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DFT (147)- 🗣 afng 🗣 (u: afng) 翁p [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (N) husband (appellation used by wife)
- 丈夫 。 女人稱與自己有婚姻關係的男子 。
- 🗣 ao 🗣 (u: ao) 拗 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to fold; to bend 2. (Mw) crease (made by folding); number of folds 3. (V) to bend in two so as to break 4. (V) to use lame arguments and perverted logic; shoving false arguments down people's throats; sophistry (to deliberately misrepresent)
- 摺 、 折 。 摺痕 。 計算折疊次數的單位 。 使物體因彎曲而斷裂 。 強詞奪理 、 刻意曲解 。
- 🗣 bag 🗣 (u: bag) 沐t [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to be infected with; to be contaminated by; to be tainted with 2. (V) to moisten; to dampen 3. (V) to touch (sth or sb); to mess with; to meddle in
- 沾染 、 沾汙 。 沾溼 、 濡溼 。 沾惹 、 接觸某件事或某個人 。
- 🗣 beeng 🗣 (u: beeng) 名b [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (N) name of person or thing 2. (Adj) widely known; known by all 3. (N) reputation; fame
- 人或事物的稱號 。 著稱的 、 眾人都知道的 。 聲譽 。
- 🗣 boaa 🗣 (u: boaa) 磨p [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to use whetstone or millstone etc to make it sharp and smooth; to sharpen; to hone 2. (V) to grind; to polish by grinding; to abrade 3. (V) to work hard; to toil; to endure; to steel oneself 4. (V) to grind inkstick against an inkstone with a small quantity of water, producing ink
- 用磨石等磨東西使其鋒利 、 光滑 。 研磨 。 操勞 、 磨練 。 加水磨擦使溶出 。
- 🗣 chiaang 🗣 (u: chiaang) 沖t [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to splash with plenty of water or spray wash 2. (V) to be struck or swept away by a flood 3. (V) (water) to rush down
- 潑灑大量的水或用水刷洗 。 被大水撞擊或捲走 。 水急流而下 。
- 🗣 chiaau 🗣 (u: chiaau) 撨t [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to adjust by shifting 2. (V) to shift to proper. TCM therapy to return sprained part of body to original position 3. (V) to discuss; to deliberate; to negotiate; to talk to arrive at mutual common understanding
- 挪移調整 。 移正 。 將扭傷部位移回原來位置 , 中醫推拿術的一種 。 商討 、 商議 。 為了達成共識而相互討論確認 。
- 🗣 chiab 🗣 (u: chiab) 妾 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (N) concubine 2. (N) modest appellation: secondary wife (self depreciating term used by a woman referring to herself when speaking to her husband)
- 男人的側室 、 小老婆 。 女子的謙稱 。
- 🗣 chiaf 🗣 (u: chiaf) 車p [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (N) land vehicle 2. (V) to transport; to ship (by vehicle) 3. (N) machine with rotating wheel(s) 4. (V) to use such machines
- 陸地上靠輪子轉動而運行的交通工具 。 以車子搬運東西 。 利用輪軸轉動的機械 。 操作以輪軸轉動的機械 。
- 🗣 chiafm 🗣 (u: chiafm) 簽 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (N) slender thin long segment of some material; strip; band; label; slip 2. (V) to sign (one's name with a pen etc); to autograph 3. (V) to vote for by circling with pen or stamp; to bet or wager on
- 成段的細長條狀物 。 簽名 。 圈選 、 押注 。
- 🗣 chvii 🗣 (u: chvii) 瀳 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to arrive in violent surge (of flood, water); (by extension) to rush or clash crowding in on; to swarm in on; to throw oneself at; to pounce on
- 本義指大水洶湧而來 , 引申作衝擠 、 撲上的意思 。
- 🗣 chyn 🗣 (u: chyn) 親b [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (Adj) kin; related by blood 2. (N) a relative (i.e. family relation) 3. (Adj) intimate; close 4. (Adv) personally; in person; oneself 5. (N) wedding; marriage 6. (N) father and mother; parents
- 有血親關係的 。 親戚 。 親近 、 親密 。 親自 。 婚事 。 父母 。
- 🗣 ciaxm 🗣 (u: ciaxm) 占 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to occupy; to hold; to take for one's own; to expropriate in an overbearing manner; to seize; usurp; to take by force 2. (V) to be distributed according to a proportion of the whole 3. (V) to advise against; to dissuade; to curb; to put a stop to; to stop; to check; to limit
- 占據 。 以強勢霸道的方式據為己有 。 在整體之中所分配的比例 。 勸阻 、 制止 。
- 🗣 cid 🗣 (u: cid) 這t [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (Pron) this. refers to singular relatively near person, matter, thing, time, place. followed by classifier or noun
- 指代稱較近的單數人 、 事 、 物 、 時間或地方 , 後接量詞或名詞 。
- 🗣 ciern 🗣 (u: ciern) 剪 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to cut with scissors; to trim; to shear 2. (V) (wind) to blow strongly; to blast; to puff 3. (V) to be eaten by insects 5. (V) to steal; to pick pockets; to frisk
- 將東西裁斷 。 風強力地吹來 。 被蟲蛀掉 。 用來截斷東西的利器 。 扒竊 。
- 🗣 ciu 🗣 (u: ciu) 就 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to submit to (someone); to render obedience to; to listen to; to comply with; to obey; to yield to 2. (Prep) with regard to; concerning; by; according to; about; as for
- 依順 、 依從 。 就 、 以 、 對於 。
- 🗣 ciux 🗣 (u: ciux) 蛀p [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to decay; to be eaten (from inside, wood, teeth, etc); to be eaten by worms, moths
- 指東西被咬壞或被腐蝕 。
- 🗣 cixn 🗣 (u: cixn) 進 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to move forward or onward 2. (Mw) Classifier for rows of houses within an old-style residential compound. by ext, house
- 向前移動 。 計算古代房屋層次的單位 , 也引申為房屋單位 。
- 🗣 cviux 🗣 (u: cviux) 醬 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (N) purée or mash type condiment made of various ingredients 3. (V) to make dirty as if stained by cviux 4. (Adj) soft and sticky like cviux; miry; muddy
- 以各種食材做成的 , 如泥狀般的調味品 。 剁碎製成的泥狀食物或調味料 。 像沾上醬一樣弄髒 。 像醬般軟而黏 。
- 🗣 cy 🗣 (u: cy) 之 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (Prep) (literary) genitive or attributive marker: previous word has possession of the next one; previous word modifies the next one; preceding element is specialised or qualified by the next
- 的 , 表示所屬或關連性 , 比較文言的用法 。
- 🗣 eng 🗣 (u: eng) 用p [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to use; to employ; to apply; to make use of; to put in place; to put into practice; to take effect 2. (V) to spend money 3. (V) to take a meal; to eat; to drink 4. (Part) indicates manner/mode/style how action is done 5. (Prep) indicates by means of 6. (V) to send; to assign; to appoint; to order sb about 7. (Exp) usefulness; utility
- 使用 、 施行 。 花錢 。 進食 、 吃喝 。 表示行為的方式 。 表示憑藉 。 差使 、 使喚 。 「 有路用 」( ū - lōo - īng ) 指有用 ,「 無路用 」( bô - lōo - īng ) 指沒有用 。
- 🗣 gi 🗣 (u: gi) 義 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (N) honest rational, reasonable, or fair conduct, principle, doctrine; justice; righteousness; morality 2. (Adj) volunteer; for civic duty; service; charity; righteous or for the public good 3. (N) meaning; implication 4. (Adj) (in compounds) adoptive or formally acknowledged as a relative but not related by blood
- 正當的 、 合理的事情或原則 。 帶有義務或服務性質的 。 所具有的意思 。 經由撫養或拜認而來的親屬關係 。
- 🗣 gu 🗣 (u: gu) 遇 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to meet by chance; to come across; to have a chance encounter
- 逢 、 不期而會 。
- 🗣 hab 🗣 (u: hab) 欱t [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to take a big bite 2. (V) to catch an insect or small animal with cupped palms or cup-shaped object); to net a bird or butterfly; to capture 3. (V) by extension, to throw oneself at or onto, make them fall down
- 大口吃東西 、 吞東西 、 咬東西 。 用雙手合掌捕捉 , 或是將碗 、 缽類的物品倒扣 、 蓋住東西 。 引申為把人撲倒 、 吃得死死的 。
- 🗣 hafng 🗣 (u: hafng) 烘p [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to roast; to toast 2. (V) to warm by the fire 3. (V) to dry by the fire 4. (Adj) having a slight fever or high temperature (from illness)
- 用火燒烤 。 藉火取暖 。 藉助外來的熱源把帶有水分的物品烤乾 。 輕微發燒 。 多重疊使用 。
- 🗣 hap 🗣 (u: hap) 合b [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to close by coming together; to shut 2. (V) to gather together 3. (V) to match; not contrary to 4. (Adj) joint; collaborative
- 閉合 。 聚攏在一起 。 相符 、 不違背 。 共同的 、 一起的 。
- 🗣 heeng 🗣 (u: heeng) 刑 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (N) sentence; penalty; punishment 2. (V) to extort confession by torture; to torture
- 刑罰 。 法律上處罰罪犯方法的總稱 。 刑求 、 用刑 。
- 🗣 hiap 🗣 (u: hiap) 拹t [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to make sth come loose by rocking it back and forth side to side
- 把東西前後左右用力的搖晃 , 使其變鬆 。
- 🗣 hiaxm 🗣 (u: hiaxm) 喊t [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to call aloud; to shout 2. (V) to herd by calling out 3. (V) to summon; to beckon; to call 4. (V) to be called; to be known as 5. (V) to say hello to
- 喊 、 叫 。 出聲驅趕 。 召喚 。 叫做 、 稱做 。 開口叫人 、 打招呼 。
- 🗣 hid 🗣 (u: hid) 彼t [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (Pron) that (always followed by a measure)
- 那 。 指稱較遠的人 、 事 、 物 、 時間或地方 , 後接量詞或名詞 。
- 🗣 ho 🗣 (u: ho) 予 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to give 2. (Prep) by (used in constructing the passive, follows Subject and precedes Agent) 3. (Prep) to let (sb do sth); to allow. exempt from tone change whether followed by y 4. (Prep) to yield; to permit; to let sb do sth; to have sb do sth; to make sb (feel sad etc) 5. () verb suffix exempt from tone sandhi (cf MLT -hof)
- 給予 。 被 ……。 任由 。 後加 「 伊 」 字而 「 伊 」 省略時 , 則不變調 。 讓 。 動詞後綴 。
- 🗣 hoe 🗣 (u: hoe) 匯 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) for money to be handed over from A then received by B through financial system; to remit; to exchange
- 貨幣由甲地交付 , 經由金融系統 , 在乙地收取 。
- 🗣 hoee 🗣 (u: hoee) 𫝻t [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to accidentally lightly wipe 2. (V) to sharpen or polish by going back and forth a few times
- 不小心輕擦到 。 正反面來回輕磨幾下 。 用手指在東西表面滑動 。
- 🗣 hoong 🗣 (u: hoong) 癀t [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (N) toxin; inflammation caused by toxin 2. (N) verdigris. patina or rust due to oxidation of copper
- 毒素 , 也指因毒素引發的發炎症狀 。 銅綠 。 銅氧化後產生的鏽 。
- 🗣 hor 🗣 (u: hor) 唬t [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to deceive or cheat by means of cunning tricks or dishonest language
- 以狡猾手段或不實言語欺騙 。
- 🗣 hox 🗣 (u: hox) 戽 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to raise water by scooping; to sprinkle water; to throw water to a higher level; to bail water 2. (V) to throw out sth; to shoo off sb; to drive off; to expel 3. (V) (reduplicated) to do as one wishes; to do wantonly 4. (Adj) protrusive (lower jaw, like hortao)
- 把水從水池或井中引上來並潑灑 。 把東西丟出去 、 把人轟出去 。 事情隨便做一做 。 須重疊使用 。 形容人的下巴突出 , 像戽斗一樣 。
- 🗣 huu 🗣 (u: huu) 扶b [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to support; to take by the arm and assist 2. (V) to help; to assist 3. (V) to escort; to accompany
- 攙 。 用手支持 , 使人 、 物不倒 。 幫助 、 輔佐 。 護送 。
- 🗣 hvaq 🗣 (u: hvaq) 熁 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to be scalded; to get burnt (by scalding) 2. (V) to use sunshine or fire etc to heat up, bake, reheat 3. (Adj) (weather) blistering hot; sizzling hot; oppressively hot
- 被熱氣燙到 。 利用陽光或火等熱氣烘晒 、 加熱 。 天氣炎熱 , 熱氣逼人 。
- 🗣 hvoar 🗣 (u: hvoar) 晃t [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to happen in a flash; for time to unwittingly go by
- 指時間不知不覺地就這麼過去 。
- 🗣 ioong 🗣 (u: ioong) 陽b [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (N) sun. by ext, positive, human world, male principle, etc
- 日 、 太陽 。 引申為表示正 、 人間 、 雄性等與 「 陰 」 相對的概念 。
- 🗣 ixn 🗣 (u: ixn) 印 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to print; to stamp 2. (N) stamp; seal; official seal 3. (V) to cast (pour into a mold); to reproduce by printing 4. (N) mold; pattern 5. (N) vestige; mark; trace
- 將文字或圖案留在紙張或物品上 。 圖章 。 用模型鑄造 。 做東西的模型 。 痕跡 。
- 🗣 jiaq 🗣 (u: jiaq) 跡s [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (N) trace; impression (e.g. footprint); vestige; scar, or mark (left by a wound) 2. (N) a particular area
- 印子 、 痕跡 。 指特定的地方 。
- 🗣 jiarm 🗣 (u: jiarm) 染b [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to be infected with; to be contaminated by; to be tainted with 2. (V) to infect
- 沾染 。 指人與人之間因為互相接觸 , 使行為 、 習慣影響 。 傳染 。 指疾病由一個體侵入另一個體 。
- 🗣 ka 🗣 (u: ka) 共 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (Prep) for; to; from; on (indirect object). sentence intensifier 2. (Prep) with; towards 3. (Prep) to help; to assist; to support 4. (Prep) (in regard to the use of this preposition ka. The direct object of very many verbs can be placed before the verb and preceded by ka)
- 給 。 用來加強語氣 。 跟 、 向 。 幫 ……。 把 、 將 。 後加 「 伊 」 而 「 伊 」 省略時 , 則不變調 。
- 🗣 kaf 🗣 (u: kaf) 膠 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (N) viscous liquid secreted by plants or from boiled animal skin, bone, horns, or synthetic. glue; gum; gelatin; jelly; resin
- 由植物分泌或動物皮 、 骨 、 角熬製而成的黏稠狀液體 , 也有經由人工合成的 。
- 🗣 karm 🗣 (u: karm) 感 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) (mind, emotion) to react to external stimulus; to be moved 2. (V) to infect or be infected by disease
- 受到外界的刺激 , 使心中產生反應 。 受到疾病傳染 。
- 🗣 kauq 🗣 (u: kauq) 𩛩t [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to sandwich; to roll up; to sweep up; to wrap up (eatables in thin pancakes) 2. (N) roll (food item) 3. (Mw) roll 4. (V) to become bad, moldy, rotten 5. (V) to be affected by dampness long term
- 夾進 、 捲入 。 成捲的食物 、 包在一起的食物 。 捲 。 計算成捲物品的單位 。 把肥料犁入土中 。 長期受潮 。
- 🗣 kaw 🗣 (u: kaw) 郊 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (N) area surrounding city or town; suburbs; outskirts 2. (N) countryside 3. (N) in olden days, trade association organization formed by wholesalers, importers, exporters trade association based on common interests. by extension, wholesalers, importers, exporters
- 城市周圍的地區 。 郊野 。 舊時批發商 、 進出口商基於共同利益所組成的同業公會組織 。 引申指批發商 、 進出口商 。
- 🗣 kay 🗣 (u: kay) 該 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (Adv) ought to; should; must; as it should be by rights; proper and to be expected as a matter of course; inevitable and right
- 應該 、 理所當然 。
- 🗣 keq 🗣 (u: keq) 隔p [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to separate; to cut off; 2. (V) to be separated by some distance; to be apart from 3. (V) to separate; to divide; to partition 4. (V) (in time) to separate; to be apart
- 阻隔 。 間隔 、 距離 。 分離 。 間隔 , 指時間 。
- 🗣 khax 🗣 (u: khax) 敲t [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) rap; knock gently (as to knock off cigarette ash); to call someone (by phone); to telephone 2. (V) to alter clothing
- 擊 、 叩 。 修改衣服 。
- 🗣 khip 🗣 (u: khip) 扱t [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) hold on firmly (by magnetism, suction, also of child holding on to its mother); cling to; hang on; depend on
- 手緊緊抓住東西不放 。
- 🗣 khof 🗣 (u: khof) 箍 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (N) circle 2. (N) rounded or circular object 3. (N) used to refer to the body of a person or person (is a more colloquial, impolite usage) 4. (N) the periphery, edge 5. (Mw) unit of money 6. (N) hoop; ring; wreath; object assuming ring-shaped outline 7. (V) to use thin bamboo strips or iron wire to gird 8. (V) to wind; to coil; to rotate around; to spiral; to move around; to go round (an obstacle); to by-pass; to make a detour
- 圈子 。 圓形或環形的塊狀物品 。 用來指人或人的體型 。 是比較口語 、 不禮貌的用法 。 團狀物品的外圍 、 邊緣 。 元 、 塊錢 。 計算金錢的單位 。 周圍呈圓形的物品 。 用竹篾或鐵絲束緊 。 繞 。
- 🗣 khof 🗣 (u: khof) 呼p [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to shout; to bawl; to yell (to urge on an animal) 3. (V) to command an animal 4. (V) to call by phone
- 吆喝 。 出聲叫喚使人向自己靠攏或集中 。 吹 ( 口哨 )。 手指成環狀 , 放進口中吹出聲響 。 發出特別的聲音來呼叫動物 。 打手機或叩機 。
- 🗣 ko 🗣 (u: ko) 怙t [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (Prep) relies on; depends on; by means of; thanks to
- 依靠 、 憑藉某種方式來達到目的 。
- 🗣 kof 🗣 (u: kof) 孤 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (Adj) alone; by oneself; on one's own; solitary; lonely; orphaned; unaccompanied 2. (N) lonely soul wandering ghost; hør-hviati
- 單獨無伴的 。 指孤魂野鬼 。
- 🗣 kof 🗣 (u: kof) 罟 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (N) fishing net; fishnet 2. (V) to catch fish by net 3. (V) to scoop or net out of water using a utensil 4. (V) to retain the children. (former times) when a widow remarries, for her children to be kept by her in-laws and relatives of the original husband's family and not follow her to the new husband's family.
- 漁網 。 撈 。 用漁網在水中撈魚蝦 。 撈 。 用工具在水中撈東西 。 留養小孩 。 舊時指寡婦改嫁 , 其子女由原本夫家的公婆 、 親戚留養 , 而沒有跟著到新的夫家去 。
- 🗣 kof 🗣 (u: kof) 姑 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (N) appellation: father's sisters 2. (N) term used by woman to address husband's sisters 3. (N) woman who is vegetarian or practicing Buddhism or Taoism; nun
- 稱呼父親的姊妹 。 女人稱呼丈夫的姊妹 。 指出家吃素或修行的女子 。
- 🗣 kø 🗣 (u: kø) 滒t [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to moisten; to dip in (ink, sauce etc) 2. (V) to be infected by; to be contaminated or tainted
- 沾 、 蘸 。 沾染 。
- 🗣 køeq/koeq/kuiq 🗣 (u: koeq/kuiq) 刮t [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to scrape off (with a straightedge) 2. (V) to be tripped; to be stumbled by; to be hindered
- 用片狀物或長形物揩拭 。 被片狀物或長條物給絆到 。
- 🗣 kør 🗣 (u: kør) 果b [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (N) fruit (produced by a plant) 2. (N) result; effect; consequences 3. (Adv) really; sure enough; as expected
- 樹木的果實 。 事情的結束 、 完結 。 果真 。 事情與所預料的一樣 。
- 🗣 kui 🗣 (u: kui) 膭t [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (N) swollen bulging belly. in livestock or domestic animal means pregnant. used for people in ridicule 2. (N) ears formed by rice plant. grain-bearing tip part of stem
- 脹大凸起的肚子 , 指家畜類懷有身孕 , 若用於人則有嘲笑意謂 。 稻子結成的一粒粒稻穗 。
- 🗣 kuix 🗣 (u: kuix) 劌t [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to be cut by nail or other sharp object
- 被鐵釘等尖物割到 。
- 🗣 kvoa 🗣 (u: kvoa) 捾t [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to carry (with one hand, by a string or handle) 2. (N) handle; string used as a handle 3. (Mw) bunch; cluster 4. (V) to be rich in; to have; to involve
- 提 、 拿 。 用手勾抓住物品的把手或是用手下垂提取東西 。 提把 、 提手 。 器物上面可以用手提取的地方 。 計算成串的東西 。 富含 、 帶有 。
- 🗣 kvoai 🗣 (u: kvoai) 拐t [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to trip; to stumble 2. (V) to sprain (a foot by stepping lower than expected)
- 絆倒 。 扭 。
- 🗣 lao 🗣 (u: lao) 扭p [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to sprain; to twist (tendons and muscles); overstrain one's self by great or rapid exertion
- 扭 、 扭傷 。 筋絡扭傷 。
- 🗣 larm 🗣 (u: larm) 攬 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to embrace; to hug 2. (V) to monopolize; to take on responsibility over everything; to undertake the whole task; to assume (sole responsibility etc); to be in charge of 3. (Mw) length made by using both arms to form circle 4. (Mw) bundle of firewood
- 擁抱 、 摟抱 。 包攬 、 承擔 、 負全責 。 計算兩手環抱長度的單位 。 計算一綑綑柴火的單位 。
- 🗣 leeng 🗣 (u: leeng) 拎t [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to raise (a heavy weight, water, etc); to lift 2. (V) to move (a large heavy box or cupboard) by placing the hands below 3. (V) to hold; to grasp tight and keep from moving away (e.g., man or animal) 4. (V) to remove; to dislodge; to peel; to strip; to peel off
- 抬高提起 。 在兩端共提一物的動作 。 拉引 。 去除 、 剝離 。
- 🗣 leeng 🗣 (u: leeng) 龍p [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 2. (N) giant dragon-shaped puppet manipulated by team of dancers during festivals
- 中國古代傳說中的神異動物 。 十二生肖排序第五的生肖 。 人工仿製之龍形器物 , 節慶時由多人耍弄之陣式 。
- 🗣 li 🗣 (u: li) 離 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to separate; to part 2. (V) to be at a distance; to be apart from by some extent 3. (Adv) finished; entirely; wholely; completely. expresses completion. usually used in negative
- 分開 。 距 , 表相隔的遠近程度 。 盡 、 完 , 表示動作完成 , 常用於否定句型 。
- 🗣 liab 🗣 (u: liab) 攝 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to absorb; to suck away; to assimilate (usually refers to getting snatched by demons or spirits) 2. (V) to hold in (urine or feces); to hold back; to strongly restrain oneself 3. (V) to wrinkle; to crease; to wilt 4. (V) to fold 5. (V) to shrink back; to cower; to flinch; to quail; to recoil; to hesitate
- 吸取 、 捉走 。 通常指被鬼魂妖精吸走 、 抓走神魂 。 憋住 、 強忍住 。 皺 、 枯萎 。 打摺 、 摺疊 。 退縮 、 畏縮或躊躇 。
- 🗣 liet 🗣 (u: liet) 列 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (Mw) row; rank; list; file; series; line 2. (V) to arrange; to line up; to file; to enumerate; to rank; to classify 3. (Adj) every; various; separately; one by one
- 計算排成行伍的單位 。 安排 、 放入 。 各個 。
- 🗣 loarn 🗣 (u: loarn) 耎t [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to gently knead, massage, rub (by hand)
- 用手輕揉 。
- 🗣 lø 🗣 (u: lø) 囉t [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to quarrel; to make noise; to disturb by making noise
- 吵 。
- 🗣 løf 🗣 (u: løf) 叨t [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) (animals e.g. bird, reptile) to forage, scavenge, bite, nip, peck 2. (V) (driven by greed) to request, beg, ask over and over in a coaxing way; ask importunately (for money, employment or a favor); get money or a favor by constant asking
- 指動物 ( 如禽類或爬蟲類 ) 搖頭晃腦以覓食或咬 、 啄的動作 。 因為心中的貪念而向他人糾纏 。
- 🗣 lun 🗣 (u: lun) 論 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to evaluate; to make one's judgment; to infer; to deduce; to predict; to extrapolate 2. (V) to base on; to judge by 3. (V) to evaluate; to assess; to think over; to consider 4. (V) to bother about; to haggle; to bicker; to argue; to count; to calculate; to compute 5. (V) to dispute; to debate
- 評定 、 推斷 。 依據 、 按照 。 評估 、 考慮 。 計較 , 計算 。 爭議 。
- 🗣 muie 🗣 (u: muie) 每 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (Pron) every; each; one by one
- 各個 、 逐一 。
- 🗣 oo 🗣 (u: oo) 湖 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (N) lake; large pool of water surrounded by land; small basin that once was lake
- 被陸地包圍 , 匯集大水的地方 , 或指曾是湖泊的小盆地 。
- 🗣 paai 🗣 (u: paai) 排 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to line up; to arrange in a line 2. (Mw) a row; a line; a rank 3. (Mw) platoon (army unit composed of 4-pafn; note: 4-paai to one lieen) 4. (V) to stand side by side; to arrange in series; to exhibit 5. (V) to dredge; to open up a path for; to unblock
- 一個接著一個 , 按照順序擺列 。 列 。 計算成列的人或物的單位 。 軍隊的編制單位 , 四班為一排 , 四排為一連 。 並列 、 擺列 、 陳列 。 疏導 、 疏通 、 摒除 。 動物附著在肋骨上的肉 。
- 🗣 pafng 🗣 (u: pafng) 封p [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (Mw) letters (sent by mail)
- 計算信件的單位 。
- 🗣 pax 🗣 (u: pax) 霸 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to control; to dominate; to monopolize; to occupy by force; to control; to rig; to manipulate 2. (Adj) rude and unreasonable
- 把持 、 強占或操縱 。 蠻橫的 、 不講理的 。
- 🗣 pax 🗣 (u: pax) 豹 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (N) leopard. in Taiwan represented by Formosan clouded leopard
- 哺乳動物 。 外型與老虎相近 , 但體型較小 , 皮毛為黃褐色 , 背部有黑色圓形斑點 。 生性凶猛 , 善於爬樹以捕食其他獸類 。 臺灣地區以 「 臺灣雲豹 」 為代表 , 但數量極為稀少 , 已列入瀕臨絕種之保護動物 。
- 🗣 peeng 🗣 (u: peeng) 爿t [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (Adv) beside; by the side of 2. (N) slice; thin piece 3. (Mw) thin piece(s) 4. (N) Harnji radical
- 邊 、 旁 。 表示所在位置 。 片 。 整體中的一部分 , 被切開後呈片狀的部分 。 計算片狀的東西 。 漢字的部首偏旁 。
- 🗣 peng 🗣 (u: peng) 並b [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (Adv) side by side; abreast; alongside; parallel 2. (Adv) used before a negative for emphasis; actually; in fact
- 平排 、 平列的 。 放在否定詞之前 , 表示加強語氣 , 有反駁的意味 。
- 🗣 phaang 🗣 (u: phaang) 捀 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to serve with both hands; to offer respectfully; support, cheer or render assistance by one's presence
- 用手端著 。
- 🗣 phafn 🗣 (u: phafn) 攀 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to climb (by pulling oneself up) 2. (V) to depend or rely on; to make friends with; to seek connections in high places
- 抓住物體往上爬 。 依附 、 結交 。
- 🗣 phaq 🗣 (u: phaq) 拍p [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to use the hand to strike; to beat; to hit; to fight; to scuffle 2. (V) to lash; to pat; to slap 3. (V) to manufacture; to make 4. (V) to do shadowboxing 5. (V) to press a button or key 6. (V) to remove; to dislodge; to eliminate 7. (V) to copulate (of animals); to mate 8. (V) to rouse; to be woken by sth; to wake with a start 9. (V) to play cards; to play mahjong 10. (V) to shoot dead (with a gun, or bow and arrow) 11. (V) to produce flower bud 12. (V) to buy; to purchase 13. (V) to film; to shoot (a picture) 14. (V) to fix or arrange (by contract)
- 用手打 、 打架 。 擊打 、 拍打 。 製造物品 。 打拳 。 敲擊按鍵 。 去除 、 除掉 。 交尾 。 驚醒 。 玩牌 。 射殺 。 結花蕾 。 買 。 拍攝 。 訂定 ( 契約 )。
- 🗣 phaux 🗣 (u: phaux) 泡b [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to reconstitute (a powdered beverage) by adding hot water; to infuse; to brew tea 2. (Mw) classifier for number of infusions
- 用熱水沖調 。 計算茶葉沖泡次數的單位 。
- 🗣 phiaw 🗣 (u: phiaw) 飄 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to be blown about by gentle wind
- 風輕輕的吹動 。
- 🗣 phøef 🗣 (u: phoef phøef) 批p [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (N) letter (sent by mail) 2. (V) to make comments and criticisms (to an inferior from a superior, regarding a submitted report, essay, etc.) 3. (V) to judge; to appraise; to comment on; to discuss 4. (V) to cut into pieces with a knife 5. (V) to sell at wholesale 6. (Mw) flock of people; batches/lots of goods/merchandise
- 信件 、 書信 。 上級對下級的核定許可或閱覽改正 。 評判 、 評論 。 用刀子將物品削成片狀 。 大量買賣物品 。 計算成群的人或物品的單位 。
- 🗣 phuu 🗣 (u: phuu) 烰t [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to deep fry (esp food floats at the oil surface) 2. (V) to cook by heating in water
- 油炸 , 特別指食材會浮在油鍋上 。 將食物放在水中加熱煮熟 。
- 🗣 piq 🗣 (u: piq) 湢 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to use ladle to press down soup solids; to decant rice water or soup by tilting pot
- 以湯瓢壓住鍋內的米粒或湯料 , 或用傾斜鍋子的方式 , 將飯汁或湯倒出來 。
- 🗣 pøe/poe 🗣 (u: poe) 倍 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (N) increase by same quantity; double
- 同一數目重複增加 。
- 🗣 pøef 🗣 (u: poef pef pøef) 飛p [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) (birds, insects) to fly 2. (V) to finish; to end; to conclude; to close; to fizzle out; to come to nothing 3. (V) (aviation) to fly; to navigate by air 4. (Adj) unsteady; unstable; not under control
- 鳥蟲利用翅膀在空中往來活動 。 結束 、 告吹 。 特指飛機的航行 。 不穩定 、 無法控制的 。
- 🗣 pvoax 🗣 (u: pvoax) 絆p [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to get entangled or obstructed by sth while in motion
- 行動時 , 被東西給纏住或擋住 。
- 🗣 pw 🗣 (u: pw) 哹t [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (Ono) (onomatopoeia) put-put 2. (N) alternative/abbreviated term for car. used by children
- 擬聲詞 。 車子的代稱 、 簡稱 , 小孩子用語 。
- 🗣 seq 🗣 (u: seq) 楔t [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to fill up a crack; (food) to get lodged in between the teeth; press one's way through a crowd; make steady (a table by putting a shim under one of the legs)
- 把東西塞進孔縫內 。
- 🗣 si 🗣 (u: si) 是 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) (copulative) to be; is; are; am. generally followed by noun 2. (V) (in affirmative answers) yes; right 3. (V) although; even though; even if. pattern: ~ si ~, mxkøq ... preceded and followed by the same adj or verb 4. (V) each and every; every; all; any. (used in front of noun) 5. () noun suffix: to progress; to carry on; to manifest; to develop 6. (V) indicates existence 7. () used to attach question sentence 8. (V) use to form yes or no question 9. (V) space filler when hesitant
- 表示肯定判斷語 , 用來說明主詞 , 一般後面跟著名詞 。 表示答應 , 常單用 。 ~ 是 ~,( 毋過 )……。「 是 」 的前後用同一形容詞或動詞 , 含有 「 雖然 」 的意思 , 但下半句常用 「 不過 」 表示轉折或妥協 。 凡是 ……。 用在名詞前 。 加在詞尾 , 表示動作的進行狀態或表現一種情狀 。 表示存在 。 用於附加問句 。 用於正反問句 。 遲疑時用來填補空檔 。
- 🗣 siaxm 🗣 (u: siaxm) 滲 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to seep; to ooze; to leak out little by little
- 一點一點地漏出來 。
- 🗣 siefn 🗣 (u: siefn) 仙 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (N) fairy; elf; genie 2. (N) respectful appellation for someone of some special sinhun 3. (N) appellation for someone of some skill or hobby. has sarcastic or mocking sense (e.g. ciwsiefn) 4. (Adv) no matter what or how; either way (followed by negative)
- 經修練後長生不老 、 超脫塵俗的人 。 對某些特定身份者的稱呼 , 表示尊敬 。 對從事某種技藝 、 具有某些嗜好者的稱呼 , 有諷刺意味 。 無論怎樣都不 ……。
- 🗣 siok 🗣 (u: siok) 贖 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to ransom; to use money to barter for collateral or hostage 2. (V) to expiate; to pay for one's crime or atone by labor etc; to atone; to redeem
- 用錢財交換抵押品或人質 。 以勞役或行動抵罪或免刑 。
- 🗣 sngx 🗣 (u: sngx) 繏t [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to be strapped tightly, bound, girded, wrapped by rope-like object
- 被繩索類的東西勒住 、 束緊 、 套緊 。
- 🗣 soaq 🗣 (u: soaq) 煞p [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to end; to conclude; to terminate; to finish; to bring to an end; to come to an end; to stop; to halt; to cease 2. (V) to give up; to abandon (a goal etc); to let sth go 3. (Pron) (rhetorical) how?; what?; why? 4. (Adv) unexpectedly; to one's surprise; in spite of everything; in that crazy way; actually; to go as far as to 5. (V) to inhibit; to keep down; to suppress; to prevent; to block 6. (V) to be injured by demon 7. (N) demon; fiend; devil
- 結束 、 停止 。 罷休 、 放手 。 怎麼 、 哪有 。 表反詰語氣 。 竟然 , 表意外的意思 。 抑制 、 阻止 。 為凶神所傷 。 凶神 。
- 🗣 sud 🗣 (u: sud) 捽t [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to eat quickly 2. (V) to beat, whip, or switch with a thin rod or switch; to dust by beating with a rod
- 迅速地吃 。 鞭打 、 甩打 、 抽打 。
- 🗣 suii 🗣 (u: suii) 隨 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to follow sb 2. (Adv) immediately; instantly; at once; right away 3. (Adj) separately, one by one; one after another
- 跟從 。 即刻 、 馬上 。 各個 、 逐個 。
- 🗣 sviaa 🗣 (u: sviaa) 唌t [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to lure; to bait; to excite desire (by showing something or by example); try to catch with bait; allure or try to allure (to evil)
- 引誘 。
- 🗣 sviux 🗣 (u: sviux) 相p [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to be born in a particular year of the twelve year cycle, represented by one of twelve animals (zhuo, guu, hor, thox, lioong, zoaa, bea, viuu, kaau, køef, kao, ty) 2. (Adj) -temperament
- 生肖歸屬 。 樣態 、 性情 。
- 🗣 sw 🗣 (u: sw) 書b [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (N) book; codex (book bound in the modern manner, by joining pages, as opposed to a rolled scroll) 2. (N) certificate (document containing a certified statement, evidencing ownership, etc.)
- 裝訂成冊的著作 。 證書 。 具有證明效力的文件 。
- 🗣 sy 🗣 (u: sy) 絲 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (N) silk (fine fiber excreted by the silkworm) 2. (N) filament; fine thread 3. (V) to remove tough fiber from vegetables and fruits
- 蠶吐出的細線 。 泛指各種絲狀物 。 除去蔬果的硬纖維 。
- 🗣 taai 🗣 (u: taai) 埋t [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to bury (the dead); to inter 2. (V) to hide by burying; to lay underground; to lay (pipeline, cables, etc.)
- 埋葬 。 埋藏 、 埋設 。
- 🗣 taf 🗣 (u: taf) 大t [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. () N prefix used by woman to address parents of husband
- 名詞前綴 。 用於女子對丈夫之父母的稱呼 。
- 🗣 tag 🗣 (u: tag) 觸t [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) for two animals to fight each other using horns 2. (V) to be struck or rammed by horns or similar 3. (V) to struggle; to make war; to fight; to strive; to quarrel; to have a row
- 兩獸的角相抵觸 。 被角等頂到 。 爭鬥 、 吵架 。
- 🗣 tauh 🗣 (u: tauh) 沓t [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (Adv) slowly; unhurriedly; little by little (used with ar) 2. (Adv) frequently; constantly; regularly; often; very often; quite frequently
- 緩緩地 、 慢慢地 , 與 「 仔 」( á ) 連用 。 經常 、 時常 。 很頻繁 、 頻率高 。
- 🗣 teq 🗣 (u: teq) 硩t [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to press; to crush; to squeeze downwards; flatten; to crush with by a weight 2. (V) to oppress; to subdue 3. (V) to return a greeting; to send a gift in return 4. (V) to plant into soil or water 5. (V) to lay a bet; to gamble in certain ways 6. (V) to affix stamp or seal
- 壓 。 以壓下來表示止 、 降等 。 回禮 。 將植物的枝條斜切 , 插入水中或土壤中 。 下注 。 蓋圖章 。
- 🗣 thaau 🗣 (u: thaau) 頭p [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (N) head; brain 2. (Pron) first; number one; primary 3. (Adv) suffix: directional, locational, areal 4. (N) person in front or top position; leader; foreman 5. () suffix; affix at end of word 6. (N) root; source; fountainhead 7. (N) start; beginning of something 8. (Adv) initial section of a time period 9. (N) fragments; particles; bits 10. (N) front end of an object 11. (N) the first receipt of something 12. (Mw) when fruits, vegetables, or goods are sold wholesale, unit used by large-marketers and distributors for one large basket of produce or batch of goods. One thaau equals half-tvax or one basket. One tvax is two thaau 13. (N) one side 14. (N) hair on the head of a person
- 首 、 腦袋 。 第一的 、 最初的 。 表示方位 、 地方或場所的詞尾 。 居前的領導人物 。 詞綴 , 可加於某些詞語後 。 根本 、 源頭 。 事情的開端 。 時間的開始階段 。 碎屑 、 一點點 。 事 、 物的前端 。 最初得到的東西 。 果菜或貨物批發時 , 大 、 中盤商用來計算一大籮菜或是一批貨的單位 。 一頭等於半擔或一籮 , 一擔就是兩頭 。 一方 、 一邊 。 指頭髮 。
- 🗣 thef 🗣 (u: thef) 撐 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to propel boat by using bamboo pole for punting boats
- 用竹篙抵住河底使船前進 。
- 🗣 thin 🗣 (u: thin) 伨t [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to be in favor of; to support; to back; to stand by; to elect; to choose 2. (V) to balance up (weight, size, etc) 3. (V) to match (a girl to a man); to marry (to arrange for the marriage of) 4. (V) to bother about; to compete; to haggle; to wrangle
- 支持 、 推舉 。 取其平均 。 婚配 。 互相理會 、 爭執 。
- 🗣 thngx 🗣 (u: thngx) 燙 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to blanch (cooking) 2. (V) to scald; to burn (by scalding)
- 一種烹調方法 。 將材料在滾水中快煮後撈出 。 被高熱的東西或火所傷 。
- 🗣 thoa 🗣 (u: thoa) 汰t [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to rinse 2. (V) to be influenced by others, environment, circumstances, surroundings
- 以清水漂洗 。 受到他人或環境的影響而學習或改變 。
- 🗣 ti 🗣 (u: ti) 治 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to govern; to administer; to manage; to control; to supervise; to bring under control; to regulate; to restore to good condition 2. (V) to handle; to deal with; to cope; to get by with 3. (V) to punish; to deal with severely; to punish with severity 4. (V) to treat (an illness); to cure 5. (V) to research
- 治理 、 管理 、 整治 。 對付 、 處治使對方就範 。 懲罰 、 嚴辦 。 醫治 、 治療 。 從事研究 。
- 🗣 tiaau 🗣 (u: tiaau) 牢p [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (N) pen for domestic animals; enclosure; fold (for animals); stable; sty 2. (Mw) pen; fold; stable; sty 3. (V) to adhere; to stick to 4. (Adj) stuck to; bound to; stuck on 5. (Adj) having become addicted; inveterately 6. (V) to pass an entrance exam; to be admitted to 7. (V) firmly jammed/caught by sth; fixedly
- 飼養牲畜的地方 。 間 。 計算牲口圈養房舍的單位 。 附著 、 沾黏 。 緊密結合分不開 。 染上癮頭 。 錄取 、 考取 。 被東西卡住 , 無法動彈 。
- 🗣 tiafm 🗣 (u: tiafm) 砧 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (N) base for beating or chopping 2. (Adj) stinging or smarting (skin, eyes) as if caused by small pointy objects
- 砧板 。 以刀切物時墊在下面的板子 。 皮膚受到尖細小物的刺激而產生的刺痛感 。
- 🗣 tiim 🗣 (u: tiim) 沉b [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to sink; to submerge 2. (V) to settle; to precipitate (solid sediment out of a solution) 3. (Adj) (of a color) dark; deep; rich 4. (Adj) (child) heavy (used instead of tang 重 by adult worried the child will not grow properly)
- 往下落入水中 。 沉澱 、 沉積 。 形容顏色深 。 大人擔心小孩子會養不大 , 所以避諱用 「 重 」, 改用 「 沉 」。
- 🗣 tioxng 🗣 (u: tioxng) 中b [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to pass a university entrance exam; to obtain; to receive; to get 2. (V) to suffer; be affected by
- 考上 、 獲得 。 受到 。
- 🗣 tiøx 🗣 (u: tiøx) 釣p [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to angle for fish; to fish with a hook and bait 2. (V) to obtain by deception; to defraud; to gain by cheating; to induce; to lure; to tempt 3. (V) to stitch loosely for finishing later
- 用餌引誘魚類或是其他水生動物上鉤 。 騙取 、 誘取 。 縫紉時 , 先用針線將想要的線條以平針粗縫的方式固定下來 , 再進行細部縫紉 , 這樣會比較好縫 。
- 🗣 toat 🗣 (u: toat) 奪 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to take by force; to seize forcibly 2. (V) (law) to rule; to decide; to resolve
- 強取 。 裁定 、 決定 。
- 🗣 tuix 🗣 (u: tuix) 對 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to treat (person, people, see tuiethai) 2. (V) to check by comparing 3. (V) to blend in proportion 4. (Adj) in exact agreement 5. (Prep) (prep) facing toward something or some direction or place 6. (Prep) (prep) with regard to (someone or something) 7. (Prep) from; towards (some direction) 8. (Mw) couple; pair 9. (V) to examine and correct; to calibrate; to adjust
- 對待 。 檢查是否有誤 。 依比例摻和 。 準確契合 。 朝著某物或向著某方 。 表示動作或情意的對象 。 從 、 向 ( 某方向 )。 計算成雙人事物的單位 。 校正 。
- 🗣 tvae 🗣 (u: tvae) 刐 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to hack; to cut off; to chop off 2. (V) to fish up; to dredge up; to blackmail; to extort 3. (V) to gain by cheating
- 用刀砍斷 。 撈 、 勒索 。 是比較粗俗的用法 。 騙取 。 是比較粗俗的用法 。
- 🗣 tvoax 🗣 (u: tvoax) 旦p [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (N) (drama) type of female role (traditionally played by specialized male actors)
- 戲劇中的一種腳色名稱 , 所代表的身份為女性 。
- 🗣 urn 🗣 (u: urn) 隱 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) originally means to cover up; to conceal; to go into hiding. by extension, to seal underripe fruits in vessel or rice vat to ripen
- 本義為藏匿 , 引申為將青澀瓜果密封於容器或米缸中 , 使其成熟 。
- 🗣 ux 🗣 (u: ux) 焐t [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to make sth hotter or colder by bringing another object near it; to apply hot or cold 2. (V) to brand by hot metal object
- 將兩個溫度不同的東西靠近 , 使溫度上升或下降 。 烙印或是被熱的金屬器物燙傷 。
- 🗣 uy 🗣 (u: uy) 萎t [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (Adj) worn thin by rubbing: e.g., a tire; or wheels in machinery; or the sale of a shoe
- 磨損 。
- 🗣 viar 🗣 (u: viar) 影p [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (N) shadow; dim area caused by obstruction of light 2. (N) (person or thing) image; form; figure; visualization; picture; graphic 3. (Pron) used in place of person, matter, thing 4. (V) to take a glance, a quick look, a glimpse; to take a note of; to pay some attention to
- 光線被遮擋而造成的陰暗處 。 人 、 物品等的形象或圖像 。 用來代替人或事 、 物的稱呼 。 看一眼 、 注意一下 。 攝影器材拍攝的影像 。
- 🗣 viaw 🗣 (u: viaw) 喓t [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (Ono) in peekaboo game, sound made by adult when pops back into view of infant
- 和小嬰兒玩躲迷藏遊戲時 , 大人忽然出現的時候發出的聲音 。
- 🗣 zam 🗣 (u: zam) 站 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (N) station; a stand; place for people to stay, rest or change transportation during trip 2. (N) small units set up by government agencies and organizations in various places to facilitate communication and services; branch of a company or organization 3. (Tw) period of time; section; portion of a journey; part
- 旅途中供人暫駐 、 休息或轉換交通工具的地方 。 機關團體為方便聯絡與服務 , 在各地設立的小型單位 。 陣子 。 指一段一段的時間 。
- 🗣 ze 🗣 (u: ze) 坐p [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to sit 2. (V) to ride as a passenger; to travel by (car, plane etc) 3. (V) to undertake; to assume (responsibility etc); to accept; to receive 4. (Adj) the way building is situated (direction the back is facing)
- 彎曲下肢 , 將臀部附著在座位上 。 搭乘交通工具如汽車 、 飛機等 。 承擔或接受 。 建築物所座落的方向 。
- 🗣 zhaai 🗣 (u: zhaai) 才 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (Mw) volume unit, commonly used with wood. one zhuxn wide by one zhuxn thick by 10-chiøq long (100 zhuxn³) 2. (Mw) area unit, used in paper, glass, stone, curtains and other calculations. 1-chiøq-square (100 zhuxn²)
- 計算物體體積的單位 。 常用在木材的計算 , 一才為一台寸寬 × 一台寸厚 × 十台尺長 。 計算物體面積的單位 。 可見於紙張 、 玻璃 、 石材 、 窗簾等的計算 , 一才為一尺 ( 三十公分 ) 見方 。
- 🗣 zhaq 🗣 (u: zhaq) 插p [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to prick; to run or stick (a needle etc) into; to fasten somewhere 2. (V) to support by the armpits 3. (V) to bet; to make a bet; to wager something 4. (Adv) (people) crowded together
- 把物體扎入或固定在某處 。 從腋下扶起 。 打賭 。 人群聚集 。
- 🗣 zhexng 🗣 (u: zhexng) 熗t [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to cook by steaming
- 一種烹飪方式 。 以少量的水半蒸半煮將食物蒸熟 。
- 🗣 zhoaxn 🗣 (u: zhoaxn) 篡 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to occupy by force; to seize; to usurp
- 霸占 、 強奪 。
- 🗣 zhøef 🗣 (u: zhoef zhef zhøef) 炊 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to cook by steaming
- 以隔水加熱的方法把食物蒸熟 。
- 🗣 zhud 🗣 (u: zhud) 出 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to produce; to happen; to occur; to put forth 2. (V) to bubble up; to rush forth; to appear; to expose; to show 3. (V) to leave one place to go to another; to leave one's home 4. (V) to surpass; to exceed; to outstrip 5. (V) to produce (by natural growth, or by manufacture, mining etc); to yield; to turn out 6. (V) to offer respectfully (as tribute); to consecrate; to dedicate; to devote 7. (V) to give vent to (one's feelings) 8. (V) to become visible; to reveal 9. (Adv) to be willing to part with sth (such as money) 10. (Conj) (buyer side) to propose selling price; to make a counteroffer when haggling; to bargain 11. () classifier
- 蘊育 、 發生 。 湧出 、 露出 。 離開原來的環境到另一個環境 。 超過 。 生產 、 出產 。 奉獻財物 。 發洩 。 顯露 。 捨得 。 買方提議買價 、 還價 。 量詞 。
- 🗣 zhuq 🗣 (u: zhuq) 焠t [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) burn (skin or hole in fabric with lighted cigarette, etc); scorch by a small fire like that of cigarette or joss stick
- 被燃燒中的煙頭或香頭燙到 。
- 🗣 zhvoaf 🗣 (u: zhvoaf) 扦t [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) be pricked by a splinter or small thorn 2. (N) a thorn; a splinter
- 刺 。 通常用在被細尖物刺入皮膚 。 竹子或木頭的尖細小刺 , 也指形狀相似的東西 。
- 🗣 zhwn 🗣 (u: zhwn) 春 [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (N) spring, the first season of the year 2. (N) small flower made of red silk, worn in the hair bun by women during festivals 3. (N) small flower made of red paper with gold leaf, inserted into hoatkøea or cooked rice offered to gods 4. (N) New Year 5. (N) young years; youth
- 一年四季中的第一季 。 用紅絲綢扎成的小花朵 , 婦女在節日或喜慶的時候會插在髮髻上做為裝飾 。 用紅色紙剪成小花朵 , 貼上金箔 , 過年時插在發糕或米飯 , 供于神桌 。 指新年 。 指年輕的歲月 。
- 🗣 zuii 🗣 (u: zuii) 𠞩t [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to gradually sever cylindrical object by gradually cutting around circumference working inward
- 刀子在圓柱型的東西上 , 以刀口與平面垂直的方式邊切邊繞圈 , 漸漸將東西切斷 。
- 🗣 zuq 🗣 (u: zuq) 泏t [wt][mo]
(h,u) [d#]
- 1. (V) to seep; to ooze (as water or liquid flows out of small hole drop by drop)
- 滲 。 水或液體由小孔洞中一滴一滴地流出來 。
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