goods, to estimate the value according to certain standards; to bid 2. (V) to bid to compete for best rate in høe'ar money association
- 對一定數量的工程或商品 , 照一定的標準所估定的價目 。 出標子比價競取 。
- 🗣 poah 🗣 (u: poah) 拔p [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (Mw) (drawing water) each pull of the rope; (nowadays) one occasion to fetch water
- 計算打水拉繩時的單位 。 打水時拉繩子上來一次叫 「 一拔 」。 現在指取一次水為 「 一拔 」。
- 🗣 poexviar 🗣 (u: poe'viar) 背影 [wt][mo]
- 1. () (CE) rear view; figure seen from behind; view of the back (of a person or object)
- 背影
- 🗣 poo 🗣 (u: poo) 酺t [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 2. (N) when making vi'ar, take a small piece from the zhøex (rice mass). first, steam it, it becomes like køea, sticky and/or viscous. take this poo, knead it well into middle of zhøex. now can be used roll vi'ar.
- 含有大量活微生物及酶類糖化發酵劑 。 製作湯圓時 , 將糯米團 「 粞 」( tshè ), 取一小塊先蒸熟 , 便成為像 「 粿 」( kué ) 一樣且具有黏性的 「 酺 」( pôo ), 再將它揉入 「 粞 」( tshè ) 當中使其均勻 , 就可以用來搓成湯圓 。
- 🗣 Poxpienpurn 🗣 (u: Po'piefn'purn) 部編本 [wt][mo]
- 1. () (CE) Ministry Edition, common name of the earliest compilation of the Basic Textbook of Chinese Culture (Bunhoax-Kaozaai) published by National Institute for Compilation and Translation
- 部編本
- 🗣 pøef 🗣 (u: poef pøef) 桮t [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 2. (N) moon blocks: pair of mussel-shaped objects thrown on the ground for divination purposes
- 呈片狀的物品 , 可以用來撥開或刮取東西 。 又唸作pe 。 杯筊 。 占卜用的工具 , 兩個為一組 , 新月形 , 一面為平面 , 另一面凸出 , 可以用來請示神 、 鬼的旨意 。
- 🗣 pøfiok 🗣 (u: pør'iok) 保育 [wt][mo]
- 1. () (CE) childcare; conservation (of the environment etc)
- 保育
- 🗣 pøfkox 🗣 (u: pør'kox) 保固 [wt][mo]
- 1. () (CE) to undertake to rectify any deficiencies in the quality of a building, product or service; warranty; guarantee
- 保固
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