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Input was: sad.
HTB (37)
- aisiofng [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]]
- mourning; sorrow; feel sorrow or grief; grieve; mourn; be sad
- 哀傷
- aisuo [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]]
- sad history
- 哀史
- aisuu [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]]
- sad remarks
- 哀詞
- ay [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]]
- sorrow; oh; dust; be next to; poison; grieve; mourn; lament; to pity; sad; sorrowful; lamentable; pitiful
- 哀; 唉; 埃; 挨; 毐
- bin iu'iw [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]]
- one's face looks sad
- 面憂憂; 面色憂鬱
- bin taix chiu'ioong [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]]
- sad faced; woeful look
- 面帶愁容
- bong'iw [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]]
- forget about things that make you sad
- 忘憂
- buxnbun putlok [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]]
- melancholy; sad and depressed
- 悶悶不樂
- chiu'ioong [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]]
- sad appearance, sad countenance
- 愁容
- chiu'ioong moafbin [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]]
- wear a sad look; look distressed
- 愁容滿面
- chiubii khofliern [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]]
- sad look; distressed expression
- 愁眉苦臉
- chiubii puttiern [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]]
- wear a sad or distressed expression
- 愁眉不展
- chiugaan [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]]
- a worried face; distressed or sad look
- 愁顏
- chiuhoaai [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]]
- sad feeling; sadness
- 愁懷
- chiuu [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]]
- to pull; to worry; ; sad; distressed; worried; unhappy; melancholy; gloomy; to worry about
- 揪; 愁
- iu'iw [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]]
- sad; sorrowful; glossy; soft and smooth; sleek; slick; slithery
- 光滑; 憂憂
- iubin [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]]
- sad looking
- 憂面; 油面
- iubun [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]]
- depressed; to feel low; melancholy; distressed; sad
- 憂悶
- iuchiuu [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]]
- sorrowful; gloomy; melancholy; distressed; sad
- 憂愁
- iw [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]]
- quiet; secluded; melancholy; sorrow; sad; anxious
- 幽; 憂
- khøfpy† [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]]
- pathetic; sad; grieved; sorrowful
- 可悲
- lu [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]]
- anxiety; concern of mind; doubt; suspicious; thoughts; anxious; solicitous; suspicious; doubtful; thoughtful; be anxious; be concerned about; feel sad; to plan; devise
- 慮
- luixhøo† [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]]
- a river of tears – very sad; deep sorrow
- 淚河
- Niaw khaux niawchie kea uxsym [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]]
- pretend to be sad (Lit. The cat cries over the death of a rat.)
- 貓哭耗子假慈悲。
- pichiuu [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]]
- melancholy; sad; grievous; pensive
- 悲愁
- pisiofng [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]]
- lament; sad; sorrowful
- 悲傷; 悲傷
- pithoxng [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]]
- painfully sad
- 悲痛
- sad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]]
- to cut; to wound; to pare; to kill; behead; to fight; to war
- 殺
- Sad siong [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]]
- title of imperial princes; name given to a great many idols
- 撒慕爾紀上; 撒上
- sad`sie [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]]
- 殺死
- siongsym [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]]
- grief; heartbroken; dolour; deeply hurt; break one's heart; very sad; grieved
- 傷心
- soafn [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]]
- sour; acid; tart; stale; spoiled; sad; grieved; sorrowful; aching; jealous; envious; stingy; aching pains; feeling of pain and weariness about the bones or in the limbs
- 酸
- suix [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]]
- haggard; worried; sad; spit
- 悴; 粹; 啐
- wn [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]]
- abundant; flourishing; thriving; rich; prosperous; polite; courteous; sad; sorrowful; mournful
- 殷
- yn† [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]]
- abundant; flourishing; thriving; rich; prosperous; polite; courteous; sad; sorrowful; mournful
- 殷
- zhafmsu [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]]
- sad thing; tragedy
- 慘事
- zhor [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]]
- pitiful; sad
- 楚
DFT (41)- 🗣 aaisatzuq 🗣 (u: aai9'sad'zuq) a̋i-sat-tsuh [wt][mo] a̋i-sat-tsuh
- 1. () to greet; to give regards. from Japanese 挨拶 (aisatsu)
|| 打招呼、問候。源自日語あいさつ(aisatsu),日語漢字為「挨拶」。
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
- 🗣 aiq 🗣 (u: aiq) 噯t [wt][mo] aih
- 1. (Int) sad; emotional; sentimental; regret; great pity; feel sorry for sb
|| 表示傷感、惋惜的語氣。
- 🗣le: (u: Aiq! Kaux goeh'tea iu'køq bøo cvii`aq!) 🗣 (噯!到月底又閣無錢矣!) (哎!到月底又沒錢了!)
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
- 🗣 armsad 🗣 (u: axm'sad) 暗殺 [wt][mo] àm-sat
- 1. (V)
|| 趁人不備之時將其殺害。
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
- 🗣 bagsad 🗣 (u: bak'sad) 木蝨 [wt][mo] ba̍k-sat
- 1. (N)
|| 床蝨、臭蟲。身體呈橢圓且扁平,喜愛乾燥,白天大多藏在地板、牆壁或草蓆的縫隙,晚上則爬出來吸食人和牲畜的血,是一種會傳染疾病的寄生蟲。
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
- 🗣 bosad 🗣 (u: boo'sad) 謀殺 [wt][mo] bôo-sat
- 1. () (CE) to murder; to assassinate; intentional homicide
|| 謀殺
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
- 🗣 chiesad 🗣 (u: chix'sad) 刺殺 [wt][mo] tshì-sat
- 1. () (CE) to assassinate; (military) to fight with a bayonet; (baseball) to put out (a baserunner)
|| 刺殺
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
- 🗣 Cit ciaq satbør poxng kaq zuyguu toa./Cit ciaq satbuo poxng kaq zuyguu toa. 🗣 (u: Cit ciaq sad'bør/buo poxng kaq zuie'guu toa.) 一隻蝨母嗙甲水牛大。 [wt][mo] Tsi̍t tsiah sat-bó pòng kah tsuí-gû tuā.
- 1. ()
|| 一隻小蝨子誇大成大水牛。意指小小的東西或事情,誇大其辭,說得天花亂墜。比喻言過其實。
- 🗣le: (u: Girn'ar ciaq kiøx cit sviaf “af'paq” nia'nia, lau'pe tø “cit ciaq sad'bør poxng kaq zuie'guu toa”, korng yn kviar sviar'miq oe tøf e'hiao korng, zef karm u'viar si cyn`ee?) 🗣 (囡仔才叫一聲「阿爸」爾爾,老爸就「一隻蝨母嗙甲水牛大」,講𪜶囝啥物話都會曉講,這敢有影是真的?) (小嬰兒才喊一聲「爸爸」而已,做父親的人就把「一隻小蝨子說成大水牛」,誇張到說他兒子什麼話都會說,這難道是真的嗎?)
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
- 🗣 ho 🗣 (u: ho) 予 [wt][mo] hōo
- 1. (V) to give
|| 給予。
- 🗣le: (u: Goar ho lie cit ee bin'zuo, cid kvia tai'cix tø zurn'tuo'soaq.) 🗣 (我予你一个面子,這件代誌就準拄煞。) (我給你一個面子,這件事就這樣算了。)
- 2. (Prep) by (used in constructing the passive, follows Subject and precedes Agent)
|| 被……。
- 🗣le: (u: Goar be'kix'tid siar kofng'khøx, m'ciaq e ho lau'sw me.) 🗣 (我袂記得寫功課,毋才會予老師罵。) (我忘了寫作業,所以才會被老師罵。)
- 3. (Prep) to let (sb do sth); to allow. exempt from tone change whether followed by y
|| 任由。後加「伊」字而「伊」省略時,則不變調。
- 🗣le: (u: Ho y khix`laq! Maix zhab`y.) 🗣 (予伊去啦!莫插伊。) (讓他去啦!別理他。)
- 4. (Prep) to yield; to permit; to let sb do sth; to have sb do sth; to make sb (feel sad etc)
|| 讓。
- 🗣le: (u: Lie ho goar khør'li`cit'e.) 🗣 (你予我考慮一下。) (你讓我考慮一下。)
- 5. () verb suffix exempt from tone sandhi (cf MLT -hof)
|| 動詞後綴。
- 🗣le: (u: ze ho hør) 🗣 (坐予好) (坐好)
- 🗣le: (u: ciah ho zhefng'khix) 🗣 (食予清氣) (吃得乾淨)
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
- 🗣 ho y 🗣 (u: ho y) 予伊 [wt][mo] hōo i
- 1. (Prep) preposition expressing imperative meaning: to yield; to permit; to let sb do sth; to have sb do sth; to make sb (feel sad etc) (cf ho, -hof)
|| 讓;表祈使義的介詞。
- 🗣le: (u: Lie aix theh ho y hør.) 🗣 (你愛提予伊好。) (你要拿好。)
- 🗣le: (u: Cid kvia tai'cix lie aix korng ho y zay.) 🗣 (這件代誌你愛講予伊知。) (這件事你要讓他知道。)
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
- 🗣 Hoesviu thaau liah satbør./Hoesviu thaau liah satbuo. 🗣 (u: Hoee'sviu thaau liah sad'bør/buo.) 和尚頭掠蝨母。 [wt][mo] Huê-siūnn thâu lia̍h sat-bó.
- 1. ()
|| 在理光頭的和尚頭上找蝨子。形容人緣木求魚,注定失敗。
- 🗣le: (u: Hien'zhuo'sii kog'lai'goa ee kefng'zex cviaa bae, kor'chi id'tit løh, na beq ngx kor'phiøx køq khie'kex, be'sw si “hoee'sviu thaau liah sad'bør”, cviaa øq`leq.) 🗣 (現此時國內外的經濟誠䆀,股市一直落,若欲向股票閣起價,袂輸是「和尚頭掠蝨母」,誠僫咧。) (現在國內外的經濟不好,股市跌個不停,若要期盼股票再漲起來,就如同「在和尚的頭上抓蝨子一樣」,很困難呢。)
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
- 🗣 hongsad 🗣 (u: hofng'sad) 封殺 [wt][mo] hong-sat
- 1. () (CE) to shut out; to block; to smother
|| 封殺
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
- 🗣 kafmsiofng 🗣 (u: karm'siofng) 感傷 [wt][mo] kám-siong
- 1. () (CE) sad; down-hearted; sentimental; pathos; melancholy
|| 感傷
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
- 🗣 kawsad 🗣 (u: kao'sad) 狗蝨 [wt][mo] káu-sat
- 1. (N)
|| 狗蝨、蝨子。昆蟲名。寄生在狗身上的蝨子,體型極小,會吸取狗身上的血液為生,造成身體發癢。
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
- 🗣 moasatbak 🗣 (u: moaa'sad'bak) 麻虱目 [wt][mo] muâ-sat-ba̍k
- 1. (N)
|| 虱目魚。魚類。體呈紡錘形,側扁,為臺灣淡鹹水養殖魚中的名種。
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
- 🗣 oexsad 🗣 (u: oe'sad) 話蝨 [wt][mo] uē-sat
- 1. (N)
|| 語病、話柄。
- 🗣le: (u: liah oe'sad) 🗣 (掠話蝨) (挑語病)
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
- 🗣 Phosad/phosad 🗣 (u: phoo'sad) 菩薩 [wt][mo] phôo-sat
- 1. (N)
|| 佛教用語,全名為「菩提薩埵」。一、專指成佛前的悉達多太子。二、指具備自利、利他的大願,追求無上覺悟境界,並且已證得性空之理的眾生。
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
- 🗣 pizeeng 🗣 (u: py'zeeng) 悲情 [wt][mo] pi-tsîng
- 1. () (CE) sad; tragic. sadness; tragedy
|| 悲情
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
- 🗣 put'heng 🗣 (u: pud'heng) 不幸 [wt][mo] put-hīng
- 1. () (CE) misfortune; adversity; unfortunate; sad; unfortunately; CL:個|个[ge4]
|| 不幸
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
- 🗣 sad 🗣 (u: sad) 塞t [wt][mo] sat
- 1. (V) to obstruct; to hinder; to block; to be obstructed; to be blocked up; to be impassable
|| 阻礙不通。
- 🗣le: (u: sad'phvi) 🗣 (塞鼻) (鼻塞)
- 🗣le: (u: sad kaq bat'bat'bat) 🗣 (塞甲密密密) (塞得水洩不通)
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
- 🗣 sad 🗣 (u: sad) 殺 [wt][mo] sat
- 1. (V) to kill; to murder
|| 使喪失生命。
- 🗣le: (u: Sad jiin biern iong tøf.) 🗣 (殺人免用刀。) (殺人不用刀。)
- 🗣le: (u: sad'sefng) 🗣 (殺生) (殺生)
- 🗣le: (u: sad'hai) 🗣 (殺害) (殺害)
- 2. (Adj) ruthless; fierce; ferocious; terrible; extreme
|| 比喻狠、兇、極度。
- 🗣le: (u: sym'kvoaf cyn sad) 🗣 (心肝真殺) (心狠手辣)
- 3. (Adj) to be willing to part with sth
|| 捨得。
- 🗣le: (u: Ciah sad, zheng phaq'kad.) 🗣 (食殺,穿拍結。) (吃捨得,穿得打結。指在食物上揮霍,穿著卻衣衫襤褸。)
- 🗣le: (u: Y zøx'sefng'lie cyn sad.) 🗣 (伊做生理真殺。) (他做生意捨得降價求售。)
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
- 🗣 sad 🗣 (u: sad) 蝨 [wt][mo] sat
- 1. (N) louse; lice
|| 昆蟲名。頭小腹大,以吸食動物血液或植物體液為生,會傳染疾病。
- 🗣le: (u: kao'sad) 🗣 (狗蝨) (長在狗身上的蝨子)
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
- 🗣 sad 🗣 (u: sad) 煞b [wt][mo] sat
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
- 🗣 sad 🗣 (u: sad) 薩 [wt][mo] sat
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
- 🗣 sad 🗣 (u: sad) 虱 [wt][mo] sat
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
- 🗣 sad 🗣 (u: sad) 撒b [wt][mo] sat
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
- 🗣 sat'hai 🗣 (u: sad'hai) 殺害 [wt][mo] sat-hāi
- 1. (V)
|| 以不正當的理由傷害人的性命。
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
- 🗣 satbaghii/satbak-hii 🗣 (u: sad'bak-hii) 虱目魚 [wt][mo] sat-ba̍k-hî/sat-ba̍k-hû
- 1. (N)
|| 魚類。呈紡錘形,長約二十到三十公分,口小,尾鰭分叉,細刺多,善於跳躍。臺灣西南部較多,屏東地區叫「海草魚」(hái-tsháu-hî),是臺灣地區重要的食用魚,在街市上到處有賣虱目魚作為食材的各式食品,像虱目魚粥、虱目魚湯。
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
- 🗣 satbuo/satbør 🗣 (u: sad'bør) 蝨母 [wt][mo] sat-bó
- 1. (N)
|| 蝨子。昆蟲名。頭小,口突,腹大,無翅,以吸食動物血液或植物體液為生。會傳染疾病。常會因為音變的緣故而唸成「sap-bó」。
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
- 🗣 satchiuo 🗣 (u: sad'chiuo) 殺手 [wt][mo] sat-tshiú
- 1. (N)
|| 受僱取人性命的人。
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
- 🗣 satjiin 🗣 (u: sad'jiin) 殺人 [wt][mo] sat-jîn/sat-lîn
- 1. () (CE) homicide; to murder; to kill (a person)
|| 殺人
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
- 🗣 satkhix 🗣 (u: sad'khix) 殺氣 [wt][mo] sat-khì
- 1. (N)
|| 殺伐或兇惡的氣勢。
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
- 🗣 satphvi 🗣 (u: sad'phvi) 塞鼻 [wt][mo] sat-phīnn
- 1. (N)
|| 鼻塞。指鼻子因為過敏或感冒而導致鼻腔黏膜腫大,甚至感覺呼吸困難。
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
- 🗣 satpixn 🗣 (u: sad'pixn) 蝨篦 [wt][mo] sat-pìn
- 1. (N)
|| 細齒梳。用竹子做成,中間有梁,梳齒比較窄密的梳子。因為早期衛生習慣較差,且醫藥不發達,人們便發明此用具來梳落頭蝨。
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
- 🗣 satsefng 🗣 (u: sad'sefng) 殺生 [wt][mo] sat-sing
- 1. (N)
|| 佛教用語。直接或間接殺害生物的行為均屬之。
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
- 🗣 sngf 🗣 (u: sngf) 酸p [wt][mo] sng
- 1. (Adj) flavor like vinegar or plum; sour; tart
|| 像醋或是梅子一樣的味道。
- 🗣le: (u: Cid liap kafm'ar sngf'sngf.) 🗣 (這粒柑仔酸酸。) (這顆橘子酸酸的。)
- 2. (Adj) sad in one's heart; grieved; sorrowful; hidden bitterness, secret grudge
|| 心中感到悲傷、悲痛而覺得幽怨。
- 🗣le: (u: Sym'kvoaf'lai karm'kag sngf'sngf.) 🗣 (心肝內感覺酸酸。) (心裡感覺有點酸酸的。)
- 🗣le: (u: sym'sngf) 🗣 (心酸) (心酸)
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
- 🗣 thosad 🗣 (u: thoo'sad) 塗虱 [wt][mo] thôo-sat
- 1. (N)
|| 小鯰魚。魚類。背鰭大且長,為溫水性魚類。因雌魚成長速度較雄魚快,體型也較大,肉質鮮美,所以具有養殖價值。
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
- 🗣 tosad 🗣 (u: too'sad) 屠殺 [wt][mo] tôo-sat
- 1. () (CE) to massacre; massacre; bloodbath; carnage
|| 屠殺
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
- 🗣 tuisad 🗣 (u: tuy'sad) 追殺 [wt][mo] tui-sat
- 1. () (CE) to chase to kill
|| 追殺
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
- 🗣 zharm 🗣 (u: zharm) 慘 [wt][mo] tshám
- 1. (Adj) sorrowful; sad; unfortunate
|| 悲哀、不幸。
- 🗣le: (u: U'kaux zharm!) 🗣 (有夠慘!) (好慘!)
- 2. (Adj) too bad; how terrible; what bad luck; terrible; bad; (situation) out of control
|| 糟糕。
- 🗣le: (u: Lie zharm`aq.) 🗣 (你慘矣。) (你慘了。)
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
- 🗣 zherngsad 🗣 (u: zhexng'sad) 銃殺 [wt][mo] tshìng-sat
- 1. (V)
|| 槍斃、槍決。
- 🗣le: (u: zhexng'sad hoan'laang) 🗣 (銃殺犯人) (槍決犯人)
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
- 🗣 zuxsad 🗣 (u: zu'sad) 自殺 [wt][mo] tsū-sat
- 1. () (CE) to kill oneself; to commit suicide; to attempt suicide
|| 自殺
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
DFT_lk (25)
- 🗣u: Y ho laang pie'ju zøx phoo'sad. 伊予人比喻做菩薩。 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]] [d#]
- 他被人比喻成菩薩。
- 🗣u: Sad'bak'hii ee iux'kud'ar cviaa ze, lie tiøh sex'ji'ar ciah. 虱目魚的幼骨仔誠濟,你著細膩仔食。 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]] [d#]
- 虱目魚的小骨頭很多,你要小心吃。
- 🗣u: sad'bak'hii'zay 虱目魚栽 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]] [d#]
- 虱目魚苗
- 🗣u: Hiaf'ee sad'jiin'hoan karm'korng lorng m kviaf oafn'huun laai thør'mia? 遐的殺人犯敢講攏毋驚冤魂來討命? [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]] [d#]
- 那些殺人犯難道都不怕冤魂來向他們索命嗎?
- 🗣u: Sad jiin biern iong tøf. 殺人免用刀。 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]] [d#]
- 殺人不用刀。
- 🗣u: sad'sefng 殺生 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]] [d#]
- 殺生
- 🗣u: sad'hai 殺害 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]] [d#]
- 殺害
- 🗣u: sym'kvoaf cyn sad 心肝真殺 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]] [d#]
- 心狠手辣
- 🗣u: Ciah sad, zheng phaq'kad. 食殺,穿拍結。 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]] [d#]
- 吃捨得,穿得打結。指在食物上揮霍,穿著卻衣衫襤褸。
- 🗣u: Y zøx'sefng'lie cyn sad. 伊做生理真殺。 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]] [d#]
- 他做生意捨得降價求售。
- 🗣u: Hoong'hwn pud sad kef. 黃昏不殺雞。 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]] [d#]
- 黃昏以後不殺雞。因俗以為日落後殺雞,將使該雞死後不能投胎轉世。
- 🗣u: sad'phvi 塞鼻 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]] [d#]
- 鼻塞
- 🗣u: sad kaq bat'bat'bat 塞甲密密密 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]] [d#]
- 塞得水洩不通
- 🗣u: liah oe'sad 掠話蝨 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]] [d#]
- 挑語病
- 🗣u: thiaux'karng zu'sad 跳港自殺 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]] [d#]
- 投水自殺
- 🗣u: zhexng'sad hoan'laang 銃殺犯人 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]] [d#]
- 槍決犯人
- 🗣u: Hoan'laang thviaf'tiøh korng beq ho laang zhexng'sad, kviaf kaq siaxm'sae'jiø. 犯人聽著講欲予人銃殺,驚甲滲屎尿。 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]] [d#]
- 犯人聽到要被人槍殺,嚇得屁滾尿流。
- 🗣u: khap'thaau zu'sad 磕頭自殺 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]] [d#]
- 磕頭自殺
- 🗣u: kao'sad 狗蝨 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]] [d#]
- 長在狗身上的蝨子
- 🗣u: sad'pixn 蝨篦 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]] [d#]
- 去除頭蝨的梳子
- 🗣u: Y m'goan ho laang oafn'orng ze'kvaf, ti kvaf'gak ka'cih zu'sad. 伊毋願予人冤枉坐監,佇監獄咬舌自殺。 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]] [d#]
- 他不甘心被人家冤枉而入獄服刑,在監獄咬舌頭自盡。
- 🗣u: Taai'laam ee sad'bak'hii ciog zhud'miaa, thviaf'korng Kog'sexng'iaa ma cyn aix ciah. 臺南的虱目魚足出名,聽講國姓爺嘛真愛食。 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]] [d#]
- 臺南的虱目魚非常有名,據說鄭成功也很喜歡吃。
- 🗣u: Y laang phoax'pve toax'vi, kuy'ee bin'ar peh'sie'sad, lorng bøo hoeq'khix. 伊人破病蹛院,規个面仔白死殺,攏無血氣。 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]] [d#]
- 他人生病住院,整個臉蒼白無血色。
- 🗣u: Girn'ar ciaq kiøx cit sviaf “af'paq” nia'nia, lau'pe tø “cit ciaq sad'bør poxng kaq zuie'guu toa”, korng yn kviar sviar'miq oe tøf e'hiao korng, zef karm u'viar si cyn`ee? 囡仔才叫一聲「阿爸」爾爾,老爸就「一隻蝨母嗙甲水牛大」,講𪜶囝啥物話都會曉講,這敢有影是真的? [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]] [d#]
- 小嬰兒才喊一聲「爸爸」而已,做父親的人就把「一隻小蝨子說成大水牛」,誇張到說他兒子什麼話都會說,這難道是真的嗎?
- 🗣u: Hien'zhuo'sii kog'lai'goa ee kefng'zex cviaa bae, kor'chi id'tit løh, na beq ngx kor'phiøx køq khie'kex, be'sw si “hoee'sviu thaau liah sad'bør”, cviaa øq`leq. 現此時國內外的經濟誠䆀,股市一直落,若欲向股票閣起價,袂輸是「和尚頭掠蝨母」,誠僫咧。 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]] [d#]
- 現在國內外的經濟不好,股市跌個不停,若要期盼股票再漲起來,就如同「在和尚的頭上抓蝨子一樣」,很困難呢。
Maryknoll (200)
- ay [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: ay [[...]]
- grieve, mourn, lament, to pity, sad, sorrowful, lamentable, pitiful
- 哀
- aioaxn [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: ay'oaxn [[...]]
- sigh and moan
- 哀怨
- aisiofng [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: ay'siofng [[...]]
- feel sorrow or grief, grieve, mourn, be sad
- 哀傷
- aisuo [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: ay'suo [[...]]
- sad history
- 哀史
- armsad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: axm'sad [[...]]
- assassinate, assassination
- 暗殺
- armsattorng [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: axm'sad'torng [[...]]
- gang of assassins
- 暗殺黨
- anseg [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: afn'seg [[...]]
- rest
- 安息
- bagsad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: bak'sad [[...]]
- bed-bug
- 臭蟲,蝨
- badsad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: bat'sad [[...]]
- bed bug
- 臭蟲
- bixsui [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: bi'sui [[...]]
- used after a verb, fail in accomplishing, attempted without success, unaccomplished
- 未遂
- bin iuiw [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: bin iw'iw [[...]]
- one's face looks sad
- 面色憂鬱
- bin peqsysad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: bin peh'sie'sad [[...]]
- pallor, pale
- 臉色蒼白
- bin taix chiuioong [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: bin taix chiuu'ioong [[...]]
- sad faced, woeful look
- 面帶愁容
- bosad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: boo'sad [[...]]
- plot murder
- 謀殺
- bosat'axn [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: boo'sad'axn [[...]]
- murder case
- 謀殺案
- bong'iw [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: boong'iw [[...]]
- forget about things that make you sad
- 忘憂
- bong Misad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: bong Mii'sad [[...]]
- attend Mass (Catholic)
- 望彌撒
- bukof [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: buu'kof [[...]]
- the innocent, not guilty
- 無辜
- bun [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: bun [[...]]
- melancholy, depressed, oppressive or suffocating weather or room, stuffy
- 悶
- buxnbun putlok [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: bun'bun'pud'lok; bun'bun pud'lok [[...]]
- melancholy, sad and depressed
- 悶悶不樂
- zvaysad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: zvae'sad [[...]]
- slaughter, butcher, kill
- 宰殺
- zafmsad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: zarm'sad [[...]]
- kill
- 斬殺
- zansad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: zaan'sad [[...]]
- massacre
- 殘殺
- zengsad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: zeeng'sad [[...]]
- murder caused by love entanglement
- 情殺
- zhamkaf Misad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: zhafm'kaf Mii'sad [[...]]
- attend Mass (Catholic)
- 參加彌撒
- zhafmsad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: zharm'sad [[...]]
- cruel massacre, to kill by cruel or violent means
- 慘殺
- zhafmsu [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: zharm'su [[...]]
- sad thing, tragedy
- 慘事
- zhøehsym [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: zheq'sym; zhøeq'sym [[...]]
- sad, disappointed
- 懷恨在心
- zherngsad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: zhexng'sad [[...]]
- execute by shooting
- 槍決
- chiesad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: chix'sad [[...]]
- assassinate
- 刺殺
- chiuu [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: chiuu [[...]]
- sad, distressed, worried, unhappy, melancholy, gloomy, to worry about
- 愁
- chiubii khofliern [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: chiuu'bii khor'liern [[...]]
- sad look, distressed expression
- 愁眉苦臉
- chiubii puttiern [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: chiuu'bii pud'tiern [[...]]
- wear a sad or distressed expression
- 愁眉不展
- chiugaan [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: chiuu'gaan [[...]]
- distressed or sad look
- 愁顏
- chiu'hoaai [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: chiuu'hoaai [[...]]
- sad feeling, sadness
- 愁懷
- chiuioong moafbin [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: chiuu'ioong moar'bin [[...]]
- wear a sad look, look distressed
- 愁容滿面
- cvisad teq ka [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: cvii'sad teq ka [[...]]
- to be bit by the money bug, to want to spend money
- 想花錢
- ciøhtøf satjiin [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: ciøq'tøf sad'jiin [[...]]
- kill one's enemy by another's hands, instigate or trick others to commit a crime to serve one's own purpose
- 借刀殺人
- ciunii ee anseg Misad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: ciw'nii ee afn'seg Mii'sad [[...]]
- anniversary requiem Mass
- 週年的安息彌撒
- zøx Misad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: zøx Mii'sad; zøx/zøex Mii'sad; (kie'heeng Mii'sad) [[...]]
- celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
- 做彌撒,舉行彌撒
- Zwkaux Taixlea Misad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: Zuo'kaux Tai'lea Mii'sad [[...]]
- Pontifical Mass (Catholic)
- 主教大禮彌撒
- zuxsad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: zu'sad; (zu'cin) [[...]]
- suicide, commit suicide
- 自殺,自盡
- zuxsad bixsui [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: zu'sad bi'sui [[...]]
- attempted suicide
- 自殺未遂
- zuxsatseg ee kongkeg [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: zu'sad'seg ee kofng'keg [[...]]
- suicide attack
- 自殺式的攻擊
- zuxsiofng zansad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: zu'siofng zaan'sad [[...]]
- engage in an intramural fight
- 自相殘殺
- eeng kaq liah satbør siøka [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: eeng kaq liah sad'bør siøf'ka; eeng kaq liah sad'bør/buo siøf'ka [[...]]
- Have time to catch lice and watch them fight each other — don't know what to do with my leisure
- 無所事事, 閒得無聊
- gøxkhuie zuxsad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: gø'khuie zu'sad; (gø'kuie zu'sad) [[...]]
- commit suicide by throwing oneself on a railroad
- 臥軌自殺
- goxsad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: go'sad [[...]]
- kill or murder a person mistaken for the intended victim
- 誤殺
- hiexn Misad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: hiexn Mii'sad [[...]]
- offer Mass (Catholic)
- 獻彌撒
- hietlui [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: hied'lui [[...]]
- tears and blood — extreme sorrow
- 血淚
- hiongsad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: hiofng'sad [[...]]
- kill, murder
- 凶殺
- hiongsat'axn [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: hiofng'sad'axn [[...]]
- murder case
- 凶殺案
- Isat'ieaf [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: Y'sad'ix'af [[...]]
- Isaiah (Catholic)
- 依撒意亞
- Ialoxsatlerng [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: Iaa'lo'sad'lerng [[...]]
- Jerusalem
- 耶路撒冷
- iap'ay [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: iab'ay [[...]]
- hidden sorrow
- 隱憂
- yn [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: yn; (wn) [[...]]
- abundant, flourishing, thriving, rich, prosperous, polite, courteous, sad, sorrowful, mournful
- 殷
- iw [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: iw [[...]]
- melancholy, sorrow, sad, anxious
- 憂
- iubun [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: iw'bun [[...]]
- melancholy, distressed, sad
- 憂悶
- iuchiuu [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: iw'chiuu [[...]]
- melancholy, distressed, sad
- 憂愁
- iu'iw [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: iw'iw [[...]]
- sad, sorrowful
- 心憂
- kansad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: kafn'sad [[...]]
- kill a woman after sexually molesting her
- 姦殺
- kawsad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: kao'sad [[...]]
- dog fleas
- 狗蝨
- keksad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: keg'sad [[...]]
- kill in a fight
- 格殺
- kengzheq [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: kefng'zheq; (kefng'purn, kefng'sw) [[...]]
- classical books
- 經本,經書
- kyheeng Misad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: kie'heeng Mii'sad [[...]]
- celebrate Mass
- 舉行彌撒
- kiuyn Misad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: kiuu'yn Mii'sad [[...]]
- Mass of petition (Catholic)
- 求恩彌撒
- køkefng Misad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: køf'kefng Mii'sad [[...]]
- high Mass (Catholic)
- 歌經彌撒
- kørsid satjinzoe [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: køx'sid sad'jiin'zoe [[...]]
- accidental homicide
- 過失殺人罪
- laxmsad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: lam'sad [[...]]
- kill at random, kill indiscriminately
- 濫殺
- li [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: li; (lu) [[...]]
- anxiety, concern of mind, doubt, suspicious, thoughts, anxious, solicitous, suspicious, doubtful, thoughtful, be anxious, be concerned about, feel sad, to plan, devise
- 慮
- liah satbør siøka [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: liah sad'bør siøf'ka; liah sad'bør/buo siøf'ka [[...]]
- catch lice and make them to fight in order to pass the time, nothing to do
- 捉蝨子 相鬥,閒著無聊,無所事事。
- Liexnleeng Misad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: Lien'leeng Mii'sad [[...]]
- Mass for the Holy Souls (Catholic)
- 煉靈彌撒
- liok [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: liok [[...]]
- kill in war, massacre, slay, oppress, unite, join
- 戮
- loaxnsad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: loan'sad [[...]]
- ruthless and reckless slaughter
- 亂殺
- loxngkea sengcyn [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: long'kea seeng'cyn [[...]]
- sportive pretense became a sad reality
- 弄假成真
- mxkafm [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: m'kafm [[...]]
- have a clinging affection for, unwilling, niggardly
- 捨不得,痛惜
- Misad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: Mii'sad [[...]]
- Mass (Catholic)
- 彌撒
- Misad hiernkym [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: Mii'sad hiexn'kym [[...]]
- stipend for a Mass (Catholic)
- 彌撒獻金
- Misad Kengpurn [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: Mii'sad Kefng'purn; (Kefng'sw) [[...]]
- Missal (Catholic)
- 彌撒經本(經書)
- Misad Serngtiern [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: Mii'sad Sexng'tiern; (Mii'sad Sexng'zex) [[...]]
- Canon of the Mass (Catholic)
- 彌撒聖典(彌撒聖祭)
- Misad Siong'ioxngkefng [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: Mii'sad Sioong'iong'kefng [[...]]
- Ordinary of the Mass (Catholic)
- 彌撒常用經
- ni'phosad koeahøo [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: nii'phoo'sad koex'høo; nii'phoo'sad køex'høo [[...]]
- can't say for sure, can't guarantee oneself
- 泥菩薩過河(比喻自身難保)
- Niao cy ciofng suo, kii beeng ia py. [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: Niao cy ciofng suo, kii beeng ia py. [[...]]
- A man's last words are sincere. (Lit. When a bird is about to die, its songs are sad.)
- 鳥之將死,其鳴也悲。比喻人到臨死時,會說良心話
- Niaw khaux niawzhuo kea uxsym. [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: Niaw khaux niao'chie kea u sym.; Niaw khaux niao'zhuo kea u'sym. [[...]]
- pretend to be sad (Lit. The cat cries over the death of a rat.)
- 貓哭耗子假慈悲。
- peqsysad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: peh'sie'sad [[...]]
- sallow and unhealthy looking
- 蒼白
- pengjit Misad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: peeng'jit Mii'sad [[...]]
- Daily Mass (Catholic)
- 平日彌撒
- phvi [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: phvi; (pi) [[...]]
- nose, trunk, snout, to smell, to sniff, muzzle
- 鼻,聞,嗅
- Phosad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: Phoo'sad [[...]]
- Bodhisattva, Buddhist idol
- 菩薩
- Phosad simtngg [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: Phoo'sad sym'tngg [[...]]
- kind hearted, compassionate
- 菩薩心腸
- phofthofng Misad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: phor'thofng Mii'sad [[...]]
- Low Mass (Catholic, no longer used)
- 普通彌撒
- phoksad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: phog'sad [[...]]
- kill
- 撲殺
- py [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: py [[...]]
- grief, sympathy, sad, sorrowful, dolorous, mournful, to lament, deplore, to pity mourn, sympathize
- 悲
- pichiuu [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: py'chiuu [[...]]
- melancholy, sad, grievous, pensive
- 悲愁
- pixsad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: pi'sad [[...]]
- be killed, assassinated
- 被殺
- pisiofng [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: py'siofng [[...]]
- sad, sorrowful
- 悲傷
- pi'thoxng [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: py'thoxng [[...]]
- painfully sad
- 悲痛
- poxsad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: po'sad [[...]]
- catch and kill (wild, unlicensed dogs)
- 捕殺
- sad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad [[...]]
- kill, to murder, slay
- 殺
- sad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad [[...]]
- choked up, stop up (a pipe or a hole)
- 塞
- sad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad [[...]]
- lice, bugs, fleas, parasites of various kinds
- 虱
- sad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad [[...]]
- scatter, to sprinkle, disperse
- 撒
- satbør [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'bør; (sad'buo) [[...]]
- lice
- 蝨子
- Satbøfjvie sioxngkoaxn [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: Sad'bør'jvie siong'koaxn; Sad'bør'jvie siong'koaxn [[...]]
- 1 Samuel (Protestant)
- 撒母耳上卷
- Satboxnykie siong [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: Sad'bo'nie'kie siong; (Sad. siong) [[...]]
- 1 Samuel (Catholic)
- 撒慕爾紀上,撒上
- satbuun [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'buun; (tee'khof) [[...]]
- soap
- 肥皂
- satbunzuie [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'buun'zuie [[...]]
- suds
- 肥皂水
- satbunhurn [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'buun'hurn [[...]]
- powdered soap
- 肥皂粉
- satzhefng [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'zhefng [[...]]
- be completed (said of films)
- 殺青
- satchiuo [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'chiuo [[...]]
- hit man, killer
- 殺手
- sad zhud tioxng'uii [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad zhud tiong'uii [[...]]
- fight one's way out of the double line of besiegers
- 殺出重圍
- sat'hai [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'hai [[...]]
- kill, to murder, slay
- 殺害
- sat'haixciar [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'hai'ciar [[...]]
- murderer
- 殺害者
- sat'id kerngpeg [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'id kexng'peg [[...]]
- kill one as a warning for a hundred
- 殺一警百
- satjiin [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'jiin; (thaai'laang) [[...]]
- homicide, murder
- 殺人
- satjiin arnkvia [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'jiin axn'kvia [[...]]
- murder case
- 殺人案件
- satjinciax sie [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'jiin'ciax sie [[...]]
- Murder is punishable by death
- 殺人者死
- satjinzoe [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'jiin'zoe [[...]]
- homicide
- 殺人罪
- satjiin-hoan [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'jiin'hoan; sad'jiin-hoan [[...]]
- killer, a homicide
- 殺人犯
- satjiin putkiexn hoeq [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'jiin pud'kiexn hoeq [[...]]
- able to kill without bloodshed (said of a devious act)
- 殺人不見血
- Satkalixaf [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: Sad'kaf'li'af [[...]]
- Zechariah (Protestant)
- 撒加利亞
- satkaix [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'kaix [[...]]
- Buddhist prohibition against killing
- 殺戒
- satkex [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'kex; (thaai'kex) [[...]]
- reduce prices, cut price to or below cost
- 殺價
- satkøef zhw'nng [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'kef zhuo'nng; sad'køef zhuo'nng [[...]]
- kill the hen to get eggs — a very foolish act
- 殺雞取卵
- satkhix [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'khix [[...]]
- thirst for blood, murderous fury
- 殺氣
- satkhurn [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'khurn [[...]]
- kill germs, sterilize, disinfect, decontaminate
- 殺菌
- satky [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'ky [[...]]
- murderous intention
- 殺機
- satphvi [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'phvi; (zat'phvi) [[...]]
- nose stuffed up with a cold
- 鼻塞
- satsefng [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'sefng [[...]]
- kill living beings
- 殺生
- satsie [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'sie [[...]]
- kill, put to death
- 殺死
- satsyn sengjiin [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'syn seeng'jiin [[...]]
- fulfill justice at the cost of one's own life, sacrifice one's own life for justice
- 殺身成仁
- satsiofng [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'siofng [[...]]
- kill or wound
- 殺傷
- Sattan [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: Sad'tan [[...]]
- Satan
- 撒但
- satthioong-zef [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'thioong'zef; sad'thioong-zef; (sad'thioong'iøh) [[...]]
- insecticide, pesticide
- 殺蟲劑,殺蟲藥
- sengsad cy koaan [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sefng'sad cy koaan [[...]]
- power of life and death
- 生殺之權
- siaxyn Misad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sia'yn Mii'sad [[...]]
- Mass of thanksgiving (Catholic)
- 謝恩彌撒
- siofng [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: siofng; (siafng) [[...]]
- cut, wound, injury, injure, grief, grieve, hurt another's (feelings)
- 傷
- siongsym [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: siofng'sym [[...]]
- deeply hurt, break one's heart, very sad, grieved
- 傷心
- siusad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: siuu'sad [[...]]
- kill from hatred, murder committed out of grudge
- 仇殺
- sngf [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sngf; (soafn) [[...]]
- sour, acid, tart, stale, spoiled, sad, grieved, sorrowful, aching, jealous, envious, stingy, aching pains, feeling of pain and weariness about the bones or in the limbs
- 酸
- armsad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: axm'sad [[...]]
- assassination, to assassinate
- 暗殺
- badsad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: bat'sad [[...]]
- bed bug
- 臭蟲
- bagsad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: bak'sad [[...]]
- bedbug
- 臭蟲
- befsad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: bea'sad [[...]]
- horse louse
- 馬蝨
- bun [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: bun [[...]]
- depressed, sad, worried, depressed
- 悶
- Bysad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: bie'sad [[...]]
- the Mass
- 彌撒
- chiu'ioong [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: chiw/chiuu'ioong [[...]]
- sad appearance, sad countenance
- 愁容
- gegsad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: gek'sad [[...]]
- slaughter, massacre, genocide
- 屠殺
- hiongsad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: hiofng/hioong'sad [[...]]
- murder
- 凶殺
- hoatchiuu [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: hoad'chiuu [[...]]
- to worry, feel sad
- 發愁
- isad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: y/ii'sad [[...]]
- body louse
- 衣蝨
- itsatnar [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: id'sad'nar [[...]]
- in a moment
- 一剎那
- iu'ioong [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: iw/iuu'ioong [[...]]
- sad expression, a long face
- 憂容
- iu'iw [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: iw'iw [[...]]
- sad-looking
- 憂容
- iubun [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: iw/iuu'bun [[...]]
- sad, worried, sorrowful
- 憂悶
- iuchiuu [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: iw/iuu'chiuu [[...]]
- melonchary, sorrow, sadness, distress, downcast, sad
- 憂愁
- iw [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: iw [[...]]
- mournful, sad-looking
- 憂慮的
- kafmsiofng [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: karm'siofng [[...]]
- sorrowful, to feel sad
- 感傷
- kawsad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: kao'sad [[...]]
- dog louse
- 犬蝨
- khaotiau [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: khaux'tiau [[...]]
- a sad song, a weeping song
- 哭調
- lankøex [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: laan'køex [[...]]
- sad, in trouble
- 難過
- legsad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: lek'sad [[...]]
- to strangle; to smother
- 勒殺
- loaxnsad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: loan'sad [[...]]
- to kill without discrimination
- masatbak [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: maf/maa'sad'bak [[...]]
- milkfish
- 虱目魚
- Misad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: my/mii'sad [[...]]
- the Mass
- 彌撒
- moasat'hii [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: moaf/moaa'sad'hii [[...]]
- milkfish
- 虱目魚
- Phosad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: phof/phoo'sad [[...]]
- Budhisattra, a being of enlightenment
- 菩薩
- pisiofng [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: py/pii'siofng [[...]]
- to mourn, grieved, melancholy, sad
- 悲傷
- pithoxng [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: py/pii'thoxng [[...]]
- sorrowful, painfully sad
- 悲痛
- putsad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: pud'sad [[...]]
- not killing; to forbid from death penalty
- sad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad [[...]]
- kill, murder, murderous
- 殺
- sad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad [[...]]
- close, plug, stop up
- 塞
- sat'hai [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'hai [[...]]
- murder, slay
- 殺害
- sat'iar [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'iar [[...]]
- naughty; to run wild
- 撒野
- satbaghii [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'bak'hii [[...]]
- milk-fish, white mullet
- 蝨目魚
- satbunhurn [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'buun'hurn [[...]]
- soap powder
- 肥皂粉
- satbuo [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'buo [[...]]
- sucking lice, body louse, head louse
- 蝨
- satbuun [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'buun [[...]]
- soap
- 肥皂
- satbuun-phøf [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'buun-phøf [[...]]
- soap bubble
- 肥皂泡
- satchiuo [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'chiuo [[...]]
- to give up, to let go
- 撒手
- satjiin [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'jiin [[...]]
- murder a person
- 殺人
- satjiin-hoan [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'jiin-hoan [[...]]
- murderer
- 殺人犯
- satkhix [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'khix [[...]]
- murderous spirit or rage, menacing appearance
- 殺氣
- satkhurn [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'khurn [[...]]
- kill germs, sterilization, pasteurization
- 殺菌
- satliok [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'liok [[...]]
- slaughter, massacre
- 殺戮
- satphvi [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'phvi [[...]]
- stuffed-up nose
- 鼻阻塞
- satpixn [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'pixn [[...]]
- fine-toothed comb
- 虱篦
- satsefng [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'sefng [[...]]
- take life
- 殺生
- satsie [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'sie [[...]]
- kill
- 殺死
- satsiuo [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'siuo [[...]]
- to give up; to let go
- 撒手
- Sattaxn [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'taxn [[...]]
- Satan
- 撒旦
- satthioong-iøh [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'thioong-iøh [[...]]
- insecticide
- 殺蟲劑
- satthioong-zef [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'thioong-zef [[...]]
- insecticide
- 殺蟲劑
- sattok [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'tok [[...]]
- disinfect
- 消毒
- simzhuix [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sym/siim'zhuix [[...]]
- heart-breaking, very sad
- 心碎
- siongpy [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: siofng/sioong'py [[...]]
- sad, sadness
- 傷悲
- siongsym [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: siofng/sioong'sym [[...]]
- sad, sorrowful, grieved
- 傷心
- sixsad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: si'sad [[...]]
- bloodthirsty; bloodstained
- 嗜血
- songhie-su [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sofng'hie-su [[...]]
- either a sad or a happy occasion; wedding or funerals
- 婚喪事
- susad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sw/suu'sad [[...]]
- the sin of battle
- sym-sngf [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sym-sngf [[...]]
- sad at heart
- 心酸
- sym-soafn [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sym-soafn [[...]]
- sad, grief
- 心酸
- thausad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: thaw/thaau'sad [[...]]
- head louse
- 頭蝨
- thosad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: thof/thoo'sad [[...]]
- white-spotted fresh-water catfish
- 塘蝨魚
- tisad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: ty/tii'sad [[...]]
- hog louse
- 豬蝨
- tiuxsad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: tiu'sad [[...]]
- green rice leaf-hopper
- 臺灣黑尾浮塵子
- tosad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: tof/too'sad [[...]]
- to slaughter, to massacre
- 屠殺
- zhafmsad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: zharm'sad [[...]]
- massacre
- 慘殺
- zhøehsym [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: zhøeq'sym [[...]]
- disappointed, sad
- 失望
- zøsym [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: zøf/zøo'sym [[...]]
- discomfort, experience nausea, sad and uncomfortable
- 悶悶不樂
- zuxsad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: zu'sad [[...]]
- commit suicide
- 自殺
- armsad 暗殺 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: axm'sad [[...]]
- 暗殺
- badsad 木蝨 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: bat'sad [[...]]
- 臭蟲
- gegsad 逆殺 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: gek'sad [[...]]
- 逆殺
- hiongsad 兇殺 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: hiofng'sad [[...]]
- 兇殺
- hit'satnar 彼剎那 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: hid'sad'nar [[...]]
- 那剎那
- isad 衣蝨 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: y/ii'sad [[...]]
- 衣蝨
- itsatnar 一剎那 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: id'sad'nar [[...]]
- (ted) in a moment
- 一剎那
- kawsad 狗蝨 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: kao'sad [[...]]
- 狗虱
- legsad 勒殺 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: lek'sad [[...]]
- 勒殺
- loaxnsad 亂殺 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: loan'sad [[...]]
- 亂殺
- misad 彌撒 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: my/mii'sad [[...]]
- 彌撒
- moasatbak 鰻殺目 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: moaf/moaa'sad'bak [[...]]
- 鰻殺目
- peqsysad 白死殺 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: peh'sie'sad [[...]]
- 白死殺
- Phosad 菩薩 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: phof/phoo'sad [[...]]
- 菩薩
- pibeeng 悲鳴 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: py/pii'beeng [[...]]
- (ce) utter sad calls; lament
- 悲鳴
- pikøf 悲歌 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: py'køf [[...]]
- (ce) sad melody; stirring strains; elegy; dirge; threnody; sing with solemn fervor
- 悲歌
- putsad 不殺 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: pud'sad [[...]]
- 不殺
- sat'hai 殺害 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'hai [[...]]
- 殺害
- sat'iar 撒野 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'iar [[...]]
- (ce) to display shockingly bad behavior; to behave atrociously
- 撒野
- satbak 虱目 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'bak [[...]]
- 虱目
- satbak-hii 虱目魚 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'bak-hii [[...]]
- 虱目魚
- satbunhurn 雪文粉 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'bwn/buun'hurn [[...]]
- 肥皂粉
- satbuo 蝨母 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'buo [[...]]
- 虱母
- satbuun 雪文 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'buun [[...]]
- 雪文
- satbuun-phøf 雪文泡 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'buun-phøf [[...]]
- 肥皂泡
- satchiuo 殺手 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'chiuo [[...]]
- 殺手
- satjiin 殺人 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'jiin [[...]]
- 殺人
- satjiin-hoan 殺人犯 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'jiin-hoan [[...]]
- 殺人犯
- satkhix 殺氣 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'khix [[...]]
- 殺氣
- satkhurn 殺菌 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'khurn [[...]]
- 殺菌
- satky 殺機 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'ky [[...]]
- (ce) desire to commit murder; great danger
- 殺機
- satliok 殺戮 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'liok [[...]]
- 殺戮
- satphvi 塞鼻 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'phvi [[...]]
- 塞鼻
- satpixn 蝨篦 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'pixn [[...]]
- 虱篦
- satpixn-zhao 虱篦草 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'pixn-zhao [[...]]
- 虱篦草
- satsefng 殺生 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'sefng [[...]]
- 殺生
- satsie 殺死 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'sie [[...]]
- 殺死
- satsiuo 殺手 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'siuo [[...]]
- (ce) killer; murderer; hit man; (sports) formidable player
- 殺手
- Sattaxn 撒旦 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'taxn [[...]]
- 撒旦
- satthioong-iøh 殺蟲藥 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'thioong-iøh [[...]]
- 殺虫藥
- satthioong-zef 殺蟲劑 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'thioong-zef [[...]]
- 殺虫劑
- sattok 殺毒 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'tok [[...]]
- 殺毒
- satzhefng 殺青 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'zhefng [[...]]
- (ce) to put the last hand to (a book, a film etc); to finalize; to kill-green (a step in the processing of tea leaves)
- 殺青
- siongkarm 傷感 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: siofng'karm [[...]]
- (ce) sad; emotional; sentimental; pathos
- 傷感
- tosad 屠殺 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: tof/too'sad [[...]]
- 屠殺
- zansad 殘殺 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: zafn/zaan'sad [[...]]
- (ce) to massacre; to slaughter
- 殘殺
- zuxsad 自殺 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: zu'sad [[...]]
- 自殺
Embree (93)
- armsad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: axm'sad [[...]][i#] [p.2]
- V : assassinate
- 暗殺
- armsad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: axm'sad [[...]][i#] [p.2]
- N : assassination
- 暗殺
- u: Afn'leeng Mii'sad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.3]
- N/RC : Requiem Mass
- 安靈彌撒
- bagsad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: bak'sad [[...]][i#] [p.8]
- N/Ent chiah : Taiwan bed-bug, Cimax hemipterus
- 臺灣床蝨
- bagsad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: bak'sad [[...]][i#] [p.8]
- N/Ent chiah : common bedbug, Cimax lectularius
- 臭蟲
- badsad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: bat'sad [[...]][i#] [p.9]
- N chiah : bed bug (var of [bak8-sat])
- 臭蟲
- befsad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: bea'sad [[...]][i#] [p.10]
- N/Ent chiah : horse louse, Haematopinus asini
- 馬蝨
- Bysad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: Bie'sad [[...]][i#] [p.12]
- N/RC tâi : The Mass (var [Mi5-sat])
- 彌撒
- bun [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: bun [[...]][i#] [p.19]
- SV : depressed, sad, worried
- 悶
- u: cviw'bok'sad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.35]
- N/Ent chiah : camphor tree jumping plant louse, Trizoa camphorae
- 樟木蝨
- zøsym [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: zøf'sym [[...]][i#] [p.36]
- SV : sad and uncomfortable
- 悶悶不樂
- zuxsad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: zu'sad [[...]][i#] [p.43]
- V : commit suicide
- 自殺
- u: zuie'guu'sad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.43]
- N/Ent chiah : carabao louse, Haematopinus tuberculatus
- 水牛蝨
- zhafmsad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: zharm'sad [[...]][i#] [p.47]
- V : massacre
- 慘殺
- zhehsym [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: zheq'sym; zhøeq'sym [[...]][i#] [p.50]
- SV : sad, disappointed
- 失望
- u: zhexng'sad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.51]
- V : execute by a firing squad
- 槍斃
- chiu'ioong [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: chiuu'ioong [[...]][i#] [p.59]
- N : sad appearance, sad countenance
- 愁容
- zhøehsym [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: zhoeq'sym; zhøeq'sym [[...]][i#] [p.61]
- SV : sad, disappointed
- 失望
- gegsad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: gek'sad [[...]][i#] [p.69]
- V : slaughter, massacre
- 屠殺
- gegsad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: gek'sad [[...]][i#] [p.69]
- N : slaughter, massacre, genocide
- 屠殺
- u: guu'sad'buo [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.74]
- N châng : a plant cultivated for its fibers, Urena lobata
- 牛虱母
- u: guu'sad'buo'cie [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.74]
- N châng : Xanthium strumarium
- 牛虱母子
- hiongsad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: hiofng'sad [[...]][i#] [p.86]
- Nmod : murder <hiong-sat an3 : murder trial>
- 凶殺
- isad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: y'sad [[...]][i#] [p.105]
- N/Ent chiah : body louse, Pediculus corporis
- 衣蝨
- u: y'sad'y'af [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.105]
- Np/Bib/RC : Isaias (cf I-sai3-a)
- 依撒依亞
- iw [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: iw [[...]][i#] [p.112]
- SV : mournful, sad-looking
- 憂慮的
- iubun [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: iw'bun [[...]][i#] [p.112]
- SV : sad, sorrowful, worried
- 憂悶
- iu'ioong [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: iw'ioong [[...]][i#] [p.112]
- N : sad expression, long face
- 憂容
- u: kafm'hurn'sad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.123]
- N/Ent chiah : citrus white-fly, Dialeurodes citri
- 柑粉蝨
- kawsad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: kao'sad [[...]][i#] [p.126]
- N/Ent chiah : dog louse, Linognathus
- 犬蝨
- u: kef'mngg'sad; køef'mngg'sad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.128]
- N/Ent chiah : chicken louse, Uchida pallidum
- 雞羽蝨
- u: kiao'sad thef ka [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.135]
- Sph : bitten by the gambling bug, having gambling fever
- 賭癮發作
- lankøex [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: laan'kex; laan'køex [[...]][i#] [p.164]
- sv : sad, in trouble
- 難過
- masatbak [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: maa'sad'bak [[...]][i#] [p.178]
- N bé : milkfish, Chanos chanos
- 虱目魚
- Misad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: Mii'sad [[...]][i#] [p.179]
- N/RC : The Mass
- 彌撒
- u: Mii'sad hiexn'gii [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.179]
- N/RC : stipend for a Mass
- 彌撒獻儀
- moasat'hii [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: moaa'sad'hii [[...]][i#] [p.180]
- N bé : milk-fish, white mullet, Chanos chanos
- 虱目魚
- u: niaw'mngg'sad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.183]
- N/Ent chiah : cat louse, Felicola subrostrata
- 貓羽蝨
- u: ngg'tiaau'hiøh'sad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.186]
- N/Ent chiah : striped cabbage flea beetle, Phyllotreta striolata
- 黃條葉蚤
- u: of'hof'ay'zaix [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.189]
- IE : How sad! How unfortunate! (in offering condolences)
- 嗚呼哀哉
- pisiofng [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: py'siofng [[...]][i#] [p.202]
- SV : grieved, melancholy, sad
- 悲傷
- u: phafng sad'buun [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.213]
- N : toilet soap
- 香皂
- Phosad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: phoo'sad [[...]][i#] [p.216]
- N/Budd : Bodhisattva, a being of enlightenment
- 菩薩
- sad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad [[...]][i#] [p.221]
- V : close, plug, stop up (ears, hole, etc)
- 塞
- sad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad [[...]][i#] [p.221]
- V : kill, murder
- 殺
- sad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad [[...]][i#] [p.221]
- SV : murderous
- 殺
- satbaghii [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'bak'hii [[...]][i#] [p.221]
- N/Ich bé : milk-fish, white mullet, Chanos chanos
- 蝨目魚
- u: Sad'bor'jvie [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.221]
- Npers/Bib/Prot : Samuel (cf Sat-bou7-ni2)
- 撒母耳上下卷
- u: Sad'bo'nie [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.221]
- Npers/Bib/RC : Samuel (cf Sat-bou2-jin2)
- 撒慕爾紀(上下)
- satbuo [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'buo [[...]][i#] [p.222]
- N/Ent chiah : sucking lice, order Anoplura or Mallophaga
- 蝨
- satbuo [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'buo [[...]][i#] [p.222]
- N/Ent chiah : body louse, Pediculus humanus humanus
- 蝨
- satbuo [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'buo [[...]][i#] [p.222]
- N/Ent chiah : head louse, Pediculus humanus capitis
- 蝨
- u: sad'buo'cie [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.222]
- N châng : Xanthium strumarium
- 虱母子
- u: sad'buo'cie'zhao [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.222]
- N châng : a plant cultivated for its fiber, urena lobata
- 虱母子草
- u: sad'buo'thaau [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.222]
- N châng : a herb, Anisomeles indica
- 虱母頭
- satbuun [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'buun [[...]][i#] [p.222]
- N tè : soap
- 肥皂
- satbunhurn [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'buun'hurn [[...]][i#] [p.222]
- N : soap powder
- 肥皂粉
- satbuun-phøf [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'buun'phøf [[...]][i#] [p.222]
- N lia̍p : soap bubble
- 肥皂泡
- sat'hai [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'hai [[...]][i#] [p.222]
- V : murder, slay
- 殺害
- satjiin [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'jiin [[...]][i#] [p.222]
- VO : murder a person
- 殺人
- satjiin-hoan [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'jiin'hoan [[...]][i#] [p.222]
- N ê : murderer
- 殺人犯
- u: Sad'kaf'li'af [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.222]
- Npers/Bib/Prot : Zechariah (cf Chap8-ka-li7-a)
- 撒迦利亞書
- satkhix [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'khix [[...]][i#] [p.222]
- N : murderous spirit or rage
- 殺氣
- satkhix [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'khix [[...]][i#] [p.222]
- N : menacing appearance
- 殺氣
- satkhurn [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'khurn [[...]][i#] [p.222]
- VO : kill germs
- 殺菌
- satliok [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'liok [[...]][i#] [p.222]
- V : slaughter, massacre
- 殺戮
- satpixn [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'pixn [[...]][i#] [p.222]
- N ki : fine-toothed comb
- 虱篦
- satpixn-zhao [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'pixn'zhao [[...]][i#] [p.222]
- N châng : jointvetch, Aeschynomene indica
- 虱篦草
- satpixn-zhao [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'pixn'zhao [[...]][i#] [p.222]
- N châng : a kind of sedge, Fimbristylis miliaoea
- 虱篦草
- satphvi [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'phvi [[...]][i#] [p.222]
- N : stuffed-up nose
- 鼻阻塞
- satsefng [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'sefng [[...]][i#] [p.222]
- V/Budd : take life (includes animals)
- 殺生
- satsie [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'sie [[...]][i#] [p.222]
- V : kill
- 殺死
- u: sad'syn'seeng'jiin [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.222]
- VO/PH : sacrifice oneself
- 殺身成仁
- Sattaxn [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: Sad'taxn [[...]][i#] [p.222]
- N/Xtn : Satan
- 撒旦
- sattok [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'tok [[...]][i#] [p.222]
- V : disinfect
- 消毒
- u: sad'tok iøh'zuie [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.222]
- N : antiseptic, disinfectant
- 消毒藥水
- satthioong-iøh/satthioong-zef [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sad'thioong'zef/iøh; sad'thioong-zef/iøh [[...]][i#] [p.222]
- N : insecticide
- 殺蟲劑
- simzhuix [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sym'zhuix [[...]][i#] [p.231]
- SV : heart-breaking, very sad
- 心碎
- sym-sngf [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sym'sngf [[...]][i#] [p.231]
- SV : sad at heart
- 心酸
- siongpy [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: siofng'py [[...]][i#] [p.236]
- SV : sad
- 傷悲
- siongsym [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: siofng'sym [[...]][i#] [p.236]
- SV : grieved, sad, sorrowful
- 傷心
- u: sofng'bok'sad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.246]
- N Ent chiah : mulberry jumping plant-louse, Paurocephala psylloptera
- 臺灣桑木蝨
- u: sofng'hurn'sad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.246]
- N/Ent chiah : a mulberry whitefly, Trialeurodes mori
- 臺灣桑粉蝨
- u: Teg'sad'lok'nii [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.258]
- N/Bib/RC : Thessalonians (cf Thiap-sat-lo5-ni5-ka)
- 德撒洛尼前後書
- tisad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: ty'sad [[...]][i#] [p.260]
- N/Ent chiah : hog louse, Haematopinus suis
- 豬蝨
- tiuxsad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: tiu'sad [[...]][i#] [p.266]
- N chiah : green rice leaf-hopper, Nephotettix binunctatus apicalis
- 臺灣黑尾浮塵子
- tosad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: too'sad [[...]][i#] [p.269]
- V : slaughter
- 屠殺
- u: toa'purn sad'buo'thaau [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.272]
- N châng : xanthium strumarium
- 大本虱母頭
- u: toong'sad'hii [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.274]
- N/Ich bé : white-spotted fresh-water catfish, Clarias fuscus
- 塘蝨魚
- thausad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: thaau'sad [[...]][i#] [p.280]
- N/Ent chiah : head louse, Pediculus humanus
- 頭蝨
- Thiapsatlønikaf [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: Thiab'sad'løo'nii'kaf [[...]][i#] [p.284]
- N/Bib/Prot : Thessalonica (cf Tek-sat-lok8-ni5)
- 帖撒羅尼迦前(後)書
- thosad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: thoo'sad [[...]][i#] [p.287]
- N bé : white-spotted fresh-water catfish, Clarias fuscus
- 塘蝨魚
- thosad [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: thoo'sad [[...]][i#] [p.287]
- N bé : catfish, mudfish
- 鯰魚
Lim08 (82)
- u: axm'sad 暗殺 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.A0025] [#455]
- ( 文 )<>
- u: bak'sad 木蝨 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.B0546/B0550] [#1743]
- ( 動 ) 南京蟲 ; 虱母 。 <∼∼ 食客 = 指主人食人客e5物件 ; ∼∼ 笑樹gui7 = 意思 : 目屎笑鼻屎 。 >
- u: bok'sad'zhao 木蝨草 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.B0862] [#3559]
- = [ 蝨篦草 ]( 1 ) 。 <>
- u: boo'sad 謀殺 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.B0851] [#3706]
- ( 文 )<>
- u: buun'suu'phoo'sad 文殊菩薩 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.B0725] [#4041]
- 有智慧e5菩薩名 。 <>
- u: zarm'sad 斬殺 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.A0622] [#4470]
- ( 文 ) 斬頭殺死 。 <>
- u: zao'sad 蚤蝨 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.A0595] [#4879]
- 咬蚤kap木sat 。 <>
- u: zhaux bak'sad'bi 臭 木蝨味 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.A0602] [#6478]
- 木蝨e5臭味 。 <>
- u: zhexng'sad 銃殺 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.B0173] [#6949]
- ( 日 ) 用銃thai5死 。 <>
- u: ciah beq'ciah sad'buo m'liah 食欲食 虱母不掠 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.B0086] [#10533]
- 指lan2 - si人干但beh食m7做工課 。 < 指lan2 - si人干但beh食m7做工課 。 >
- u: ciao'sad 鳥虱 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.B0093] [#11357]
- ( 動 ) 羽蟲 。 <>
- u: cvii'sad 錢虱 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.B0114] [#11830]
- 開無意義e5錢 。 <∼∼ teh咬 = 指想beh亂用錢 。 >
- u: zu'sad 自殺 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.B0340/B0370] [#14618]
- ( 日 ) <>
- u: go'sad 誤殺 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.A0523] [#17021]
- ( 文 ) m7 - tioh8人 。 <∼∼ 非是故殺 。 >
- u: guu'sad'buo 牛虱母 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.A0395] [#17200]
- 牛e5虱母 。 <>
- u: hii'sad 魚蝨 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.B0616] [#19132]
- ( 動 ) 寄生ti7魚e5蝨 。 <>
- u: ym'sad 陰蝨 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.A0098] [#24014]
- 木sat 。 = [ 八腳 ( khiok ) ] 。 <>
- u: iok'kad iok'sad 欲割 欲殺 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.A0080] [#24441]
- 無論如何long2 beh爭抑是奮鬥到底 。 = [ 欲姦欲殺 ] 。 <>
- u: iuo'sad 誘殺 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.A0062] [#24926]
- ( 文 ) 騙出來ka7 thai5死 。 <>
- u: jiar'sad thaau'cviu'pee 惹虱 頭上爬 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.A0733] [#25515]
- 意思 : 加惹tai7 - chi3 。 <>
- u: kao'sad 狗蝨 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.A0197] [#27676]
- 狗e5目蝨 。 <>
- u: kiab'sad 劫殺 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.A0251] [#33063]
- ( 文 )<>
- u: kiao'sad 賭虱 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.A0248] [#33231]
- Poah8 - kiau2 e5高手 。 <∼∼ teh咬 = 意思 : poah8 - kiau2 be7停 。 gau5掠 ∼∼ = poah8 - kiau2中gau5發見對手e5缺點 。 >
- u: koafn'ym phoo'sad 觀音菩薩 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.A0448] [#35190]
- 觀音菩薩 。 <>
- u: kox'sad 故殺 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.A0472] [#36469]
- ( 文 )( 文 )<>
- u: lerng'tøf sad'jiin 冷刀 殺人 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.B0992] [#38655]
- 陰險e5手段thai5人 。 <>
- u: liah'oe'sad 掠話蝨 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.B0957] [#39077]
- 掠話尾 。 <>
- u: liah'sad 掠蝨 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.B0958] [#39112]
- 掠虱母 , chhe7人e5缺點 。 < gau5 ∼∼ 。 >
- u: liah'sad'buo svaf'ka 掠蝨母相咬 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.B0958] [#39113]
- 非常閒 。 <>
- u: liah'kiao'sad 掠賭蝨 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.B0957] [#39134]
- poah8 - kiau2 e5時掠人e5缺點 。 <>
- u: leeng'sad 龍蝨 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.B0989/B0997] [#39833]
- = [ 水龜 ] 。 <>
- u: moaa'sad'bak 麻蝨目 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.B0925] [#41605]
- ( 動 ) 魚e5名 。 <>
- u: moo'sad'chiafng 毛sat銃 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.B0928] [#41658]
- Mauser ( 德語 ) 銃 。 <>
- u: oe'sad 話蝨 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.A0154] [#43480]
- 話尾 。 < 掠 ∼∼ 。 >
- u: oef sad'buo'laang 挨虱母礱 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.A0154/A0124] [#43538]
- 腳脊phiaN癢 ( chiuN7 ), 振動兩肩 , 做出奇妙e5身軀動作 。 <>
- u: peh'sie'sad 白死殺 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.B0774] [#45380]
- ( 1 ) 無血色 。
( 2 ) 色非常白 。 <( 1 ) 面 ∼∼∼ 。
( 2 ) 布 ∼∼∼ 。 >
- u: phor'hieen'phoo'sad 普賢菩薩 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.B0892] [#47239]
- 佛e5名 。 <>
- u: phoo'sad 菩薩 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.B0890] [#47258]
- 佛e5名 。 <>
- u: pixn'sad'buo 篦虱母 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.B0695] [#47935]
- loah8梳虱母 。 <>
- u: sad 蝨 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.A0554] [#50746]
- 害蟲e5一種 。 <∼ 母 ; 狗 ∼; 惹 ∼ 頭癢pe5 = 自尋苦食 。 >
- u: sad 殺 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.A0554] [#50747]
- 。 < 誤 ∼ 。 >
- u: sad 塞 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.A0554] [#50748]
- 塞 ( that ) tiau5 - teh 。 <∼ 鼻 ; 門ka7伊 ∼-- 起來 ; ∼ 密 。 >
- u: sad'bak'hii 虱目魚 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.A0554] [#50749]
- ( 動 ) 南部魚塭飼e5一種魚 。 <>
- u: sad'bat 塞密 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.A0554] [#50750]
- 關密 。 < hit - e5門 ∼∼ 。 >
- u: sad'buo 蝨母 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.A0555/A0558] [#50751]
- ( 動 ) ti7頭毛內底hou7人頭癢e5害蟲 。 < 食beh食 , ∼∼ m7掠 = 意思 : 指lan2 - si e5人 ; ∼∼ na2麻 = 真濟虱母 ; 掠 ∼∼ 相咬 = 意思 : 指上過閒 ; khah閒 ∼∼ = 非常閒 ; ∼∼ 趖 ( so5 ) 去溪沙 = 意思 : 指無than3錢 ; ∼∼ 趖ti7沙裡 = 指熱心無成功目的e5人 。 >
- u: sad'buo'cie'zhao 蝨母子草 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.A0555] [#50752]
- = [ 蝨母頭 ] 。 <>
- u: sad'buo'nng 蝨母卵 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.A0755] [#50753]
- 虱母e5卵 。 <>
- u: sad'buo'thaau 蝨母頭 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.A0755] [#50754]
- ( 植 ) 根用水煎服來治寒熱病 ( malaria )/ 瘧疾 ( giok8 - chit8 ) kap毒蛇咬傷 。 <>
- u: sad'buun 雪文 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.A0555/A0558] [#50755]
- 茶箍 。 <>
- u: sad'zhao 塞草 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.A0554] [#50756]
- hou7草塞 ( that ) tiau5 。 < 涵孔 ∼∼ 。 >
- u: sad'chiuo 殺手 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.A0554] [#50757]
- "killer", courageous and resolute
- ( 1 ) 果敢 。
( 2 ) 殘忍 。 <( 1 ) 伊做seng - li2真 ∼∼ 。
( 2 ) 伊phah前人kiaN2真 ∼∼ 。 >
- u: sad'jiin 殺人 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.A0554] [#50762]
- thai5人 。 <∼∼ 償 ( siong5 ) 命 ; ∼∼ 可恕 ( su3 ), 情理難容 。 >
- u: sad'jip'tin 殺入陣 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.A0554] [#50763]
- 衝殺入去敵陣 。 <>
- u: sad'khix 殺氣 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.A0554] [#50764]
- 凶殺e5氣色 。 < 面帶 ∼∼ 。 >
- u: sad'liok 殺戮 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.A0555] [#50765]
- ( 文 )<>
- u: sad'nai 撒賴 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.A0554] [#50766]
- = [ sai7 - thai2 ] 。 <>
- u: sad'phvi 塞鼻 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.A0554] [#50767]
- 鼻孔塞 ( that ) tiau5 。 <>
- u: sad'phoad sat潑 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.A0555] [#50768]
- = [ sai7 - thai2 ] 。 <>
- u: sad'pixn 蝨篦 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.A0554/A0558] [#50769]
- 梳 ( se ) a2 e5一種 。 < 用 ∼∼ 篦頭鬃 。 >
- u: sad'pixn'zhao 蝨篦草 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.A0554] [#50770]
- ( 植 ) 莖 、 葉用水煎服來治蛇咬傷 。 <>
- u: sad'pud'suo 殺不死 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.A0555] [#50771]
- ( 1 ) m7驚死 , 行為粗魯 。
( 2 ) 一般以下e5人 。 <( 2 ) 伊是 ∼∼∼-- e5人 。 >
- u: sad'pud'suo'kuie 殺不死鬼 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.A0555] [#50772]
- 無賴 , 流氓 。 <>
- u: sad'sad 塞塞 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.A0554] [#50773]
- ( 1 ) = [ 塞 ] 。
( 2 ) 烏陰天 。 <( 1 ) 鼻孔 ∼∼ 。
( 2 ) 天 ∼∼ 。 >
- u: sad'sad 殺殺 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.A0554] [#50774]
- chhan5 - chhan5決定 。 <∼∼ ka7伊買 。 >
- u: sad'sefng 殺生 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.A0554] [#50775]
- 殺害有生命e5動物 。 <∼∼ 害命 ; ∼∼-- e5人無尾 。 >
- u: sad'sie 殺死 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.A0554] [#50776]
- thai5死 , 殺害 。 <>
- u: sad'sie 塞死 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.A0554] [#50777]
- ( 1 ) ka7門等關密 。
( 2 ) 阻止 。
( 3 ) 寫明契約書等來避免出問題 。 <( 1 ) 門ka7伊 ∼∼ 。
( 2 ) 伊tui3銀行ka7錢 ∼∼ soah m7 hou7我領 。
( 3 ) 這條tioh8寫明ka7伊 ∼∼ 才會用得 。 >
- u: sad'sym 殺心 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.A0554] [#50778]
- 決心 。 < 伊 ∼∼ 過南洋做事業 ; ∼∼ hou7伊去 。 >
- u: sad'syn zhuo'gi 殺身 取義 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.A0554] [#50779]
- ( 文 )<>
- u: sad'tvar 殺膽 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.A0554] [#50780]
- 大膽 , 果敢 。 < 駛飛行機e5人真 ∼∼ 。 >
- u: sad'thioong'iøh 殺蟲藥 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.A0554] [#50781]
- 殺蟲劑 。 <>
- u: sad'thioong'svoar 殺蟲散 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.A0554] [#50782]
- 殺蟲劑e5散藥 。 <>
- u: sad'toat 殺奪 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.A0554] [#50783]
- ( 文 ) 殺掠 。 <>
- u: thaf'sad 他殺 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.B0005] [#59374]
- 被殺 。 <>
- u: thoo'sad 土虱 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.B0453] [#61550]
- ( 動 ) 赤鯰 。 <>
- u: thoo'sad'axng 土虱甕 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.B0453] [#61551]
- ( 1 ) 赤鯰e5穴 。
( 2 ) 指一間厝toa3真濟人 。 <>
- u: thoo'sad'thaau 土虱頭 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.B0453] [#61552]
- ( 1 ) 土虱e5頭 。
( 2 ) 扁頭kah - na2鯰頭e5人 。 <>
- u: tok'sad 毒殺 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.B0476] [#64923]
- ( 日 ) <>
- u: too'sad 屠殺 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.B0453] [#65317]
- ( 日 ) <>
- u: tw'sad 誅殺 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.B0382] [#65792]
- ( 文 ) 滅殺 。 <>
- u: sad 薩 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.A0554] [#67907]
- ( 姓 )<>
- u: sad 撒 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.A0554] [#67908]
- ( 姓 )<>