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HTB (10)
oaa [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]] 
too bad; how terrible; what bad luck; terrible; bad
pøf [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]] 
praise too much; flatter; encourage with favorable; but sometimes unfounded; representations; to treat with flattery; to praise; to cite; to flatter
pun [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]] 
awkward; clumsy; slow; clumsy; awkward; stupid; dull; slow; ungainly (man with too many clothes; vessel too heavily laden)
sviw [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]] 
excessive; excessively; too..
thaix [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]] 
excessive; excessively; too..
tiorng [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]] 
grow; to increase; greater; senior; a superior; a surplus; too many or too much
too [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]] 
tviuo [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]] 
grow; to increase; greater; senior; a superior; a surplus; too many or too much
voax [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]] 
late; too late
晚; 遲
zheh [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]] 
sink down like a wall on a foundation; come down like a sail when the rope is too loose
沉下; 下垂

DFT (22)
🗣 ek 🗣 (u: ek) [wt][mo] i̍k [#]
1. (Conj) also; too || 也。
🗣le: (u: Y kaq goar ee koafn'he si ek sw ek iuo.) 🗣 (伊佮我的關係是亦師亦友。) (他跟我的關係是老師也是朋友。)
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
🗣 iar 🗣 (u: iar) [wt][mo][#]
1. (N) the outskirts of a city; the suburbs || 郊外。
🗣le: (u: iar'goa) 🗣 (野外) (野外)
2. (N) folk; the people || 民間。
🗣le: (u: zai'iar) 🗣 (在野) (在野)
🗣le: (u: iar'suo) 🗣 (野史) (野史)
3. (Adj) (dress) color, flavor, character, fragrance, shape, etc too vulgar, gaudy, strong, heavy as to be unpleasant || 形容人的妝扮、物品的色彩、香味、形態等等過於俗麗、濃郁而令人不愉悅。
🗣le: (u: Cid ciorng hoef sviw iar.) 🗣 (這種花傷野。) (這種花太俗豔。)
🗣le: (u: iar'phafng) 🗣 (野芳) (濃郁刺鼻的香味)
4. (Adj) vulgar; coarse; uncouth; rude; unrestrained; undisciplined; uncultured; boorish; untame || 粗鄙無禮的、放縱不馴的。
🗣le: (u: Iar kaq nar kaau`leq.) 🗣 (野甲若猴咧。) (野得像隻猴子似的。)
5. (Adj) wild; undomesticated; uncultivated || 野生的,未經人工栽培或馴養的。
🗣le: (u: iar'hoef) 🗣 (野花) (野花)
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
🗣 koong 🗣 (u: koong) [wt][mo] kông [#]
1. (V) emotions suddenly too intense, stirring until loss of control || 情緒突然太過激烈、激動至失去控制。
🗣le: (u: liah'koong) 🗣 (掠狂) (抓狂)
🗣le: (u: khie'koong) 🗣 (起狂) (發狂)
2. (Adj) imposing; fierce; violent || 氣勢壯大的、猛烈的。
🗣le: (u: koong'hofng'tai'zog) 🗣 (狂風大作) (狂風大作)
3. (V) to feel strongly about; crazy about; mad about; to be passionate about || 熱中某件事情。
🗣le: (u: koong tien'viar) 🗣 (狂電影) (瘋電影,即熱中於電影。)
4. (Adj) in a great rush; in a flurry; frenetic; hurried || 慌忙、慌亂。
🗣le: (u: Y kviaa kaq ciog koong`ee.) 🗣 (伊行甲足狂的。) (他走得很慌忙。)
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
🗣 pak 🗣 (u: pak) [wt][mo] pa̍k [#]
1. (V) to tie; to bind; to restrict || 有形或無形的束縛、捆綁。
🗣le: (u: Ka mih'kvia pak`khie'laai.) 🗣 (共物件縛起來。) (把東西綁起來。)
🗣le: (u: pak zaxng) 🗣 (縛粽) (包粽子)
🗣le: (u: Ho girn'ar pak'tiaau`leq be'taxng zhud'mngg.) 🗣 (予囡仔縛牢咧袂當出門。) (被孩子絆住無法出門。)
2. (Mw) bunch; bundle || 計算成捆物品的單位。
🗣le: (u: nng pak zhaa) 🗣 (兩縛柴) (兩捆柴)
3. (Adj) (clothing) too tight || 衣服穿得太緊。
🗣le: (u: Cid niar svaf zheng`khie'laai sviw pak.) 🗣 (這領衫穿起來傷縛。) (這件衣服穿起來太緊了。)
4. (V) to weave bamboo splints into baskets || 編織長篾片製成的器物。
🗣le: (u: pak teg'naa) 🗣 (縛竹籃) (編竹籃)
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
🗣 sviw-/sviw 🗣 (u: sviw) p [wt][mo] siunn [#]
1. (Adv) too (much); extremely; excessively; undue; overly || 太、過分於。
🗣le: (u: Lie korng'oe sviw koex'hun.) 🗣 (你講話傷過份。) (你說話太過分。)
🗣le: (u: sviw kiaam) 🗣 (傷鹹) (太鹹)
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
🗣 tof 🗣 (u: tof) b [wt][mo] too [#]

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
🗣 too 🗣 (u: too) [wt][mo] tôo [#]
1. (N) refers to some category of people || 指某類的人。
🗣le: (u: too'te) 🗣 (徒弟) (徒弟)
🗣le: (u: sixn'too) 🗣 (信徒) (信教的人)
🗣le: (u: kaux'too) 🗣 (教徒) (教徒)
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
🗣 too 🗣 (u: too) [wt][mo] tôo [#]
1. (N) road; path; way; route; course || 道路、路程。
🗣le: (u: lo'too) 🗣 (路途) (路途)
🗣le: (u: tngg'too) 🗣 (長途) (長途)
2. (N) journey: career; course; path; industry; business; occupation; profession; vocation || 行業、職業。
🗣le: (u: Lie si zøx tør cit too`ee?) 🗣 (你是做佗一途的?) (你是做哪一行的?)
🗣le: (u: kae'too) 🗣 (改途) (轉行、轉業)
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
🗣 too 🗣 (u: too) p [wt][mo] tôo [#]

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
🗣 too 🗣 (u: too) [wt][mo] tôo [#]

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
🗣 too 🗣 (u: too) b [wt][mo] tôo [#]

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
🗣 too 🗣 (u: too) [wt][mo] tôo [#]

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
🗣 too 🗣 (u: too) [wt][mo] tôo [#]

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
🗣 too 🗣 (u: too) [wt][mo] tôo [#]
1. (N) diagram; picture; drawing; chart; map || 由各種線條、形狀和色彩等描繪成的畫面或形象。
🗣le: (u: khvoax too jin ji) 🗣 (看圖認字) (看圖認字)
🗣le: (u: oe'too) 🗣 (畫圖) (畫圖)
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
🗣 Too 🗣 (u: Too) [wt][mo] Tôo [#]
1. () || 附錄-百家姓
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
🗣 too 🗣 (u: too) b [wt][mo] tôo [#]

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
🗣 tøf 🗣 (u: tøf) [wt][mo] to [#]
1. (Adj) immense number/amount/quantity; many; much; too much; numerous; plentiful || 指數量龐大,通常用於抽象性事務。
🗣le: (u: tøf'sia) 🗣 (多謝) (多謝)
🗣le: (u: tøf'zeeng) 🗣 (多情) (多情)
2. (Adj) superfluous; unnecessary; surplus; needless; unnecessary || 多餘的,不必要的。
🗣le: (u: tøf'su) 🗣 (多事) (多事)
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
🗣 tøf 🗣 (u: tøf) p [wt][mo] to [#]
1. (Adv) more; even more; further; also; too; very (expresses contrast; particle used at the beginning of a clause, generally with the idea that the fact is not what was expected) || 更、也、甚,表示比較。
🗣le: (u: Goar tøf m khix`aq, y køq'khaq bøo khør'leeng khix.) 🗣 (我都毋去矣,伊閣較無可能去。) (我都不去了,他更不可能去。)
2. (Adv) already || 已經。
🗣le: (u: Lie tøf beq zao`aq, maix koarn ciaq ze.) 🗣 (你都欲走矣,莫管遮濟。) (你都要走了,別管這麼多。)
3. (Adv) completely; totally || 皆、完全、通通。
🗣le: (u: Goar khaq arn'zvoar kae'soeq y tøf m sixn.) 🗣 (我較按怎解說伊都毋信。) (我再怎麼解釋他都不相信。)
4. (Adv) definitely; indeed || 是。表示有條件的肯定。
🗣le: (u: Sviu tøf u teq sviu`laq, beq zøx iao'si cyn larn.) 🗣 (想都有咧想啦,欲做猶是真懶。) (想是在想,真要做起來還是覺得懶洋洋的。)
5. (Adv) even if...yet/still/anyway || 就……、又……,表示強調的語氣。
🗣le: (u: Goar tøf bøo teq gong køq, nar u khør'leeng hiaq karn'tafn ho y phiexn`khix.) 🗣 (我都無咧戇閣,哪有可能遐簡單就予伊騙去。) (我又不笨,怎麼可能這麼簡單就被他給騙了。)
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
🗣 uix 🗣 (u: uix) t [wt][mo][#]
1. (Adj) detesting or abhorrent due to having eaten too much || 東西吃太多而感到厭膩。
🗣le: (u: ciah kaq e uix) 🗣 (食甲會飫) (吃到會怕)
🗣le: (u: uix'uix) 🗣 (飫飫) (覺得有點膩)
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
🗣 voax 🗣 (u: voax) p [wt][mo] uànn [#]
1. (Adj) late; too late || 晚、遲。
🗣le: (u: Lie m'thafng khuxn kaq hiaq voax.) 🗣 (你毋通睏甲遐晏。) (你不要睡得這麼晚。)
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
🗣 zharm 🗣 (u: zharm) [wt][mo] tshám [#]
1. (Adj) sorrowful; sad; unfortunate || 悲哀、不幸。
🗣le: (u: U'kaux zharm!) 🗣 (有夠慘!) (好慘!)
2. (Adj) too bad; how terrible; what bad luck; terrible; bad; (situation) out of control || 糟糕。
🗣le: (u: Lie zharm`aq.) 🗣 (你慘矣。) (你慘了。)
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
🗣 zuix 🗣 (u: zuix) [wt][mo] tsuì [#]
1. (V) to drink too much alcohol leading to unclear state of mind; to become drunk or intoxicated || 飲酒過量而導致神志不清。
🗣le: (u: pud zuix pud kuy) 🗣 (不醉不歸) (不醉不歸)
🗣le: (u: siøf'ciuo'zuix) 🗣 (燒酒醉) (酒醉)
2. (Adj) intoxicated; drunken || 喝酒過多而神志模糊的樣子。
🗣le: (u: Y lym kaq cyn zuix.) 🗣 (伊啉甲真醉。) (他喝得很醉。)
🗣le: (u: zuix'baang'baang) 🗣 (醉茫茫) (醉得神智不清)
tonggi: ; s'tuix:

Maryknoll (64)
zheh [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: zheh [[...]] 
sink down like a wall on a foundation, come down like a sail when the rope is too loose
koaf [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: koaf; (kof) [[...]] 
vegetable which is fibrous, too old to be eaten (e.g. bamboo sprouts out of season)
laf [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: laf [[...]] 
too jolly and full of sport
laxm [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: laxm [[...]] 
hanging too loosely about one (as dress too loose or long, sleeves)
voax [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: voax; (axn) [[...]] 
late, too late
pun [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: pun [[...]] 
clumsy, awkward, stupid, dull, slow, ungainly (man with too many clothes, vessel too heavily laden)
sarn [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sarn [[...]] 
skinny, lean, thin, (cloth) woven too wide and loose, sterile (land)
seng [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: seng [[...]] 
spoil (a child), indulge an inferior too much, allowing him to do as he pleases
sviw- [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sviw; sviw-; (thaix) [[...]] 
excessive, excessively, too...
taau [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: taau; (too) [[...]] 
thaix [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: thaix [[...]] 
very big or large, much, too, excessive, a term of respect (used in titles)
thaix [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: thaix [[...]] 
large, great, big, quiet, calm, peaceful, exalted, honorable, extensive, liberal, prosperous, extreme, excessive, too, much
therng [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: therng [[...]] 
spoil (a child), indulge or favor (a servant or employee) too much
tiorng [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: tiorng; (tviuo) [[...]] 
grow, to increase, greater, senior, a superior, a surplus, too many or too much
tøf [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: tøf; (ze) [[...]] 
many, much, too much, numerous, plentiful, more than, over, often, mostly
too [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: too [[...]] 
slaughter, to butcher, kill and dress animals, to massacre
too [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: too [[...]] 
follower, disciple, pupil apprentice, to walk on foot, in vain, to no purpose, empty, bare, vain, futile
too [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: too [[...]] 
road, path, way, journey
too [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: too [[...]] 
smear, to daub, to plaster, erase, blot out, mud, mire, miry, muddy
too [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: too [[...]] 
picture, map, drawing, chart, diagram, plan, to plan, to scheme, conspire, to desire
uix [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: uix [[...]] 
eat too much, surfeited, satiated, loathing

Haix! [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: haix! [[...]] 
Too bad!
ma [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: ma [[...]] 
also, too
pøf [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: pøf [[...]] 
praise too much, flatter
sviw- [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sviw- [[...]] 
too, excessively
太, 過份
thae~ [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: thae~ [[...]] 
too ~
too [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: too [[...]] 
drawing, picture, graph, chart

Embree (7)
ciu [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: ciu [[...]][i#] [p.35]
Ccl : (occupies Pmod position, connects a clause of result to a condition) (if)…then… <[Li2 na7 beh khi3 goa2 chiu7 beh khi3]: If you go, then I will too>
hor [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: hor [[...]][i#] [p.89]
V : cheat or chisel (on weight, volume, money in amounts too small to be noticed, cf phian3)
ma [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: ma [[...]][i#] [p.178]
Pmod : also, too <Goa3 u7 chiah8 i ma7 u7 chiah8: I ate (a cookie) but he also ate one>, <Nai7-chi long2 ma7 sio2-khoa2 sng-sng : Lichees are all a little sour>
pøf [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: pøf [[...]][i#] [p.205]
V : flatter, praise too much
sviw- [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sviw [[...]][i#] [p.240]
Int : too, excessively
太, 過份
too [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: too [[...]][i#] [p.269]
N : drawing, picture, graph, chart <cheng7-meh8 tou5: venogram>
u: thaix [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.278]
Int : too

Lim08 (6)
u: too [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.B0450] [#65295]
同類 , 朋友陣 。 < ~ 類 ; 酒色之 ~ 。 >
u: too [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.B0450] [#65296]
( 1 )( 姓 ) 。 ( 2 ) 屠殺場 。 <( 2 ) 禁 ~ ; 開 ~ 。 >
u: too [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.B0450] [#65297]
( 1 ) 路途 。 ( 2 ) 職業 , 工作 。 <( 1 ) 半 ( poan3 ) ~ 而廢 。 ( 2 ) 變 ~ ; 換 ~ ; 做kui ~ ; chit ~ 真phaiN2孔 。 >
u: too [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.B0450] [#65298]
( 1 ) 圖面 。 ( 2 ) 圖畫 。 ( 3 ) 家己e5物件kap別人e5混作伙來騙取 。 ( 4 ) 計畫的e5圖謀 。 <( 1 ) 地 ~ ; 畫 ~ 。 ( 2 ) 學校teh教 ~ ~ ; 尪仔 ~ 。 ( 3 ) theh8 phaiN2 - e5來 ~ 好e5 ; 蒜仔 ~ 肉油 。 ( 4 ) 伊tak8 - pai2 beh ~ 人 ; chit頂帽仔是ka7人 ~ 來e5 ; ~ 人e5錢 。 >
u: too [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.B0450] [#68804]
( 姓 )<>
u: too [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.B0450] [#68806]
( 姓 )<>